Sicyopus zosterophorus

7. March 2025

The gobies (Gobiidae) are probably one of the most species-rich families of fish with over 2,000 species (currently accepted: around 1,500 species). Many gobies live in the sea, but gobies are often the most common fish in the freshwater of oceanic islands. In these cases, they are usually species that live as adult fish in pure freshwater and do not tolerate seawater at all, but the larvae of the eggs laid in freshwater develop after hatching in the sea, where they drift with the current. If they do not make it into the sea after 2-3 days, the larvae of these gobies die. This makes it very easy to explain why some species have an enormously wide distribution, as the ocean currents take very different directions depending on the season and current weather conditions. What is not clear, however, is why some of these goby species only occur in a very limited area.

Sicyopus zosterophorus is one of these freshwater species with a very wide distribution in the western Pacific region, although it is only locally common. This beautiful goby comes to us from West Sumatra. There it lives in the Pinang River, a rocky river with very clear and oxygenated water. The males are very variably colored, especially with regard to the first of the two dorsal fins. There are specimens with and without eyespots, in some the first dorsal fin is flat red, in others blackish with a broad light blue border. However, it is still assumed that they are all the same species. The females are plain grey and do not even show a hint of color in the fins or the magnificent red and black banding on the body.

Care is the same as for the now more common neon gobies (Stiphodon spp.). They are bottom-dwelling animals that eat mainly insect larvae as well as vegetation. All common frozen, live and dry foods of a suitable size are accepted in the aquarium. The water should be clean and rich in oxygen, pH value and hardness are of secondary importance, but very soft and acidic water is not suitable. The temperature can be in the range 22-28°C. The animals are relatively peaceful towards each other and other fish, but when keeping several males, sufficient hiding places should be provided so that lower-ranking animals can escape. As a general rule, only one or five or more males should be kept per aquarium to minimize negative stress caused by territorial disputes and courtship behaviour. Females are absolutely compatible with each other. The maximum length of this goby is around 5 cm.

For our customers: the animals have code 456192 on our stock list. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.


Watson, R. E. (1999): Two new subgenera of Sicyopus, with a redescription of Sicyopus zosterophorum (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Sicydiinae). aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology v. 3 (no. 3): 93-104

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer