Ompok pinnatus

20. February 2025

Occasionally we receive a very unusual glass catfish from Thailand, whose incredibly long barbels immediately catch the eye. This is the species Ompok pinnatus, which was only described in 2003. These fish have little in common with the Ompok we usually import (see and, they look more like typical glass catfish (Kryptopterus), which they also resemble in terms of behavior. The good news for us aquarists: Ompok pinnatus remains fairly small with a maximum length of 8-9 cm. The calm schooling fish are very compatible, but very small fish will of course be eaten.

Ompok pinnatus is a real enrichment to the catfish range. Males and females can be distinguished by the pectoral fin spines, which are serrated in males but smooth in juveniles and females. Because of the enormous beard, which is otherwise only seen on the sister species Ompok eugeneiatus from Indonesia, we suggest the popular name “Ruebezahl glass catfish”.

For our customers: the animals have code 439823 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer