Cyphocharax abramoides

10. October 2024

The genus Cyphocharax comprises 48 species and has a very wide distribution in South America. However, only one species has become known aquaristically, namely C. multilineatus ( This species is attractively marked. However, the majority of Cyphocharax species offer little incentive to keep them in the aquarium, as they present themselves as silver-colored, colorless animals – as far as can be deduced from field observations.

C. abramoides is one of the species of the genus that has been known to science for the longest time. It was described as early as 1878. We have now been able to import this high-backed fish – the species name abramoides refers to the bream (Abramis brama) native to Europe, which is our highest-backed white fish – from Venezuela for the first time. The overall distribution area of the species is large, it has already been reported from the Rio Negro, the upper Orinoco and tributaries of the lower Amazon.

This up to 20-25 cm long fish does not have much to offer in terms of color. It is silver-colored, the fins can sometimes have a slight orange tinge. That’s it. But the elongated dorsal fin in combination with the very small scales, which give the fish a shine reminiscent of moonshine, give it a really interesting appearance. Cyphocharax abramoides are absolutely peaceful with each other and with other fish, as far as we have been able to observe so far. In the wild, these omnivores specialize in eating aufwuchs. Ecologically, they can be compared quite well with kissing gouramis (Helostoma temminckii).

For our customers: The animals have code 251363 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer