The characteristics of Brochis sp. “Super Schwartzi Hifin Longnose” are identical to Hoplisoma sp. “Super Schwartzi Hifin CW28”, except that Super Schwartzi Hifin Longnose is a longnose and Super Schwartzi Hifin CW28 is a roundnose.
Brochis sp. “Super Schwartzi Hifin Longnose” has usually only appeared in single specimens mixed with the other species from the Rio Purus. However, when reviewing our photo material, we found that the species had already been exported in 2017 under the name “labrina” or “labrea”. At that time, however, we only considered it to be a color variant of B. pulcher and therefore did not create an article number for it. The maximum length is 6-6.5 cm (standard length without caudal fin).
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer