This nano-fish jewel comes from the south of India (Kerala); the delightful dwarfs grow to a maximum length of 3 cm. They are absolutely peaceful schooling fish that prefer to spawn on the upper side of broad leaves, especially on Ludwigia species. However, they also show an amazing ability to adapt. About 50 years ago, when these beauties were first imported, the first breeders reported that the animals also accepted the root area of floating ferns or the leaves of aquatic plants in the middle water layers as spawning substrates. Neochela dadiburjori is particularly suitable for vitalizing the upper third of the water, similar to the way hatchet tetras do in the South American aquarium.
During the photo session, we managed to take a snapshot that documents an absolutely unusual behavior in N. dadiburjori: one specimen stretched (as all fish do from time to time) and put its head on its neck. The latter is not normally possible for most fish for anatomical reasons. In any case, we have never seen or even heard of this before. It may be a special adaptation of these surface fish to make it easier for them to pick small midges and flies – their absolute favorite food – from below the water surface.
The chemical composition of the water is not important for keeping these fish; any tap water suitable for drinking can be used. The water temperature should be in the range 22-28°C. Any common fish food of a suitable size is readily accepted, but Neochela dadiburjori does not like to eat from the bottom, so this should be borne in mind. Males and females differ mainly in terms of body shape. The sensitivity that has occasionally been attributed to these animals was probably due to inadequacies in the first imports in the 1970s. The current imports are proving to be completely unproblematic.
On our stock list, this species was originally listed as Chela dadyburjori; this is also how it is spelled in the Aquarium Atlas, because the species name was given in honor of a Mr. Dadyburjor. However, the scientifically correct spelling is dadiburjori (i.e. with an “i” and not a “y”), which would go too far to explain here. The animal has also had to put up with a lot in terms of its generic name. Neochela was originally placed as a subgenus of Chela by Silas in 1958. This author saw Laubuka (the spelling Laubuca with a “c” is incorrect) as a synonym of Chela. Later, other authors (Pethiyagoda et al, 2008) elevated Laubuka to genus rank again; today, only the species atpar (synonym: cachius) and macrolepis are included in Chela. The distinction between Chela and Laubuka is based on skeletal features and is not externally visible. Kottelat (2013) finally elevated Neochela to generic rank; the genus contains only one species, namely N. dadiburjori. The main externally recognizable difference to Laubuka and Chela is that Neochela has no or only an incomplete lateral line (complete in the other two genera).
For our customers: the animal has code 409502 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.
Kottelat, M. (2013): The fishes of the inland waters of southeast Asia: a catalogue and core bibliography of the fishes known to occur in freshwaters, mangroves and estuaries. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology Supplement No. 27: 1-663.
Meinken, H. (1976): Chela dadyburjori. DATZ 29(4)1976: 120-122
Menon, A. G. K. (1952): Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. XLVI. On a new fish of the genus Laubuca from Cochin. Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 49 (pt 1): 1-4
Neumann, H. (1976): Chela (Laubuca) dadiborjori. DATZ 29(2)1976: 39-40
Niewenhuizen, A.van den (1976): Chela dadyburjori. DATZ 29(12)1976: 404-405
Pethiyagoda, R., M. Kottelat, A. Silva, K. Maduwage & M. Meegaskumbura (2008): A review of the genus Laubuca in Sri Lanka, with description of three new species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae). Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 19 (no. 1): 7-26
Silas, E. G. (1958): Studies on cyprinid fishes of the oriental genus Chela Hamilton. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society v. 55 (pt 1): 54-99, Pls. 1-2.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer