Indostomus crocodilus

28. February 2025

According to current knowledge, the genus Indostomus comprises three species: I. paradoxus from Burma (see: with largely colorless fins, I. crocodilus from southern Thailand and I. spinosus from the Mekong catchment in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. The latter two species have distinct bands in the fins, especially in the dorsal fin. While I. crocodilus has a light-colored underside of the body and throat area, these body parts are dark-colored in I. spinosus – especially in males in breeding condition – and the gill cover is a strong brown.

Indostomus crocodilus, just like the other two species, grows to a maximum length of 3 cm. The difference between the sexes is relatively easy to see, the males have a broad white seam in the dorsal, anal and ventral fins. In breeding mood, a second black band is added to the dorsal fin. During the spawning season, the females are also fuller. The males care for their brood by guarding the eggs and larvae in tubes (e.g. bamboo) until they swim free.

They are calm, peaceful and usually slow-moving fish. The smallest tanks are sufficient for keeping these interesting study subjects. A substrate of very fine sand, lots of fine-leaved plants and small stones or bogwood provide the right ambience. The water should be soft and slightly acidic for I. crocodilus, humic substances promote their well-being.

The food should consist of the finest live food. 

For our customers: the animals have code 411723 on our stock list. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer