Fish Archive (3044)

  • Poecilia (Mollienesia) sphenops RED

    9. September 2022

    The breeders in Southeast Asia have realized a new color variation of the good old Black Molly, which they call “Red”. This is not a solid red fish, like for example a red swordtail, but the breeding form “Red” of the Molly has red spots in different intensity on the scales. When viewed from above, […]

  • Vitta virginea ( = Neritina virginea)

    9. September 2022

    The Nerites, also known as racing snails (family Neritidae), are distributed worldwide in warm and temperate zones. They have an operculum at the foot that allows them to close the shell completely, a cup-shaped shell, and they are often strikingly brightly colored. Many tropical species colonize uppermost shore areas and can live in both seawater […]

  • Pandaka rouxi

    7. September 2022

    The dwarf gobies of the genus Pandaka are closely related to the bumble bee gobies (Brachygobius), but still much smaller. The species Pandaka pygmea was even considered the smallest vertebrate on earth for a long time, but it has since been outranked. The species Pandaka rouxi also usually grows to only 10-12 mm in length, […]

  • Lepisosteus oculatus “Metallic“

    5. September 2022

    We have already reported about the Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus), see Now we have received small gars from Indonesia, which correspond in all characteristics to L. oculatus, but show a very striking silver luster. The smaller ones (6-8 cm) have a quite dark basic coloration, which brightens up clearly with somewhat larger animals (11-14 […]

  • Corydoras leucomelas

    2. September 2022

    Corydoras leucomelas belongs to the frequently imported species of its genus. Typical characteristics of the round-nosed species are a strongly pronounced eye band, the coloration of the dorsal fin in connection with the black dorsal spot located at the beginning of the dorsal fin, a vertical black band at the end of the caudal peduncle […]

  • Pyrrhulina spilota

    2. September 2022

    The tetras belonging to the genus Pyrrhulina combine the advantages of two basic groups of ornamental fish. The first group are the schooling species that are always visible and swim merely in the open water: tetras and barbs. The second group has a fascinating behaviour and takes care for the brood: the cichlids and the […]

  • Symphysodon “Super Red Turqoise”.

    31. August 2022

    The Red Turquoise lines were among the first breeding forms of the Discus Cichlid, developed in the 1980s. Aquaristics had reached the point where wild-caught Brown/Blue Discus could be considered “cracked”. So one mastered their successful acclimation and breeding. Since wild-caught discus turn out very inconsistently – between simply brown and completely blue streaked animals […]

  • Symphysodon “Pidgeon Blood Panda”

    31. August 2022

    The “Pidgeon Blood” discus, which appeared in the early 1990s as a mutation in Asian discus breeding, revolutionized discus breeding. It combined two characteristics that discus breeders had previously only dreamed of: an early coloration, i.e. already 5-7 cm long juveniles look essentially like adult fish in terms of color. And a second advantage of […]

  • Symphysodon “Marlboro Red”

    29. August 2022

    The color red is the dream color of many animal breeders. Red canaries, red swordtails, red guppies, red angelfish – wherever this was genetically possible, it was realized. With polychromatic fish species, e.g. with Apistogramma, where in nature always several color variants occur together, the red ones were preferred in breeding. And with the discus? […]

  • Symphysodon “Blue Diamond“

    29. August 2022

    The Asian discus cultivars enjoy great popularity, because on the one hand they color very early (wild forms all look similarly unspectacular in 5-7 cm length) and on the other hand they are not very shy, so they can be presented well even in unfamiliar surroundings. Of the solid blue discus, the Blue Diamond, which […]

  • Hoplomyzon sexpapilostoma

    26. August 2022

    Within the banjo catfish family (Aspredinidae), there is a group of dwarfish small species (called the tribus Hoplomyzontini) divided into four genera: Ernstichthys, Hoplomyzon, Dupouyichthys and Micromyzon. They grow only 2-3 cm long. In nature they live buried in fine sand (at least during the day). Most species prefer the deepest channels of medium to […]

  • Bagrichthys macracanthus

    26. August 2022

    Bagrichthys macracanthus is a very interesting catfish from Southeast Asia (East Sumatra). This catfish reaches a maximum length of about 20 cm. In nature it lives in calm river sections. Among themselves, especially the males are quite incompatible, in pairs or in groups of a male with a surplus of females maintained, however, the species […]

  • Geophagus sp. “Caqueta”

    26. August 2022

    From the Colombian province of Caquetá we occasionally receive a magnificent Geophagus of the surinamensis group, which is obviously a scientifically not yet described species. Three color characteristics are used for the identification of Geophagus of this complex relationship: 1. the shape, position and size of the lateral spot in relation to the eye, 2. […]

  • Carnegiella strigata-vesca

    24. August 2022

    The marble hatchetfish (Carnegiella strigata) is the ideal aquarium fish. It remains small (4 cm), is peaceful and has an interesting coloration. The species is widely distributed in South America (Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia, Guyana, Peru and Suriname) and common. That is why it is almost always found in the offer of the ornamental fish […]

  • Paracyprichromis nigripinnis “Blue Neon”

    22. August 2022

    Cyprichromis and Paracyprichromis are very special mouthbrooding cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. They live in sometimes huge schools and feed on small animals that they pick from the free water column. To attract the attention of females, the males can be very colorful. They do not occupy actual territories. The females, on the other hand, are […]

  • Hyphessobrycon epicharis

    19. August 2022

    Since the first scientific description of Hyphessobrycon epicharis in 1997, this species is on the dream list of many tetra enthusiasts. Unique feature of this Rosy tetra is the shape of the shoulder spot, which distinguishes it from all other species.  The specimens on which the first description was based came from the upper reaches […]

  • Maylandia estherae Red/Red

    19. August 2022

    One of the most popular, because most colorful cichlids of Lake Malawi is the O-form of Maylandia estherae (synonym: Metriaclima e.). “O” stands for “orange.” As with many other species of Lake Malawi, several color forms occur within the same population of M. estherae in the wild. In the “normal” color form of M. estherae, […]

  • Gymnocorymbus bondi (formerly: G. socolofi)

    19. August 2022

    It has been a long time since we could import the last time the beautiful tetra Gymnocorymbus bondi from Colombia. Very small animals remind strikingly of the Yellow Tetra (Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus), but with increasing growth the shape changes more and more to the one known from Gymnocorymbus. Now we finally got this orangefin tetra once […]

  • Guppy Endler “Smoky Mary“

    17. August 2022

    Breeders can’t get enough of creating new color combinations in Endler guppies. The latest thing is the “Smoky Mary”, an Endler in which the entire back appears covered in smoke, which intesivates to a deep black during courtship. Even though we don’t know the breeding way: the females of Smoky Mary are normally light colored, […]

  • Tatia intermedia

    12. August 2022

    From Peru a larger number of Tatia reached us thanks to this import we can now solve an more than 10 year old puzzle. In 2011 we received from this country monochrome Tatia, which could not be assigned to any known species ( Now it is clear: it is a monochrome color variant of T. […]

  • Xiphophorus signum

    12. August 2022

    This species of swordtail is only very rarely offered in the trade. At the first glimpse one may think that they are a variety of the common swortail X. hellerii, but the species X. signum is much more slender. The mark that is responsible for the scientific name (latin signum = sign) is always good […]

  • Corydoras loxozonus

    11. August 2022

    This Corydoras belongs to the most attractive and at the same time easy to keep species of the large genus Corydoras. One should only consider that C. loxozonus – it originates from the Orinoco and its tributaries – likes it warm; below 24°C the temperature of the water should not sink in the long run. […]

  • Iguanodectes purusii

    3. August 2022

    Four species of the peculiar lizard tetras (Iguanodectes) are imported from time to time: I. spilurus, I. adujai, I. geisleri and I. purusii. But altogether there are eight accepted species and because of the similarity of these fishes and their wide distribution it is not always so sure if the classification of the imports is […]

  • Cherax peknyi

    1. August 2022

    Once again we were able to import zebra crayfish. These crayfish experienced some name changes due to the fact that the freshwater crayfishes of New Guinea were little known prior to their aquaristic discovery. The animal originally entered the trade as Cherax misolicus, but it was thought to be more likely C. papuanus. Its valid […]

  • Astronotus mikoljii

    29. July 2022

    Of the seven scientifically described species of Astronotus, only two are currently recognized by most ichthyologists, namely A. crassipinnis and A. ocellatus; however, a third, A. zebra, is so distinctly different in color from the others that there is little doubt as to its validity. Now a new name has been established: the Oscar from […]

  • Corydoras narcissus and Corydoras bethanea (= C. sp. “Narcissus II”; CW6)

    29. July 2022

    The changed export regulations in Brazil, which have been valid for some time, have now made it possible to import Corydoras narcissus again after a long time. Corydoras narcissus is a beautiful, relatively large armored catfish. The maximum length is given with 10 cm. The species comes from Brazil, more precisely from the drainage of […]

  • Herichthys carpinte

    27. July 2022

    The Texas cichlid was successfully introduced to Germany and bred as early as 1902. In the meantime the species has undergone several name changes. In former times it was called Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum, today it is placed in the genus Herichthys and it is believed that the large spotted form as we can offer it right […]

  • Chandramara chandramara

    25. July 2022

    In 1822, the most comprehensive book on the fish life of the Ganges River in India to date was published. The author was the Scottish physician Francis Hamilton, who was in the service of the East Indian Company. Hamilton had detailed drawings made of all the fish species he found in the Ganges. His draftsman […]

  • Corydoras desana

    22. July 2022

    There are still Corydoras species which are imported so rarely and in such small numbers that they belong to the unfulfilled dreams of armored catfish lovers. One of the most attractive species of this group is certainly the “Tukano Longnose”, as it was first named, then it received the code CW011 and finally the species […]

  • Trichogaster leerii “Gold“

    22. July 2022

    Gold forms – also called xanthorists – are quite common in fish, even in nature. Ever since the beginning of man’s records of natural phenomena, there has been talk of golden perch, carp, crucian carp, tench and pike. Of course, such mutations occur much more often in breeding than in the wild, because there such […]

  • Moenkhausia pittieri

    21. July 2022

    The diamond tetra (Moenkhausia pittieri) has been in the hobby since 1933. The species lives endemically in Lake Valencia in Venezuela, so it only occurs there (including some inflows and outflows). Usually it is only in the trade as offspring, very rarely a few wild catches come in.  At first sight the diamond tetra may […]

  • Hemichromis sp. ,,Ankasa”

    18. July 2022

    We have received very nice offsprings of this attractive red jewel cichlid (Hemichromis). The animals are 4-6 cm long at the moment and thus just at the border to sexual maturity. Fully grown they are with about 10 cm. Then they are much more high-backed and have a splendid red coloration, which is only indicated […]

  • Ammocryptocharax elegans

    15. July 2022

    There is probably no other freshwater fish that can show such a poisonous green as body coloration as the about 4-5 cm long ground tetra Ammocryptocharax elegans, which we were able to import in small numbers from the Orinoco darinage (Colombia/Venezuela). However, the animals have an extreme color change ability and if they sense danger, […]

  • Myloplus schomburgkii

    15. July 2022

    We have reported about this magnificent tetra more often, e.g. here: and here: Now we have received young sexed animals of the narrow-banded form (species?), 12-15 cm long. The males have developed – in addition to the modified anal fins, typical for sexually mature Myloplus males – black horizontal banding on the ventral […]

  • Steatocranus tinanti

    13. July 2022

    Unfortunately imports from the Congo are becoming more and more rare, but when they do come, they usually include humphead cichlids (Steatocranus). There are almost always three species mixed. The strongest and most high-backed of them is S. casuarius, which can be recognized by the black scale centers. It has – due to mood – […]

  • Nothobranchius rachovii ALBINO

    11. July 2022

    Rachows Nothobranch (named in honor of Arthur Rachow, therefore in the common name with “w” at the end) belongs not only to the longest serving, but also to the timelessly most beautiful Killifishes in the aquarium. The orange color form of Beira is the most common in the trade, and has been continuously maintained in […]

  • Pygocentrus ternetzi

    8. July 2022

    To say it right away: yes, we also know that the species P. ternetzi is currently seen by most ichthyologists as a synonym of P. nattereri. This assessment is based on the fact that the “true” Pygocentrus nattereri is the yellow-breasted species from the drainage of the Rio Paraguay (type locality of P. nattereri described […]

  • L90a Panaque bathyphilus

    8. July 2022

    The large-growing, magnificent Panaque bathyphilus is very variable in coloration. We have at present quite splendid 16-20 cm long animals in stock. With this they are about half grown, as maximum length for P. bathyphilus about 60 cm are given. It goes without saying that these large fish should only be kept in large aquariums. […]

  • Paracheirodon innesi Wild

    6. July 2022

    You think these neon tetras are nothing special? They are! They are wild collected ones from Peru! Although for sure 99.99% of all neon tetras traded worldwide are bred ones the species is still very common in the wild. And so every now and then they are sent to Europe as ambassadors of their kind. […]

  • Cynodon gibbus

    4. July 2022

    Only very rarely this “vampire predator tetra” gets into our tanks, because this species is extremely sensitive. So we are of course especially pleased that our specimens are very stable and in good health. We received the animals from Peru. Cynodon gibbus is a predatory fish that feeds on small fish. The species is very […]

  • Dicrossus filamentosus

    1. July 2022

    The checkerboard cichlid (Dicrossus filamentosus) is the most typical dwarf cichlid in the habitat of the cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi). It is found in Brazil (Rio Negro drainage) as well as in Colombia and Venezuela (Orinoco drainage). Males have a lyre-shaped caudal fin and grow to almost 8 cm long; the caudal fin of females […]

  • Xenotoca doadrioi

    1. July 2022

    In the past, this particularly pretty goodeid (Xenotoca doadrioi) was known as “Xentotoca eiseni San Marcos”. Unfortunately, the species, which was only “officially” described as a distinct species in 2016, is highly endangered. More than 50% of the originally known populations have already disappeared, with the rest showing a steady downward trend. The causes are […]

  • Oxydoras niger

    29. June 2022

    With a maximum length of 1 meter Oxydoras niger belongs to the largest species of thorny catfishes. Nevertheless it is a very peaceful species and therefore quite attractive for owners of very large aquariums, show aquariums and zoos. Fully grown these fishes are uniformly black (this is exactly what the species name “niger” = black […]

  • Nannostomus sp “Super Red“

    24. June 2022

    Since a few weeks pictures of bright red Nannostomus are circulating, which seem to be unnaturally colorful. However, these are actually wild forms from Peru, which are very close to or even identical with the Nannostomus rubrocaudatus (the “Purple”), which is also found there. Like the latter, the novelties have a prominent black spot in […]

  • Hyphessobrycon micropterus

    24. June 2022

    Again we succeeded in importing the unfortunately very rarely offered, very attractive Hyphessobrycon micropterus from the Rio Sao Francisco in Brazil.  For more information please see: The pictures in this post show animals from our current stock (June 2022). For our customers: the animals have code 261853 on our stock list. Please note that […]

  • Leporinus sp. “Strawberry” Bred

    22. June 2022

    So far we could import this probably most beautiful of all Leporinus only once: Leporinus sp. “Strawberry”. That was in the season 2010/2011, in which we managed two imports in small numbers. For these fishes please see An interesting side note: five of the fishes imported at that time we got back in top […]

  • Hyphessobrycon socolofi var. Green

    20. June 2022

    Only rather rarely – every few years – and if, then always in the summer months June-July-August, we receive Hyphessobrycon socolofi from Brazil, in which the back shines conspicuously green; besides, the second cherry-red spot on the tail root is colored particularly intensively red with these animals. We have been observing this phenomenon for many […]

  • Corydoras armatus

    17. June 2022

    In the last years we reported more often about Corydoras imports, which are similar to Corydoras armatus (= sp. aff. armatus or cf. armatus), but not identical. Now we received again the “real” C. armatus from Peru. The enormously high dorsal fin is really an eye-catcher. In addition it is always carried tautly upright, which […]

  • Pao abei (formerly Tetraodon abei)

    17. June 2022

    This beautiful and – by Pao standards – peaceful freshwater pufferfish originates from the Mekong River basin in Laos (type locality: the Xe Bangfai River near Ban Geng Sahwang); it is considered endemic (= only occurring there) in the Xe Bangfai. In contrast to Pao turgidus, which occurs in the same river, P. abei has […]

  • Platysilurus mucosus

    15. June 2022

    Predatory catfishes exude a special fascination to many a catfish lover. Unfortunately, many species simply become too large for permanent care in a normal sized home aquarium. However, there are also species that grow to only 20-30 cm in length and for which it is therefore not necessary to flood the entire basement to meet […]

  • Pterophyllum sp. “Guyana Red Dragon”.

    13. June 2022

    Similar to the fact that there are several red-backed angelfish populations, there are also several red or yellow-spotted wild forms. The ancestors of Pterophyllum sp. “Guyana Red Dragon” came from the Essequibo River in Guyana. Number and intensity of dots vary individually in each fish, but all specimens we currently received (they are now 5-7 […]

  • Pterophyllum “Manacapuru redback”.

    10. June 2022

    There is a lot of interest in special wild forms of the angelfish. Among the best known is the “Manacapuru Redback”, a very striking form. Because of the strong need for revision of the genus Pterophyllum, it is better not to call it “Pterophyllum scalare” scientifically, because what exactly this “real” scalare is has yet […]

  • Julidochromis marlieri

    8. June 2022

    The julies (Julidochromis) belong to the most popular cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. They are very beautiful, colorful and comparatively peaceful animals. Of course, for reproduction territories are formed and defended against other fish. All Julidochromis are recommendable aquarium fish, there is a suitable species for every aquarium. The largest is J. marlieri, of which we […]

  • Tyttocharax cochui

    3. June 2022

    Finally we were able to import once more one of the most charming dwarf tetras at all: Tyttocharax cochui. These very lively and absolutely peaceful blue flashes become only 1.5-2 cm long. The story how T. cochui was discovered is quite interesting.They were imported for the first time in April 1949 to Germany – as […]

  • Nothobranchius patrizii

    1. June 2022

    The nothobranchs (Nothobranchius) represents with N. furzeri one of the shortest-lived vertebrates of the world. Only the marine goby Eviota sigillata tops it, with it (in nature) never an animal became older than 59 days. In the case of N. furzeri, the time between hatching from the egg and death from old age is also […]

  • Oryzias woworae 

    30. May 2022

    The Blue Daisy (Oryzias woworae) is known by almost every aquarist child and we have this beautiful and easy to care fish regularly in our offer. Our current stock, offspring from Indonesia, consists of particularly large animals, which color themselves splendidly almost black in the courtship display. Apparently one has successfully crossed the attractive “Black” […]

  • Dario tigris – the “Black Tiger” was scientifically described

    27. May 2022

    The cute Flame Red Dwarf Badis (Dario hysginon) we have quite regularly in our stock. It originates from Burma (drainage of the Irrawaddy, Myitkyina District, Kachin State). More pictures of the species can be found here:  Partly together with the Flame Red another dwarf badis occurs in nature, which is already mentioned in the […]

  • Botia kubotai

    27. May 2022

    Some botias, among them B. kubotai, are available only seasonal and for a quite short time per year. The very beautiful species B. kubotai originates from the Salween-tributary Ataran in the border region between Burma and Thailand. It becomes around 8-10 cm long, maximum length reported so far is 13 cm. This species is one […]

  • Glyptoperichthys parnaibae

    25. May 2022

    For the first time ever we can offer Glyptoperichthys parnaibae, so far known exclusively from the Rio Parnaiba in Brazil. The Rio Parnaiba is located in the northeast of Brazil and has a high proportion of endemic, i.e. only there occurring fish species, because there is no connection to other river systems. The juveniles of […]

  • Macrognathus maculatus

    23. May 2022

    Spiny eels enjoy an increasing popularity. More and more aquarists are discovering that it is not always the colorful, constantly visible fish that are fun to watch, but also the more hidden fish personalities that are often only seen when feeding. Among these fish personalities are definitely the spiny eels. There are spiny eels in […]

  • Apistogramma agassizii Peru wild

    20. May 2022

    The dwarf cichlid Apistogramma agassizii has a distribution area that extends through practically the entire Amazon. With many of its genus comrades it is completely different, they often occur only locally and form then also location variants. Agassiz’ dwarf cichlid has so far successfully resisted all attempts to divide it. It is true that some […]

  • Platydoras armatulus

    20. May 2022

    The snarling zebra catfish – this is how Platydoras armatulus could be popularly called. However, it is actually called the striped raphael catfish. All spiny catfish can make distinct growling or croaking sounds when taken out of the water. They vibrate their whole body. Presumably this serves as a defense against enemies. But even without […]

  • Corydoras sp. CW 51

    18. May 2022

    The “New Pandas” from Colombia belong to the most attractive and at the same time easy to keep and breed corydoras of the last years. There are two forms/species, CW 49 and CW 51, which differ clearly in the shape of the black saddle spot. For CW 49 please see here:, for origin etc. […]

  • L129 var Hypancistrus debilittera

    16. May 2022

    The small remaining, nicely marked Hypancistrus debilittera from the Rio Bita (a tributary to the Rio Meta, Colombia, Orinoco drainage) enjoys a great popularity since years. Already with 7 cm length the males become sexually active, the maximum length is given with about 12 cm. We import this species regularly. Recently we received a “Hypancistrus […]

  • Triportheus rotundatus

    13. May 2022

    The strange narrow hatchetfish of the genus Triportheus belong to the flying fishes of freshwater. This is already indicated by the mighty pectoral keel with the muscles attached to it and the very long pectoral fins. The fish are predominantly silvery colored and grow to about 15 cm in length, which is why they are […]

  • Hyphessobrycon takasei

    11. May 2022

    The Coffee Bean Tetra is an exceptional species within the so-called Rosy Tetras: no other species has even a hint of such a large shoulder spot. The distribution area of the species is in the lower Amazon basin, the border area between Brazil and French Guyana. There you can find the Coffee Bean Tetra in […]

  • Neolamprologus pulcher (= N. brichardi)

    10. May 2022

    Whoever coined the name “Princess of Burundi” for this beautiful small cichlid: it is a brilliant name! The fish commonly known as Neolamprologus brichardi is by no means found only in Burundi, but is distributed in numerous color variants in Lake Tanganyika, which led to several scientific descriptions: Lamprologus savoryi pulcher, L. olivaceus, L. elongatus […]

  • Acanthicus adonis

    6. May 2022

    Now it is season again for one of the most beautiful of all loricariid catfishes: Acanthicus adonis. The species name “adonis”, which is reminiscent of the ancient god of beauty and vegetation, Adonis, is aptly chosen. For like the god described as a beautiful youth, the Adonis catfish is such a beauty only when young. […]

  • Ameiurus melas

    6. May 2022

    Among the aquarium fishes that have been kept already in the 1890ies belong the two species of bullhead catfish Ameiurus melas and A. nebulosus. Both species are very similar to each other and even specialists have problems to tell them apart. Initially bullhead catfish were brought to Europe as foodfish in the 1880ies from the […]

  • Apistogramma barlowi (= sp. mouthbrooder)

    4. May 2022

    The first reports about the brood care behavior of this dwarf cichlid in the early 2000s were a sensation. Mouthbrooding Apistogramma – one had never heard of it before. Later it turned out that things are complicated. Some of the females of A. barlowi, as this species is now called, show quite normal Apistogramma brood […]

  • Amatitlania siquia (= sp. Honduras Redpoint)

    2. May 2022

    The taxonomic status of this small cichlid, which has had quite a respectable aquaristic career as Amatitlania sp. Honduras Redpoint, is controversial. It is currently assumed that it belongs to the species scientifically described as A. siquia. Now this species is itself controversial and is seen by some scientists as a synonym to the old […]

  • Badis assamensis and Badis blosyrus

    29. April 2022

    In the north of India there are two Badis species, which are indistinguishable by color: B. blosyrus and B. assamensis. The only discernible difference that exists is the size of the mouth cleft. It is much larger in B. blosyrus and reaches below the center of the eye margin, whereas in B. assamensis the mouth […]

  • Phallichthys quadripunctatus

    29. April 2022

    Unfortunately only very rarely we can offer this cute dwarf livebearer from Costa Rica. The males grow to a length of about 1.5 cm, the females to a maximum of twice this size. The species name “quadrimaculatus” refers to the typically four spots these fish have on their flanks. However, many variations also occur in […]

  • Fundulopanchax scheeli

    27. April 2022

    Within the genus Fundulopanchax, which was established already in 1924, but then was seen as a synonym to Aphyosemion for a very long time, there are very large species, like F. sjostedti, which can reach 12 cm (see, but also many small species, which do not grow longer than 6 cm. Among the latter […]

  • Amatitlania nigrofasciata

    25. April 2022

    Are you in a phase of the hobby, in which nothing at all wants to work out concerning breeding? Then it is time for the emergency rescuer in all situations, the convict cichlid Amatitlania nigrofasciata. Although it is no longer available everywhere and at any time, especially in its natural form, it hardly ever disappoints […]

  • Corydoras sodalis Colombia

    22. April 2022

    Widespread species often show coloration differences in the different parts of the distribution area. So also the beautiful Corydoras sodalis, which is reported from Peru, Brazil and Colombia. From Colombia we could now import C. sodalis, which differ quite clearly in color and figure from e.g. animals imported from Brazil (see For our customers: […]

  • Yasuhikotakia modesta (2)

    22. April 2022

    One of the most beautiful and largest botias besides the well known and popular Chromobotia macracanthus is the Redtail botia Yasuhikotakia (formerly: Botia) modesta from Southeast Asia. These are gorgeous fish, usually with a very unusual dove blue base coloration that contrasts very nicely with the red fins. But there are also green, yellow-finned variants […]

  • Cyphotilapia frontosa

    20. April 2022

    The humpheaded Frontosa (Cyphotilapia frontosa) from Lake Tanganyika has enjoyed great popularity for decades, although (or: because!) the species belongs to the bull class among the cichlids. Old males, which look downright bizarre with their forehead hump, can grow 30 cm long. Females generally remain smaller. In addition, C. frontosa is a crepuscular predator that […]

  • Schistura savona

    19. April 2022

    What the Corydoras are in South America, the Schistura loaches are in Asia. In hundreds of species they populate practically every stream and smaller river of the tropical and subtropical regions of the continent. In many cases, identification is difficult or impossible. Not so with Schistura savona from India. Its “half band” pattern with white […]

  • Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia – extra pretty wild catches

    14. April 2022

    The tetra Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia was originally imported as “Lapis-Tetra” from Brazil; that was more than 20 years ago (see Since the breeding was successful this beautiful and easy to keep fish is now a common sight in the trade. The origin was mysterious for a long time, because the scientific description was based on […]

  • Rhinelepis cf. strigosa

    14. April 2022

    The two species of the genus Rhinelepis – R. aspera and R. strigosa – belong with over 60 cm attainable final size to the largest armored catfishes at all and are therefore predestined as show objects in zoos, public aquariums and of course also for owners of gigantic private aquariums. Color-wise they have nothing to […]

  • Aplocheilus panchax

    12. April 2022

    Because of the still bad flight connections imports from India come in only sporadically. Now once again an import worked out. It contained among others the common panchax, Aplocheilus panchax. A. panchax is the most common fish in large parts of India and can be found literally everywhere, from the smallest puddle to the shores […]

  • Hyphessobrycon procyon

    8. April 2022

    One of the still very expensive tetra novelties in the aquarium is the very, very pretty Hyphessobrycon procyon from the Rio Aripuanã in the middle basin of the Rio Madeira. It looks confusingly similar to the kitty tetra, H. heliacus, at first glance. H. procyon and H. heliacus form a species complex together with the […]

  • Corydoras robustus

    8. April 2022

    This Corydoras belongs with 9-11 cm of total-length to the biggest and most splendid species of the genus at all. Both sexes develop, when they are sexually active, long dorsal fins. The males can be recognized by the additional long ventral fins. At the moment we have wonderful, fully grown, well settled animals in stock. […]

  • L92/L194 Lasiancistrus tentaculatus

    7. April 2022

    There seems to be a consensus among armored catfish enthusiasts that L92, which is very widespread in the Orinoco drainage of Colombia and Venezuela and later received another L-number, namely L194, is identical to Lasiancistrus tentaculatus, which was described in 2005. However, L. tentaculatus is described as more or less monochromatic brown, while L92 is […]

  • Hypoptopoma sp. Ucayali

    4. April 2022

    From Peru we could import very nice Hypoptopoma. Most of the import consisted of H. gulare (see, but there were some specimens with very conspicuous, broad bands in the dorsal fin and contrasting caudal fins. Unfortunately the identification attempt based on the current revision of the genus (Aquino & Schaefer, 2010) did not give […]

  • Hyphessobrycon notidanos “Red Devil

    1. April 2022

    Hyphessobrycon notidanos from the upper drainage of the Rio Tapajós in Brazil, which was scientifically described only in 2006, is apparently a quite multicolored animal. So there is the “Red Devil” with much red in the body and blue iris and the “Yellow Devil” with red iris. Both color forms are said to occur together […]

  • Chelonodontops bengalensis

    1. April 2022

    Large puffer fish are always a cause for joy among our staff. The animals are not only beautiful, but they communicate with the keeper and the hall visitors. Their eyes are always in lively motion and it is difficult to avoid the impression that the fish in the aquarium looks at the person outside the […]

  • Gasteropelecus sternicla Albino

    1. April 2022

    Hatchetfishes are normally wild caught. They are very common, easy to transport and therefore a welcome addition to the sustainable ornamental fish fishery in Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Brazil. This is also true for the “Common” Hatchetfish, Gasteropelecus sternicla. For general information on the species, please also see For some years now, offspring of […]

  • Rasbora rubrodorsalis

    30. March 2022

    From Thailand we just received once again the dwarfish brilliant redfin rasbora, Rasbora rubrodorsalis. This species was recognized as a distinct species only late, in 1997, although it is widely distributed in Southeast Asia (Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam). It was formerly thought to be a juvenile form of the similar species Rasbora borapetensis. Unlike R. […]

  • Batrochoglanis sp. Venezuela

    28. March 2022

    Something is happening with the South American bumblebee and frog catfishes! In former times they were assigned to the long-whiskered catfishes (Pimelodidae), today they are placed in an own family, the Pseudopimelodidae. Often in the trade are the striking yellow-black marked, only 3-8 cm large South American bumblebee catfishes (Microglanis, 23 species), and the similarly […]

  • Hyphessobrycon negodagua

    25. March 2022

    At present the small tetras of South America experience a new boom. Numerous species have been and are being described scientifically. Thus also the ornamental fish collectors leave their beaten tracks and look for these animals, particularly since currently peppered prices are paid for the novelties. Naturally, such a thing only works for a short […]

  • Corydoras sp. “Ogawae” CW86 (cf. armatus)

    25. March 2022

    Corydoras armatus is a rather distinctive cory from Peru. We have also received this beautiful species, which is notable for its particularly high dorsal fin, from Venezuela from time to time (see Geographically this all fits together well, the catching regions both belong to the upper drainage of the Amazon.  However, there is a […]

  • Tatia musaica/ Centromochlus musaicus

    23. March 2022

    When the first black and white “Tatia” appeared in the ornamental fish trade some years ago, they were celebrated as a sensation. (see and We identified these fish, which originated in Brazil, as Tatia musaica. In 2017, a team of scientists published a study on Centromochlus species and described the species previously known […]

  • Channa marulioides

    21. March 2022

    The largest and most splendid of all snakeheads belong to the relationship of Channa marulius. This species occurs in India and attains a maximum length of about 120 cm. The largest specimen ever collected is said to have had a length of 183 cm and a weight of 30 kg. But most often the fish […]

  • Ancistrus sp. L184 (= L107)

    18. March 2022

    One of the most attractive Ancistrus species is this so far not scientifically identified species from the middle Rio Negro in Brazil. There the beautiful fish is not rare, in some places even very common, but the species apparently prefers biotopes which are avoided by the local fishermen; otherwise it can hardly be explained why […]

  • Apistogramma diplotaenia German bred

    16. March 2022

    The double stripe (= the translation of the word diplotaenia) is still a rare occurrence in the aquarium. For successful breeding you have to reach pretty deep into the bag of tricks of water chemistry and the animals are also relatively unproductive. This unusual Apistogramma species originates from the black water of the Rio Negro, […]

  • Aequidens superomaculatum

    14. March 2022

    For the first time we were able to import a beautiful Aequidens from Venezuela, which is probably Ae. superomaculatum. This species has been described scientifically only a few years ago – in 2015. Unique in the genus and also giving the name (superomaculatum = with a spot above) is the combination of a continuous lateral […]

  • Rineloricaria lanceolata “Red Dun“

    11. March 2022

    For the first time we can offer the breeding form “Red Dun” of the Chocolate Whiptail Catfish. This new breeding form goes back to a wild-caught male that we were able to import from Paraguay in November 2015 (see We gave it, together with some normal females of the same import, to our breeder […]