Fish Archive (3023)

  • Trichogaster leerii GOLD

    11. February 2015

    The pearl gourami (Trichogaster leerii) has not been bred in different sports yet, most probably because the wild type already represents one of the most beautiful species of fish at all. But now we received for the first time a golden (lutino) sport and we have to say that this variety really has a lot […]

  • Apistogramma baenschi (= Inka I)

    10. February 2015

    Apistogramma baenschi from Peru is for sure among the most beautiful species of dwarf cichlid. The male combines splendid colours (especially the wonderful caudal fin) with a fantastic high dorsal fin and the female is also a real eyecatcher due to its unique tiger pattern. Currently we have both wild collected and bred specimens in […]

  • Labeo coubie

    9. February 2015

    The great variety of species of Labeo from Africa is hardly known in the hobby. Even for scientists the determination is difficult. Only in 1990 a new species was detected in the Niger basin! This brings the number of Labeo-species known from the Niger to four: Labeo parvus, L. roseopunctatus, L. senegalensis, and L. coubie. […]

  • Salminus arrived!

    5. February 2015

    The genus Salminus currently comprises four species. These tetras can become very large. The most colorful of them is S. brasiliensis, also known as “Dorado”. Old fish get a breathtaking beautiful golden colour all over the body. This species is also known under the old, invalid name S. maxillosus. The species can become one meter […]

  • Apistogramma sp. Diamond Face

    4. February 2015

    We received some German bred specimens of that rare Apistogramma from one of our breeders currently. Initially this fish was imported in 2009 It was said to originate from the Rio Jutai in Brazil, a left hand affluent to the Amazon river (which is called Solimoes there). Since then to the best of our knowledge […]

  • Platy Pepper & Salt Rainbow

    3. February 2015

    We start in the new week with an extremely pretty salt & pepper sport of the platy. Each individual has a somewhat different colour. Some are rather red, other rather blue, most are a mix: rainbows! This new sport is a real and beautiful enrichment of the assortment! For our customers: the fish have code […]

  • Anostomus ternetzi

    2. February 2015

    The golden striped headstander, Anostomus tenetzi, has a very wide distribution in South America. It is recorded from Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. The specimens on which the original descritption based, originated from Venezuela, and we were able to import them from there once more. This beautiful fish is among the most peaceful […]

  • Cichlasoma ornatum

    2. February 2015

    Does something like mythical fish still exist? If so, Cichlasoma ornatum from Colombia and Ecuador for sure belongs to that category. Despite the fact that the species is known to science since 1905 already, only very few specimens ever swam in the tanks of enthusiasts in Europe and the US. Most probably not even a […]

  • Nannostomus marylinae Venezuela

    29. January 2015

    We could import a beautiful, only very rarely available species of pencil fish from Venezuela: Nannostomus marylinae. Some days after their arrival the fish showed two remarkable, reddish-brown spots in the middle of the body, a coloration that is said to be typical for N. minimus. However, now the fish have lost those spots. We […]

  • Acestrorhynchus altus

    27. January 2015

    We obtained most beautiful barracuda tetras from the state of Para in Brazil. They look very similar to the fish we sometimes get from Paraguay. However, the species from Paraguay has been described scientifically as Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro, whereas the type locality for Acestrorhynchus altus is in the state of Para, Brazil. If Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro and […]

  • Pseudoxiphophorus anzuetoi

    26. January 2015

    We can offer for the first time ever a very unusual livebearer: Pseudoxiphophorus anzuetoi. Possibly the specimens we currently have in stock are even the first ones traded ever worldwide. This species has been placed formerly (like all other species of Pseudoxiphophorus) in the genus Heterandria due to anatomical reasons. Funny enough, this led to […]

  • Pao baileyi (= Tetraodon baileyi)

    26. January 2015

    We were able to import one of the most curious species of freshwater pufferfish: Pao baileyi. This species occurs in the rapids of the river Mekong in Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia and has been discovered only in 1985. The species attains a maximum length of about 12-15 cm. The strange beard that is developed in […]

  • Mustang shrimps arrived!

    26. January 2015

    For the first time we can offer the very pretty, black-and-white “Mustang Shrimp”. The dwarf shrimps belong – according to the “godfather of dwarf shrimps”, Werner Klotz – to the species Paracaridina zijinica. Regarding keeping and breeding they do not differ from the well known dwarf shrimp “Crystal Red”. By the way: this species of […]

  • Julidochromis marksmithi

    26. January 2015

    The cichlids of the genus Julidochromis are among the most popular species of cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Until recently five different species have been recognized. All of them are kept and bred in home aquaria. These are J. dickfeldi, J. marlieri, J. ornatus, J. regani, and J. transcriptus. The most recently described species of those […]

  • Panaqolus sp. Alto Nhamunda

    26. January 2015

    Along with the spectacular Peckoltia sp. “Alto Nhamunda” (see a specimen of Panaqolus reached us, which is very similar to the L-number L374. Very similar is also L403. Both L-numbers most probably represent the same species. One should not forget that a L-number is not given for new species, but for Loricariids exported from […]

  • Trigonostigma somphongsi

    26. January 2015

    The Siamese Dwarf Rasbora (Trigonostigma somphongsi, formerly Rasbora somphongsi) has been described scientifically in 1958 on the basis of specimens that were imported by the ornamental fish trade by the end of 1957 from Thailand. So the exact type locality was unknown from the beginning. In the original description nothing but “Thailand” was mentioned, later, […]

  • Dicrossus maculatus – Checkerboard cichlids part 3

    26. January 2015

    This splendid dwarf cichlid is known to science since 1875, but almost never found in home aquaria. This is a great pity, because there are hardly any species that are as beautiful as this one and simultaneously as peaceful! Males become around 9 cm long, females about 6 cm. The animals we currently have in […]

  • Dicrossus foirni (= sp. Rio Negro): checkerboard cichlids, part 2

    26. January 2015

    Finally Dicrossus foirni is available again! This extremely rarely imported dwarf cichlid was formerly known in the hobby under the name of Dicrossus sp. “Rio Negro”. These fish are a real eyecatcher when fully grown. Keeping this jewel is not complicated at all, but for breeding extreme water conditions are necessary (pH below 5, hardness […]

  • Crenicara punctulatum – Checkerboard cichlids, part 1

    26. January 2015

    Currently we have several species of checkerboard cichlids (genera Crenicara and Dicrossus) in stock. Most of them are real rarities in the hobby, among them Crenicara punctulatum. We obtained this pretty species from Peru. Males of Crenicara punctulatum can attain a maximum length of about 12 cm, so this species is not a dwarf cichlid […]

  • Schistura spilota

    Schistura spilota

    16. January 2015

    The loaches of the genus Schistura are spread all over South and Southeast Asia. They have much in common with the catfishes of the genus Corydoras from South America: they are present everywhere and there does exist a large number of species. Schistura spilota from Thailand is one of the largest species at all and […]

  • Opsarius bernatziki

    16. January 2015

    For the first time ever we could import this pretty barb from Thailand. At first we thought the fish would belong to the species Opsarius ornatus, but after they has settled all of our fish showed a clearly marked caudal spot, which is typical for O. bernatziki, but lacking in B. ornatus. Another very similar […]

  • Synodontis sorex

    Synodontis sorex

    16. January 2015

    Two weeks ago we presented to you some species of catfish we imported from Nigeria. This wonderful shipment contained also some by-catches, which are species that were send erroneously along with the ordered specimens. One of these by-catches came with Synodontis clarias. It was the extremely rarely imported species Synodontis sorex. This “Scissortail-Squeaker” has a […]

  • Farlowella vittata

    16. January 2015

    The needle suckers of the genus Farlowella are quite specious. To date 27 species are recognized as valid. As many species look very similar to each other the exact determination often proofs to be quite difficult. The 27th species has been described very recently from Colombia (it is the species Farlowella yarigui which has not […]

  • Pelvicachromis taeniatus

    14. January 2015

    Once more a change of names of well-known aquarium fishes appeared. The different forms of Pewlvicachromis taeniatus have been regarded for decades as mere colour varieties of the very same biological species. But now a new study has been published which laces almost all “varieties” from Cameroon under the taxon Pelvicachromis kribensis. Only one “variety” […]

  • Nomorhamphus liemi and N. ebrardtii

    22. December 2014

    The pretty halfbeaks of the genus Nomorhamphus reach us usually as wild collected fish from Indonesia. They originate from the island of Sulawesi (formerly: Celebes) where they inhabit preferably running waters. They like to feed very much on insects from the water surface, but they also take readily dried or frozen food. Males become usually […]

  • Scleropages jardinii and S. leichardti

    22. December 2014

    The Bony tongues (Osteoglossidae) are real old high aristocracy among the recent fish species. They are witnesses of the ancient super continent of Gondwana, which included the recent parts of Africa, India, South America, Antarctica, and Australia. About 150 million years ago this super continent began to break. The Bony tongues drifted away from each […]

  • Chrosomus erythrogaster

    17. December 2014

    We can offer only very rarely wild collected fishes from the USA. But currently we have some species of minnow in stock, among them the very pretty Chrosomus erythrogaster. These fish do not need a heater, but feel also very comfortable at temperatures over 24°C. Maximum size for that species is 10-12 cm, currently the […]

  • Peckoltia sp. Alto Nhamunda

    17. December 2014

    We are glad to be able to present to you another jewel by the end of the week again. We could import last year already a new species of Peckoltia from the upper Nhamunda River in Brazil, which is also famous for its pretty discus. This first importation contained only fully grown specimens (see […]

  • Tateurndina ocellicauda

    10. December 2014

    This wonderful goby originates from Papua-Newguinea, but in the trade almost exclusively bred specimens are available. The fish belongs to the so-called sleeper-gobies. These fish have been named after a reflecting layer over their eyes. This looked for the first observers as if the fish would have closed its eyes for sleep. T. ocellicauda becomes […]

  • Tateurndina ocellicauda

    10. December 2014

    We received wonderful, fully grown bred specimens of this beautiful, small freshwater goby. Dominant old males develop a mighty humphead, females a round belly swollen from eggs. For more information, please see For our customers: the fish have code 461004 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & […]

  • Parailia pellucida

    Parailia pellucida

    10. December 2014

    The species in our small series on catfishes from Nigeria is – in contrast to the species described so far – always available and it fits perfectly in any community tank: the African Glass Catfish, Parailia pellucida. The maximum length is given with 15 cm in literature; however, we see only very rarely specimens larger […]

  • Bagrus filamentosus

    4. December 2014

    The African genus Bagrus contains large, predatory catfish. The maximum size of the different species is between 30 cm and more than one meter! Sadly the determination of the species is rather difficult, because most of the 11 species that are regarded as valid currently have been described before WW2. A modern revision does not […]

  • Synodontis clarias

    4. December 2014

    This week we want to focus on unusual species of catfish from Nigeria. Today: Synodontis clarias. This is the first species of Synodontis that became known by scientists. The original scientific description dates back to 1758 and was done by Linnaeus. Nevertheless the species is exported only very occasionally for aquaristic purposes. The fish attains […]

  • Synodontis batensoda

    Synodontis batensoda

    1. December 2014

    There does exist a good number of species of Synodontis that tend to swim upside down. The best known species is without any doubt the upside down cat, Synodontis nigriventris from the Congo. Now we were able to import the very rarely offered Synodontis batensoda from Nigeria, which shows a similar behaviour. It seems to […]

  • L204 Panaqolus albivermis

    28. November 2014

    One of the most beautiful L-numbers at all has obtained an official, valid name in 2013: Panaqolus albivermis. The species originates from Peru. We currently were able to import again a good number of wonderful young specimens of this small species of catfish (maximum length around 10 cm). Among them are also 5 spotted individuals. […]

  • Hemibagrus (= Mystus) wyckii

    27. November 2014

    The predatory catfishes of Asia are always a bit neglected by the specialized hobbyists, compared with their cousins from South America. However, Hemibagrus wyckii is a hot candidate to change this point of view. The body is plain, pure black and only parts of the barbels and the borders of the caudal fin are of […]

  • Pao palembangensis and Dichotomyctere ocellatus

    26. November 2014

    Pao palembangensis (= Tetraodon palembangensis) Once more we were able to import a small number of the most unbelievable freshwater pufferfish. This species is quite specialized. It occurs only on Sumatra and Borneo, where it lives in very soft and acidic water. This puffer is a pure freshwater species that never enters brackish or marine […]

  • Geophagus sp. Tapajos 1 – Red Head

    25. November 2014

    Geophagus sp. Tapajos 1 – Red Head We received gorgeous, adult, German bred specimens of this Geophagus, which is probably the most colorful species of Geophagus at all. Currently the fish are 10-14 cm lang and in a top condition. For our customers: the fish have code 681615 on our stocklist. Please note that we […]

  • Atyoida pilipes

    25. November 2014

    Dwarf shrimps are charming and completely harmless, but also very small. So keepers of somewhat larger fish often search for a species of shrimp which is absolutely harmless and day active, but also a bit larger – too large to be eaten as an intermediate snack between dinner and supper. For these cases mother nature […]

  • Cherax sp. Blue Moon

    25. November 2014

    We obtain a number of very beautiful species of the genus Cherax from New-Guinea. One of them is the “Blue Moon”, which is not yet determined on a scientific basis. The legs are bright blue and the carapax is of a deep midnight blue. The outer ridge of the claw is bright yellow-orange – this […]

  • Farlowella hahni

    25. November 2014

    Farlowella hahni The species of Farlowella are fascinating animals. These suckmouth catfishes look more alike small sticks than fishes! Currently 26 species are recognized as valid, which are spread all over South America. Sadly the determination of the species is often quite tricky. Four species of Farlowella are known from Paraguay, namely F. hahni, F. […]

  • Colisa fasciata bred

    25. November 2014

    We received breathtaking beautiful specimens of Colisa fasciata from Singapore. This species is an ideal tankmate for nice community tanks with small, peaceful barbs, minnows etc. and a dense plantation. For our customers: the fish have code 411104 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Lepthoplosternum pectorale – Dwarf Hoplosternum

    25. November 2014

    The Hoplosternum relationship belongs to the plated catfish and and is thus closely related to Corydoras & Co. Like these, they make good and interesting aquarium fishes. Sadly most species become quite large. So, the species of the genus Lepthoplosternum are the best choose for smaller tanks. The maximum size of the members of that […]

  • Markiana nigripinnis

    14. November 2014

    We received wonderful, large (8-10 cm) specimens of this extraordinary species of tetra from Paraguay. For more information, please click For our customers: the fish have code 266694 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only! Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Hoplias aimara Amapa Brazil

    14. November 2014

    Hoplias aimara belongs to the fighters. Without any fear they attack even humans. And one should keep in mind that H. aimara attains a length of more than one meter! So one should be really careful with these fish… For the first time ever we could import this species, which is known so far only […]

  • Mystus tengara (M. carcio)

    14. November 2014

    We received the smallest of the striped catfish species from India, which were all called formerly “Mystus vittatus”. The small species also had to face a real mess regarding the correct naming. For a long time the small species was called M. tengara, currently most scientists believe that the correct name has to be M. […]

  • Orthosternarchus tamandua

    14. November 2014

    There are several critters among the South American knifefishes, but Orthosternarchus tamandua is most probably the most unusual of all. We were able to import a specimen from Peru. Our fish has a length of 25-30 cm, the maximum length reported for the species is about 45 cm. For our customers: the fish has code […]

  • Barbonymus altus and B. schwanefeldii

    14. November 2014

    Two beautiful species of barb are continiously confused in the ornamental fish trade, because they look much alike as juveniles: Barbonymus altus and B. schwanefeldii. Both are known in the international trade as “tinfoil barbs”. In German they are named “bream barb” what refers to the deep body of adult fish. The main differences in […]

  • Rhinogobius formosanus

    1. November 2014

    We received again this pretty freshwater goby from Taiwan. The determination of the numerous species of Rhinogobius is often very difficult (see also R. formosanus is a pleasant exception of that rule, for it differs from all species of Rhinogiobius from Taiwan by the unique red coloration of the face. Taiwan was formerly known […]

  • Neocaridina davidi Fantasy Jelly

    29. October 2014

    The development of new colour sports in dwarf shrimps still goes on and on. The latest brandnew sport reached us now from Taiwan under the name of Fantasy Jelly. This pretty animal is of a deep, intense royal blue; the colour is so intensive that the shrimps sometimes even look black. Possibly this new sport […]

  • Alestopetersius caudalis

    27. October 2014

    The Yellow Congo Tetra is one of the most beautiful tetras of the dark continent. It reaches a maximum size of only about 6 cm and so it can be also kept in smaller aquaria. Sadly the juveniles look rather drab and so the fish is often overlooked in the pet shop. Now we received […]

  • Bangana behri

    27. October 2014

    For the first time ever we were able to import a quite bizarre species of carp from Southeast Asia: Bangana behri. This up to 45 cm long relative of Labeo has in adult state a horn on the head and a lot of tubercles in the face. In its native range – the Mekong basin […]

  • L167 arrived!

    27. October 2014

    Finally we were able to import again one of the most attractive species of Cochliodon: L167. The species belongs to the typical representatives of the genus, which feed mainly on soft wood. This can be recognized by the very few teeth, which have a specialized shape with a broad, mussel-shaped cusp. L167 originates from the […]

  • Rasbora sarawakensis

    21. October 2014

    The genus Rasbora is a very specious one and contains currently 82 described species. Nevertheless only comparatively few species have been ever kept in aquaria. R. sarawakensis reaches about 5 cm in length and originates from a part of Borneo that belongs to Malaysia. We were able to import the pretty schooling fish, which is […]

  • Clarias gariepinus marbled

    Clarias gariepinus marbled

    20. October 2014

    Sometimes it is almost impossible to distinguish between a food fish and an ornamental fish. The marbled Clarias is, however, bred in Southeast Asia as a food fish for human consumption. It grows extremely fast, is very hardy and can survive on the market without water for many hours, because it has an accessory breathing […]

  • Xiphophorus hellerii KOHAKU TRICOLOR

    20. October 2014

    Swordtails with three different colours are know at least for 15 years now. But breeding them is really tricky, because only few of the offspring has a nice pattern. Especially the black parts can cause problems. Specimens with a high dregree of black tend to have cancer (melanomia) and this ends as often fatal as […]

  • Brokatbarbe KOI

    20. October 2014

    The Golden barb is an artificial sport that is said to have derived from the half-banded barb (Barbus semifasciolatus). However, nobody can say this for sure. The fish appeared in the 1960ies in the aquarium trade and is said to have been bred by an aquarist named Thomas Schubert of Camden, New Jersey, US. That […]

  • Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro

    17. October 2014

    We received wonderful specimens of this most attractive barracuda characin of all from Paraguay. Currently the fish have a size of 11-15 cm and already have very nice colours. A. pantaneiro has been named A. altus in the elder aquarium literature. The latter is a close relative, but a different species. A. pantaneiro becomes 30-40 […]

  • Corydoras sp. Tukano Longnose

    14. October 2014

    There are still species of Corydoras that are imported so rarely and in so low numbers that the fish stay unfulfilled dreams of most enthusiasts. One of the most attractive species of that group is for sure the “Tukanao Longnose”. Of course these animals are not rare in the wild in the sense that there […]

  • Pyrrhulina cf. brevis Red Spots

    13. October 2014

    We received charming Pyrrhulina tetras from Peru, which most probably belong to the species P. brevis. Even on the day of their arrival the fish showed a lot of red colours. But when the males came in breeding mood in the photo-tank and started to quarrel they became even more colorful. At a glimpse on […]

  • Apistogramma agassizii Tefé

    13. October 2014

    We received extremely beautiful wild collect specimens of this most desirable variety of Apistogramma agassizii. The fish show the stripes on the belly, which are so characteristic for the Tefé-variety and additionally they have the yellowish-reddish back of the Santarém-variety. Gorgeous! For our customers: the fish have code 614772 on our stocklist. Please note that […]

  • L273 Pseudacanthicus sp. Titanic XL

    13. October 2014

    The Titanic was never traded in large numbers and is one of L-numbers in great demand. We received now three large specimens from Brazil, which seem to be fully grown. They are 25-30 cm long. One of them is for sure a male. It can be easily identified by the strong spines and the long […]

  • Lonchogenys ilisha

    13. October 2014

    For the first time ever we were able to import this extremely unusual tetra. Lonchogenys ilisha is a member of the family Acestrochrhynchidae, which means the species is closer related to the barracuda tetras (Acestrorhynchus) than, let’s say, to a cardinal tetra. Nevertheless our first observations proofed the species to be very peaceful, as well […]

  • Cochliodon sp.

    7. October 2014

    Among the most popular fishes from Paraguay is the Violet Red Bruno. Finally the species has attained a scientific name: Hypostomus basilisko. The distribution of the fish is the Rio Paraguay, both in Brazil and Paraguay. Here it occurs along with two quite similar species of the Cochliodon-group of Hypostomus, namely Hypostomus cochliodon and Hypostomus […]

  • Synodontis notatus

    7. October 2014

    We were able to import a pretty species of squeaker from the Congo: Synodotis notatus. The species attains a maximum length of about 25 cm and is worth mentioning for at least two reasons: first, the number of spots on the flanks varies a lot individually. Most specimens have only one spot, but there are […]

  • Moenkhausia pittieri

    30. September 2014

    The Diamond tetra is present in the hobby since 1933. The species lives endemic in the lake Valencia in Venezuela (Inclusive some tributary rivers). Usually only bred specimens are available, only every now and then some wild collected ones appear in the trade. At the first glimpse the fish may look a bit unspectacular, but […]

  • Heros cf. efasciatus Japaueri

    29. September 2014

    We received from Brazil beautiful wild collected Heros. According to our supplier the fish have been collected in the Rio Negro in the municipal Japaueri. The most obvious difference to other varieties of Heros are the red spots all over the body. Besides this the new imported Heros obviously become sexually ripe quite early. Our […]

  • Endler Guppy Sky Blue

    29. September 2014

    The new sports of the Endler Guppy are fantastic fishes. The brandnew sport “Sky Blue” which we obtained now for the very first time, is a perfect example. It is not only the brilliant coloration that makes these fishes so desirable, but also the lively behaviour. When the males do their harmless display-fights no real […]

  • Trigonopoma gracile (= Rasbora taeniata)

    26. September 2014

    We could import this pretty fish finally once more via Singapore. The two species of the genus Trigonopoma were placed in the genus Rasbora for a very long time. The second species, T. pauciperforata, the glowlight rasbora, occurs interestingly very often syntopically with its close relative. In die elder aquarium literature Trigonopoma gracile was usually […]

  • Clarias batrachus marbled

    26. September 2014

    Sometimes it is almost impossible to distinguish between a food fish and an ornamental fish. The marbled Clarias is, however, bred in Southeast Asia as a food fish for human consumption. It grows extremely fast, is very hardy and can survive on the market without water for many hours, because it has an accessory breathing […]

  • Pterophyllum wild “leopoldi Peru spotted”

    26. September 2014

    We received two species of wonderful, large, wild collected angels from Peru. One of them is traditionally called “Pterophyllum leopoldi” in the hobby. It has a reddish back and a number of red spots on the flanks. The name, however, bases on a mis-identification. The “real” P. leopoldi originates from Brazil and is in truth […]

  • Potamorrhaphis guianensis

    26. September 2014

    The needlefishes (Belonidae) are mainly marine fish. But there do exist three genera with a total of eight species in South America that live exclusively in freshwater. Among them the genus Potamorrhaphis is the most specious one: currently four acceoted species are known. Potamorrhaphis can attain a maximum length of about 30 cm. Astonishingly these […]

  • Rhinogobius rubromaculatus

    26. September 2014

    In the aquarium hobby we only started in discovering the large diversity of the small freshwater gobies of the genus Rhinogobius. This time the scientists were faster: 116 species have been described to date already! Sadly the distinguishing features that allow the determination of the species cannot be seen in many cases in live specimens. […]

  • Amblydoras nauticus

    26. September 2014

    Catfishes have no scales. But many species have bony plates that cover and protect the body. In the family Doradidae these plates are sometimes additionally armored by spines. One of the most common species of Doradidae in Amazonia is the marbled talking catfish, Amblydoras nauticus. The species is not very popular by the natives, because […]

