Tanichthys albonubes Gold-Red

13. June 2024

A new breeding form of the well-known white cloud: Gold-Red. It is very interesting that you can recognize all possible intermediate stages of the two parent forms by this not yet completely bred form: the golden white cloud, which shows mostly black pigmentation in the belly area with a basically yellowish body coloration, and the long finned form with a particularly high red portion in the coloration, which is often called “linni” in the trade (see https://www.aquariumglaser.de/fischarchiv/tanichthys-zuchtform-linni-schleier-xxl/). This is unusual insofar as crossing between two breeding forms/mutations usually does not result in intermediate forms (i.e. forms lying between the two initial forms), but usually one of the colour forms dominates in colour over the other, so that the offspring look uniform in colour despite their crossbreeding character. Intermediate colourings are usually only obtained by crossing two species, not by crossing two breeding forms (which belong to the same species).

Well: probably very few aquarists care about genetics, but simply enjoy beautiful, lively and colorful fish. And these are Tanichthys albonubes Gold-Red – they come from a German breeder by the way – definitely!

For our customers: the animals have code 457523 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer