Fish Archive (3023)

  • Hyphessobrycon eschwartzae (= Hyphessobrycon cf agulha)

    17. February 2014

    Finally we were able to import agin this very pretty, only occasionally available tetra from Peru. Keeping this fish is comparable o the popular Black Neon (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) that looks also a bit similar. For further information’s, please see For our customers: the fish have code 260203 on our stocklist. Please note that wee […]

  • Nannostomus nigrotaeniatus

    17. February 2014

    This beautiful pencil fish has been described scientifically only a few months ago. It is quite similar to N. trifasciatus, but has a much broader central longitudinal band. The most important visual difference for aquarists is the fact that this species is sexually dichromous. Only the males have the very nice red spots in the […]

  • Oryzias dancena

    17. February 2014

    The elder hobbyists will know this nice blue-eye from India under the name of O. melastigmus; but this is another species, which is hardly ever kept in aquaria. Our O. dancena originate from the area around Calcutta in India, where they live along with so popular fish species like the zebra fish (Danio rerio) and […]

  • Apistogramma urteagai

    17. February 2014

    This pretty dwarf cichlid from the Madre de Dios region in Peru is offered only very occasionally. The species is quite undemanding and thus a perfect subject for beginners who want to collect first experiences in keeping and breeding dwarf cichlids. A. urteagai does not require any special water conditions, this is another advantage of […]

  • Betta splendens Mustard Gas

    17. February 2014

    There is no accounting for taste. But without any doubt the name “Mustard Gas”, which is one of the most disgusting chemical weapons, is a bad offense against good taste. The fish nevertheless are extremely beautiful. It is said that initially an US breeder named Jude Als has bred the first Mustard Gas Bettas. However, […]

  • Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus

    17. February 2014

    This species has been named “Pinocchio cat” in the trade due to its funny looking nose. The species represents the smallest of all mouthbrooding whiptail cats – it usually grows only to 10 cm total length in aquaria – and is thus very well suited for keeping. We currently were able to import these beautiful […]

  • Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus

    17. February 2014

    These strange whiptail catfish, in nature living in a sandy habitat, are regularly imported, although in low numbers. This species requires a sandy substrate, in which they can hide themselves. Because this is a shy fish absolute care needs be taken in the choice of tank mates. The reproduction of this species is not very […]

  • Apistogramma uaupesi

    17. February 2014

    This is without any doubts one of the most attractive dwarf cichlids. Fully grown males show a very variable coloration, a fact that led to different common names in the past, like “Rotkeil-Apistogramma” (which means “Red-Wedge-Apistogramma”) or “Blutkehl-Apistogramma” (which means “Blood-Throat-Apistogramma”). However, according to most current knowledge, all these varieties appear in the wild together […]

  • Dawkinsia sp. aff. exclamatio

    10. February 2014

    Once more we were able to import this impressive barb from South India. It is a very close relative of D. exclamatio, but differs in details of coloration. For our customers: the fish have code 369666 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very limited numbers only! Text […]

  • Serrapinnus sp. aff. kriegi

    3. February 2014

    The tetras which were called “Cheirodon” for decades are splitted now in several genera: Nanocheirodon, Compsura, Odontostilbe, Serrapinnus, and Cheirodon. They all have a generalized pattern with a black caudal spot and light spots above and below it. We currently received a pretty species of that group from Peru. Sadly we were not able to […]

  • Eirmotus octozona

    30. January 2014

    This tiny barb is very enigmatic. It has been described in 1959 on the basis of specimens from the aquarium fish trade which were said to originate from Thailand (Bung Borapet). However, there have been no reports since then about any occurence of Eirmotus in Thailand. Oramental fish collectors formerly collected this species in the […]

  • Heros severus Gold-Red-Spot

    30. January 2014

    We obtained gorgeous, fully grown eyespot cichlids of that sport from a German breeder who kept them in a 1.800 liter tank. These fish are real eyecatchers! For our customers: the animals have code 661617 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only! Text & photos: […]

  • We can “big”, too…L191

    30. January 2014

    Ornamental fish are not necessarily small. Last week we received this juggernaut, a Panaque sp. “L191”. The animal has taken the transit from Colombia in our fishhouse in stride and has settled down perfectly.

