Tag Archives: brevis

Pyrrhulina brevis

5. May 2021

We could import the beautiful species Pyrrhulina brevis already several times from Peru (see https://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archives/pyrrhulina-brevis-2/). This time they have a very intensive pattern in the anal fin, which reminds of an eye spot and corresponds with a similar pattern in the caudal fin. They are magnificent fish!

For our customers: the animals have code 286754 on our stocklist. Please note that we supply only wholesale.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pyrrhulina brevis

26. October 2020

The characins of the genus Pyrrhulina can be better compared to cichlids than to other characins in terms of their behavior. The males occupy small territories in the breeding season, color themselves splendidly and defend the spawn energetically until the young hatch.

The generic name Pyrrhulina means “small bullfinch” because the males of many species develop splendid reds in the coloring in the breeding mood, that remind of the red plumage of the male bullfinch. Also Pyrrhulina brevis from Peru, which we can offer just once again, has this characteristic. The males first get strong orange fins with increasing spawning readiness, later they develop additionally cherry red spots on the body.

Unfortunately our current imports are not quite so far (but it can’t take long anymore), so we add to this post, which – as always – shows animals from our current stock, also a picture of a young adult male and a splendid male from previous imports.

Pyrrhulina brevis grows to about 7-8 cm in length, eats all common fish food and has no special requirements on the water quality. The water temperature can be between 22 and 30°C. Apart from the territoriality of the males at spawning time, the species can be considered peaceful, plants are not damaged.

For our customers: the fish have code 286753 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Lamprologus brevis Kapampa

7. October 2019

Many cichlids from Lake Tanganyika have different local populations that also look more or lress different. The snail cichlid Lamprologus brevis (sometimes also called Neolamprologus brevis, the species belongs neither to one nor to the other genus, but to a genus still to be described) has a lake wide distribution and therefore it has become common among cichlid lovers to indicate the location – in this case Kapampa at the western shore of the lake, quite far in the south of the DR Congo.

In L. brevis males and females live in the same snail. The females are clearly smaller and always swim into the house before the male. They have in the relation quite generally the trousers on, what they indicate through guidance-swimming and active courtship display.

For our customers: L. brevis Kapampa has code 542112 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesalers.

Peckoltia brevis / LDA 78

18. September 2017

We received this beautiful small pleco once more from Brazil. The species became popular in the hobby long time before any L-numbers were created. Peckoltia brevis attains a maximum length of about 12 cm. It originates from affluents of the Amzaon river, for example from the Rio Purus, the Rio Jurua, the Rio Manacapuru, and the Rio Tefé. The juveniles we currently imported are basically yellow, but elder fish become more dark and develop a very nice orange to pink-brown coloration.

Peckoltia brevis is a pretty alternative to the by far more widespread species of Ancistrus; the lifestyle of both is very similar.

For our customers: the animals have code 276991 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer