Fish Archive (3023)

  • Aspidoras taurus

    5. August 2014

    This pretty species of catfish is found only very occasionally in the trade. The species is not allowed to be exported from Brazil currently, so exclusively bred specimens are traded. We just received a small number of the attractive species from one of our breeders. Aspidoras taurus reaches a maximum length of about 5-6 cm. […]

  • Toxotes blythii

    31. July 2014

    This archer fish that lives exclusively in freshwater originates from Burma. It has been discovered as early as 1860 and received its correct scientific name in 1892. Since then it has not been found anymore. Only in 2004 the first specimens appeared in the international trade and were celebrated as a sensation. These first specimens […]

  • Rasbosoma spilocerca

    30. July 2014

    This dwarf rasbora becomes only about 3 cm long. The species is new in our stocklist. The scientific description of the fish was under the name of Rasbora spilocerca, but nowadays it is placed in the monotypic (this means the genus contains only one species) genus Rasbosoma. The natural distribution of the charming fish is […]

  • Rasbora sp. Burmese Yellow Scissortail

    30. July 2014

    We obtained for the first time ever a small number of a new species of Rasbora from Burma. The new fish is without any doubts a close relative of the Indian species Rasbora rasbora but differs in details of the tail fin pattern. Currently our fish are 3-4 cm long. For our customers: the fish […]

  • Sternarchorhynchus aus Peru

    Sternrachorhynchus from Peru

    28. July 2014

    This week we introduced to you already a species of knifefish from Peru: Brachyhypopomus brevirostris (see The odd Sternarchorhynchus, which is theme of this newsletter, originates also from Peru, but belongs to a different family, eg the Apteronotidae. The number of described species of Sternarchorhynchus has risen enormously in the past few years. Up […]

  • Scalare Red Devil Show Size

    28. July 2014

    We received 50 gorgeous, fully grown Red Devil Angels. The fish are German bred ones. Our opinion is: more colour is impossible! For our customers: the fish have code 697565 on our stocklist. Please note the we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Crenicichla regani Alenquer

    28. July 2014

    The pike cichlids (Crenicichla) represent the most species-rich genus of cichlid at all. More than 130 species have been described. How many of them are valid is subject of discussions, but the number for sure increases to over 90. Some species become pretty large, more than 30 cm, but there are also real dwarf cichlids […]

  • Stigmatogobius sadanundio

    Stigmatogobius sadanundio

    21. July 2014

    Most species of goby are ground dwelling fishes. Only few species have a free swimming behaviour. The knight goby is one of these rare exceptions. We can offer this pretty goby from India on a regular basis. Knight gobies live in estuaries and can live both in pure fresh and in pure marine water. However, […]

  • Pseudotropheus crabro

    Pseudotropheus crabro

    21. July 2014

    The colorful mouthbrooders from Lake Malawi – the so called mbuna – belong to the most popular aquarium fish over decades already. They are also called the “coralfish of freshwater”, for – like their salty relatives – they unite splendid colours and a rather quarrelsome temper. The latter is due to the very restricted food […]

  • Blind cave tetras

    18. July 2014

    78 years ago a collector of ornamental fish – his name was C. Basil Jordan – discovered a blind species of tetra that lived in a cave in the state of San Louis Potosi in Mexico. Jordan was able to collect 100 specimens of the new fish and managed to bring them to the USA […]

  • Rhodeus ocellatus

    17. July 2014

    When the talk is about bitterlings one initially thinks for the European Bitterling, Rhodeus amarus, which is currently banned in the UK. In fact, there are more than 70 species of these fascinating brood parasites that deposit their eggs in live freshwater mussels. We were able now to import a species of bitterling from Hongkong […]

  • Cyprinella lutrensis (=Notropis lutrensis)

    15. July 2014

    Beautiful Cyprinella lutrensis in stock! There are many species of small cyprinids in North America, but only very few of them have made a career as ornamental fish. In contrast to the European minnows the Red Shiner (Cyprinella (formerly: Notropis) lutrensis) is a completely undemanding fish and does not need low water temperatures. The species […]

  • Phantastic wild collected Sahyadria denisionii from Karnataka!

    14. July 2014

    The Red line shark (Sahyadria denisonii, formerly known as Barbus denosonii or Puntius densonii) is a very popular aquarium fish. Currently it is traded almost exclusively as bred specimens from Indonesia. For the first time ever we now received an import of S. denisonii from a new collection area in India. So far the species […]

  • Aphyosemion gabunense

    9. July 2014

    We obtained beautiful German bred specimens of this really nice killifish. A. gabunense is the perfect species for all aquarists who like the colorful killifish group but did so far not dare to keep them: A. gabunense is a really hardy fish and pretty easy to keep. The Gabon killi attains a maximum length of […]

  • Halbfinale! Brasilien vs. Deutschland

    Semifinal! Brazil vs. Germany

    8. July 2014

    vs. Is it possible to compare discus with guppys? Hardly! Both are wonderful fish, but completely  different. A discus, more sailing than swimming through the tank, is fascinating to look at  even for non-aquarists, but it is also almost impossible not be excited by the brilliant guppys. So one can say: whoever wins the semifinal […]

  • Luciocephalus aura

    2. July 2014

    The pikeheads (Luciocephalus) are highly specialized labyrinth fish. They live as predators in blackwaters of Southeast Asia. Only two species are known, the “common” pikehead, which occurs on the Malay Peninsula and in Indonesia, and the Peppermint Pikehead, which is known so far only from the Province Jambi on Sumatra. Currently we are able to […]

  • Corydoras pygmaeus

    30. June 2014

    The Dwarf corydoras (Corydoras pygmaeus) belongs without any doubts to the most attractive and interesting aquarium fish for small tanks. This dwarf becomes only 2-3 cm long and is a somewhat untypical member of its genus, for most species of Corydoras are bottom dwellers; C. pygmaeus prefers to swim in the open water column. Interestingly […]

  • Kryptopterus geminus

    30. June 2014

    The glass catfishes of the genus Kryptopterus are close relatives of the Wels catfish (Silurus glanis). However, in contrast to this giant among the freshwater fishes (Wels catfish can attain a length of up to 2 meteres), the glass catfishes stay small. The largest species known so far (K. cheveyi from the Mekong basin) becomes […]

  • Serrasalmus geryi

    30. June 2014

    Once more we were able to import a real top-rarity: Serrasalmlus geryi. This species of piranha is restricted to the basin of the Rio Tocantins in Brazil. According to scientific literature this species becomes around 20 cm long. Thus our specimens that measure between 16 and 22 cm are most probably fully gown already. This […]

  • Zacco platypus – large males arrived!

    27. June 2014

    Currently we can offer large, 12-15 cm long males of this spectacular species of barb that reached us from Hongkong. Zacco are coldwater fish that can be kept either in unheated aquaria or in garden ponds. They love strong current! Smaller specimens (7-10 cm, both sexes) are also in stock. For our customers: the fish […]

  • Traccatichthys taeniatus

    27. June 2014

    For the first time ever we could import this pretty, red-finned loach from Vietnam, which has the popular name “Peppermint Loach” due to the bright green shine on the flanks. The species attains a length of about 12 cm and is very peaceful. One should keep these fish always in groups, for they are very […]

  • Chaca bankanensis

    Chaca bankanensis

    26. June 2014

    The frogmouth catfishes of the genus Chaca are very unusual fish. Only four species are known. The look quite similar to each other and form a catfish family on their own, the Chacidae. Chaca lie on the bottom without any move for most of the day. They wait for shrimps or small fish that take […]

  • Ivanacara (= Nannacara) adoketa

    18. June 2014

    Finally we could import again some wild collected specimens of this breathtaking beautiful dwarf cichlid. The fish are very lively and have very nice colours. All pictures were made in our fishhouse and show our current stock! Moreover we can offer German bred ones. For more informations on Ivanacara adoketa see and For […]

  • Yunnanilus brevis

    17. June 2014

    Yunnanilus brevis is a species of loach that originates from Burma. Here it occurs only in Inle Lake. The species attains a length of only 4-5 cm and thus belongs to the small species of fish. In contrast to most other species of loach, this one is a free swimming, schooling species. The swimming behaviour […]

  • Alestopetersius cf. leopoldianus

    16. June 2014

    Many species of African tetra have never been photographed alive or kept in aquaria. So it is often very difficult to determine a species of that group. We obtained for the first time ever from Lac Mai Ndombe (formerly known as Lake Leopold) a species of tetra that has wonderful shining colours in the right […]

  • Platystomatichthys sturio

    16. June 2014

    Finally we are able again to offer one of the most bizarre species of predatory catfish of Amazonia: Platystomatichthys sturio. Anyone who sees the fish for the first time will think that the animal is distorted; however, the upturned snout-tip is rather species-specific. Nevertheless the grade of this upturn differs individually and depends also a […]

  • Hypostomus luteus

    16. June 2014

    Yesterday the most beautiful of all plecos, Hypostomus luteus from Paraguay, arrived. Only fully grown specimens display the fantastic, reddish-yellow coloration, whereas young fish are black with light spots. All specimens are 35-40 cm long. For our customers: the animals have code 262639 and 262649 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the […]

  • Benitochromis riomuniensis

    16. June 2014

    We have some wild collected specimens of Benitochromis riomuniensis from Cameroon in stock. Benitochromis is closely related to the Pelvicachromis species and can be compared regarding the aquarium biology quite good with these peaceful and colorful cichlids. In contrast to Pelvicachromis, which are cave brooders, Benitochromis are biparental, ovophilous mouthbrooders. This means that both parents […]

  • Labeo variegatus

    16. June 2014

    After a long time we were able once again to import this beautiful species of Labeo from the Congo. Scientifically speaking, the name “variegatus” is regarded only as a synonym of Labeo cyclorhynchus nowadays. However, it is pretty difficult to substitute a well known name – like Labeo variegatus –  in the aquarium hobby by […]

  • L330 Panaque sp. Spotted 14-18 cm

    16. June 2014

    We have some specimens of this gorgeous, wood-eating pleco in stock. L330 originates from Colombia. Fully grown specimens get a spotted pattern all over the body. Younger specimens can look quite similar to L190 or Panaque nigrolineatus, because they usually show a striped pattern. The yellow tips of the caudal fin are a good hint […]

  • Crenicichla zebrina

    16. June 2014

    Does there exist anything like a dreamfish even in our days? Well, at least Crenicichla zebrina from Venezuela is a hot candidate! We were able to import two specimens of this top rarity which have a length of 15-20 cm. So far no external features are known for that species to separate males from females. […]

  • Megalamphodus roseus

    10. June 2014

    The Yellow Phantom Tetra is one of the colorful, small species. The peaceful dwarfs – they become only around 3 cm long – have blood red caudal fins and a wonderful contrasting large black shoulder spot. The species originates from French Guyana, where it occurs in the rivers Maroni and Oyapock. There are no exports […]

  • Hydrolycus armatus

    Hydrolycus armatus

    10. June 2014

    The complete opposite to the Yellow Phantom Tetra is the Giant Waterwolve. This fish-eating predator attains a maximum length of 75 cm and is thus the largest species of the four members of the genus Hydrolycus. Of course this animal is much sought after by owners of really big tanks and public aquaria; sadly larger […]

  • Amatitlania sp. Honduras Red Point

    4. June 2014

    The Convict cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciatum, formerly Cichlasoma, Archocentrus or Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus) was for a long time one of the most popular species of cichlid in the aquarium. Nowadays it becomes rather rarely seen. Instead of that species another Amatitlania appreared some years ago on stage, named Amatitlania sp. “Honduras Red Point”. These fish seem not […]

  • Amatitlania sp. Honduras Red Point

    4. June 2014

    Recently we could introduce to you this pretty dwarf cichlid that belongs to the closer relationship of the Convict cichlid (Amatitlania nigrofasciatum, formerly Cichlasoma n.), see we obtained again specimens from our proved breeder. For our customers: the animals have code 674452 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. […]

  • Pyrrhulina australis

    4. June 2014

    Finally we were able once more to import Pyrrhulina australis from Paraguay. The animals have pretty yellow caudal fins with a sky-blue seam, on the operculum is a shining, blue spot. The coloration of the body is changing with mood. Most often the fish display a dark horizontal band over the body, but this can […]

  • Crenicichla sp. Tapajós

    3. June 2014

    At the beginning of this week we introduced to you the dwarf cichlid Teleocichla proselytus from the Rio Tapajós (see A close relative, but much, much bigger is the gorgeous red Crenichichla sp. Tapajós that originates from the same river. The species is not described scientifically yet. Females (sadly too shy for a good […]

  • Mesonauta festivus

    Mesonauta festivus

    3. June 2014

    We received from Brazil very nice, wild collected flag cichlids. M. festivus is usually not kept due to its coloration, which is not very spectacular, but due to the interesting and peaceful behaviour. But the animals that reached us now have a very interesting, blue pattern in the face. The scales also show an attractive […]

  • Crenicichla lugubris Jutai

    3. June 2014

    Once more we were able to import some specimens of this gorgeous large cichlid from the Jutai region. This time the shipment contained one male with an extraordinary marble pattern. For more informations please click For our customers: the fish have code 670746 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale […]

  • Distichodus noboli and D. affinis

    3. June 2014

    Finally we were able to organize again an import from the Congo. The shipment contained two very pretty species of Distichodus. They look quite similar on the first glimpse. Both species become about 15-20 cm long. For our customers: the fish have code 127002 (D. noboli) and 123002 (D. affinis) on our stocklist. Please note […]

  • Corydoras robustus

    3. June 2014

    This cory belongs to the largest and most attractive species of Corydoras at all. They can reach a total length of 9-10 cm. Both sexes develop long, filamentous dorsal fins when fully grown. The males can be best recognized by the much longer ventral fins. For our customers: the fish have code 244106 on our […]

  • Heros cf. efasciatus Red Shoulder

    3. June 2014

    We received wonderful wild collected specimens of this extraordinary species from Peru. Currently the fish are 9-12 cm long. Experts are still debating whether these fish belong to the species Heros efasciatus or to a scientifically still undescribed species of Heros. But all agree that they represent the most attractive Heros at all. Males can […]

  • Oryzias latipes

    3. June 2014

    The Japanese Ricefish or Medaka is the typical pet of the Japanese scientists that work on genetics. Uncountable numbers of scientific papers exist about this fish. Nevertheless the wild type of Medaka is a top rarity in the ornamental fish trade. We now managed to obtain for the first time ever a wild type of […]

  • Altum angels: bred ones available!

    27. May 2014

    We obtained very beautiful German bred Pterophyllum altum. The “Orinoco” strain is characterized by the very good shape of the body and a high degree of red in the fins. For our customers: the fish have code 698303 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Trigonostigma heteromorpha

    27. May 2014

    Genetic investigations showed that there is not only one species of harlequin barb, but a number of sibling species, which have to be described scientifically yet. This becomes very obvious when we come across wild collected specimens. The depicted animal, for example, is a wildcaught from southern Thailand. It is much more elongate than the […]

  • Microctenopoma fasciolatum

    27. May 2014

    Our current import from the D.R. Congo contains inter alia two pretty species of dwarf bushfish: Microctenopoma ansorgii and M. fasciolatum. While M. ansorgii, the Orange bushfish, is imported on a rather regular basis, M. fasciolatum is found only very rarely in the trade. The Striped bushfish – this is the common name of M. […]

  • Hemichromis elongatus

    27. May 2014

    The Five Star General has a very wide distribution in western Africa and is one of the most beautiful species of cichlid at all. Sadly it is also one of the most aggressive species of cichlid and this is the reason why it is only very rarely seen in aquaria. The photographed specimens originate from […]

  • Colisa lalia Cobalt

    Colisa lalia Cobalt

    27. May 2014

    Dwarf gouramis are the orchids among the freshwater aquarium fish. They are extremely beautiful, but also a bit of delicate, but if kept properly they are real eyecatchers. The Cobalt sport was developed only in the 1990ies and became very popular. Today the fish is among the most common species found in the ornamental fish […]

  • Große Zebra-Oskar-Wildfänge eingetroffen!

    Large wild collected Zebra Oscars arrived!

    27. May 2014

    The Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus) is by far the most popular species of large cichlid from South America. This is not only because it is so splendid coloured, but also due to its behaviour: the fish becomes much larger than 20 cm, but is of calm nature and can thus be kept and bred properly in […]

  • Ctenopoma acutirostre wild

    Ctenopoma acutirostre wild

    27. May 2014

    The current import from the D. R. Congo also contained some wild collected leopard bushfish. This species is available as bred from Indonesia in the last years (see, but wild collected ones are very rare in the trade. The animals show an extremely variable pattern, each individual has a different coloration. One of our […]

  • Aguarunichthys torosus

    27. May 2014

    We could import a very special fish for the hobbyists specialized in predatory catfish from Peru: Aguarunichthys torosus. This species has been discovered only in 1986. Isn´t it fascinating that nature has the same solution for totally different species over and under the water? The spotted pattern of A. torosus is very similar to the […]

  • Teleocichla proselytus

    7. May 2014

    We received this very rarely offered dwarf cichlid from the Rio Tapajós in Brazil. Like in the humphead cichlids of the genus Steatocranus in Africa, Teleocichla have a reduced swimming bladder; because of that they exclusively live near the bottom. Our specimens have very nice orange colours in the fins. For our customers: the fish […]

  • Barbus jae

    6. May 2014

    Barbus jae is one of the smallest species of barb from Africa. It has been described from the river Dja in Cameroon. Sadly nowadays imports from Cameroon are very rare, so one has to be really lucky to find this jewel in a local pet shop. B. jae becomes only 2-3 cm long. Breeding B. […]

  • Macropodus ocellatus wild

    Macropodus ocellatus wild

    6. May 2014

    Finally we were able to import again wild collected Chinese Paradise fish. The currently imported variety shows an interesting striped pattern in neutral mood. Males in breeding mood look wonderful and have very splendid colours. However, as our animals are not in breeding mood yet, we show here exceptionally a picture of a male that […]

  • Parotocinclus longirostris

    6. May 2014

    These dwarf sucker cats reaches us from Brazil. They belong to the smallest species of sucker cat at all. Even fully grown they hardly extent 2.5 cm in length. The determination on species level is not absolutely confirmed, for obviously a complex of very similar species exists. However, in any case the fish are tiny […]

  • Leporinus desmotes

    6. May 2014

    There are a number of ringed species of Leporinus. Each of them has its own special charme. We obtained a shipment of very nice, small Leporinus affinis from Peru. Currently they are about 5 cm long, but fully grown they will reach up to 30 cm length. A closer look on the fish made clear […]

  • Potamotrygon

    5. May 2014

    Funny enough: some of the most popular species of a group in the trade are often totally unknown to science! This is for example the case in P. “hystrix” from the Rio Negro basin in Brazil. This species stays comparatively small – around 30 cm disc width – and is thus quite popular in the […]

  • Odontamblyopus rubicundus

    5. May 2014

    This goby from the lower reaches of the river Ganges belongs clearly to the category “faces that can be loved only by a mother”. Despite the look the fish that can reach up to 25 cm in length are very interesting. One should be careful with possible tankmates. Any fish that fits the mouth will […]

  • Double Sword Guppys

    5. May 2014

    What would the hobby be without guppys? Probably anyone who keeps ornamental fish has kept and bred at least once a guppy. The lively fish that shimmer in all colours of the rainbow are for sure among the most popular ornamental fish species at all. There are countless sports and even – genetically speaking – […]

  • Carassius auratus – Comet Black

    5. May 2014

    We received this sport of the goldfish from China. The animals are suited not only for the garden pond (they are completely winterhardy), but look also very nice in lateral view. For our customers: the fish have code 808202 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank […]

  • Corydoras sp Super Arcuatus

    2. May 2014

    Finally we received again this gorgeous, rare species of Corydoras from the Rio Purus in Brazil. The fish become almost double size compared with the “common” Corydoras arcuatus. In any other respect both species can be handled the same: they are hardy and beautiful fish! For our customers: the animals have code 221855 on our […]

  • Dario hysginon (2)

    2. May 2014

    The species of Dario – the Dwarf Badis – are in one respect comparable to their larger cousins of the genus Badis: they are Chameleon fish! Depending on mood or light the colours change a lot and fast. We have once more the Flame Red Dario, D. hysginon, from Burma in stock. The species becomes […]

  • Garra sp. Sunset-Goldscale

    1. April 2014

    We received this new, impressive species of Garra from India. The most striking feature of the species is that they have large, shining scales on the flanks. The position and number of these scales differs individually. Depending on the light these scales shine bright blue, orange-red or golden. The fully grown males (the photographed specimen […]

  • Iguanodectes arrived!

    1. April 2014

    We can offer currently three of the extremely attractive, only very occasionally imported species of Iguanodectes. from Venezuela arrived Iguanodectes geisleri (see and I. adujai, and from Brazil we obtained a species that porbably represents I. purusii. For our customers: the animals have code 264612 (I. geisleri), 264353 (I. adujai), and 264402 (I. cf. […]

  • Apistogramma cacatuoides Mega Orange

    1. April 2014

    An orange sport of the cockatoo dwarf cichlid is already known for quite a long time. But now we received for the first time a new strain that has really wonderful orange coloration. The breeder calls it “Mega Orange” – and we agree! For our customers: the fish have code 617343 on our stocklist. Please […]

  • Poecilia wingei Blue Star

    1. April 2014

    Poecilia wingei is also known as the Endler´s Guppy, named after the most common local variety of that species in the hobby. It stays much smaller than the common guppy and this daintiness makes the fish very attractive for many aquarists. As in the common guppy a lot of local varieties can be observed in […]

  • Procatopus aberrans and P. nototaenia

    24. March 2014

    One of the beautiful species of Procatopus which we were able to import from Cameroon, has already been introduced to you: P. similis from Mundemba ( Now two additional species follow: Procatopus aberrans from Ossing and P. nototaenia from Yabassi. The latter is sometimes considered to be an undescribed species by killifish specialists and then […]

  • Pelvicachromis taeniatus Bipindi

    Pelvicachromis taeniatus Bipindi

    24. March 2014

    Currently we can offer a great number of wild collected varieties of P. taeniatus from different localities in Cameroon. The local variety from Bipindi is characterized by a high degree of yellow colours, the females get a wonderful blue belly when displaying. For our customers: the fish have code 562702 on our stocklist. Please note […]

  • Beautiful P14/Itaituba, bred specimens

    24. March 2014

    The taxonomy of the black river stingrays is very confusing. Three scientifically described species do exist: Potamotrygon henlei (described from the Rio Tocantins), P. leopoldi (described from the Rio Xingu), and P. garrapa (described from the Rio Branco). In P. henlei several varieties exist that possibly represent different, separate species. All specimens from the Rio […]

  • Campylomormyrus compressirostris

    24. March 2014

    Currently only very occasionally importations from the DR Congo appear – mainly due to the unsatisfying flight situation. So it is highly appreciated that we finally were able to import some specimens of the bizarre genus Campylomormyrus that bear the common name elephant fishes. Systematics of Campylomormyrus are rather complicated; in all probability our fish […]

  • Desmopuntius rhomboocellatus

    24. March 2014

    We obtained extremely beautiful, fully grown specimens of the Orange barb. We want to take the opportunity to bespeak one more of the numerous changes in genus names in small barbs from Asia. Desmopuntius – the name means “prisoner-barb” and refers to the striped pattern that is shown by all species included at least as […]

  • Unser neuer Mitarbeiter Friedolin

    Our new employee Friedolin

    24. March 2014

    Dear reader, we are glad to introduce to you our ew employee: Friedolin. Friedolin is a professional fisherman and originates from the house of Playmobil. Any time really large fish come into play, it is Friedolin´s part to face the truth. He is a real brave guy and helps you, dear reader, to realize how […]

  • Acestrorhynchus falcatus

    19. March 2014

    We received charming and very pretty juveniles of the Redtail barracuda tetra Acestrorhynchus falcatus from Peru. One day the fish will become around 30 cm long. Currently they are about 6-8 cm long. This size is perfect for a complication-free acclimatation. For our customers: the fish have code 201701 on our stocklist. Please note that […]

  • Macropodus erythropterus

    Macropodus erythropterus

    19. March 2014

    Not much has been heard in the past few years about this beautiful paradise fish from Vietnam. This might be connected with the dispute about the validity of the species which has been considered to be a mere synonym of M. spechti (formerly: M. concolor) by some scientists. We recently obtained bred specimens that clearly […]

  • Charax stenopterus

    19. March 2014

    Usually no one expects that predatory tetras are especially colourful. Honestly speaking, we had doubts regarding the words of our supplier that the Charax stenopterus, which we could import now for the first time from Paraguay, who said that the fish were very nice coloured when he collected them. But guess what: after some time […]

  • Apistogramma sp. Xingu / Vielfleck

    14. March 2014

    We received wonderful, fully grown bred specimens of this beautiful dwarf cichlid. The species is still undescribed scientifically. For our customers: the animals have code 628744 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Dürre in Singapur und Malaysia

    Drought in Singapore and Malaysia

    13. March 2014

    Currently about 80% of the freshwater ornamental fish traded worldwide are bred specimens. A larger part of them is bred in Malaysia and Singapore. The drought there is extreme, February 2014 was the driest February in the region since 1869! This affects strongly the breeder´s facilities. One of our suppliers wrote: “The weather issue has […]

  • Lepidocephalichthys guntea – die ideale Aquarienschmerle

    Lepidocephalichthys guntea – the ideal aquarium loach

    12. March 2014

    There is hardly a second species of loach that is as good suited for the home aquarium as Lepidocephalichthys guntea is. The species becomes usually 6-8 cm long, only in very rare occasions larger specimens up to 15 cm have been reported in literature. The animal has a huge distribution area over the north of […]

  • Betta splendens KOI

    12. March 2014

    For the first time ever we could import a few specimens of this spectacular new sport. This is the first sport of Betta splendens that has been selected especially for the look from the top. Alike in Koi only very few specimens among thousands of offspring have a coloration that make a common Betta splendens […]

  • Betta splendens KOI

    12. March 2014

    Again we could import a few specimens of this spectacular new sport. We received short finned ones (“Half Moon Pla Kat”) and veiltails (“Super Delta”). This is the first sport of Betta splendens that has been selected especially for the look from the top. Alike in Koi only very few specimens among thousands of offspring […]

  • Ompok cf. fumidus

    Ompok cf. fumidus

    12. March 2014

    We don´t always get what we want. Initially we ordered the Malayan Giant Catfish Wallago leerii for one of our customers. But we received a species of Ompok from our Singapore supplier instead. However, this error is understandable. Even professional scientists have in the past confused both genera quite often and described a number of […]

  • Xiphophorus hellerii Wien Lyra

    Xiphophorus hellerii Wien Lyra

    12. March 2014

    Even in wild living swordtails one can observe the tendency in females to mate only with the most impressive males. And so in swordtails the swordfin developed. This fin is obviously a pure luxury without any practical use, comparable best with the train in male peacocks. The only use of this is to impress the […]

  • Hypselecara temporalis OYAPOC

    Hypselecara temporalis OYAPOC

    10. March 2014

    The Emerald cichlid has become a bit out of fashion. This is a quite sad thing, for this impressive large cichlid – males can become up to 30 cm long, females always stay much smaller – is one of the most beautiful species of cichlid of South America. For the first we can offer now […]

  • Boleophthalmus boddarti

    10. March 2014

    The mudskippers (Oxudercinae) represent a subfamily on their own within the goby family (Gobiidae). One can observe all steps from “normal”, aquatic species (for example in the genus Apocryptes) to partially land-dwelling, amphibic species (Periophthalmus) within the Oxudercinae. Members of the genus Boleophthalmus don´t leave the water completely, but can be found in zones of […]

  • Synodontis bastiani

    Synodontis bastiani

    7. March 2014

    The squeakers (Synodontis) are a species-rich genus of catfish from Africa. Currently 131 accepted species are known. The maximum size of these fish lies between 8 cm and 60 cm. Most species attain a maximum length of 15-20 cm in the aquarium. In their home-countries these fish are very common and heavily used as food […]

  • Panther crabs from Sulawesi

    7. March 2014

    The Panther crabs (Parathelphusa pantherina) are for sure the most attractive of all freshwater crabs. They originate from Matano lake in Sulawesi, where they can be also found under roots etc. on the shore. The animals are, like almost all crabs, omnivorous. However, most food items taken are from animal origin. The maximum width of […]

  • Metynnis fasciatus Breeding coloration

    7. March 2014

    Metynnis fasciatus is a very rarely offered silver dollar which has a characteristic zebra pattern. Males and females can be easily distinguished in all Metynnis by the shape of the anal fin, which is straight bordered in females and has a lappet-like extension in males. Now we could observe for the first time ever the […]

  • Tachysurus fulvidraco

    28. February 2014

    We were able to import a second, beautiful Chinese catfish after Pseudobagrus trilineatus (see fulividraco becomes about 12-15 cm long and is a perfect catfish for larger, unheated aquaria.The species is also often placed in the genus Pelteobagrus, but the international trade name is much more interesting: Chinese highway catfish! However, the scientific name […]

  • Brienomyrus brachyistius

    26. February 2014

    This week we obtained from Nigeria a species of mormyrid which we haven´t seen for years: Brienomyrus brachyistius. This comparably small species (maximum length reported is, usually the fish becomes 10-12 cm long) is a close relative to the species B. niger, which we were also able to import again (see The intelligent […]

  • Xiphophorus hellerii Pastel Comet

    26. February 2014

    The blue eye tells us that this wonderful new sport of the swordtail has been developed on white-bodied ancestors. This makes the red color on the body look so magically crystalline. The blue shine all over the body is fascinating. Finally, the dynamic “Comet” pattern on the tail puts the finishing touches on the fish. […]

  • Guppy Blue Sapphire

    26. February 2014

    Once more the breeders in Asia have developed a new, very nice guppy sport. The name “Blue Sapphire” is well chosen, for the fish shine in frontlight bright blue. Technically spoken, the “Blue Sapphire” is a sport of the Moskow strain of Guppy. One could name these little gems also “chameleon guppy”, for the males […]

  • Procatopus similis MUNDEMBA

    26. February 2014

    Our current Cameroon import contains also several local varieties of the magnificent lampeyes of the genus Procatopus. We want to introduce them to you in the near future. We start with a variety of P. similis from Mundemba, which is a breathtaking yellow species. Even the upper border of the iris is golden-yellow in this […]

  • Aequidens (Nannacara) Neon Blue

    18. February 2014

    For all aquarists that feel that Electric Blue Rams are too delicate and Rocio octofasciata “Blue Dempsey” too aggressive: here is an alternative breed from Singapore. The fish are sold under the name of “Nannacara Neon Blue”. Despite the fact that we are quite sure that these fish do not belong to the genus Nannacara […]

  • Rhinomugil corsula

    Rhinomugil corsula

    18. February 2014

    The Indian Four Eyed Fish belongs to the mullet family. It becomes usually 15-20 cm, in rare occasions up to 45 cm long. Like in the South American Four Eyes (Anableps) the eyes in Rhinomugil are parted horizontally. Nevertheless both genera are not related to each other. With the upper half of the eye the […]

  • Gymnocorymbus cf. thayeri

    Gymnocorymbus cf. thayeri

    18. February 2014

    Sometimes we obtain animals as so-called accidental catches. And sometimes these fish have never been reported so far from the area we got them from. The silver widow tetra (Gymnocorymbus thayeri) is a close relative to one of the most popular tetras in the hobby, the black widow tetra (G. ternetzi). Both look quite similar […]

  • Pseudobagrus trilineatus

    18. February 2014

    This very interesting catfish originates from China. We received our first importation of the species now. The fish become about 7.5 cm long and live endemically (= they occur nowhere else) in the Dong Jiang influence in the Chinese province of Guangdong. There is no universal agreement among ichthyologist in which genus this fish should […]