Epiplatys chevalieri

23. August 2024

A killifish jewel reached us from the central Congo: Epiplatys chevalieri. Although this species was introduced into the aquarium hobby as early as 1950 and was even given a popular name (German: Zierhechtling, which means ornamental panchax) at the time, which is by no means common for killifish, it has not become established on a broad basis. This is probably due to the fact that, like the butterfly barb (Enteromius hulstaerti), which originates from the same waters, it requires relatively low water temperatures (18-22°C) and low-germ water. Long-term care and breeding are only possible if these two basic requirements are met. 

It goes without saying that successful maintenance is not possible in heavily stocked community aquariums with a motley assortment of fish. On the other hand, Epiplatys chevalieri are a real feast for the eyes in well-planted jungle aquariums with hand-picked companion fish. The fact that these fish prefer room temperature is very trendy and saves energy. E. chevalieri are unproblematic when it comes to food. They will take any ornamental fish food that is suitable in terms of size. However, like all Epiplatys species, the fish are surface-oriented and are reluctant to forage in the lower water layers. Males and females are best distinguished by the shape of the anal fin, which is pointed in males and rounded in females. Both sexes can show a dark longitudinal band depending on their mood, but especially when they are under stress. E. chevalieri is a typical adhesive spawner that lays its eggs in fine aquatic plants, roots of floating plants, etc. The maximum length of E. chevalieri is given as 6 cm (total length, i.e. including caudal fin).

For our customers: the animals have code 323003 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer