Fish Archive (3044)

  • Hemimyzon nanensis

    8. February 2021

    With the import of Hemimyzon nanensis we were once again able to fill a white spot on the map of fishes that have become known in the aquarium with content. At least for us it is a first import. Hemimyzon belongs to the family of hillstream loaches (Balitoridae) and is closely related to the genus […]

  • Pseudochalceus kyburzi

    5. February 2021

    In our last post on this impressive and beautiful tetra species from Colombia, we wrote “This tetra usually grows to around 5 cm long, with 8 cm given as the maximum size.” ( Since last week we know, this maximum size can actually be reached! Wow, that’s the first thing we thought of these huge […]

  • Tympanopleura cryptica

    5. February 2021

    For the first time we could (recognized) import this dolphin catfish from Peru. The small species (the biggest scientifically known animal had a standard-length – therefore without tail fin – of barely 8,5 cm) occurs in the area of the upper Amazon, where the river is still called Solimoes. Tympanopleura cryptica was described scientifically only […]

  • Hemigrammus hyanuary Wild

    4. February 2021

    In 1957, when the first Green Tetras or Neon Costello (Hemigrammus hyanuary) were imported, the tetras were absolute fashion fish. Otherwise the comparison with the neon or cardinal tetra can hardly be explained, because H. hyanuary – which by the way is named after Lake Hyanuary in Brazil – is really nicely colored, but it […]

  • Pseudolithoxus kelsorum L189

    1. February 2021

    Unfortunately this interesting catfish from Venezuela is offered only very rarely. It lives in the tributaries of the middle Orinoco. With a maximum length of 10 cm (only very rarely some specimens reach this size, the normal size is 6-7 cm) the species remains relatively small. Pseudolithoxus species are all quite flat, but P. kelsorum […]

  • Corydoras elegans

    29. January 2021

    The armored catfishes of the closer relationship around Corydoras elegans belong to the most interesting species of this huge genus. They do not live as strongly bottom-bound as most other armored catfishes and are very nicely colored. Males and females differ relatively clearly in coloration. However, it is not easy to provide a color description […]

  • Aulonocara “Rubescens”

    25. January 2021

    Do you know the game “Silent Mail”? You play it with at least 10 participants, the more, the better. One of the players thinks up a term and whispers it – inaudible to the others – into the ear of the player next to him. This whispers what he has understood to the next one, […]

  • Microsynodontis batesii

    22. January 2021

    Squeakers or upside-down catfishes are a fish family occurring exclusively in Africa. The best known genus is Synodontis, which comprises over 130 species. Closely related to this genus is the genus Microsynodontis. The genus name means “small Synodontis” and is program, because these fish already become sexually mature with 3-4 cm of length, are thus […]

  • Macrognathus siamensis Red Tail

    20. January 2021

    At the moment we can once again offer very beautiful – i.e. strongly colored – offsprings of a dwarf spiny eel, which is not yet precisely identified. It is offered under the name Macrognathus aculeatus, but for various reasons it will probably not be this species. It shows the most similarity to Macrognathus siamensis, because […]

  • Cherax snowden

    18. January 2021

    The diversity of the crayfishes of New Guinea is hard to keep track of. Most difficult is the decision, whether a freshly imported form is a color variant of a long known species or a new species; because the color variance within the species is enormous. Cherax snowden was known as Cherax sp. “Orange Tip” […]

  • Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi

    15. January 2021

    This dwarf mouth-breeder comes from the middle and upper Congo, from where ornamental-fish-imports almost never reach us. Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi is therefore only available as bred ones. The males are beautiful, the females are rather plain colored. The maximum length is about 7 cm, but also this size is reached rather rarely; the photographed, sexually mature […]

  • Procatopus aberrans

    15. January 2021

    We obtained very nice Procatopus aberrans from Nigeria. These lampeyes are very peaceful schooling fish that live near the water surface or at least in the upper third of the water column. In contrast to most other species of lampeye that have an iridescent blue zone in the iris, in P. aberrans the iridescent zone […]

  • Tympanopleura cryptica

    13. January 2021

    For the first time we could (recognized) import this dolphin catfish from Peru. The small species (the biggest scientifically known animal had a standard-length – therefore without tail fin – of barely 8,5 cm) occurs in the area of the upper Amazon, where the river is still called Solimoes. Tympanopleura cryptica was described scientifically only […]

  • Lorcaria simillima Bred

    11. January 2021

    Loricaria simillima has a very wide distribution in South America. It is found in the Orinoco-, Amazon- and La Plata basins. A result of this large area many different color forms are known, which differ clearly regarding coloration and pattern. The species occurs in different water types. Black water forms are more demanding in maintenance […]

  • Poecilia velifera “Dalmatiner”

    8. January 2021

    At least three species of mollies are the parent species of the numerous breeding forms that exist of these fish today: Poecilia sphenops, P. latipinna, and P. velifera. Possibly P. mexicana was also involved, but this is unclear, as this species was long considered a synonym of P. sphenops. Some color and fin characteristics could […]

  • Sawbwa resplendens

    7. January 2021

    Lake Inle in Burma is a mountain lake located on the Shan Plateau about 900 meters above sea level; it is about 65 km long and 10-22 km wide. The water is relatively hard (12-17° GH) and in February the water temperatures drop to 14-18°C. Lake Inke is world-famous for its human inhabitants, whose entire […]

  • Satanoperca sp. aff. jurupari “Tapajos”

    4. January 2021

    Some of the earth-eaters of the genus Satanoperca have frightening names (Satanoperca = devil-perch, Jurupari = devil, Daemon = demon, Lilith = the bride of the devil), but there are only few cichlids that are as peaceful and harmless as they are. The most important thing they need in an aquarium is a part of […]

  • A perfect start

    31. December 2020

    and a happy, successful and healthy New Year 2021 wishes you the whole team of Aquarium Glaser

  • Lepidocephalichthys kranos

    30. December 2020

    For the first time we can offer these cute dwarf spined loach from Vietnam. They become (without caudal fin) at most 3,5 cm long. Lepidocephalichthys kranos was not recognized as an independent species until 2010. The species differences in Lepidocephalichthys are very subtle (otherwise they would have been scientifically identified earlier), but it is quite […]

  • Rhamphichthys rostratus

    28. December 2020

    Since some time we can offer a very interesting knife-fish species of the genus Rhamphichthys, which we receive as offspring from Indonesia. Rhamphichthys are attractive fish, but they require strong nerves from their keeper, because they rest lying on their side and look like dead at first sight. But they are very happy, only sleeping. […]

  • Exodon paradoxus

    24. December 2020

    For many aquaristis the Bucktooth tetra, Exodon paradoxus, is simply the most beautiful tetra from South America. The splendid fish glitter and glimmer like diamonds and they never stay still. They hunt and hit their conspecifics permanently and an uneducated watcher may become quite concerned that the fish will eventually hurt each other. But this […]

  • Apistogramma elizabethae

    23. December 2020

    This wonderful dwarf cichlid belongs to the rarest and most wanted species of Apistogramma in the trade. Nevertheless the animals are not very difficult to keep at all. If the fish is kept under the correct conditions it belongs to the hardier species of the genus. There do exist elder reports on the fish that […]

  • Paracheirodon axelrodi “Gold”

    21. December 2020

    The cardinal tetra, Paracheirodon axelrodi, is one of the most traded ornamental fish worldwide. It is a big exception in the ornamental fish trade, because it was mainly traded as a wild catch; it is different with almost all other important ornamental fishes, which are mainly or exclusively traded as bred ones. It is said […]

  • Chaetostoma joropo (L445)

    18. December 2020

    The dotted Chaetostoma joropo is already for many years a popular sucker-catfish. Before its scientific description in the year 2016 it was given several names, e.g. sp. Spotted, cf. milesi, Villavicencio I, L187a etc. It originates from creeks in the catchment area of the Rio Meta in Colombia and therefore does not need to be […]

  • Dawkinsia assimilis

    18. December 2020

    The so-called filament barbs of the genus Dawkinsia were assigned earlier all together to the types Barbus or Puntius. They received the popular name because the back-fin of the males with its long fin-rays. The differentiation of the species is extraordinarily tricky, although several scientists tried in the last decades at them. Only a few […]

  • Colisa labiosa “Orange”

    14. December 2020

    The identity of Colisa labiosa, a gourami from Burma, is unclear; there is some evidence that the species so named in the hobby is actually not identical with C. labiosa in the sense of the first describer (Day, 1877), but it is much more likely that it is a scientifically not yet named species. But […]

  • Luciocephalus aura

    11. December 2020

    The pikeheads (Luciocephalus) are highly specialized labyrinth fish. They live as predators in blackwaters of Southeast Asia. Only two species are known, the “common” pikehead, which occurs on the Malay Peninsula and in Indonesia, and the Peppermint Pikehead, which is known so far only from the Province Jambi on Sumatra. Currently we are able to […]

  • Gymnothorax tile

    11. December 2020

    For many years the up to 60 cm long moray eel species Gymnothorax tile has been sold as “freshwater moray”. It is true that G. tile can live in pure fresh water for a while (a few months) without showing any discomfort. But practice shows that this moray eel species is much more persistent in […]

  • Corydoras fowleri German bred

    9. December 2020

    Corydoras fowleri from Peru becomes 6-8 cm long and certainly belongs to the most beautiful Corydoras at all. Nevertheless, the species is only rarely bred, because the eggs are relatively small and the fish – despite their size – relatively unproductive. Therefore we are especially pleased to be able to offer wonderful German bred ones […]

  • Hemichromis sp. Red Gabon

    7. December 2020

    Red Jewel Cichlids are gorgeous fishes. Their splendid coloration can be hardly topped. And they have a fascinating behaviour. They form a biparental family, both male and female take carefor the offspring together. No real hobbyist can hestitate to be banned by that look. The only negative aspect of these fishes is: they can be […]

  • Xiphophorus montezumae

    4. December 2020

    With the swordtails (Xiphophorus), the males carry a sword-like extension at the low end of the tail fin in many species. This is a luxury structure, that serves the intraspecific communication. Sword-bearing males appear especially sexy on the females and especially intimidating on male conspecifics. The also with primates (the ape-like animals) well known game […]

  • Brachyrhamdia meesi

    4. December 2020

    The genus Brachyrhamdia includes only five described species, another one, that is still scientifically undescribed, was imported over 10 years ago as accidental catch, since then, one heard nothing more of it. Brachyrhamdia are relatively small-growing catfish. Brachyrhamdia meesi comes from Brazil and grows to about 8 cm in length. Like all species of the […]

  • Auchenipterichthys punctatus

    3. December 2020

    It was believed for quite a long time that the genus Auchipterichthys would contain only one or two, very far spread species. In 2005 Ferraris, Vari, and Raredon revised the genus and could show that in reality four different species are involved. The species that was thought so far to be the most common in […]

  • Corydoras habrosus

    30. November 2020

    Now it is season for the cute chessboard dwarf cory, Corydoras habrosus. The fish grows to a maximum of four centimeters. It is completely peaceful and leaves the plants in peace, so it is very suitable for community aquariums. The usual care-recommendations for Coryoras are valid, which means they should be kept in groups and […]

  • Nannacara sp. “Crique Canceler”

    27. November 2020

    The Goldeneye cichlid (Nannacara anomala) is a classic among aquarium fish. Already 80 years ago this species taught the aquarists what emancipation means, because here the female is the absolutely dominant fish. And the female often is only half as big as the maximum 8 cm long male. Dwarf cichlids from the closer relationship of […]

  • Systomus binduchitra

    27. November 2020

    For the first time we could import this beautiful barb from Burma. The largest scientifically known specimen of Systomus binduchitra (the species name comes from Sanskrit and means “spotted”) was 8 cm long including tail fin. Due to its close relationship to S. sarana, it can be assumed that it will probably grow somewhat larger […]

  • Aspidoras pauciradiatus

    25. November 2020

    This cute dwarf armored catfish reaches a maximum length of only 3 cm. Aspidoras pauciradiatus comes from the central Rio-Negro area and is an ideal community fish for characins, dwarf cichlids etc. Strangely enough, the specimens on which the scientific description is based were allegedly collected in the Rio Araguaia near the town of Aruana, […]

  • Characodon audax Puente Pino Suarez and Guadalupe Aguilera

    24. November 2020

    Several goodeids are a parade play for the fact that conservation of species in captivity by hobby aquarists is possible and partially extraordinarily successful. The species Charcodon audax occurs endemically (i.e. exclusively there) in parts of the catchment area of the headwaters of the Rio Mezquital in the Mexican state of Durango. It is threatened […]

  • Carinotetraodon travancoricus

    20. November 2020

    The first Indian dwarf puffer fish (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) of the new season have arrived. These cute animals – they are freshwater puffers – only grow 2-3 cm long in nature, in the aquarium they may grow a little bigger, but not much. You should keep these animals in a swarm if possible; then they form […]

  • Inpaichthys kerri “Super Blue”

    18. November 2020

    There is a nice story about the discovery of the king tetra, which we don’t know if it’s true, but it’s worth telling: In the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, Brazil, aquatic plants were kept in an aquarium. Fish were actually not in it. But suddenly, as if from nowhere, cute baby […]

  • Puntigrus anchisporus – tiger barb

    16. November 2020

    No other classic aquarium fish has had to put up with such a drastic renaming regarding the scientific name as the tiger barb. This is due to the fact that in earlier decades, characteristics that we now consider important species characteristics were only considered an unimportant variance. The actual tiger barb, Puntigrus tetrazona, which comes […]

  • Xiphophorus xiphidium

    13. November 2020

    The sword platy, Xiphophorus xiphidium, belongs to the top rarities among the live-bearers. The species is found on the headwaters of the Soto La Marina River and its tributaries, Tamaulipas State, on the Atlantic side of Mexico. The very pretty species remains with approx. 3 cm (male) resp. 4 cm (female) clearly smaller than the […]

  • Parancistrus nudiventris, L31, LDA4, Peppermint Pleco

    13. November 2020

    This pleco from the Rio Xingu is an old friend, however, it received a scientific name only in 2005. It received the L-number 31 already in 1989.  The genus Parancistrus is closely related to the genus Spectracanthicus; the formerly often used genus Oligancistrus is invalid and declared synonymous with Spectracanthicus. The only difference between Parancistrus […]

  • Serrasalmus elongatus

    11. November 2020

    This very elongated Piranha can be confused hardly with other species because of its characteristic body shape. Type locality is the Rio Guaporé, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Aquaristic imports are mostly from Peru.  Serrasalmus pingke from Venezuela was described from the Rio Apure. The holotype (54 mm long) is shown in MACHADO-ALLISON (2002); it has a […]

  • Acrossocheilus paradoxus

    9. November 2020

    Only rarely does the pretty barbel Acrossocheilus paradoxus reach us, which is native to China and Taiwan. It is a medium sized species; in the wild you usually find specimens up to 12 cm total length, but the record for this species is 22.5 cm. Such large animals look different, the head is longer and […]

  • Parotocinclus eppleyi

    6. November 2020

    One of the smallest loricariid species at all is Parotocinclus eppleyi, the Peppermint-Oto. The species is fully grown with a length of 3 cm (without caudal fin), but such animals can already be seen as xxl-format and are extremely rare. Usually the species, which is common in the upper and middle Orinoco, is 0.5-1 cm […]

  • Brochis splendens “Rio Negro

    6. November 2020

    Via Manaus we have been able to import splendid Brochis splendens. The Emerald Cat comes from a huge area, from Peru to the Pantanal in Brazil; based on the experience with other Corydoras it is more than likely that there are several species hiding behind the name “Brochis splendens”. But such things should be subject […]

  • Tanichthys “Gold Longfin“

    4. November 2020

    Since its first import in the 1930er years, the White Cloud Mountain minnow (Tanichthys albonubes) is available practically exclusively as offspring for the aquarium hobby. Nowadays, this is all the more true since the free-living stocks are considered highly endangered due to environmental pollution. However, the “simple” white cloud is not really bred by most […]

  • Serrasalmus humeralis

    2. November 2020

    The identification of many Piranha species is difficult. One of the earliest described piranha species and therefore with many taxonomic problems is Serrasalmus humeralis. Valenciennes was the first descriptor in 1850, but there is no question that he had received the type specimen, for which he states “Amazon” as the type locality, from Castelnau. In […]

  • Trichogaster leerii WILD – Borneo

    30. October 2020

    The pearl gourami (Trichogaster leerii, Trichopodus leerii) is one of the most popular aquarium fishes at all. It is probably not exaggerated if one assumes millions of individuals in aquariums all over the world. All these fish are bred ones. It is only little known that the pearl gourami belongs to the endangered species as […]

  • Pseudotropheus sp. “Acei” White Tail Ngara

    30. October 2020

    Where does a species start, where does the location variant end? This question is really difficult to answer for some groups of fish, e.g. killies and cichlids from Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. In the case of Pseudotropheus sp. “Acei” from Lake Malawi, the species is not described scientifically. Mostly the light blue, yellow-fin “Acei” […]

  • Thalassophryne amazonica

    28. October 2020

    The toadfishes a very odd creatures. A total of about 73 species exists which are placed in around 22 genera and three subfamilies. One of these subfamilies – the Thalassophryninae – is also known as the “venomous toadfishes”. Thalassophryne amazonica, one of the very few freshwater species of the family, is placed in that subfamily. […]

  • Pyrrhulina brevis

    26. October 2020

    The characins of the genus Pyrrhulina can be better compared to cichlids than to other characins in terms of their behavior. The males occupy small territories in the breeding season, color themselves splendidly and defend the spawn energetically until the young hatch. The generic name Pyrrhulina means “small bullfinch” because the males of many species […]

  • Corydoras burgessi

    23. October 2020

    Now the season for the very beautiful and much beloved orange blotch corys has started. There does exist a good number of different species and varieties, all have in common a brightly shining spot on the neck. Depending on light this glows from yellow to almosr red. This glowing spot helps the fish in the […]

  • Mylossoma aureum

    23. October 2020

    The magnificent pacus of the genus Mylossoma that reach at most approximately 30 cm of length (the average length in the nature amounts to approximately half of this measure), are only with difficulty determinable. The last revision from 2018 (Mateussi et al.) distinguishes 4 species south of the Andes (another species, M. acanthogaster, occurs in […]

  • Microphysogobio tafangensis

    21. October 2020

    The genus Microphysogobio comprises more than 30 species of small (6-10 cm) gudgeons. Many species look very similar to each other and for many of them it became clear only by molecular examinations (DNA) that the comparatively small differences are in fact species differences. Aquaristically, these animals, which usually colonize fast-flowing, cool waters in nature, […]

  • Jupiaba sp. „Cherry Spot“

    19. October 2020

    Once more we were able to import a new species of tetra from Venezuela which does not resemble to any species known to us. According to the supplier the animals were collected in small brooks in the surroundings of Puerto Inirida. There are no doubts that our new imports belong to the Astyanax relationship in […]

  • Apistogramma cacatuoides Yellow wild

    16. October 2020

    The Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid is one of the most popular members of the genus Apistogramma and found in petshops all over the World. Almost exclusively bred specimens of very colourful sports are traded. These do not appear in the wild. However, “the” wild form of A. cacatuoides does not exist at all. Like so many […]

  • Corydoras sp. Souza, C124

    16. October 2020

    We received very nice, fully grown specimens of this only very rarely available species from Peru. This species of Corydoras is very variable in respect of the pattern. However, we think the darkest animals are the males. For our customers: the fish have code 225215 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the […]

  • Baryancistrus xanthellus L18, L81, L81n, L177

    14. October 2020

    About from the end of May to the end of September the season of the beautiful Golden Nuggets of the genus Baryancistrus lasts. Although the fish are considered to be extremely common in nature, are also found in shallow water and have been used as food fish since time immemorial, they were only scientifically described […]

  • Discherodontus ashmeadi

    12. October 2020

    The redtail barb Discherodontus ashmeadi originates from the tropical Southeast Asia. It can reach an overall length of up to 14 cm. They occur widespread in the Mekong and Meklong areas. In their appearance especially the dark dorsal fin spot and the strong red markings of the caudal fin stand out.  In their native country […]

  • Anodus orinocensis

    9. October 2020

    From Venezuela we could import Anodus orinocensis for the first time. As a young fish A. orinocensis often lives in mixed shoals with Hemiodus gracilis. The two species really look amazingly similar, but Anodus is a Aufwuchs eater, and also filters the water for small organisms and swims mostly in “normal” horizontal swimming position, while […]

  • Macropodus opercularis “Blue“

    9. October 2020

    There are no blue paradise fish in nature, they are a cultivated form with a blue back (vs. red-brown in the wild form). When exactly and in whom the first blue paradise fish appeared is not documented. It must have been in the late 1940s or early 1950s, because from then on they were mentioned […]

  • Oreichthys parvus

    7. October 2020

    Unfortunately, Roloff’s Pygmy Barb – the popular name dates back to the 1950s and refers to the synonym Puntius roloffi – very rarely finds its way into our aquariums. The cute animal grows only about 3 cm long and its appearance is somewhat reminiscent of the Checkered barb, Oliotius oligolepis (formerly: Puntius o.). In contrast […]

  • Aulonocara maylandi

    5. October 2020

    The sulphur head aulonocara, Aulonocara maylandi, is one of the most peaceful species of Malawi cichlids. The species reaches a maximum length of 12 cm (male) and 10 cm (female). In the wild these fish only live in two reefs of the south-eastern Lake Malawi, namely Chimwalani Reef (formerly Eccles Reef) and Luwala Reef (formerly […]

  • Betta coccina

    2. October 2020

    Right now we have especially large and beautiful Betta coccina from Indonesia in stock. As the pictures show, this time the males have particularly extensive blue patches on their flanks; the females of Betta coccina generally do not have blue flank scales.  Betta coccina can be kept well in groups, but even these comparatively peaceful […]

  • Sinobdella sinensis

    2. October 2020

    For the first time we have obtained this highly interesting, small spiny eel. The species rarely grows larger than 20 cm and inhabits China and parts of Vietnam. According to its origin, care in unheated aquariums is recommended. In Sinobdella the dorsal, caudal and anal fins are fused together, in Asian spiny eels this is […]

  • Sphaerichthys vaillanti xxl

    30. September 2020

    From Indonesia we have received extraordinarily beautiful and especially large Sphaerichthys vaillanti. According to our supplier they come from the vicinity of the Danau Senatrum National Park in the part of Borneo belonging to Indonesia called Kalimantan. For more information about this magnificent animal see Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Panaque cf. titan Shampupa L418

    28. September 2020

    The magnificent panaques of the nigrolineatus complex have long been sought-after aquarium fish. All species seem to grow around 40 cm long. One of the most spectacular species comes from Peru and was given the L-number 418. It is probably identical with the described species Panaque titan, but since this is not completely certain, the […]

  • Heros sp. Manacapuru

    4. September 2020

    Manacapuru is the third largest city in the state of Amazonas in Brazil. It is located about 80 km west of Manaus at the confluence of the Rio Manacapuru and the Amazon. A large, lake-like extension of the Rio Manacapuru near the city is called Lago Cabaliana.  From the surroundings of Manacapuru, especially the red-backed […]

  • Barbodes dunckeri (= “Barbus everetti”)

    2. September 2020

    The clown barb, Barbodes dunckeri, is a well-known and beautiful aquarium fish, but for decades it has been incorrectly called Barbus everetti, sometimes under the generic name Puntius, which is also incorrect for this species. The wrong name is based on a mix-up, the “real” Barbodes everetti is unfortunately almost never on the market (see […]

  • Osteoglossum bicirrhosum

    31. August 2020

    One of the absolute classics among the large fish, which have been an indispensable part of the assortment of zoos, show aquariums and also private large aquariums for decades, is the silver arowana, Osteoglossum bicirrhosum, which is widespread in the Amazon region and the rivers Rupununi and Oyapock (Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guyana and […]

  • Stiphodon ornatus

    28. August 2020

    This beautiful freshwater goby was originally described as a subspecies of Stiphodon elegans. It originates from West Sumatra (Indonesia), where it lives in clear streams. Stiphodon ornatus feeds on an Aufwuchs, i.e. it feeds on algae and the small creatures that live in them. In the aquarium any form of dry, frost and live food […]

  • Krobia xinguensis

    28. August 2020

    Only in 2012 this pretty cichlid was scientifically described, before that it was known in the hobby as Krobia sp. “Xingu Red Head”. As the name suggests, the animal originally comes from the Rio Xingu in Brazil. However, the species is only available as bred ones.  This beautiful Aequidens relative is the ideal cichlid for […]

  • Gymnochanda flamea

    26. August 2020

    A very wonderful dwarf glassfish reached us from Indonesia: Gymnochanda flamea, the red filamentous glassfish. All Gymnochanda species (G. filamentosa, G. flamea, G. limi, G.ploegi and G. verae) are pure freshwater fish, you should never add salt to the water. Only two species, G. flamea (South-Borneo) and G. filamentosa (Malaysia, Sumatra (?), West-Borneo) have thread-like […]

  • Betta splendens Veiltail

    24. August 2020

    The history of becoming a domesticated animal is hardly researched for many species and is full of secrets, as it is with Betta splendens. There is some evidence that its true domestication only occurred after the collapse of the Khmer Empire in the 15th century. Before that, Betta splendens had been used for fish fights, […]

  • Apistogramma agassizii „Tefé“

    21. August 2020

    There are many colour varieties of Apistigramma agassizii. The species – as it is currently understood – occurs in the complete Amazon river area in Colombia, Peru, and Brazil. The most wanted variety is probably the „Tefé“ variety. It is, however, not really proven that this variety really comes from the Rio Tefé, a right […]

  • Corydoras caudimaculatus Wild

    21. August 2020

    From the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, more precisely from the upper Rio Guaporé, comes the pretty Corydoras caudimaculatus, which reaches 5-6 cm in length. C. caudimaculatus is the most round-nosed and high-backed species of the “tail-spotted armored catfish”, which all have a similar pattern, but without being closely related to each other. The evolutionary […]

  • Megalechis thoracata

    19. August 2020

    The Port Hoplo Megalechis thoracata – maybe the synonym (now invalid) name Hoplosternum thoracatum is more familar to some readers – is one of the earliest aquarium fish at all. The fish has only one real disadvantage: the maximum size, which is about 15 cm (or sometimes even larger). However, the species has a comparatively […]

  • Xiphophorus hellerii Wagtail Red White

    17. August 2020

    The pretty swordtail breeding form Xiphophorus hellerii Wagtail Red White is still young, it was only created in our millennium. The animals are descendants of the red and white “Koi swordtails”, which by the way are mostly born red and in which the white areas only develop with increasing growth. These fish have less silvery […]

  • Hypancistrus sp. L500

    7. August 2020

    In northern tributaries of the Amazon, namely the Rio Nhamunda (L475), the Rio Padauari (L499) and the Rio Uatumá (L500), there are very similar Hypancistrus, which have a relatively stocky body in common. In colour they resemble very much the Hypancistrus furunculus (L199) from the upper Orinoco. All four Hypancistrus are extremely variable in colour, […]

  • Trichopsis pumila

    7. August 2020

    The Pygmy gourami, Trichopsis pumila, is one of the prettiest labyrinth fish. With a maximum length of 4 cm (usually it stays one centimeter smaller) it is a real dwarf fish. The species occurs in Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Although the species is an obligatory air breather, so would drown if you block its […]

  • Balroglanis schultzi (formerly Centromochlus s.)

    3. August 2020

    The driftwood catfishes enjoy an increasing popularity, since it succeeds regularly to reproduce them. All species have – as far as known – an internal fertilization, the females spawn later without the presence of a male. Most driftwood catfishes are active at night or twilight. Many species are known to hunt land insects that have […]

  • Metynnis lippincottianus

    31. July 2020

    Silver Dollars, which are the piranha relatives that eat mainly vegetable food, usually grow quite large, most species grow to over 20 cm, some to 40-60 cm long. The smallest known species is Metynnis lippincottianus, of which we can offer sexually mature specimens. They are currently 8-12 cm long, more than 15 cm total length […]

  • Corydoras aurofrenatus

    31. July 2020

    For the first time, we have this beautiful Corydoras, that was described already 1903 from Paraguay, as bred ones in stock. However, there is no possibility to distinguish the Corydoras aurofrenatus from C. ellisae, which was also described from Paraguay in 1940. Therefore both species were synonymised by Axenrot and Kullander in 2003, the name […]

  • Pethia stoliczkanus (formerly Barbus s. or Puntius s.)

    29. July 2020

    Stoliczka´s barb, Pethia stoliczkanus, originates from Burma and was a popular aquarium fish until the 1960s, as the up to 6 cm long animals are very temperature tolerant and do not require heating in the aquarium. Later it was displaced by more colourful species and today it is a rarity.  The pictures show wild collected […]

  • Corydoras sp. “Peru”

    27. July 2020

    Sometimes it is coincidence that determines whether a fish species can establish itself in the hobby. In the case of this Corydoras sp. Peru, a Corydoras fan noticed the fish when visiting a wholesaler; they were so-called by-catches that had been sorted out. Unfortunately, the wholesaler could not remember exactly where the animals originally came […]

  • Microphis brachyurus

    24. July 2020

    The short-tailed freshwater pipefish (Microphis brachyurus) has been described from Indonesia. For a long time it was believed to be a species with a worldwide distribution, which differed only slightly at the subspecies level in the various distribution areas. And so M. lineatus (code 430104 on our stocklist) and M. aculeatus (code 149104) were considered […]

  • Jordanella floridae

    24. July 2020

    This killifish from North America is one of the evergreens in the aquarium hobby and has delighted many generations of aquarists. Unfortunately it has become quiet around this attractive animal in the last years. But now beautiful and stable American Flag fish are available again from Southeast Asian breeders.  Jordanella floridae grows 4-6 cm long […]

  • Serrasalmus immaculatus

    22. July 2020

    In great parts of South America there are large (up to 50 cm) piranhas, which usually become black when they are old. Another common feature of these piranhas is a red iris. It is currently common practice to refer to all these animals as Serrasalmus rhombeus because they are indistinguishable as adult fish. However, young […]

  • Ancistrus claro

    20. July 2020

    One of the smallest Ancistrus species is Ancistrus claro, which was known as LDA 8 before its scientific description. The catfish originates from clear water streams with a strong current in the upper part of the Rio Paraguay-Paraná river basin and becomes at most 6-8 cm long. The sexes are not quite as easy to […]

  • Pseudomugil gertrudae Aru II xl

    17. July 2020

    The cute blue-eyes of the species Pseudomugil gertrudae are actually always in our stock. We usually get them as bred ones from Indonesia. Originally they are found in northern Australia and southern Papua New Guinea. At the moment we have fully grown, about 4 cm long animals in stock, which we received from a European […]

  • Sewellia “breviventralis”

    17. July 2020

    From Vietnam we have once again been able to import beautiful hillstream loaches of the genus Sewellia under the name Sewellia breviventralis. The species S. breviventralis exists and it is anatomically very similar to the imported animals, but there are differences in colouring compared to the live imported animals, whose exact origin is unknown, but […]

  • Neocaridina davidi Jade Green

    15. July 2020

    The “universal dwarf shrimp for all occasions” also comes in green: Neocaridina davidi Jade Green. Indeed, some of the animals shine quite unbelievably, the comparison with Jade is in this case no flowery exaggeration. In terms of care and breeding, the dwarf shrimps are no different from their different-coloured conspecifics. For our customers: the animals […]

  • Phenacogrammus interruptus

    13. July 2020

    The Congo Tetra, Phenacogrammus interruptus, sometimes also called the Blue Congo Tetra, is the only one of the approximately 350 tetra species in Africa that is always available in pet shops. This is of course due to its beautiful colouring, which shimmers differently on the flanks depending on the incidence of light, the reddish-brown back, […]

  • Pseudohemiodon laticeps

    10. July 2020

    Pseudohemiodon laticeps from Paraguay belongs to the longest known mouth-breeding Whiptail Catfish in the hobby, even if this large (up to 35 cm) species with its species-specific broad, triangular head was confused for a long time with the very similar, narrow-headed species P. platycephalus from Brazil. Mostly one sees both species in a fawn-brown colouring […]

  • Metynnis sp. Big Spots Peru

    9. July 2020

    From Peru we occasionally receive beautiful young Metynnis. We have not yet been able to identify them; they either belong to a scientifically undescribed species or represent a local form of M. maculatus. They certainly belong to the species cluster around Metynnis maculatus and we think that the final size, similar to M. maculatus, is […]

  • Toxotes blythii

    6. July 2020

    This archer fish that lives exclusively in freshwater originates from Burma. It has been discovered as early as 1860 and received its correct scientific name in 1892. Since then it has not been found anymore. Only in 2004 the first specimens appeared in the international trade and were celebrated as a sensation. These first specimens […]

  • Nandus nebulosus

    3. July 2020

    Via Singapore we have once again received Nandus nebulosus in beautiful, fully grown specimens. The species can, like all other leaf fish, change its colouring very fast and drastically, furthermore each specimen has an individually different marble pattern. Some of our new arrivals have a head profile which is much more pointed than expected from […]