  • Xenotoca eiseni San Marcos

    26. September 2014

    Only once per year we obtain a number of very rarely offered Goodeids, bred by a specialized breeder. This year the shipment contained inter alia the probably most beautiful species of these interesting livebearers: the San-Marcos-population of Xenotoca eiseni. For our customers: the animals have code 476513 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively […]

  • Alestopetersius smykalai

    25. September 2014

    Finally we were able to import once more one of the most beautiful African tetras: Alestopetersius smykalai. The species originates from Nigeria and becomes only 5-6 cm long. So it is a perfect fish also for owners of comparatively small tanks. Due to the wonderful blue back of the males – which differ from the […]

  • Mormyrus rume

    Mormyrus rume

    24. September 2014

    We received a species of bred fish from Singapore which is usually only traded as wild collected ones: Mormyrus rume. Currently the genus Mormyrus contains 24 species and subspecies. The determination is a very difficult task. Moreover, juveniles look totally different to adults. We obtained bred specimens of a species of Mormyrus from Singapore under […]

  • L107 / L184 Brillant-Ancistrus

    24. September 2014

    Among the most beautiful species of Ancistrus is this one. It originates from the middle Rio Negro area in Brazil and is not yet determined scientifically. Instead even two L-numbers have been given to it, namely L107 and L184. The Brilliant Ancistrus is a very peaceful species. The number and size of the white spots […]

  • Paraloricaria vetula

    24. September 2014

    The genus Paraloricaria contains three species that are distributed in southern South America. The fish are virtually unknown in the hobby. This is for sure at least in part due to the enormous size the fish can reach. At least P. commersonoides and P. vetula become larger than 50 cm. For the first time ever […]

  • Cryptoheros cutteri

    24. September 2014

    We received very nice German bred specimens of this smaller cichlid from Honduras. Despite the comparatively small size – males obtain a maximum length of 13 cm, females always stay smaller – one should not keep these cichlids in small tanks. They have a very vivid temper, especially when they care for the offspring. The […]

  • Corydoras amapaensis

    24. September 2014

    Finally we were able to import again a small number of the extremely rarely offered long snouted Corydoras amapaensis. The species is highly variable in respect of coloration. The sexes can be distinguished best by the shape of the spines of the pectoral fins, which are thickened and hairy in males. For our customers: the […]

  • Ophichthus apicalis

    Ophichthus apicalis

    16. September 2014

    Eels (in the scientific sense) are usually no ornamental fish. But there is a greater number of species than one expects, and many of them are used for human consumption. We were able now to import a species of eel from Vietnam that was to the best of our knowledge never imported before alive: Ophichthus […]

  • Aphyocharax anisitsi wild

    15. September 2014

    There are species of ornamental fish that are kept and bred already for such a long time that their conspecifics living in the wild are almost unknown now. Such a species is Aphyocharax anisitsi, the Bloodfin tetra. The first importation was back in 1906. The fish proofed to be easy to breed and very productive. […]

  • Cynotilapia pulpican

    15. September 2014

    At the first glimpse Cynotilapia look very much alike the Malawi Zebras of the genus Maylandia In contrast to the zebras, in Cynotilapia the teeth are monoscupid (with two cusps in zebras). This difference is of more importance than one should think, for the zebras feed on Aufwuchs (eg the algae film on rocks etc. […]

  • Corydoras tukano

    15. September 2014

    Hard to believe but true: it took five long years until we were able now to import once more Corydoras tukano. Now this pretty fish is finally available again. We obtained very stable, beautiful animals. For more information and how to distinguish C. tukano from its close relative C. reynoldsi, please see For our […]

  • L234 Megalancistrus sp. Rio Urguayo

    10. September 2014

    We were able to import two pretty gobbets from Paraguay, or, to be more detailed, from the Rio Urguayo. The two Megalancistrus are currently 40-50 cm long and show clearly why they have deserved their generic name: Megalancistrus means “gigantic Ancistrus”. Scientifically speaking, our fish most probably belong to the species M. parananus. For our […]

  • Laemolyta taeniata (= Anostomus taeniatus)

    21. August 2014

    For many years we obtained the striped headstander that looks like the big brother of the golden pencilfish only in single specimens. Now we were finally able to import about 30 specimens of the pretty fish from Peru. The species is a typical headstander in all respects of behaviour. It can become larger than 20 […]

  • Corydoras concolor

    20. August 2014

    We received really beautiful Corydoras concolor in a perfect size (md-lg) from Colombia. The sexually active males develop very pretty high fins. For our customers: the fish have code 226004 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Aphyolebias peruensis

    19. August 2014

    Aphyolebias peruensis Once more we were able to import this beautiful killifsih from Peru. The pictures show animals from our current stock. For more informations, please see For our customers: the fish have code 342803 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Synodontis robertsi

    18. August 2014

    The squeakers (Synodontis) are a very species-rich genus. More than 130 species are known, all of them originate from Africa. In the countries of their origin most species are used for food. In the aquarium hobby most species are unknown with a few exceptions. Among the most pretty, smallest and rarest species of Synodontis is […]

  • Tetraodon miurus

    Tetraodon miurus

    18. August 2014

    The Congo Puffer is one of the most remarkable species of freshwater pufferfish at all. The strictly solitary living species is a predator. It prefers to spend the day completely burrowed in sand. Only the mouth and the eyes peep out of the lair. If a potential prey comes along the puffer shoots out of […]

  • Endler´s Guppy El Tigre

    15. August 2014

    One of our breeders in Thailand loves wild forms of small livebearers. He now was able to send us for the first time ever the “El Tigre” variety of Endler´s Guppy (Poecilia wingei). The fish represent a pure strain of a population that was initially collected in El Tigre, Venezuela. Of course the fish are […]

  • Kryptopterus minor

    15. August 2014

    The “Ghost catfish” has been kept for more than 80 years under a wrong name in our tanks. Initially it was determined as Kryptopterus bicirrhis, afterwards as K. minor. However, both determinations proofed to be wrong, the species was in fact new to science and still undescribed! Now it has a final name, ie Kryptopterus […]

  • Nematobrycon palmeri wild

    12. August 2014

    The emperor tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri) belongs for decades already to the most beloved species of tetra at all. This is due to its great beauty and interesting behaviour. The species is available the whole year through as bred ones. Wild collected ones, on the other hand, are available only seasonally. We recently obtained once more […]

  • Neolebias trewavasae

    12. August 2014

    The genus Neolebias contains 12 species of small tetra from western Africa. Neolebias trewavasae attains a maximum length of about 5 cm and is one of the largest members of the genus. Sadly the species is only very rarely available in the trade, so we are glad that we could import them now once more […]

  • Sphaerichthys selatanensis

    11. August 2014

    Sphaerichthys selatanensis The season for crossband chocolate gouramis has started. Finally the pretty small anabantoid is available again. For more information please see For our customers: the fish has code 455822 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Aspidoras sp. C125 Red

    6. August 2014

    Yesterday we introduced to you the pretty Aspidoras taurus (see We received from the very same breeder for the first time the very nice albinotic red variety of Aspidoras sp. C125. The wild coloured variety looks quite similar to A. taurus, but the fish stays a bit smaller (4-4,5 cm). According to our breeder […]

  • Trachelyopterus fisheri

    5. August 2014

    Currently we can offer a very odd species of catfish, namely Trachelyopterus fisheri. Initially this species of driftwood catfish orginates from Colombia where it is found in the system of the Rio Sucio. From that area only very occasionally importations appear. So we are quite happy that we have an adult wild collected male of […]

  • Moema hellneri (= M. cf. ortegai)

    5. August 2014

    We were able to import astonishing large Moema hellneri (formerly: Moema cf. ortegai, see comment below) from Peru. The females are around 8 cm, the males around 12 cm long. This places them among the largest species of killifish known so far. The extremely large pectoral fins of the males are very impressive. However, the […]

  • Chitala blanci

    5. August 2014

    The Asian featherbacks, which have a well developed dorsal fin, have been placed in the genus Notopterus for a long time. Nowadays the genus Notopterus is seen monotypic (it contains only the single species N. notopterus) and the high-backed forms have been placed in another genus, namely Chitala. Currently we have the very attractive species […]