  • Mystus leucophasis (formerly: Heterobagrus leucophasis)

    30. January 2014

    The Upside-Down-Cat from the Congo (Synodontis nigriventris, see is known by any aquarists child. But even experienced aquarists often don´t know that in Asia (in Burma) also occurs an upside down swimming species: Mystus leucophasis which can attain a maximum length of about 30 cm, but is commonly found 15-20 cm long. The schooling […]

  • Corydoras sp. Manu5 (CW062)

    28. January 2014

    Currently we received a number of still undescribed species of Corydoras from the Madre de Dios region in Peru, among them the very pretty Corydoras sp. Manu5. The Rio Manú is the larger of the two headstreams of the Rio Madre de Dios. Corydoras sp. Manu5 has the CW-number 62. For our customers: the fish […]

  • Pterophyllum leopoldi

    28. January 2014

    This is the third commonly accepted species of angelfish. The two other species are Pterophyllum altum and P. scalare. However, traditionally P. leopoldi is named “Dumerili” in hobby and trade, but P. dumerili is a synonym of P. scalare. P. leopoldi originates from Brazil. Here it lives syntopically with P. scalare. P. leopoldi always swims […]

  • Pelvicachromis silviae

    28. January 2014

    Finally we were able once more to import this pretty dwarf cichlid (males become 7-8 cm long, females stay 15-25% smaller) from Nigeria. Before its official description under the name of P. silviae the species has been known by hobbyists for about 40 years as Pelvicachromis sp. aff. subocellatus. For our customers: the fish have […]

  • Synodontis pardalis

    20. January 2014

    We received with the current Cameroon importation this beautiful squeaker, which can attain a maximum length of about 20 cm. The species is known only from the river Dja and its affluent Libi. This is the reason why the fish is considered an endangered species, for the Dja is heavily destroyed and polluted due to […]

  • Corydoras sp. Eder

    20. January 2014

    We obtained from the Madre de Dios region in Peru this extremely rare and beautiful long snouted Corydoras und the name of Corydoras sp. Eder I and II. From a zoological point of view both represent the same species, which is very variable in respect of coloration. In the hobby there are several synonyms for […]

  • Benitochromis finleyi Mungo

    20. January 2014

    This medium sized cichlid reaches a maximum length of about 12 cm. The very beautiful fish are pair-bonding oviphilic mouthbrooders. In repect of water chemistry the species is astonishingly adaptable. One should keep them in larger aquaria, for the fish can be become quite gruff against each other. For our customers: the fish have code […]

  • Ladigesia roloffi

    20. January 2014

    This beautiful tetra originates from West Africa. The fish becomes only 3-4 cm long. Nevertheless it should be kept in comparatively large aquaria, for it loves to swim a lot. The males can be easily recognized by the shape of the anal fin. The sense of that structure is not researched yet. Text & photos: […]

  • Geophagus altifrons Curua Una

    20. January 2014

    All species of Geophagus are gorgeous fish, but G. altifrons – the species can be recognized by the shape of the lateral spot, which is always smaller than the diameter of the eye – is one of the most beautiful of all. We currently can offer German bred specimens which belong to the population of […]

  • Monodactylus argenteus

    20. January 2014

    Are you planning already your tanks for the upcoming year? Maybe you try a brackish water tank? A large aquarium with a school of monos (Monodactylus argenteus) is a real eyecatcher and a perfect opportunity to learn about all the other interesting species that like it a bit salty. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Trichodactylus sp. Paraguay

    20. January 2014

    Crabs are the personalities among the crustaceans. The crabs of the genus Trichodactylus are exclusive freshwater crabs. These crabs are like most other crabs omnivorous and don´t stop for plants or tankmates. The crabs are not mean, they simply try everything wether it tastes or not. So one should keep the funny guys best in […]

  • Clypeobarbus congicus

    20. January 2014

    The Copper-red Congobarb is astonishingly only an insider tip among aquarists and even experienced hobbyists often never have heard of it. This beautiful fish attains a maximum length of only 4-5 cm, only in rare exceptions they become up to 7 cm long. These barbs are absolutely peaceful schooling fish. Currently we can offer the […]

  • Biotodoma cupido Peru

    Biotodoma cupido Peru

    20. January 2014

    The small cichlid Biotodoma cupido – the species can attain a maximum length of about 12-15 cm, but is sexually mature already at 6-8 cm total length – is probably the species of cichlid with the widest distribution in Amazonia. However, experts are merrily discordant wether all the different looking populations represent only varieties of […]

  • Barbus hulstaerti Lompole

    20. January 2014

    Once more we received a small jewel from the Congo basin. Again, a somewhat larger number of the Butterfly Barb Barbus hulstaerti could be imported, which was lost in the hobby for a long time. The colour variety with the large spot on the side is called “Lompole” after the collection site. The lively fish […]

  • Pseudapocryptes elongatus

    20. January 2014

    We could import this charming goby once more from India. It is a kind of mudskipper, but does never leave the water completely. It only swims in very shallow water. Against each other these mudskippers are absolutely peaceful. They feed readily on any type of usual fishfood. The maximum length is around 20 cm, but […]

  • Gasteropelecus maculatus

    Gasteropelecus maculatus

    15. January 2014

    Hatched fishes belong to very few species of fish that are able to fly. A hatched fish on the run jumps out of the water and uses the pectoral fins just like wings. So these tiny, only 5-6 cm long species can jump several meters. The typical hatched belly is also an adaption for flying, […]

  • Chromobotia macracanthus

    Chromobotia macracanthus

    15. January 2014

    The clown loach is one of the most popular species of loach at all. One should keep this up to 20-30 cm long species always in a small school, for clown loaches are very social animals. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Pseudogastromyzon sp. Red Fin

    15. January 2014

    Hillstream loaches have become more and more popular in the past years and some of the smaller species are imported on a regular basis now. Currently we received a new species via Hongkong. The very pretty fish attains a length of 4.5 – 5 cm. The males are already mature, they can be recognizes by […]

  • Corydoras ellisae

    Corydoras ellisae

    15. January 2014

    A beautiful, but sadly only rarely available cory from Paraguay. This species is the long-snouted counterpart of the most widespread cory in the hobby, the Peppered Corydoras. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Discus Royal Blue Nhamunda Maracanha

    11. December 2013

    We continue our journey through the magical world of recently imported wild collected discus with these magnificent animals. Available in very limited numbers only! You will find a small video of the fish on our facebook page: For our customers: the animals have code 731358 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply […]

  • Pseudolaguvia muricata

    Pseudolaguvia muricata

    11. December 2013

    Catfishes from Asia are sadly not “en vogue” currently. On the other hand, many new, attractive species have been discovered recently, which are perfect aquarium inhabitants. The first species of the genus Pseudolaguvia was discovered back in 1927, but only recently it was found that this genus represents a species-rich one. Pseudolaguvia are dwarf catfish […]

  • Channa andrao

    11. December 2013

    One of the smallest and most colorful species of snakehead has been described recently. Since about 12 years this fish is in the trade under the name of Channa sp. “Blue bleheri”. This mouthbrooding species becomes sexually mature at a length of about 8 cm. In the wild, they hardly ever become larger than 10 […]

  • Channa White Pearl Lemon

    11. December 2013

    We were able to import this attractive snakehead for the first time ever. In all probability it is a sport of Channa argus. Thus we expect that these animals can reach a length of 30-40 cm, exceptionally even 90 cm. And this is the good news: with every centimeter the fish grow they become more […]

  • Semaprochilodus laticeps

    11. December 2013

    We received wonderful Semaprochilodus from Venezuela. Sadly there was a lot of confusion regarding the correct identification of species of Semaprochilodus in the aquarium literature and in the internet. So S. laticeps – this determination is without doubts correct – is illustrated most often under the names of S. taeniurus (this is a different species […]

  • Goldfish Oranda Tricolor

    11. December 2013

    In the minds of many keepers the goldfish is a coldwater fish and has its high season in spring time, when the garden pond season starts. This is of course true, but reflects only a part of the reality. The highly developed sports – like the orandas – often are better kept in aquaria than […]

  • Atractosteus tristoechus

    2. December 2013

    The Alligator gars are so-called living fossils. They developed about 100 million years ago in the upper Cretaceous and haven´t changed much since then. Currently two genera live in the New World, namely Atractosteus (containing three species) and Lepisosteus (four species). The members of Atractosteus can reach about 2 m in length (formerly they are […]

  • Hyphessobrycon sp. aff. metae

    Hyphessobrycon sp. aff. metae

    26. November 2013

    We received this beautiful tetra fro Venezuela. So far we were not able yet to determine it exactly. For our customers: the fish has code 261352 on our stocklist. Please note the we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Betta unimaculata

    26. November 2013

    We received beautiful, fully grown, about 8 cm long specimens of this peaceful, mouthbrooding Betta as German bred. Keeping these fish is problem free, but one should know that Betta unimaculata is an excellent jumper, for it lives in brooks in the wild. So the tank must be covered carefully. For our customers: the fish […]

  • Hydrolycus armatus

    26. November 2013

    so interesting from a biological point of view that every aquarist should know them. Currently four species of sabertooth-tetras are distinguished. All have in common extremely large, saber-shaped teeth in the lower jaw that are used to spear other fish. In the upper jaw are holes in the bone that have the function of sheaths […]

  • Xiphophorus hellerii Yucatan

    26. November 2013

    In 1975 the Berlin aquarist Günter Daul collected during a holiday trip in Mexico some swordtails in the state of Quintana Roo and brought them to his homeplace successfully. This strain was called later erronously Xiphophorus hellerii Yucatan. However, the state of Yucatan is located west of Quintana Roo. Thus the strain should be named […]

  • L137 Hypostomus soniae / Cochliodon soniae

    L137 Hypostomus soniae / Cochliodon soniae

    26. November 2013

    The pretty, blue-eyed L137 from the Rio Tapajós is only rarely offered. It is a medium-sized species of Hypostomus that can reach a maximum length of about 20 cm. The colour of the fish is quite variable. Specimens exist that have rather brown fins, others have spotted fins and again others have bright orange-red fins. […]

  • Neritina pulligera

    Neritina pulligera

    26. November 2013

    We received a nice shipment of the Pitchblack racing snail Neritina pulligera. Like its close relative, the Zebra snail Neritina turrita, this snail is a excellent algae eater. The species does not breed in the aquarium. Our experience with that snail is that they don´t leave the water, in contrast to other species of the […]

  • Heterandria formosa und Neoheterandria elegans

    Heterandria formosa and Neoheterandria elegans

    26. November 2013

    Dwarf livebearers Finally we are able to offer once more both species of dwarf livebearers. Both are German bred ones. Dwarf livebearers are the smallest species of livebearing fish that are commonly kept in aquaria. Males become only 2 cm, females 3 cm long. Heterandria formosa, also known as the “Least killifish” is the more […]

  • Moema sp. Venezuela = Renova oscari

    20. November 2013

    Yesterday we informed you in our Extra-Newsletter about the arrival of a species of Moema from Venezuela, which was unknown to us so far. Some killifish-specialists informed us now that this fish represents a population of the monotypical (= containing only one species) genus Renova, which was described scientifically only in 1995. The genus Renova […]

  • Serrasalmus cf. neveriensis

    20. November 2013

    There are many enigmatic species of Piranha, but one of the most mysterious ones is S. neveriensis. For the first time ever we could import two specimens from Venezuela, which fit in respect of anatomical features very well with that species that has been described in 1993. The coloration of the fish varies a lot. […]

  • Nothobranchius rachovii

    Nothobranchius rachovii

    20. November 2013

    Rachow´s Nothobranch (the species has been named to honour Arthur Rachow, thus the common name must end on a “w”) belongs not only to the longest-serving, but also to the timeless most beautiful species of killifish at all in our aquaria. Most often the orange colour morph is kept, which has been collected in 1958 […]

  • Skalar Essequibo

    Scalar Essequibo

    20. November 2013

    It is a bit amazing, but the wild varieties of the angel fish appeared in the focus of aquarists only recently, despite the fact that angelfish are among the most popular oramental fish at all. A very pretty variety with many re spots occurs in the Essquibo river in Guyana. We get them as German […]

  • Cephalosilurus apurensis

    20. November 2013

    We have a real delicacy for fans of predatory catfish in small numbers in stock: Cephalosilurus apurensis. This species becomes around 30 cm long. The fish are very hoggish and real personalities! For our customers: the fish have code 214633 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text: Frank Schäfer, […]

  • Platythelphusa armata

    Platythelphusa armata

    20. November 2013

    Lake Tanganyika in Africa is a kind of very large aquarium. Hundreds of endemic species – endemic means that they occur only there and nowhere else in the world – live in Lake Tanganyka. This week we have some specialities from the lake for you. First: Platythelphusa armata. This is one of nine species of […]

  • Aspidoras pauciradiatus

    11. November 2013

    Finally the season for this charming dwarf has started. The species originates from the Rio Negro basin and attains a maximum length of about 3 cm. It is an ideal tankmate for tetras, dwarf cichlids etc. For our customers: the fish have code 208704 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale […]

  • Pterolebias longipinnis

    11. November 2013

    Finally we were able again to import this wonderful killifish from Paraguay. The fish are fast growing and reach a maximum length of about 12 cm. However, in the natural habitat it lives only afew months. Then the water dries away and only the eggs survive in the bottom of the former ditch until the […]

  • Pseudolithoxus nicoi

    11. November 2013

    We could import some specimens of the pretty white seam flyer cat from Venezuela. This rarely offered species attains a maximum length of about 12 cm. For our customers: the fish have code 284633 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Labeo boga

    11. November 2013

    Fresh fish can be most easily recognized by the red gills. Thus the Labeo boga, which we currently obtained from India, must be very fresh. Why the gill covers in this peaceful, schooling species, which can attain a length of about 30 cm and is a much sought for food fish in its home county, […]

  • Omobranchus zebra

    11. November 2013

    Once more we could import this charming freshwater blennie. For more information on the species, please see For our customers: the fish have code 439742 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras Neon Stripe (CW9, CW10, CW14/23)

    Corydoras Neon Stripe (CW9, CW10, CW14/23)

    11. November 2013

    A group of scientifically still undescribed species of Corydoras from Peru has bright metallic stripes over the back and is thus called “Neon Stripe”. Some of these beautiful fish are currently in our stock. One of them is the “Neon Green” (CW9), which we can offer in small numbers as wild caught, another one is […]

  • Ilyodon xantusi

    Ilyodon xantusi

    11. November 2013

    Once per year we are in the glad position to be able to offer a number of very rarely available splitfins (Goodeidae). Now this time of the year has come and our proofed breeder has supplied the results of this year. Among many other species are some specimens of very beautiful, large Ilyodon xantusi. This […]

  • Wallago attu

    Wallago attu

    7. November 2013

    We had to try quite long, but finally we succeeded and could import some youngsters of one of the most voracious of all predatory Asian catfishes again. Wallago attu attains a maximum length of about 2 m. The enormous mouth extents far behind the eyes and it contains a large number of spiky teeth. The […]

  • Crenicichla sp. Inirida IV

    7. November 2013

    For the first time ever we were able now to import another species of pike cichlid from the surroundings of Puerto Inirida in Colombia. This species is illustrated and described in the German book “Die Buntbarsche Amerikas Bd. 3” by Rainer Stawikowski and Uwe Werner as Crenichla sp. Inirida IV. This is also a very […]

  • Hyphessobrycon axelrodi

    Hyphessobrycon axelrodi

    7. November 2013

    Initially, this charming dwarf tetra was described from the island of Trinidad. The maximum length is 2 cm in males and about 3 cm in females. Now we received a shipment with wild collected specimens from Venezuela. The beautiful animals fit quite good to the description of H. axelrodi, the calypsotetra; the scientist Taphorn determined […]

  • Heterocharax virgulatus

    7. November 2013

      For the first time ever we managed to import this breathtaking species of tetra from Venezuela. The about 4 cm long fish always swim in closely aggregated schools. They settled in our fishhouse without problems, but for the photographer these fish are a real challenge. The brilliant glittering colours – blue, green, violet – […]

  • Rivulus tecminae

    7. November 2013

    Once the genus Rivulus was one of the most specious genus of killifish at all. Nowadays, more and more species are placed in different, smaller genera. This splitting is not always supported by the majority of scientists, and so some of them call still all species Rivulus, other scientists follow the splitting. In the case […]

  • Acestridium dichromum arrived!

    7. November 2013

    We received the very rare dwarf suckermouth catfish Acestridium dichromum from Venezuela. The species attains a length of 5-6 cm only. The species could be called “chameleon dwarf sucker cat”, for it becomes bright green when sitting on plant leaves, but changes colour to brown within a few days when only roots and stones are […]

  • Crenicichla sp. Inirida III (= Fire Spot)

    28. October 2013

    Once more we were able to import a small number of this extraordinary beautiful pike cichlid. Many specimens are obviously fully grown already, the fish have sizes of 8 – 15 cm. For our customers: the fish have code 673583 (8-10 cm), 673584 (10-12 cm), and 673585 (12-15 cm). Please note that we exclusively supply […]

  • Devario malabaricus

    28. October 2013

    The Giant or Malabar Danio is one of the most popular aquarium fish at all. The species takes some time to settle when brought in a a new tank and until then it looks a bit silvery. But when the males get in brooding mood they leave no doubts why this species of fish is […]

  • Boraras merah

    28. October 2013

    Wir haben derzeit bildhübsche Boraras merah im Stock. Die Art ist sehr eng mit B. brigittae verwandt und zumindest in manchen Populationen sehen die Weibchen wie B. brigittae aus, die Männchen wie B. merah (siehe auch Bei der jetzt importierten Population scheinen aber beide Geschlechter in B.-merah-Färbung vorhanden zu sein. Für unsere Kunden: die […]

  • Xiphophorus evelynae

    21. October 2013

    This extremely seldom offered wild platy species is a close relative of X. variatus and has been described initially only as a subspecies of Variable Platyfish. X. evelynae lives exclusively in the Tecolutia River basin on the Atlantic slope of Mexico. For our customers: the animals have code 476528 on our stocklist. Please note that […]

  • Megalamphodus megalopterus

    Megalamphodus megalopterus

    21. October 2013

    Black Phantom Tetra The Black Phantom Tetra belongs to the most common species of fish in the aquarium trade. It originates from the Mato Grosso in Brazil, but all fish in the hobby are bred ones. Wild collected specimens do not appear in the trade, because decades of selective breeding produced so pretty fish that […]

  • Corydoras eques

    21. October 2013

    From the Brazilian state of Amazonas we received again a species of Corydoras, which is long known to science but almost unknown in the hobby: Corydoras eques. This unique and extremely colourful species was collected near Anori. This typical schooling Corydoras looks best when it is kept in blackwater. The bright orange band over the […]

  • Barbus titteya Super Red

    21. October 2013

    The Cherry barb, Barbus titteya, is a favorite aquarium fish for decades already. The species is quite variable regarding coloration in the wild already. It lives endemic on the island of Sri Lanka. The sport called Super Red has been developed by selective breeding. Currently we can offer very beautiful animals from a German breeder. […]

  • Pygopristis denticulata

    14. October 2013

    One could name this fish the ideal piranha for home aquaria. They are very colorful and comparatively peaceful against conspecifics. It is also possible to keep them along with other larger fish species. This piranha is so to say an intermediate between the plant eating pacus and the meat eating piranhas. Although Pygopristis denticulata are […]

  • Megalodoras uranoscopus (= irwini)

    9. October 2013

    Currently we have very nice juveniles of this large species (50-70 cm) of thorny catfish from Peru in stock. For our customers: the fish have code 267503 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Corydoras sp. aff. imitator C140

    9. October 2013

    We received beautiful large longnose-corys from Brazil. Most specimens have a nice red spot right above the operculum. This coloration has not yet been described so far for Corydoras imitator. For our customers: the animals have code 232305 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Xiphophorus cortezi Rio Axtla

    7. October 2013

    Xiphophorus cortezi is another very rare species of livebearer in the hobby. We received a small number from a German breeder. This species has only a short sword, but a very beautiful large dorsal fin. For our customers: the animals have code 421222 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. […]

  • A new Cactus Cat related to L24/L25

    7. October 2013

    The Cactus Cats L24 and L25 become around 25-30 cm long and are quite popular among hobbyists with spacy tanks. The fish are very colorful and scientifically still undescribed. L24 originates from the Rio Tocantins and Rio Araguaia, L25 from the Rio Xingu. The two can be best distinguished by the pattern of the head: […]

  • L56x Parancistrus sp. 2-color

    2. October 2013

    We have obtained a small number of this very unusual loricariid from Brazil. “Technically” speaking, they belong to the species P. aurantiacus. The species is famous for the fact that they can be bright golden, marbled or black colored and it is documented that they can change the colours in comparatively short time. This phenomenon […]

  • Xenotoca eiseni San Marcos

    1. October 2013

    Only once per year we obtain a number of very rarely offered Goodeids, bred by a specialized breeder. This year the shipment contained inter alia the probably most beautiful species of these interesting livebearers: the San-Marcos-population of Xenotoca eiseni. For our customers: the animals have code 476513 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively […]

  • Asterophysus batrachus

    1. October 2013

    We could import a number of still young, about 5-7 cm long specimens of this unusual catfish from Venezuela. The fish feed readily on feeder fish. Here is the story that belongs to the animals: The Altum-Eater of the Atabapo In the spring of 2004 Aquarium Glaser managed to import for the first time one […]

  • Rhinogobius formosanus

    1. October 2013

    We could import this pretty brook-goby from Taiwan. The specific name of the fish refers to the old name of the island – Taiwan was formerly known as Formosa. The fish can attain a maximum length of about 8 cm. One should not keep them along with too small other fish, for the gobies may […]

  • Pseudomugil signifer GAP CREEK

    1. October 2013

    One of our breeders has to reduce the number of tanks in his fish house and so we have the very rare opportunity to offer some valuables among the rainbowfishes with given locality and in fully grown specimens. One of them is Pseudomugil signifer from the Gap Creek – beautiful animals, aren’t they? For our […]

  • Baryancistrus xanthellus (L18) adult

    1. October 2013

    The Yellow Seam Plecos or Golden Nuggets of the genus Baryancistrus (L18, L81, L177, see for an overview) belong to the most desirable species of pleco at all. Young fish look very beautiful. However, almost exclusively young specimens are available in the trade. Thus we were very glad that we were able to manage […]

  • Neocaridina heteropoda Sushi Blue

    30. September 2013

    Neocaridina heteropoda is for sure the most popular of all dwarf shrimps; probably one must learn a new name for it, as it seems as if the name heteropoda is a junior synonym to the name davidi. But despite the name, may it be heteropoda or davidi: the dwarf shrimp scene is unthinkable without that […]

  • Hyphessobrycon sp. aff. metae

    26. September 2013

    We could import this pretty tetra from Venezuela. There is no doubt that it represents a close relative of Hyphessobrycon metae. The broad stripe in the caudal fin of our fish is the main difference. For our customers: the animals have code 261352 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. […]

  • Lamontichthys llanero

    24. September 2013

    Currently we have this beautiful, but only very rarely available catfish in different sizes in stock. For more information on the species please see For our customers: the fish have code 264854 (5-8 cm) and 264856 (10-12 cm) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank […]

  • Leptagoniates pi

    19. September 2013

    We were able to import once more the very rare crystal glass tetra. The charming species attains a maximum length of only about 4 cm and is very peaceful. For our customers: the animals have code 266002 on our stocklist.Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Hydrolycus tatauaia

    Hydrolycus tatauaia

    17. September 2013

    Whosoever asked himself what makes a real good nightmare for small fishes in Amazonia: here is the answer. Hydrolycus tatauaia is a sabertooth-tetra that impales its victims with the extreme long teeth in the lower jaw. These teeth are so long that they have to be placed in special caves in the upper jaw and […]

  • Scobinancistrus sp. L253

    Scobinancistrus sp. L253

    17. September 2013

    This beautiful loricariid originates from the Rio Xingu. It becomes collected upstream from Altamira. In all probability the species can attain a maximum length of about 35 cm, but there are no reliable information on that topic available. The pretty pair we have currently in stock (and which made a good job as photo model) […]

  • Hemirhamphodon phaiosoma

    17. September 2013

    For the first time ever we could import this very beautiful halfbeak from Indonesia. The halfbeaks of the genus Hemirhamphodon are adapted to blackwater in the wild. Thus they need – at least for the time of acclimatisation – very soft and acidic water. Maximum length of the species is around 6 cm (male), females […]

  • Biotoecus dicentrarchus

    17. September 2013

    We have very nice, healthy specimens of this extremely rare dwarf cichlid from Venezuela in stock. For more information, please see For our customers: the fish have code 634483 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very limited numbers only! Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Hyphessobrycon heliacus

    17. September 2013

    We currently have magnificent, large bred specimens of the Kitty tetra in stock. The males already have wonderfully developed dorsal fin “flags”. This species has been confused in the past with Hyphessobrycon lowae, which is a different species. For our customers: the animals have code 261334 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply […]

  • Hemichromis sp. Firelips

    11. September 2013

    We received from a German breeder these pretty Jewel Cichlids. The fish cannot assigned to any species that is scientifically described. Possibly it represents a hybrid. If so, it is a very well done cross! The lateral spot that is so typical for most species of Jewel Cichlid is missing completely. The bright red lips […]

  • Nanochromis transvestitus

    10. September 2013

    We obtained beautiful bred specimens of this charming dwarf cichlis. Males of the species becomes around 6 cm long, females stay smaller. This makes Nanochromis transvestitus one of the smallest cichlid species at all. The species originates from the Lac Mai Ndombe region in the D.R. Congo. In contrast to most other congolese fishes, N. […]