In the majority of cases, the aim of breeding forms is to develop a type that is as uniformly colored and physically developed as possible. In other words: ideally, all animals of a particular breeding line should look the same.
This is not the case with the marbled angel and the red-headed marbled angel developed from it. Here too, all animals should come as close as possible to the ideal shape of the angelfish or scalar. A circular body, well-developed vertical fins, a harmonious caudal fin and – this is very important – long, straight ventral fins are aimed for. The coloration, on the other hand, is different for each individual fish. The spectrum ranges from an almost white fish with a few black speckles and a bright red barrette to a densely black marbled animal with a fiery red front back and cheek regions. The fins can be colored from transparent to deep black, and striped fins are also possible. This results in a particularly colorful picture in the aquarium.
In terms of care and breeding, these fish, which have been domesticated for decades, do not differ from other breeding forms of the angel.
For our customers: this breeding company has code 691303 on our stock list. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer