Hoplisoma adolfoi and H. duplicareus (formerly: Corydoras)

26. July 2024

We receive these beautiful armored catfish both as captive-bred and wild-caught specimens. Both are currently classified in the genus Hoplisoma. The correct species identification of these animals is still unclear. There are clearly two types, a high-backed one with a very broad dorsal band (duplicareus) and a slimmer one with a narrow dorsal band (adolfoi). The inner sides of the pectoral fin spines are said to be serrated in H. duplicareus and smooth in H. adolfoi. In the wild-caught specimens of all phenotypes shown here, however, the inner side of the pectoral fin spine is smooth. The pictures show only wild-caught specimens.

Regardless of whether H. adolfoi and H. duplicareus are different species, ecotypes, habitat variants or selections: both are among the most attractive armored catfish species of all. They have the shiny spot on the back of the neck so that the animals can blend together in the dark, cola-colored black water. Both forms are easy to keep in the aquarium and adapt very well to the respective tap water. Soft, acidic water is only required for breeding, otherwise the spawn will not be fertilized or will not develop.

For our customers: the animals have code 220203 (adolfoi) and 227603 (duplicareus) on our stock list. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer