Chindongo elongatus (formerly Pseudotropheus elongatus)

30. September 2024

The former large genus Pseudotropheus is currently divided into four genera: Pseudotropheus, Maylandia, Tropheops and Chindongo.

The type species of the genus Chindongo, C. bellicosus, which was described together with the genus in 2016, is one of the most combative mbuna of all. The species name “bellicosus” means “belligerent”! Chindongo includes the species C. ater, C. bellicosus, C. cyaneus, C. demasoni, C. elongatus, C. flavus, C. heteropictus, C. longior, C. minutus, C. saulosi and C. socolofi. They are among the smallest mbuna and – at least in the wild – barely grow to over 8 cm in length. In the aquarium, however, they can grow 50% larger.

We offer Chindongo elongatus, which was described in 1956 on the basis of specimens from Mbamba Bay (Tanzania), as captive-bred specimens from South-East Asia. The care and breeding of this beautiful but aggressive species is simple if the basic rules of mbuna care are complied: aquaria that are as large and well-structured as possible, temperatures of 22-26°C, good water care, pH above 8, group keeping (ideally from 10 specimens upwards), a high-fiber diet that does not neglect the plant component.

For our customers: the animals have code 568352 on our stock list. Please note that we only supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer