Fish Archive (3023)

  • Show Corydoras arrived!

    10. September 2013

    We received two very rare species of Corydoras from Brazil, which represent moreover two of the largest species of Corydoras at all: the “real” Corydoras narcissus (I), which can attain a maximum length of almost 10 cm, and Corydoras robustus, which can become even one centimeter longer. For the differences beween C. narcissus I and […]

  • Rivulus hartii

    10. September 2013

    We obtained this pretty killifish from a German breeder in small numbers. Rivulus hartii (the species has be placed in the genus Anablepsoides recently, thus the correct name is now Anablepsoides hartii) becomes comparatively large and grows to a maximum size of 11 cm. In the aquarium this rather peaceful fish can live up to […]

  • Satanoperca jurupari Tocantins

    10. September 2013

    We received very nice, approximately 15 cm long Satanoperca jurupari from the Rio Tocantins in Brazil. This eartheater is only seldom available. For our customers: the fish have code 678506 (12-15 cm) and 676507 (14-17 cm) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only! Text & […]

  • Micralestes stormsi

    10. September 2013

    We received the rare tetra Micralestes stormsi from Nigeria. the beautiful schooling fish are said to become around 10 cm long, currently our fish have a length of 6-8 cm and are sexually completely differenciated. Male can be recognized by the lappet on the anal fin. For our customers: the fish have code 149004 on […]

  • Xiphophorus variatus Rio Nautla

    10. September 2013

    We obtained in very limited numbers this beautiful local variety of the wild variatus platy (Xiphophorus variatus) from a German breeder. The Rio Nautla variety is a fish that occurs in the wild, not an artificial sport! For our customers: the fish have code 442983 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale […]

  • Nomorhamphus rex

    10. September 2013

    This species of halfbeak from Sulawesi (formerly: Celebes) has been described scientifically only last year (2012). It can be distinguished most easily by the coloration from N. ebrardtii, a quite similar species (see N. rex has yellow ventral fins, N. ebrardtii reddish-orange ones, N. rex has a red lower beak, the lower beak of […]

  • Golden barb Koi

    10. September 2013

    The Golden barb is an artificial sport that is said to have derived from the half-banded barb (Barbus semifasciolatus). However, nobody can say this for sure. The fish appeared in the 1960ies in the aquarium trade and is said to have been bred by an aquarist named Thomas Schubert of Camden, New Jersey, US. That […]

  • L168 bred specimens

    10. September 2013

    Once more we received very pretty bred L168 from our proofed breeder. Currently the fish are 4-5 cm long. The scientific name of the species is Zonancistrus brachyurus. The wrong name “Peckoltia pulcher”, however, still often appears on the stocklists. For our customers: the animals have code 26480-L168x-1 on our stocklist. Please note that we […]

  • L455 Chaetostoma sp. Tiger

    28. August 2013

    Finally we were able once more to import the wonderful Chaetostoma sp. Tiger from Peru. This is our second importation since 2011. Due to the fact that we offered the first specimens long before they attained a L-number they formerly had the codenumber 214844 on our stocklist. Now they have 26480-L 455-4 (5-7 cm) and […]

  • Macrobrachium brasiliense Paraguay

    27. August 2013

    For the first time we could import this species of shrimp from Paraguay. Most probably it represents a population of Macrobrachium brasiliense. That species was imported by us ocassionally already from Peru (see Compared with the Peruvian specimens those from Paraguay have more slender arms, otherwise they look identical. The maximum length of our […]

  • Monopterus albinus

    27. August 2013

    The swamp- or rice-eels are strange-looking fish that become around 75 cm long. In their natural habitat they live deeply burrowed in the mud. These fish can survive even in almost oxygen-free water, because they own a lung that enables them to breath atmospheric air they take from the water surface. Swamp-eels are predators that […]

  • Apistogramma agassizii Super Fire Red

    27. August 2013

    We received extraordinary beautiful specimens of this sport. Available in limited numbers only! For our customers: the animals have code 614883 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Nomorhamphus ebrardtii

    27. August 2013

    We imported very nice specimens of the halfbeak Nomorhamphus ebrardtii. This livebearing fish lives endemic (this means: exclusively there) on the island of Sulawesi, formerly known as Celebes. Here the species occurs mainly in smaller brooks. Maximum length of N. ebrardtii is around 6-7 cm. The bright orange-red fins are very striking as well as […]

  • Colisa cf. labiosa INLE

    27. August 2013

    These gouramis belong to a scientifically still undescribed species, which is close to C. labiosa. The parents of our fish have been collected during a private collecting trip in Burma in Lake Inle. Our specimens are adult German bred ones. Very nice fish! The maximum length of the species is around 8 cm. For our […]

  • Apistogramma sp. STEEL BLUE

    27. August 2013

    We received German bred ones of this magnificent Apistogramma. Very colorful! For our customers: the fish have code 628613 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Frank Schäfer, Rainer Hoyer

  • Mastacembelus erythrotaenia 40-45 cm arrived

    27. August 2013

    We received gorgeous, 40-45 cm long Fire Spiny Eels. These fish are real personalities and additionally they have splendid colours! As an exception we have included the photographer´s hand and fingertip in the pictures to give you an idea how large the fish really are. For our customers: the animals have code 426509 on our […]

  • Chalceus erythrurus

    27. August 2013

    We received bred specimens of this beautiful large tetra – the real one, with bright yellow ventral fins. Currently the fish are 7-9 cm long. For our customers: the animals have code 215003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Aquarium Glaser bei Facebook

    Aquarium Glaser on Facebook

    20. August 2013

    Dear reader, from now on Aquarium Glaser is also available on Facebook: Come and join us there. Have fun! Your Aquarium Glaser Team

  • Annamia normani

    31. July 2013

    This top-rarity among the hillstream loaches reached us from Vietnam, where the genus Annamia is represented by this single species. A second, formally described species (A. thuathiensis), also from Vietnam, needs to be researched. A. normani has also been reported from Laos and Cambodia. Annamia normani attains a maximum length of about 10 cm and […]

  • Corydoras polystictus

    31. July 2013

    We received from Brazil the very rarely offered, beautiful Corydoras polystictus. C. polystictus inhabits the Rio Paraguay basin in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. Corydoras polystictus is a deep bodies species, which likes to swim along with conspecifics. The spotted pattern varies in each individual. Maximum size reported for the species is around 4.5 cm. For […]

  • Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum LAGOS

    31. July 2013

    This beautiful killi is only very occasionally available as German bred. Currently we have some of these bred ones in stock. They are descendants from the population from Lagos (Nigeria). Our fish are large, full in colour and very pretty. This species is suitable for community tanks with peaceful, small fish (barbs, tetras, catfish etc.). […]

  • L25 Pseudacanthicus sp. Scarlet: German bred babies!

    31. July 2013

    L25 “Scarlet” is still one of the most sought after large loricariids. Now we can offer for the first time ever German bred specimens of this beautiful species which are currently 4-5 cm long. For our customers: the animals have code 26480-L 25X-0 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. […]

  • Piranhas! Serrasalmus compressus

    31. July 2013

    Another rarity reached us from Peru: Serrasalmus compressus. The systematics of  Piranhas are still poorly understood, especially young fish are very difficult to determine. Formerly this species has been often traded as S. hollandi. S. compressus reaches a maximum length of about 20 cm. This species of Piranha are solitary fish that feed in their […]

  • Laetacara araguaiae

    31. July 2013

    Finally we were able to import once more this charming dwarf cichlid. The fish was known in the hobby under the name of Laetacara sp. “Buckelkopf” ( = humphead) before the scientific description. For more informations, please click For our customers: the animals have code 603002 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively […]

  • Piranhas! Serrasalmus niger

    17. July 2013

    We received magnificent, 12-15 cm long Serrasalmus rhombeus from Brazil. This species attains a maximum length of about 50 cm and is thus one of the largest species of Piranha. Sometimes occur specimens with a very dark and dull coloration. In our current import we also obtained such a fish. This sport has formerly been […]

  • Datnioides microlepis

    Datnioides microlepis

    16. July 2013

    Finally we were able to import once more the most beautiful species of tiger perch, the Indonesian Tiger Fish. These large growing predators can reach a maximum length around 50 cm and are wonderful show fish for large aquaria. But our imports are still young, 4-6 cm long. There are two populations of this perch, […]

  • Cyclocheilichthys janthochir

    16. July 2013

    For the first time ever we have this beautiful species of shark in stock. Of course it belongs to the barb family, but species of several barb genera that have a similar body shape, are commonly called “shark” in the hobby. In our fishhouse it got the nickname “top-model-barb”, for it is very pretty, but […]

  • Crenicichla sp. Jatapu

    16. July 2013

    We were able to import a very special pike cichlid, belonging to the closer relationship of Crenicichla strigata/marmorata/lenticulata. Only one pair reached us, which is currently 20-25 cm long and thus not fully grown yet. According to the well known specialist for pike cichlids, Jens Gottwald (who supplied us a nice picture of a fully […]

  • Guppy Neon Flame

    Guppy Neon Flame

    11. July 2013

    This guppy sport is a real wonder regarding the coloration. We obtain the fish from Sri Lanka. The basic type is a tuxedo, eg light anterior body, black posterior body. The caudal fin is of the sunrise type, which means that it is yellow at its base and becomes red towards the border. In each […]

  • Peckoltia sp. L202

    11. July 2013

    We received very nice coloured L202 from Colombia. This species of Peckoltia has the additional L-numbers LDA 57 and LDA 79. The fish attains a maximum length of 12-14 cm. They should be kept at temperatures of about 25-29°C. For our customers: the animals have code 26480-L 202-2 on our stocklist. Please note that we […]

  • Cyprinion semiplotum

    Cyprinion semiplotum

    11. July 2013

    One of the advantages of the aquarium hobby is that there exists a species of fish for any thinkable taste. Most of our readers will for sure prefer the pretty Pseudomugil cf. paskai, but the plump and drab coloured Cyprinion semiplotum is also worth a look. This species of carp attains a maximum length of […]

  • Corydoras haraldschulzi

    10. July 2013

    Finally this beautiful cory, the long snouted counterpart to C. sterbai, is available again – in show size! For our customers: the fish have code 231505 on our stocklist. Available in limited numbers only! Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Guppy Flamingo Gold Body

    10. July 2013

    Once more we can offer a brandnew, breathtaking beautiful sport of the Guppy. The anterior part of the body is metalic-golden, while the posterior part of the body, the caudal and the dorsal fin are flamingo-red. For our customers: the fish have code 418313 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale […]

  • Pseudomugil cf. paskai

    Pseudomugil luminatus “Yellow”

    8. July 2013

    It has been only recently that we were able to present to you the sensational Pseudomugil luminatus “Red Neon” (see Now we received from one of our suppliers in Indonesia a new variety of that species which we called Pseudomugil luminatus “Yellow” due to the rather yellow basic coloration, compared with the “Red Neon”. […]

  • Crenicichla sp. Inirida I and III

    8. July 2013

    We received in very small numbers these beautiful pike cichlids from Venezuela. Crenicichla sp. Inirida III has the special feature of red spots in the pattern (see also–sp-inirida-iii_de_1495.html for the picture of an adult male). In Crenicichla sp. Inirida I the shape of the shoulder spot is unique and the males develop a very […]

  • L34 Ancistrus ranunculus

    25. June 2013

    Once more we were able to import one of the flattest species of L-numbers: Ancistrus ranunculus (L34). In any case it is the most emancipated of all, because in this species also the females wear a pretty large beard! For our customers: the animals have code 26480-L 034-3 on our stocklist. Please note that we […]

  • Hemigrammus stictus

    25. June 2013

    This peaceful and beautiful tetra occurs in the wild along with the Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi). A tank that is inhabited by a school of both species is a wonderful look. We recently received splendid wild collected Hemigrammus stictus. The species attains a length of 4-5 cm. For our customers: the fish have code 257503 […]

  • Huge range of large Pseudacanthicus in stock!

    17. June 2013

    Currently we can offer several species of the magnificent Pseudacanthicus in show size: L24, Pseudacanthicus serratus, 30-35 cm, only one specimen available, code 26480-L 024-8 on our stocklist L25, Pseudacanthicus sp. Scarlet, 30-35 cm, only one specimen available in that size, code 26480-L 025-8 L25a, Pseudacanthicus sp. Sao Felix, 30-35 cm, also only one specimen […]

  • Corydoras gossei and Corydoras seussi WILD

    14. June 2013

    Finally we were able to import once more the wonderful cory Corydoras seussi and its very rare, longsnouted sister species C. seussi. For our customers: the fish have code 230253 (C. gossei) and 230263 (C. seussi) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Pseudorinelepis sp. L 95

    12. June 2013

    Once more we were able to import another catfish gem: L95, a scientifically undescribed species of the genus Pseudorinelepis, which is very closely related to P. genibarbis. Our specimens come from the Takutu river in the upper Rio Branco basin. These gorgeous fishes are collected mostly in relative large specimens, because the juveniles are not […]

  • Roeboides descalvadensis

    12. June 2013

    We received this rare glass predatory tetra from Paraguay. It is an ideal aquarium fish for all who are interested in keeping predatory tetras and have no very large tank, because R. descalvadensis becomes only around 10 cm long. Feeding the fish is pretty easy for they accept almost any type of the usual frozen […]

  • Neocaridina heteropoda Yellow

    Neocaridina heteropoda Yellow

    12. June 2013

    The dwarf shrimp Neocaridina heteropoda is one of the most easy to keep dwarf shrimps. It is absolutely undemanding regarding water chemistry and tolerates water temperatures between 10 and 30°C. Moreover it is very easy to breed. The species attains a maximum length of about 3 cm and is a perfect aquarium animal. Neocaridina heteropoda […]

  • Aequidens patricki

    12. June 2013

    This cichlid originates from a comparatively small collecting site in Peru. That´s why Aequidens patricki is imported only very occasionally. In the wild, the species lives in soft and acidic water. However, the species is very hardy and adapts well to variable water conditions in the aquarium. Another positive fact is that this species is […]

  • Brachygobius doriae

    5. June 2013

    This is by far the most beautiful species of the bumblebee gobies. The males develop a splendid orange-red in the vertical bands of the body and tail. Females most often have yellow bands, but despite the colours they can be easily recognized by the comparably smaller head. The species has been confused with B. xanthozonus […]

  • Loricaria simillima bred

    5. June 2013

    We received charming German bred specimens of this mouthbreeding whiptail catfish. Just like the parents the offspring shows a great variability regarding coloration. For our customers: the animals have code 266651 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only! Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras amandajanea

    3. June 2013

    This beautiful species of Corydoras is only occasionally available. It has a comparably pointed snout and becomes around 6 cm long. In its natural habitat this species lives in dark water. So it has only very few markings on the light colored body: the dark eyeband and a rectangular blotch right below the dorsal fin. […]

  • Corydoras sp. San Juan

    29. May 2013

    The corys belonging to the Corydoras-elegans-complex are very variable in respect of coloration. Moreover they have a juvenile coloration that differs from the adult coloration, and the males have another coloration than the females. This makes them really difficult to apply to a described species. But the fish are very beautiful! Currently we have one […]

  • Corydoras sp. San Juan

    29. May 2013

    We received again this pretty and very variably colored Cory from Peru. It remains still an open question whether “San Juan” belongs to Corydoras napoensis, C. bilineatus or an undescribed species. The Corydoras-elegans-group, to which “San Juan” belongs without any doubt, is in need of revision. May this be as it is: “San Juan” is […]

  • Synodontis nigriventris – finally available again!

    28. May 2013

    This species represents without any doubt the most popular African catfish at all. The Upside Down Cat (Synodontis nigriventris) has reached us in good numbers and a perfect size again. Currently the fish are 3-4 cm long. For our customers: the fish have code 183402 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the […]

  • Wakin Goldfish Hoe Kim

    27. May 2013

    One of the earliest sports that developed in goldfish is the double tailfin. Simple goldfish with a double tailfin are called Wakin. Red-and-white pattern belongs to the most popular and most beautiful colour sports in goldfish. Red-and-white fish are called in general Sarasa. The Wakin Sarasa is also called Wakin Hoe Kim. Wakin goldfish are […]

  • Geophagus harreri

    Geophagus harreri

    27. May 2013

    For the first time ever we can offer this pretty eartheater. The parents originate from Suriname (exactly: the Tapanahoni river. However, the species occurs also in other rivers of Suriname, like the Maroni river, for example). The fish prefer a moderate to strong current, but change to habitats with less current for breeding. Keeping conditions: […]

  • Gymnogeophagus caaguazuensis

    22. May 2013

    We received wonderful wild collected specimens of this mouthbrooding cichlid (the females orally broods the larvae and young fry) from Paraguay. This species attains a maximum length of about 9 cm only (standard length, with the caudal fin the maximum length is around 12 cm) and thus is one of the smallest members of the […]

  • Fantastic Pterophyllum scalare Santa Isabel arrived!

    22. May 2013

    Yesterday reached us wonderful wild collected angels from Santa Isabel. The picture has been taken from one of the fish that arrived yesterday! The fish have a beautiful coloration and are in a perfect condition. For more information see For our customers: the fish have code 699835 on our stocklist. Please note that we […]

  • Moenkhausia costae

    21. May 2013

    This tetra originates from Brazil (Rio Sao Francisco and Itapicuru). It reaches a maximum length of about 7 cm. Currently we can offer German bred specimens of this attractive schooling fish. For our customers: the fish have code 268613 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank […]

  • Pseudomugil pellucidus

    21. May 2013

    For the first time ever we can offer this rare blue eye. The completely peaceful fish – they attain a maximum length of about 4 cm – a very interesting due to the fact that the stripe in the anal fin differs individually from yellow to red. For our customers: the fish have code 446153 […]

  • Guppy Albino

    21. May 2013

    One of our breeders has developed this unique and beautiful guppy sport from Magenta and Albino guppys. The fish are very healthy German bred ones! For our customers: the fish have code 419096 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very limited numbers only! Text & photos: Frank […]

  • Tetranematichthys wallacei

    Tetranematichthys wallacei

    21. May 2013

    Currently three different species of the remarkable genus Tetranematichthys are distinguished by scientists. None of them is often imported, because their secretive way of life between dead driftwood makes catching them a pure matter of luck. So we are very glad to have managed the first imporation ever of the species Tetranematichthys wallacei from Venezuela. […]

  • Clibanarius africanus

    16. May 2013

    The charming hermit crab Clibanarius africanus has become a very popular aquarium inhabitant. It is an euryhalin species, which means that it can survive in both pure fresh and pure marine water. However, it seems that it can live in pure freshwater only for a few months, so it is much better to keep it […]

  • Perisesarma huzardi

    16. May 2013

    This crab is something like the big sister of the “classical” Red Mangrove Crab, Pseudosesarma moeschi. Regarding keeping that crab no major differences exist to that of the smaller relative with the exception that P. huzardi becomes as twice as large – about 8 cm carapax width. So the species needs bigger and more spacious […]

  • Cardisoma armatum

    16. May 2013

    From the coasts of West and Central Africa originates Cardisoma armatum. The bright orange colored legs form a strong contrast to the blue body and let this crab become an attractive ornament. With a carapax diameter of approximately 10 cm it does not belong to the smallest crabs, therefore a spacy tank has to be […]

  • Biotoecus special

    8. May 2013

    For the first time ever we can offer both species of Biotoecus that have been described scientifically so far at the same time! Both species are among the rarest fish in the trade and this is the reason why it is so remarkable to have both of them in stock. Moreover, we can offer for […]

  • Iguanodectes geisleri

    Iguanodectes geisleri

    6. May 2013

    The lizard tetras of the genus Iguanodectes are in general very rare aquarium fish. Currently 8 species are accepted. The very slender fish attain a maximum length of about 7 cm and are peaceful schooling fish. We could import the very pretty Iguanodectes geisleri from Venezuela. This blackwater fish is characterized by the three coloured […]

  • Corydoras aeneus “Puerto Maldonado”

    6. May 2013

    We received this beautiful colour morph of the Bronze corydoras that exhibits a lot of orange colours from Peru. It belongs to the “Gold Shoulder” group, which is sometimes named Corydoras schultzei; however, this name is currently considered to be a synonym of C. aeneus. The fish is very rare and available in limited numbers […]

  • Carinotetraodon borneensis

    6. May 2013

    This pufferfish lives exclusively in pure freshwater on Borneo and is only very rarely imported. The maximum length is about 6 cm (males) and 4 cm (females). In the wild this fish lives in soft and acidic water! For our customers: the animals have code 408102 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply […]

  • Crenicichla marmorata Lago Maracana

    6. May 2013

    Lago Maracana is famous among aquarists for its beautiful discus. We now received for the first time ever two wonderful Crenicichla marmorata from that lake. The fish are currently 20-25 cm long. For our customers: the animals have code 671066 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: […]

  • Barbus partipentazona

    6. May 2013

    Finally we received wild collected specimens of this pretty barb again. Maximum size, keeping etc. is exactly as in the well known tiger barb. Barbus partipentazona originates from the south of Thailand. For our customers: the fish have code 370603 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: […]

  • Tucanoichthys tucano

    3. May 2013

    Finally we are able to offer this tiny, very nice and extremely rare dwarf tetra once more. For more information please see For our customers: the animals have code 298923 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Apistogramma paucisquamis and A. mendezi

    3. May 2013

    Apistogramma mendezi Although Apistogramma mendezi can be imported only occasionally and is also rarely bred the beautiful species is known to develop a great number of local varieties. Additionally males of the very same local population show a high degree of polychromatism. The term polychromatism means that animals can show a differing individual colour pattern […]

  • Biotoecus dicentrarchus

    3. May 2013

    Currently we can offer an absolute rarity from Venezuela: Biotoecus dicentrarchus. In this dwarf cichlid the male attains a maximum length of about 6 cm, the female of about 4-5 cm. The fish are sandbottom dwellers. For breeding the male builds a large sandhill where the pair is spawning. For our customers: the fish have […]

  • Hydrocynus goliath

    Hydrocynus goliath

    3. May 2013

    The tigerfish of the genus Hydrocynus are the top predators among the freshwater fishes of Africa. H. goliath represents the largest species, maximum length reported so far is more than 130 cm and 50 kg weight. Our specimens currently are 10-12 cm long. Tigerfish are very popular among sport fishers, but aquarists specialized in predatory […]

  • Hydrocynus goliath

    3. May 2013

    Once more we received nice specimens of this gigantic predator from the Congo. For more information on the species, please see For our customers: the animals have code 141403 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Pterophyllum sp. Jatapu

    3. May 2013

    Breathtaking, large, wild collected angelfish originating from the Rio Jatapu in Brazil arrived on wednesday. These animals have a very distinct black spot in the dorsal fin. We have never seen before such markings in angelfish. Possibly the angels represent a new, undescribed species. Even though the photo can – of course – not yet […]

  • Poecilocharax weitzmani

    3. May 2013

    Of course this fish is known in the hobby for decades already, but isn´t it nevertheless a breathtaking beauty? The tiny animal is an ideal companion of the cardinal tetra, along with which it occurs in the natural habitat, too. For our customers: the animals have code 281002 on our stocklist. Please note that we […]

  • Bryconops cf. caudomaculatus

    3. May 2013

    For the first time ever we could import this attractive tetra from Venezuela. Currently 12 species of Bryconops are described from Venezuela, but most of them are known from preserved specimens only. So our determination is only tentative. In any case the fish are very pretty; we suppose that they may reach a maximum length […]

  • Rasbora paucisqualis

    Rasbora paucisqualis

    8. April 2013

    It does not happen very often that we feel unable to determine an imported species at least roughly. But when a few weeks ago a shipment containing very small (about 1 cm) Rasboras from Thailand arrived we could name the fish only provisionally “Rasbora sp. Dwarf”. In the meantime the fish have grown happily and […]

  • Macrobrachium sp. Red Spot

    2. April 2013

    We received from India (West Bengal) this attractive species of Macrobrachium, which we could not apply to any described species so far. For our customers: the animals have code 484733 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Apistogramma sp. Xingu (Vielfleck)

    2. April 2013

    Apistogramma sp. Xingu is a Brazilian species of Apistogramma which is still undescribed scientifically. Like many Apistogramma species this fish has a number of varieties. We just received beautiful large bred specimens of the “Vielfleck”-variety (Vielfleck = many spots). For our customers: the fish have code 628744 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively […]

  • Acheilognathus tonkinensis

    2. April 2013

    The bitterlings are a subfamiliy of the great and diverse carp family. So far only very few species have been introduced in the hobby, but there do exist about 70 species and subspecies which are classified in 4 genera. It is a sad thing that only so few aquarists are interested in bitterlings, for all […]

  • Acheilognathus tonkinensis

    2. April 2013

    We received breathtaking, large Acheilognathus tonkinensis (Giant or Rainbow Bitterling). Fot more information, please click our customers: the animals have code 800154 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Baby reedfish arrived

    2. April 2013

    Only once per year we obtain baby specimens of the reedfish. Now is the season for the charming animals. For our customers: the fish have code 128700 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Oryzias mekongensis

    2. April 2013

    We received from Thailand one of the smallest species of ricefish. Oryzias mekongensis attains a maximum length of only 3 cm and is an ideal fish for so-called nano tanks. For our customers: the fish have code 339802 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Mogurnda adspersa

    2. April 2013

    We obtained wonderful, 6-8 cm long German bred specimens of this Australian sleeper goby. For our customers: the animals have code 436353 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Hyphessobrycon cf. melanostichos

    2. April 2013

    For the first time ever we can offer this attractive new tetra. Our specimens are German bred ones. Hyphessobrycon melanostichos has been described scientifically only in 2006. Until now the fish is known only from the upper reaches of the Rio Tapajos, namely a small river called Rio Doze de Outubro. If our fish are […]

  • Corydoras cf. kanei C142

    2. April 2013

    C142 is a very beautiful, peaceful and comparatively small species of Corydoras: it becomes around 5 cm long. It is said that C142 originates from the Rio Tapajos. Corydoras kanei is quite similar to C142, but the latter is distinguished from the former by the bright golden spots on the neck and the operculum. Such […]

  • Thorichthys-Week at Aquarium Glaser

    18. March 2013

    The genus Thorichthys originates from Central America. Formerly the fish were grouped in the catch-all genus Cichlasoma. The best known species is the fire mouth cichlid, Thorichthys meeki. All Thorichthys are very beautiful. Compared with other cichlids, Thorichthys are also quite peaceful. Currently we have a good number of species of Thorichthys in stock, which […]

  • Satanoperca rhynchitis

    18. March 2013

    We received beautiful German bred specimens of this rare eartheater. Until the species has been described in 2012 under the name of Satanoperca rhynchitis it was known in the hobby as Satanoperca sp. “Red Lips”. The fish develop the pretty red lips only when adult, so we add a picture of an adult specimen to […]

  • Chilatherina sentaniensis

    18. March 2013

    This wonderful rainbowfish seems to glow from inside! Sadly the species is very close to extinction in the wild due to environment pollution. This species is only found in Lake Sentani in New Guinea and some of the affluents of that lake. Luckily Chilatherina sentaniensis is kept and bred by rainbowfish enthusiasts and there is […]

  • Panque suttoni

    18. March 2013

    The Blue-eyed Panaque was in the 1980ies one of the most common loricariids in the trade. By the way: the correct scientific name is Panaque suttonorum. For unknown reasons the fish is hardly available nowadays. There are, however, a lot of rumours. Some say that an ecological catastrophe appeared, others tell that a madman has […]

  • Crenicichla sp. Fire Spot Venezuela (= sp. Inirida III)

    Crenicichla sp. Fire Spot Venezuela (= sp. Inirida III)

    5. March 2013

    Two days ago we were able to import a single specimen of pike cichlid , which we have never seen before. The animal for sure belongs to the rambling relationship of Crenicichla saxatilis; however, no scientific description on a species exist that has red instead of black markings on the body. Our specimen – most […]

  • Polypterus ansorgii xxl

    5. March 2013

    We obtained impressive, 50-60 cm long specimens of this rarest of all species of Polypterus. The fish originate from Guinea. For our customers: the animals have code 162409 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Crenuchus cf spilurus Venezuela

    5. March 2013

    Along with the new, red species of Crenuchus that lacks the tail spot (see we received splendid, large Crenuchus cf. spilurus from Venezuela. Some specimens also have a reddish basic coloration, others are yellowish. Only the males develope the gorgeous sailfins. For our customers: the animals have code 250225 on our stocklist. Please note […]

  • Barilius bakeri

    5. March 2013

    We could import this breathtaking beautiful barb from the South of India (Kerala). The species is an ideal ornamental fish for larger show aquaria. It attains a length of 12-15 cm. One should keep Barilius bakeri always in schools (from 5 specimens upwards), otherwise they are often very quarrelsome. For our customers: the fish have […]

  • Apistogramma velifera

    27. February 2013

    This pretty dwarf cichlid was known in the hobby under the names of Apistogramma sp. “Segelflossen” (=sailfin), A. sp. “Puerto Ayacucho” and A. sp. “Vierstreifen” (= four stripes) until it became described scientifically. The species has never been imported on a regular basis and currently no importations appear at all. So we are quite happy […]

  • Peckoltia sp. Alto Nhamunda

    27. February 2013

    For the first time ever we could import this attractive dwarf suckermouth catfish. The maximum length observed was about 14 cm. The males – they can be easily recognized by the long “whiskers” – have a very obvious different colour compared with the females. For our customers: the animals have code 277334 on our stocklist. […]

  • Trochilocharax ornatus

    27. February 2013

    Once more we were able to import the charming, only 2 – 2.5 cm long crystal rainbow tetra from Peru. For more information on the fish, please click For our customers: the fish have code 258333 on our stocklist.Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

  • Danio dangila

    20. February 2013

    We received once more very pretty Danio dangila from India. This species is the type species of the genus Danio. D. dangila attains a maximum length of about 12 cm. Each individual has a bit different pattern. The coloration reminds one in Damascus steel. For our customers: the fish have code 413403 on our stocklist. […]

  • A new species of Crenuchus!

    20. February 2013

    We were able to import this obviously undescribed species of Crenuchus from Venezuela. This beautiful, reddish tetra is distinguished from the only described species of the genus (Crenuchus spilurus) by the deeper body, the orange-red fins, the only hardly visible caudal spot and the fact that the anal fin in males of the new Crenuchus […]

  • Barbus fasciolatus

    20. February 2013

    Only very few species of barbs from Africa became established as ornamental fish, although a great number of small species occurs there. Only one single species is bred on a regular basis and can be found in the trade quite often: Barbus fasciolatus, the African banded barb. This fish is a real beauty! A well […]

  • Betta mahachaiensis and Betta siamorientalis

    20. February 2013

    These beautiful species of wild Betta have been described scientifically recently. We have both species in stock. Our tentative designations for the fish were Betta sp. Mahachai for B. mahachaiensis and Betta cf. imbellis Black Vietnam for Betta siamorientalis so far. Both species are very nice, comparably peaceful fighting fishes. Keeping and breeding is similar […]