Fish Archive (3023)

  • The mouthbrooding Heros from Venezuela: a new species! Heros liberifer

    16. September 2015

    At least from 1992 on Heros have been exported from Venezuela that were thought – according to scientific and hobby publications – to belong to the species Heros severus Heckel, 1840. In 1994 the aquarium community learned fascinated the fact that these “real” H. severus (all other Heros in the hobby belong to different species […]

  • Crenicichla edithae

    11. September 2015

    We received this beautiful, medium-sized (around 15 cm) pike cichlid from Paraguay. Our fish represent the form that is depicted as Crenicichla cf. edithae in Stawikowski & Werner (2004: 140). Occasionally Crenicichla edithae is regarded as a synonym of C. lepidota. C. edithae has been described scientifically in 1991 by Alex Ploeg for his wife […]

  • Hyphessobrycon vilmae

    10. September 2015

    The “chocolate neon tetra”, Hyphessobrycon vilmae, originates from the upper reaches of the Rio Tapajós in Brazil. Sadly it only rarely available. Regarding keeping not much is to say here: the fish requires the very same conditions as the well known “black neon tetra”, Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi. The males of H. vilmae have a more intensive […]

  • Potamotrygon leopoldi Black Diamond German Bred

    9. September 2015

    We received extremely beautiful German bred Black Diamonds. Moreover the fish are sorted by pair! The Black Diamond is a variety of Potamotrygon leopoldi that originates from the upper Rio Xingu in Brazil. These splendid stingrays attain a maximum size of about 40-60 cm disc width. One should never forget that the poison of these […]

  • Mesonauta acora Tocantins

    8. September 2015

    We receved very interesting and very pretty flagcichlids (Mesonauta) from the Rio Tocantins in Brazil. A very special feature of these fishes is the fact that the basic pattern is extremely variable. Usually this dark basic pattern, which is shown by the fish mainly when they are stressed or excited, is species-specific. However, in this […]

  • Mimagoniates barberi

    8. September 2015

    Sadly we are only very occasionally able to import this beautiful blue tetra from Paraguay: Mimagoniates barberi. But now we finally can offer once more this very lively brook fish. Our wild collected fish seem to be fully grown; at least they are sexually ripe. The males (about 4 c, total length) are larger and […]

  • Tometes cf. makue

    8. September 2015

    Luckily we were able to import several times the beautiful Myleus schomburgkii “Broadband” this season already. The fish originate from Venezuela. Only me, the chronicler, did not find the time yet to make a photo in a photo-tank, so we add here “only” a picture we made in our fishhouse. The most current importation contained […]

  • Corydoras loxozonus

    7. September 2015

      This cory belongs to the most attractive members of the genus Corydoras and is also very easy to keep. One should only remember that C. loxozonus – it originates from the Rio Orinoco and its affluents – prefers higher temperatures. So the water temperture should not sink below 25°C for longer. Currently we can […]

  • Gagata cenia

    7. September 2015

    The Assamese Clown Catfish is the perfect choice for all aquarists that love lively species. This catfish attains a maximum length of about 15 cm, but matures at a length of less than 7 cm. The fish is a real energy pack. It can be hardly ever found resting for a minute, it is always […]

  • And once more: Corydoras CW49

    7. September 2015

    We reported about our current importations of the most beautiful Corydoras sp. CW49 and CW51 quite recently (see Now we obtained again a shipment of that species, this time said to originate from a new collecting site. And see: now all specimens look like the other, all are “pure” CW49 phenotypes! The pictures accompanying […]

  • Bagrichthys macracanthus

    2. September 2015

    Currently we can offer a very seldom imported, unusual catfish from Southeast Asia (eastern Sumatra): Bagrichthys macracanthus. This catfish attains a maximum length of about 20 cm. In the wild, the species inhabits river portions with only very low current. Against conspecifics males are quite quarrelsome; kept by pair or in groups composed of one […]

  • Gymnocorymbus socolofi

    2. September 2015

    It´s been quite a long time that we were able to import this pretty tetra – Gymnocorymbus socolofi – from Colombia. Very small specimens look very much alike the Yellow Tetra (Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus), but the larger they grow the more the shape of the body becomes alike a Gymnocorymbus. Finally we received the pretty orange […]

  • Laetacara fulvipinnis

    2. September 2015

    Only very rarely this beautiful dwarf cichlid becomes imported. Nevertheless it is known in the hobby for quite a long time. Since 1978 it was named “Aequidens sp. Orange Fin”, later, after the splitting of Aequidens and Laetacara in separate genera, Laetacara sp. “Orange Fin”. The scientifical valid description appeared only in 2007, when Staeck […]

  • Pterophyllum “dumerili”

    2. September 2015

    Pterophyllum “dumerili” We received really breathtaking beautiful angels belonging to the species Pterophyllum leopoldi, among them animals in show-size. On our stocklist the fish are named P. dumerili. Although we know of course that – technically speaking – P. dumerili is only a synonym of P. scalare and our fish belong to the properly described […]

  • Geophagus mirabilis

    Geophagus mirabilis

    26. August 2015

    This beautiful species of eartheater is known in the aquarium hobby since the year 2009. It is endemic in the Rio Aripuana. So it was called initially Geophagus sp. “Aripuana”. The scientific description of the species appeared much later, in january 2015. Now the correct scientific name is Geophagus mirabilis. The specific name, mirabilis, means […]

  • Acrossocheilus paradoxus

    26. August 2015

    We received this interesting fish from Taiwan. It can be kept as well in unheated aquaria as in garden ponds. The species usually attains a length around 12 cm. This means that our specimens are adult already. Maximum size recorded is around 20 cm. Males have a by far larger anal fin than the females. […]

  • Megalamphodus sweglesi Albino

    26. August 2015

    For the first time ever we obtained from our breeder the albino sport of that fish. Independent of the question wether one likes albinos or not: the somewhat spooky fish deserve the common name Red Phantom Tetra rather than the wild type. And for sure friends of artificial sports will love this new one! For […]

  • Flyer-cats from Brazil!

    26. August 2015

    Recently we received a shipment of flyer-cats (Pseudolithoxus), which have been collected in the surroundings of Sao Gabriel do Cacheiro at the Rio Negro. At the first glimpse the fish look very similar to P. anthrax (L235) from Venezuela. But they are distinguished from the latter by the much larger white spots and the white […]

  • Rasbora vulcanus

    26. August 2015

    This Rasbora originates from the west coast of Sumatra. It attains a maximum length of about 5 cm. The “hot” name of the species is not only a reminder on the volcanos in the area, where R. vulcanus appears, but also due to the bright red-orange colours the males develop during mating. The females are […]

  • Hydrolycus armatus Orinoco

    26. August 2015

    Once more we were able to import this breathtaking animal from the Rio Orinoco. Anyone who is interested in this species should take the chance now, because this fish is available only a few weeks each year. For more informations on the species please see and For our customers: the animals have code […]

  • A brandnew Corydoras – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis

    26. August 2015

    Sometimes it’s hard to believe. If one reminds that currently 160 species of Corydoras are scientifically accepted, plus 159 C-numbers, plus 107 CW-numbers, it is more than likely that every newly imported Corydoras could be applied to at least one of these fish. But far from that! Last week we obtained Corydoras under the name […]

  • Paracheirodon simulans

    27. July 2015

    The green neon is the smallest and tiniest species of neon tetra. The maximum length is around 2.5 cm. One should not confuse this species with the neon costello, Hemigrammus hyanuary, which is also called the “green neon” occasionally. This is the reason why some people call Paracheirodon simulans the “blue neon”, but in the […]

  • Cetopsis coecutiens

    Cetopsis coecutiens

    27. July 2015

    This species is legend. Cetopsis coecutiens becomes up to 40 cm long and is spread very far over South America – and feared! The animals are merciless hunters. Even when trapped in a fish cast they bite pieces out of their fellow captives. Even attacks on humans are reported. People living along the Amazon river […]

  • Axelrodia stigmatias Colombia

    27. July 2015

    One should think that the determination of a species belonging to a genus that contains only three species is pretty simple. The genus Axelrodia contains only three species, but it is quite difficult to distinguish two of them, namely A. stigmatias and A. riesei. Most probably the genus contains more, still undescribed species. We recently […]

  • Ctenochromis polli (= Haplochromis polli)

    27. July 2015

    One expects cichlids of the Haplochromis relationship rather in eastern Africa than in the Congo region. However, a few species appear there. Three species of the genus Ctenochromis (formerly placed in Haplochromis) live in the Congo. They are quite common in their habitat, but hardly ever exported. So they belong to the top rarities in […]

  • Ompok bimaculatus and O. pabda

    29. June 2015

    Ompok are medium sized catfish that reach a length of 15-40 cm. They are close relatives of the only central European species of catfish, the Wels (Silurus glanis). Ompok look quite similar to the Wels. In southern and southeastern Asia, Ompok are favorite food fish, despite the fact that they are comparatively small. They are […]

  • Nemapteryx nenga

    26. June 2015

    This beautiful “freshwater shark” reached us from India. Formerly the species was placed in the genus Arius. Like all these Arius-relatives Nemapteryx nenga is not a shark at all, but a catfish. N. nenga attains a length of about 30 cm and should be kept in large aquaria only. These “freshwater sharks” are animals that […]

  • L24 wurde beschrieben: Pseudacanthicus pitanga

    L24 has been described: Pseudacanthicus pitanga

    26. June 2015

    Another L-number has received a correct scientific description finally: L24. The beautiful orange finned cactus pleco from the Rio Tocantins is named now Pseudacanthicus pitanga. The specific name “pitanga” is from the Tupi-Guarini language and means “red” in allusion to the colour of the fins. The scientific paper also discusses the risks of using this […]

  • Butis koilomatodon

    26. June 2015

    We received this sleeper goby for the first time. The animals originate from Thailand. Some author place this species also in the genus Prionobutis. It attains a maximum length of about 8 cm and is one of the smaller sleepers. Like all Butis species B. koilomatodon is able to swim and hunt in every thinkable […]

  • Labidochromis sp. Hongi “Sweden”

    26. June 2015

    We received about 4 cm long bred specimens of this incredibly colourful sport. These fish do not exist in the wild. The additional name “Sweden” has been chosen, because it is said that in Sweden the food mix has been discovered that brings the unbelievable colours on the fish. For our customers: the animals have […]

  • Sinibotia robusta

    26. June 2015

    Every year in June is import season for Botia-like loaches from China. The genus Sinibotia currently contains six species. The genus Sinibotia differs from Botia by the presence of three pairs of barbel (two maxillary, one mandibulary), while in Botia a fourth pair of barbels is present on the lower lip. Sinibotia robusta is also […]

  • Sinibotia robusta

    Sinibotia robusta

    26. June 2015

    We received beautiful coloured Kansu loaches (Sinibotia robusta) from China. This comparatively peaceful species is best kept at room temperature (18-24°C) without an additional heater. Only very few specimens available! For our customers: the fish have code 405053 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Heros severus wild

    26. June 2015

    Many aquarists know this beautiful cichlid by name, but it is only rarely found in the trade. Wild collected specimens are even rarer. We currently received wild collected specimens from Venezuela. They just start to differentiate sexually and are 7-10 cm long. Eye-spot cichlids can become as large as 20 cm. They are comparatively peaceful […]

  • Corydoras armatus Venezuela

    26. June 2015

    Corydoras armatus belongs to the species of Corydoras which are known by scientists very long already. It represents the sixths described species of the genus. The original descriprition appeared back in 1868. The type specimens originated from Peru (Rio Huallaga). It is quite astonishing that the species appeared comparatively late in the hobby – in […]

  • Corydoras sp. CW 49 and CW 51

    25. June 2015

    Among the most attractive species of Corydoras that have been imported in the past years is the “New Panda” from Colombia. We obtained the first speciemens in 2010. There do exist two varieties of the species. One has a larger black spot that extends over the middle of the body down in direction of the […]

  • Kein Bild

    Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus: L1

    25. June 2015

    L-numbers are for many people simply synonyms for Loricariids. But one should remember that they have been cooked up only in 1988! L-numbers were given for species that have not been determined scientifically yet. The very first L-number, L1 (or L001, although nobody would have dreamed of hundreds of L-numbers initially) has been applied on […]

  • Homaloptera cf. leonardi Vietnam

    17. June 2015

    We were able to import once more hillstream loaches from Vietnam. Instead of the expected Annamia normai (see we received another species. The determination is a very tricky thing. The most coincidences are to the species Homaloptera leonardi. Especially the scale-less zone between pectoral and ventral fins is said to be very typical for […]

  • European Bitterling – Rhodeus amarus

    15. June 2015

    The Bitterling of Central Europe is a small cyprinid, reaching a total length of 6-8 cm. It is very famous, because it lays its eggs as a parasite of freshwater mussels in the gills of living mussels. The behaviour accompanying this parasitic breeding strategy is extremely interesting and makes the Bitterling an ideal aquarium or […]

  • Polypterus delhezi

    Polypterus delhezi

    15. June 2015

    The bichir fishes – Polypterus – are animals of ancient ages. They already existed 60 million years ago. Among the particularities of the bichirs belongs the fact that they breath with a lung and that the pectoral fins are placed at the end of muscular stalks that can be moved like little arms. Some species […]

  • Tucanoichthys tucano

    10. June 2015

    Tucanoichthys tucano Finally we are able to offer this tiny, very nice and extremely rare dwarf tetra once more. We have both wild collected and German bred ones in stock. This tiny little species attains a maximum length of around 2 cm and is thatfore an ideal fish for nano aquaria. Tucanoichthys lives endemic in […]

  • Xiphophorus milleri

    10. June 2015

    This is another, very interesting species of wild livebearer we can offer. Our specimens are German bred. Initially this platy oroginates from the Laguna Catemaco, a freshwater lake in Mexico. X, milleri lives exclusively in this lake, it is an endemic species. The lake has a volcanic origin. Depite the fact that the water temperature […]

  • Rhamphichthys hahni

    Rhamphichthys hahni

    26. May 2015

    Yesterday we received for the first time ever an extremely unusual species of knifefish from Paraguay: Rhamphichthys hahni. We obtained three specimens of about 20-30 cm length. Despite the fact that the species has been described in the year 1937 already it has been overlooked by most of the following scientists. The photos posted here […]

  • Corydoras: Top rarities from Colombia

    26. May 2015

    We obtained a number of sample specimens (only one specimen per species) of Corydoras from the Rio Vaupes in Colombia. Some of them are real rarities, others are better known already. One of the well known species is Corydoras osteocarus. This species cannot be confused with any other Corydoras. The species attains a maximum length […]

  • Xiphophorus variatus Rio Pantepec

    26. May 2015

    For the first time ever we can offer this very interesting wild form of the variable platy in small numbers. The original stock of this variety has been collected in the Rio Pantepec in Mexico (state of Veracruz). The pattern differs a lot individually – a typical feature of Xiphophorus variatus – but the vertical […]

  • Pygocentrus nattereri Small Spots

    26. May 2015

    The Red Piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri, is the only species of piranha that is bred on a commercial basis due to the high demand on these fishes in the ornamental fish trade. So it is always available in the shops and almost all of the offered fish are bred ones. Now we were able once more […]

  • Hymenochirus boettgeri Gold-Albino

    26. May 2015

    Hymenochirus boettgeri Gold-Albino The most popular of all underwater frogs is the Dwarf Clawed Frog Hymenochirus boettgeri. It is bred as an ornamental animal for years already. So it was only a matter time when albinos would appear in the market: and here they are! Really nice animals, aren´t they? For our customers: the frogs […]

  • Ancistrus sp. L181 Rio Negro

    19. May 2015

    The many species of Ancistrus with small white dots are very difficult to tell apart. We recently obtained L181 from the Rio Negro in Brazil. The very same species has been given several L-numbers, eg L71 (from the Rio Tapajós) or L249 (from the Rio Trombetas and its affluent, the Rio Cuminá). Also extremely similar […]

  • Pseudancistrus sp. LDA 32/L259/L321 Rio Tapajós

    19. May 2015

    Currently four syntopically occuring forms of Pseudancistrus are reported from the Rio Tapajós. They differ from each other by minor differences in respect of coloration and proportions. L321 is the comparatively flattest of them, has small dots and a reddish seam at the caudal fin. LDA32 and L259 are a bit deeper bodied and have […]

  • Brachyrhaphis roseni

    19. May 2015

    Generally speaking, wild forms of livebearers are only rarely seen in the hobby. However, aquarists who specialize themselves in these fishes are most often that fascinated that they never give them up anymore. One of the most beautiful species is Brachyrhaphis roseni, which originates from brooks running through woodland in Panama and Costa Rica. Keeping […]

  • Ancistrus sp. Black Rio Negro (L88)

    19. May 2015

    We received a good number of pure black Ancistrus from the Rio Negro. These have no clearly visible markings, except one: a deepblack spot on the basis of the dorsal fin. This somewhat unspectacular, but characteristic feature made finally the determation possible. Our fish belong to the species named “L88” or Anstrus sp. Black (the […]

  • Wild Guppy Rio Morichal

    12. May 2015

    The wild guppy from the Rio Morichal in Venezuela is also known as “orange line” among the specialists for wild forms of livebearers. These fish are a very tiny and slender variety of wild guppy, but not an artificial sport. In contrast to other wild populations of the guppy this one is known to be […]

  • Dawkinsia rohani (formerly: Barbus or Puntius rohani)

    12. May 2015

    Once more we were able to import this gorgeous, medium sized barb – it attains a length of 8-12 cm – from southern India. For more informations on the species see The photos show a mating male (recognizable by the tubercles on the snout and the red caudal fin) of our current importation. For our […]

  • Corydoras sp.

    12. May 2015

    Another extremely rarely imported Corydoras species reached us from Peru. The unusual popular name of the scientifically undescribed species is due to the coloration, especially the dark triangle in the neck. This reminds one very much to the odd type of headdress worn by Gustaf Gründgens in his legendary production of Goethe´s Faust, where he […]

  • Corydoras sp.

    12. May 2015

    The longsnouted and saddle-nosed Corydoras appear in the wild either solitary or in small schools. This is the reason why they are much more difficult to collect than the round-nosed Corydoras which most often live in very large swarms. This fact makes the longsnouted and saddle-nosed Corydoras much more expensive and also more desired by […]

  • Pseudanos winterbottomi

    8. May 2015

    We received this nice headstander in the past years only very occasionally in single specimens as bycatch from Venezuela. Most often the specimens were intermixed in shipments of Anostomus ternetzi or Pseudanos trimaculatus. Finally we were able to import directly a number of the beautiful species. Pseudanos winterbottomi can reach a length of about 15 […]

  • Corydoras crimmeni

    8. May 2015

    For the first time ever we can offer this beautiful Corydoras. It originates from the Rio Negro basin in Brazil. A bright green shine on the flanks of the body is very obvious, especially when the light falls from ahead on the fish. This species attains a maximum length of about 6.5 cm. For our […]

  • Hemichromis letourneauxi

    4. May 2015

    Our current import from Guinea contained also two “classical” red jewel cichlids. They were sent under the names of H. letourneauxi and H. cristatus, respecively. Initially we fully agreed with those determinations. The H. letourneauxi showed all features typical for the species, eg the comparatively elongate body and the lateral spot placed comparatively far in […]

  • Moenkhausia agnesae

    27. April 2015

    We received once more fantastic large Moenkhausia agnesae from Peru. This is a larger species that can be kept ideally along with cichlids and catfish. Maximum length reported from M. agnesae is about 8 cm. Formerly this species has been often confused with M. simulata. However, the horizontal stripes in M. simulata are all black, […]

  • Moenkhausia agnesae

    27. April 2015

    We received this wonderful tetra from Peru. Moenkhausia agnesae is only very rarely available. The species attains a maximum length of about 8 cm. One should keep this tetra, which is sometimes a bit quarrelsome, alnong with other medium sized tetras, cichlids etc.. Our imported fish have almost show size and show breathtaking colours. For […]

  • Uaru amphiacanthoides SANTAREM

    27. April 2015

    Once more we were able to import four wonderful specimens. They have 16-20 cm total length. One specimen, most probably a male, is obviously in mood for breeding: it reacts quite harsh against the photographer! For our customers: the fish have code 688496 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. […]

  • Pipa parva

    Pipa parva

    27. April 2015

    The Dwarf Suriname Toad from Venezuela is a real rarity in aquaria. We have a new breeder that is able to offer us some specimens every now and then. At the first glimpse they nice animals remind one on Dwarf Clawed Frogs (Hymenochirus). However, like all other Pipa species, P. parva has ramifications on the […]

  • Pipa parva

    27. April 2015

    The Dwarf Suriname Toad from Venezuela is a real rarity in aquaria. We have a breeder that is able to offer us some specimens every now and then. At the first glimpse they nice animals remind one on Dwarf Clawed Frogs (Hymenochirus). However, like all other Pipa species, P. parva has ramifications on the top […]

  • Glossolepis dorityi „Lake Nenggwambu“

    22. April 2015

    Glossolepis dorityi also originates from West Papua, like Melanotaenia rubrostriata „Dekai Village“ (see Males attain a maximum length of about 15 cm, females stay smaller. Sadly the females have only quite dull colours. Males need about one year to reach a length of 7-8 cm. At that size they already display a real firework […]

  • Denticetopsis seducta

    22. April 2015

    For the first time ever we could import this dwarf whale catfish from Peru. The maximum length of this tiny species seems to be around 5-6 cm. In contrast to the better known blue whale catfish, Cetopsis coecutiens, which is an aggressive predatory species, all Denticetopsis are competely harmless insectivorous fishes. This species has been […]

  • Geophagus cf. altifrons „Rio Araguari“

    20. April 2015

    At the first glimpse one would doubtless place this fish to G. altifrons. However, there are differences. Up to a length of about 10 cm this new variety exhibits exclusively a pattern of vertical double-bars and has a comparatively large lateral spot. The dark zone between operculum and lateral spot, which is so characteristic for […]

  • Uca vocans

    17. April 2015

    Fiddler crabs are always something very special. They live along the border of water and land. During the tide they hide in wholes in the sand. At low water the come out of their hiding places and search for food that the water left behind. The males display their mighty claw to impress the females, […]

  • Crenicara cf. punctulatum Lake Tapana

    17. April 2015

    It was only quite recently that we were able to import Crenicara puntulatum from Peru. We reported on that importation here: Now we received fully grown specimens from Brazil with an information on the collection site: Lake Tapana. These fish differ in some points from all so far described populations of Crenicara punctulatum. The […]

  • Melanotaenia rubrostriata „Dekai Village“

    15. April 2015

    The village named Dekai is located in West Papua (formerly: Irian Jaya) in the district of Yahukimo. It seems to be a real hotspot for extremely beautiful species of rainbowfish. Many species and local varieties have been collected there in the past years and brought to the tanks of enthusiasts. This applies also for this […]

  • Paratilapia polleni

    13. April 2015

    Many of the endemic species of cichlid from the island of Madagascar are endangered of extinction. This is due to destruction of the natural environments and the release of foreign fish species for food purposes. Sadly most of the Madagascar cichlids could not yet established as aquarium fish. An exception from that rule is the […]

  • Paramesotriton chinensis

    13. April 2015

    Springtime is the time for amphibians. In Germany toads, frogs, and newts leave their winter lairs and turn back to the ponds where they have been born to spawn. The very same happens in other parts of the world that have a similar climate. So we now get newts from China sometimes. Paramesotriton chinensis is […]

  • Rhinogobius duospilus (= R. wui)

    10. April 2015

    Gobies become more and more popular in the hobby. A real classic is R. duospilus, which was known under the name of R. wui for a long time. Nowadays R. wui is considered to be a synonym of R. duospilus. This small goby becomes only 4 cm long. In the wild it lives in brooks. […]

  • Trigonostigma heteromorpha Blue and Gold

    10. April 2015

    The Harlequin barb (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) belongs to the most popular ornamental fish worldwide. The beautiful colours and the peaceful mood make them ideal inhabitants of a community tank. One can hardly believe today that once it was impossible to breed that species. In the 1930ies the breeders hard to learn that water chemistry can be […]

  • Tylochromis cf. lateralis German bred

    7. April 2015

    For the first time ever we can offer German bred specimens of this beautiful and unusual large cichlid. The parents have been imported from the Congo. Keeping and breeding were successful under the following conditions: total hardness 14°, pH 7. The sexes show a clearly visible sexual dimorphism at an age of about 1.5 -2 […]

  • Faunus ater CAPUCCINO

    7. April 2015

    This attractive, about 6 cm long snail currently reached us from Indonesia. It is a relative of the well known Malayian trumpet snail. In the wild this animal occurs in the lowest reaches of rivers on muddy bottoms and is thus very tolerant against salt. So it is possible to keep it in freshwater tanks […]

  • Copadichromis borleyi Kadango Red Fin

    7. April 2015

    Copadichromis borleyi is a species of cichlid that inhabits Lake Malawi. It is found there pretty widespread. Males obtain a maximum length of 18 cm, females stay smaller and become only 15 cm long. The addition “Kadango” to the scientific name refers to a place in the south-east of Lake Malawi. Copadichromis are planctivorous fishes […]

  • Poptella paraguayensis

    7. April 2015

    An ornamental fish has not be necessarily colourful to be a beautiful aquarium inhabitant. At least it is hard to believe that anyone would keep Discus tetras due to their colours. There are several species of Discus tetra, all quite similar to each other. We were now able to import one of them, Poptella paraguayensis, […]

  • Homaloptera parclitella

    25. March 2015

    Hillstream loaches are – in general – rather dull coloured fishes. However, there are exceptions and among the most beautiful species are those belonging to the genus Homaloptera. Several, closely related and quite similar species exist. In German they are called “saddle-back loaches”, a commonly used English name is “lizard loaches”. For the first time […]

  • Telmatherina bonti (2)

    23. March 2015

    The Malili lake system on Sulawesi (former Celebes) is home of spectacular shrimps, snails and mussels which are exported for the hobby. Now the import of an endemic atherinoid species was successful, namely Telmatherina bonti. Like many atherinoides of the Malili lakes this species is polychromatic, which means that males and females appear in different […]

  • Protomyzon pachychilus – season for Panda loaches!

    23. March 2015

    The extremely charming juveniles of the Panda loach are available only a few weeks per year. Obviously this year was a good one for the fish and they have bred very successful, because a comparatively large number of specimens is offered for comparatively low prices. Among the good number of specimens we were able to […]

  • Stiphodon atropurpureus

    23. March 2015

    The neon gobies of the genus Stiphodon are all very beautiful fishes. None of the currently known 33 species becomes larger than 5-7 cm, most of them stay much smaller. Despite the fact that adult Stiphodon live exclusively in pure freshwater the larvae can develop only in marine waters. This is the reason why species […]

  • Schismatogobius roxasi

    17. March 2015

    The genus Schismatogobius contents currently 10 described species. All are small, only 3-5 cm long pure freshwater inhabitants. As no species is of commercial value and the tiny fish burry themselves extremely fast in the sand when disturbed the whole genus is only very unsatisfyingly researched so far. Two species have been reported fromTaiwan: Schismatogobius […]

  • Labidochromis caeruleus WHITE

    17. March 2015

    Labidochromis caeruleus is among the most popular cichlids from Lake Malawi. Usually a bright yellow sport of that fish is available in the hobby. Only comparatively recently a white sport of the fish appeared in the ornamental fish trade. It is not an artificial sport, but a variety that is found in the wild. The […]

  • Neocaridina davidi Black Choco Shrimp

    Neocaridina davidi Black Choco Shrimp

    17. March 2015

    The most popular and easy to keep dwarf shrimp for the freshwater aquarium, Neocaridina davidi, has another new dress: pitchblack! Of course there do exist already black sports of other species of dwarf shrimp, but N. davidi has against other species the big advantage that N. davidi is extremely tolerant against different temperatures. Other species […]

  • Neolamprologus pulcher

    17. March 2015

    Deep inside of even the straightest democrat seems to live a small royalist. How can it be explained otherways that extraordinary beautiful species of ornamental fish so often get royal popular names? The first Neolamprologus with a lunate tail fin with long filaments was imported around 1958. It very soon was called the “Princess of […]

  • Myleus sp., second take

    11. March 2015

    Last week we informed you about the silver dollars we imported which exhibit an unbelievable green coloration. Here we present to you again pictures, but this time take from the now settled down specimens. They do belong without any doubt to the genus Myleus. Three species of Myleus are reported so far from Peru:  Myleus […]

  • Coenobita rugosus

    11. March 2015

    From Taiwan we were able to import beautiful land hermits. They belong to the species Coenobita rugosus, which can be recognized by the ridge-like swellings on the upper edges of the claws. The colour is very variable and can be grey, brown or reddish. Like all Coenobita species the animal likes to live in groups. […]

  • Apistogramma rupununi

    4. March 2015

    Finally we were able to import again this dwarf cichlid after quite a long time. Most probably our specimens originate from Amapá in Brazil. It is quite tricky to distinguish A. rupununi from A. steindachneri in small wild collected specimens. However, our recently imported fish are quite large already (some males are already about 5 […]

  • Boulengerella maculata

    3. March 2015

    The Spotted Pike Characin, Boulengerella macaulata, belongs to the most popular species of predatory fish in the freshwater aquarium. This has several reasons. First of all the up to 30 cm long species is very peaceful. All other tankmates (as long as they don´t fit the mouth) are simply ignored. And, despite the fact that […]

  • Synodontis ocellifer

    3. March 2015

    This is another catfish-beauty originating from Nigeria. Someone once said that this species of Synodontis can be characterized by three adjectives: peaceful, beautiful, and hardy. In fact S. ocellifer is one of the most peaceful species of Synodontis at all. The maximum length of S. ocellifer is about 20 cm. When they get older they […]

  • Biotodoma cupido COARI

    3. March 2015

    Coari is one of the largest cities in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. From the hobbyist´s point of view, Coari is famous for its wonderful Green Discus. Now we received for the first time ever Biotodoma from Brazil which were said to have been collected nearby Coari. Even immediately after the importation the fish showed […]

  • Cambarellus diminutus

    25. February 2015

    We received nice bred specimens of this tiny species from Indonesia. Initially Cambarellus diminutus originates from North America, where it occurs along the Gulf of Mexico. In contrast to the larger species of crayfish, the species belonging to the genus Cambarellus fit perfectly for community tanks. C. diminutus is the smallest species of all and […]

  • Aphanius vladykovi BOLDAJI

    24. February 2015

    Members of the killifish-genus Aphanius appear only in Europe, North Africa, and Asia. In the aquarium hobby they are really rarely seen, and can be hardly ever found in a regular pet shop. Sadly many of the currently 22 accepted species and subspecies are in danger of extinction due to habitat destruction. This is a […]

  • Apistogramma gephyra Bred

    24. February 2015

    Do you know the difference between Apistogramma gephyra and A. agassizii? No? Well, you are in good company with that! Both species are really difficult to tell apart. They also appear at least in some places together in the natural habitat, so the origin is of no help. Both species never hybridize in the wild. […]

  • Apistogramma viejita Variety II

    18. February 2015

    Apistogramma viejita originates from Colombia. However, in the ornamental fish trade almost exclusively bred specimens can be found. There do exist several varieties even in the wild, which differ mainly in coloration (especially the content of red is very different), but also in respect of the development of the dorsal and caudal fins. Sadly the […]

  • Leiarius marmoratus

    17. February 2015

    There are two species of catfish in South America that look like siblings: Leiarus marmoratus (called “Achara” by the natives) and Leiarius (formerly: Perrunichthys) perruno. Both species attain a length of about 60 cm, have the very same leopard pattern and the long, ringed whiskers. But there does exist an easily recognizable difference: Leiarius marmoratus […]

  • Polycentropsis abbreviata

    16. February 2015

    Polycentropsis abbreviata means roughly translated “short and similar to Polycentrus”. In fact the African Leaffish looks very similar to Polycentrus schomburgkii from South America. Both species witness the existence of the ancient super continent Gondwana. Gondwana was formed from what is now South America, Africa, India, Australia, and Antarctica. South America drifted away from Gondwana […]