Breeders can’t get enough of creating new color combinations in Endler guppies. The latest thing is the “Smoky Mary”, an Endler in which the entire back appears covered in smoke, which intesivates to a deep black during courtship.
Even though we don’t know the breeding way: the females of Smoky Mary are normally light colored, so they are not melanistic animals, like Black Guppies.
For our customers: The Endler Guppy Smoky Mary has code 419025 on our stock list. Please note that we only supply wholesale.
Infinite is the variety of colors, patterns and color combinations possible in wild guppys. In natural biotopes no two males are alike. There are multiple mechanisms, genetic and biological, that ensure this. This is also true for the two wild guppy populations assigned to the species Poecilia wingei: Campoma and Cuminá.
However, if individual males of such natural populations are placed and mated separately and their offspring as well, it is possible to breed a largely uniform color variant in a very short time (one guppy generation takes less than 8 weeks). Such a selection breeding is Campoma No31. It is not a special species, but a color variant of the Endler Guppy. We can offer these cute animals in pairs.
For our customers: the fish have code 419017 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesale.
No fish species is as changeable as the Guppy. There are no two males in nature that are exactly alike in color. This is true for all four Guppy species (Poecilia reticilata, P. wingei, P. obscura and P. kempkesi), which therefore cannot really be distinguished from each other externally (genetically, however, they can).
In the case of the Endler Guppy (Poecilia wingei), there are now so many breeding forms in which the males look identical that the impression can arise that this guppy species is also uniformly colored in nature. This is not the case at all. The animals we offer as “Endler Guppy” originate from non-directional swarm breeding, i.e. a larger number of males and females swim together in the breeding aquarium and have the free choice of mate. The resulting colorful society represents the natural color variability quite well, however, even with this breeding method appearances of domestication develop, because all natural predators are missing. Thus also these “pure”, on wild-catches based breeding-strains have meanwhile often clearly larger fins and become also altogether larger than their wild-living cousins. The females prefer bigmouths – excuse me, I mean of course big fins. Nothing can be done about that…
For our customers: the animals have code 419063 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesale.
Poecilia wingei is widely distributed in the hobby after its best known local variant as Endler´s Guppy. It remains much smaller than the normal Guppy and is very popular with many aquarists because of its graceful body shape.
Just as with the common Guppy, numerous local forms can be observed with P. wingei. The ancestor of the “Blue Star” was caught in 2010 by Phillippe Voisin and friends in Venezuela, some also call it French Blue Endler. We can offer this beautiful fish in good numbers of pairs right now.
For our customers: the animals have code 419106 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesale.
If there is one fashionable fish that has defined the last decade, it is the Endler guppy, Poecilia wingei. This small guppy species has countless fans all over the world and efforts are made to preserve the “pure” strains of wild caught variants. However, in the wild these wild variants are by no means uniformly colored, on the contrary, they occur partly strongly mixed, and often only a few specimens with particularly striking coloration have been taken. By selection breeding, strains can be obtained relatively quickly, in which the males look very similar.
The “Campona No48” is such a cute dwarf. One of its peculiarities are the white pelvic fins in the male, which in certain stages of courtship are stretched far forward that they could form a straight line with a white line in the dorsal fin. As with all Endler forms, the black pattern elements are additionally particularly prominent during courtship.
For our customers: the animals have code 419019 on our stocklist. Please note that we supply exclusively to wholesalers.
Since 2015 we know this very attractive Guppy, which is a cross of the species Poecilia reticulata and P. wingei and which is attributed to the Japanese breeder Kenichiro Tamura. From the common Guppy, this fish has inherited the more robust shape, especially of the females, and the less intense courtship behaviour, while the petiteness of the males and the caudal fin pattern comes from the Endler heritage.
Anyway: Santa Maria Bleeding Heart is a beautiful, lively and cute fish and according to our breeders it is even purebred. We offer the animals with suitable females.
For our customers: the fish have code 419109 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesalers.
An advancement of these guppys represents the Red Chest Saddleback. The breeder takes care that red pattern appears in the chest region. Moreover, the caudal fin pattern has much developed, compared with the typical Endler caudal fin pattern. We can offer the variety Red Chest Saddleback now as German bred ones. The strain itself has been developed by the Japanese breeder Hiroshi Sugino.
The „true“ females of the saddleback Endler guppys can be recognized by a dark spot at the upper base of the caudal fin.
For our customers: the fish have code 419125 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
There are so many new sports in Endler guppys (Poecilia wingei); it is really difficult to keep the overview. Sadly some of these new sports loose the charme of the wild type fish which are characterized by the very tiny males (usually they should not grow larger than 1.5 – 2cm) and the overboarding vivacity. This loss of wild-type characters happens by crossing the Endler with common guppys (Poecilia reticulata).
A sport of the Endler which is very close to wild collected fish is „Black Bar“. Ideal representatives of that sport have a double sword tail fin and an emerald green back part of the body. We supply this sport (and many other sports) of the Endler along with the „correct“ females, so every hobbyist can try from the very start to breed what the hobbyist feels is the ideal specimen.
For our customers: the fish have code 419122 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
This charming sport of the Guppy is said to have been developed in Japan. The name of the Japanese breeder is cited as Tanaka. The „Ginga Rubra“ is a very lively and robust sport. Our specimens are German bred ones, the basic colour of our fish is blond.
For our customers: the fish have code 419016 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
The breeding of the different sports of Endler´s Livebearer has become a popular branch of the hobby. There are a lot of sports, some artifical – developed by cross-breeding or selective breeding – some are different looking populations that appear in the wild. The White Peacock is such a wild type. The ancestors of the fish in the trade have been collected by Armado Pou in 2004 from the Laguna de los Patos North Lake, according to the informations available from specialized web pages. For sure the fish are now much more uniformly coloured than the animals living in the wild, but they still have their extremely lively habit and they have stayed so wonderful small and dainty. Displaying males become much darker in coloration, compared with the neutral coloration. We obtain our fish from our proofed breeder in Thailand. The matching females are also available.
For our customers: the animals have code 419117 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
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