Trichogaster leerii WILD JAMBI

9. October 2024

Wild-caught pearl gourami (Trichogaster leerii or Trichopodus leerii) are hardly ever available on the market. In fact, the exact distribution of this gourami species, which is present in the hobby since 1933 and has never disappeared since then, is more anecdotal than scientifically known. It is certain that this species is found on the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra and Borneo, and probably also on some of the larger Lesser Sunda Islands (Indonesia), but it is difficult to find in the field and only for a few weeks each year. As a result, little or nothing is known about the wild life of this species, which is so familiar to us from the aquarium.

We have now received wild-caught specimens from the black water of the province of Jambi in central Sumatra. These are young, 5-7 cm long animals. The pearl gourami only becomes sexually mature when almost fully grown (from 9 cm, more likely 10-11 cm), which is why the imported animals do not yet show the beautiful colors that have made the pearl gourami one of the most popular ornamental fish in the world (see But for biologically interested aquarists, this is one of the very rare opportunities to obtain wild-caught fish of known origin.

For our customers: the animals have code 469513 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer