Herotilapia multispinosa

7. February 2025

This medium-sized cichlid – males can grow to a maximum length of 12 cm, females always remain 3-5 cm smaller – originally comes from Central America (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras). It is a real classic among aquarium fish and was at its peak popularity in the 1970s. Although the name “rainbow cichlid” given to them at the time indicates that they can be very beautifully colored, they were criminally neglected in breeding for a long time (the fish reproduce effortlessly in typical open-breeder fashion). The result of inadequate selection and poor feeding is very quickly poorly colored and unattractive fish.

Fortunately, this has changed in recent years and we now only receive offspring of this fish that live up to the name “rainbow cichlid”. They are beautifully intensely colored and extremely attractive. As is usual with Central Americans, there are local variants in different shades of color. Sometimes they are more orange-finned, sometimes more lemon yellow. However, they only show this when they come into breeding condition, before that they all look the same. That’s why we can’t offer them separately. But one thing is certain: all varieties are beautiful and interesting, perfect cichlids for beginners and for refreshing pleasant memories.

For our customers: the animals have code 683003 on our stock list. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Herotilapia: composed of the generic names Heros and Tilapia, two other cichlid genera. multispinosa: Latin, means “with many spines”.

Common name: rainbow cichlid

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer