Fish Archive (3023)

  • Macropodus opercularis WILD

    9. March 2016

    The Paradise fish was the first exotic species (leaving the goldfish aside) of ornamental fish that reached Europe. This was back in 1869. Wild collected specimens are hardly ever available. We now could import wild caughts of that fantastic aquarium fish from China via Hongkong. The black throat with white spots that is shown by […]

  • Sahyadria denisonii GOLD

    8. March 2016

    In any species of fish that is bred in large numbers sooner or later sports appear. This now happened also in the gorgeous Indian Redline Torpedo Shark, Sahyadria denisonii. Besides “normal” bred ones Indonesian breeders now offer a golden sport of that fish. It is obvious that the individual fish differ a lot in the […]

  • L102, Hypancistrus inspector

    4. March 2016

    Once more we could import the beautiful Snowball Pleco (Hypancistrus inspector, L102) from the Rio Negro in Brazil. The species can attain a maximum length of about 18-20 cm and is one of the largest species in Hypancistrus. However, our fish in stock are currently only 6-12 cm long. In the most current import we […]

  • Acheilognathus macropterus – Giant Bitterling

    2. March 2016

    For the first time ever we obtained this splendid bitterling via Hongkong. The species is said to become more than 25 cm long and this would make it the largest species of bitterling at all! However, our fish are currently 6-8 cm long and in full colour, so maybe more than one species is involved, […]

  • Channa sp. True Blue

    1. March 2016

    We could import this extreme beautiful species of snakehead in very small numbers from the north of India. The True Blue is obviously a close relative of C. stewartii; both attain a length of about 25 cm. The two photographed specimens have a quite different pattern. Most probably the smaller specimen is a female (it […]

  • Phenacogrammus aurantiacus II

    29. February 2016

    Last week we presented to you our freshly imported Golden Congo Tetras (Phenacogrammus aurantiacus). The slight fin damages of the fish are as good as cured completely now. Many of our customers now ask for “safely” sexed specimens. All we can say to that is: of course large, dominant males are easy to recognize. But […]

  • Pseudomystus heokhuii

    29. February 2016

    This pretty species of bumblebee catfish was discovered and scientifically described only in 2008. We could import the species now for the first time ever. P. heokhuii becomes about 6 cm long and is a very peaceful species of catfish. Despite the fact that Pseudomystus heokhuii inhabits extreme blackwater habitats in the wild, where the […]

  • Satanoperca rhynchitis

    24. February 2016

    We received beautiful German bred specimens of this rare eartheater. Until the species has been described in 2012 under the name of Satanoperca rhynchitis it was known in the hobby as Satanoperca sp. “Red Lips”. The fish develop the pretty red lips only when adult, so we add a picture of an adult specimen to […]

  • Aphyoplatys duboisi

    23. February 2016

    It has been many, many years ago since we were able to import this charming dwarf killi the last time. Currently the fish are about 1.5-2 cm long, maximum length reported for Aphyoplatys duboisi is only 2.5 cm. The fish have been collected in the surroundings of Brazzaville. Despite their very small size these fish […]

  • Limia Special

    23. February 2016

    Poecilia (Limia) perugiae The Dominican Republic is the destination for millions of tourists each year. But it is only known by few people that also beautiful freshwater fish exist there. One of the prettiest of them is Poecilia perugiae. We can offer this beautiful livebearer on a quite regular basis, but have usually only few […]

  • Heros sp. Curare

    23. February 2016

    For the first time ever we were able to import this splendid species of Heros. Reportedly the animals have been collected in the Rio Curare (name). However, we haven´t eard of a Rio Curare so far. We think the fish have been collected in the Rio Ventuari. The fish are extremely colorful; all other features […]

  • Phenacogrammus aurantiacus

    23. February 2016

    Only yesterday reached us a phantastic import from the Congo that contained several top rarities from the surroundings of Brazzaville, for example Distichodus teugelsi, D. sp. Red Stripe, Aphyoplatys duboisi, and many catfishes. We will present all these species to you in the next weeks, but one small sensation should be shown here right now, […]

  • Teleocichla centrarchus

    17. February 2016

    Teleocichla are small cichlids from Brazil. They love comparatively strong current. The genus is a close relative of the pike cichlids (Crenicichla). The genus teleocichla has been discovered only late, in 1988; currently 18 different species are known, 10 of them are still undescribed scientifically. Genus type is T. centrachus; we can offer now once […]

  • Teleocichla centrarchus

    17. February 2016

    Teleocichla centrachus from Rio Xingu probably is the most imported Teleocichla. In addition, it is the type species of this kind. As the males have a maximum length of approx. 10cm, you can certainly still call them dwarf cichlids. The females, being mostly only 8cm maximum, are a little smaller and rather soon show a […]

  • Leporinus brunneus Ventuari

    16. February 2016

    Once more we were able to import this beautiful, large tetra from Venezuela. The fish can reach a maximum size of 25-30 cm. It can be found in the basins of Orinoco river and the rio Negro. The coloration of the fish is quite variable, depending on the origin. The orange spot under the eye […]

  • Channa sp. Fire & Ice

    16. February 2016

    Once more we can offer this small and colourful snakehead. The species attains a maximum length of only 12-15 cm. The fish belongs to an so far scientifically undescribed species which is found in the region of the Burmese-Thai border. The beautiful species belongs to the closer relationship of Channa gachua. Like this species, it […]

  • Astronotus cf. crassipinnis

    16. February 2016

    There is no other genus of larger cichlids from South America that is so poorly understood as the oscars (Astronotus). Currently only two species are widely accepted, namely A. ocellatus and A. crassipinnis. However, there do exist a lot of more species as can be easily observed with the bare eye. We were able in […]

  • Labeo parvus and L. barbatus

    12. February 2016

    Algae eaters from Africa? Hardly ever are such fish available in the trade, despite the fact that there does a high number of species exist. Currently we have two species of African Labeo in stock. There is no doubt that Labeo parvus is the better algae eater of the two. It looks astonishing similar to […]

  • Auchenoglanis wittei

    10. February 2016

    Until recently only two species of Auchenoglanis were commonly accepted, namely A. biscutatus and A. occidentalis. This changed with the revision of Retzer (2010), who recognizes eight different species. In the Congo the genus is represented by Auchenoglanis wittei, which can be easily identified by the “reticulated giraffe”-pattern of the body. However, this is the […]

  • Mastacembelus tinwini

    9. February 2016

    Sadly we can offer this beautiful species of spiny eel only very rarely. The species has been described scientifically quite recently. It is a close relative of the common spiny eel of Asia, Mastacembelus armatus. Like that species, M. tinwini reaches a length of about 40 cm. Other fish are ignored if they are large […]

  • Trichopsis pumila

    8. February 2016

    The Sparkling Gourami (Trichopsis pumila) is one of the smallest species of anabantoid at all – and one of the prettiest! The charming and totally peaceful species attains a maximum length of only 3-4 cm and is perfectly suitable for an community tank with other tiny, peaceful species of fish. The tank should be well […]

  • Aphanius farsicus

    8. February 2016

    Currently we have some fish in stock that are available every year only for a few weeks. These species are kept and bred by the hobbyists in a very special way, the “balcony aquarium hobby”. The species kept in that manner are specialized in water temperatures that differ clearly between day and night and they […]

  • Corydoras imitator and C39

    8. February 2016

    Currently we receive imports of “Corydoras imitator” from the upper Rio Negro in Brazil. If one takes a close look on the fish it becomes obvious that hardly two specimens look really identical. Coloration is variable, as well is  the shape of the body. Some fish, for sure, are unplanned by-catches, for example C. incolicana […]

  • Loricaria sp. Rio Atabapo

    3. February 2016

    Finally we are able again to offer bred specimens of this Loricaria. It is the most beautiful species of the genus. Like all its relatives it is a mouthbrooding species. The males carry the egg-clusters along with them. For this they use the lower lip, which becomes much bigger during the breeding season, until the […]

  • Corydoras njisseni

    3. February 2016

    Finally we were able to import again the smallest and cutest of all the different “orange blotch” Corydoras from the Rio Negro: Corydoras nijsseni. This fish is a close relative of C. elegans. The coloration, which is the same in Corydoras adolfoi, C. duplicareus, C. imitator, C. sp. C39, C. serratus, and serveral other species, […]

  • Uaru amphiacanthoides, bred

    3. February 2016

    Only very view species of cichlid have such a drastic change of coloration during growing like Uaru amphiacanthoides. We can offer currently very nice bred ones. Uaru are close relatives of the discus. Like discus they wear the dorsal fin almost always spread. However, Uaru are mainly vegetarians. For more information and pictures of adult […]

  • Mikrogeophagus altispinosus

    29. January 2016

    The Bolivian Ram, Mikrogeophagus altispinosus, is by far less popular than its well known cousin from Venezuela, the Common Ram (M. ramirezi). Maybe this is due to the fact that the Bolivian is traded almost exclusively as bred ones, because there are no commercial exports from the area where the species occurs naturally? But the […]

  • Hara jerdoni

    27. January 2016

    Currently is the high season for the interesting moth cats (Hara). These catfish occur in India, Burma, and Thailand. The species are very difficult to tell apart, in many cases it is simply impossible in live animals. There are a few species that can be determined by a filament on the caudal fin, but most […]

  • Oxyeleotris marmorata

    26. January 2016

    Most gobies live in the sea. And most gobies stay small, usually less than 10 cm. So Oxyeleotris marmorata, the Marbled Sleepergoby, is an exception in more than only one respect. The species is a giant among the gobies and becomes more than 50 cm long. And usually it lives in pure freshwater; only occasionally […]

  • Dawkinsia cf. exclamatio

    26. January 2016

    We were able to import another splendid large barb from India. It belongs to the species Dawkinsia (formerly Puntius or Barbus) exclamatio or a closely related, scientifically still undescribed species. The fish are currently 8-9 cm long and are in breeding condition. Both sexes show now a red back, the males also develop “spawning pimples” […]

  • Polypterus retropinnis

    25. January 2016

    After quite a long time we were able now to import again one of the smallest species of Polypterus, namely Polypterus retropinnis from the Congo. This bichir has been thought to represent an undescribed species for a while, but then it was found that it has been confused with the only recently described species Polypterus […]

  • Tatia musaica (= Cenromochlus orca)

    22. January 2016

    We were able to import again a small number of the most attractive of all driftwood-catfishes: Tatia musaica, the ninja-tatia. This beautiful fish attains a maximum length of about 5-6 cm. Like all the driftwood catfishes this species also has an internal fertilization. The male´s anal fin is modified for that purpose, similar as it […]

  • Paludomus loricatus

    20. January 2016

    Among the most unusual species of freshwater snail is the Red Spotted Bella Snail, Paludomus loricatus, from Sri Lanka. The eyes of this snail are very attractive coloured, brightly red-orange. Around the mantle are numerous folds of the same colour. We are informed on the biology of P. loricatus by Starmühlner (Starmühlner, F. (1974): The […]

  • Chalinochromis brichardi

    19. January 2016

    This pretty cichlid from Lake Tanganyika is only very, very occasionally found in the trade. This is hard to understand. Despite the fact that the coloration is rather simple, the fish are quite conspicuous. Keeping and breeding can be compared with the closely related genus Julidochromis. Maximum size of Chalinochromis brichardi is about 12 cm. […]

  • Neocaridina sp. Golden Tiger

    19. January 2016

    This is the latest star in our stocklist: are real pretty little creature! The animals are German bred ones, available in very limited numbers only! For our customers: the shrimps have code 485472 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Pseudohomaloptera sp – A new dwarfish hillstream loach from Vietnam

    19. January 2016

    For the first time ever we obtained this hillstream loach from Vietnam. The determination is pretty tricky. All features visible in live fish (position of the dorsal fin, coloration, position of the anus) lead to the genus Pseudohomaloptera, which currently includes six described species: Pseudohomaloptera tatereganii (Popta 1905), P. sexmaculata (Fowler 1934), P. leonardi (Hora […]

  • Corydoras cochui and C. habrosus

    19. January 2016

    These dwarf species of Corydoras have been confused quite a long time. Both species attain a maximum length of about 3 cm and a very cute, nice and lively aquarium fish. If one has the opportunity to see live specimens of both species together it may be hard to understand how they may be confused; […]

  • Distichodus rostratus, D. engycephalus and D. brevipinnis from Nigeria

    18. January 2016

    Last week we received for the first time an unsusal shipment containing Distichodus unknown to us from Nigeria. The first determination was that they belonged to the species Distichodus rostratus. This species attains a maximum length of about 70 cm. We thought initially that all or fish would belong to the very same species, despite […]

  • Dawkinsia assimilis

    18. January 2016

    In South India a group of barbs exists that was formerly placed either in Barbus or in Puntius and which is now placed in the only recently (2012) erected genus Dawkinsia. In Dawkinsia a phenomenon exists that aquarists are used to know for example from cichlids from Lake Malawi: every new collecting site reveals a […]

  • Pterophyllum scalare WILD Rio Xingu

    16. December 2015

    We received very nice wild collected angels from the Rio Xingu in Brazil. The animals are “real” P. scalare with pointed snouts. They will most probably grow up to impressive, large fish. For our customers: the fish have code 699853 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited […]

  • Poecilia velifera NEON ORANGE

    16. December 2015

    We received this new sport of Molly from Southeast Asia. It was offered under the name of “Neon Orange”. The special feature of the new sport is the reflecting border of the scales on the back in front of the dorsal fin. This is more obvious in females than in males. In males. the reflecting […]

  • Yasuhikotakia sp New Cambodian Tiger

    16. December 2015

    Formerly all the deep bodies loaches from Indochina were placed in the catch-all genus Botia. This generic name should be used now only for the Indian species, while the species from Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam are placed in Ambastia, Syncrossus, and Yasuhikotakia. We now were able to import for the first time ever a […]

  • Corydoras CW 45 Lessex

    16. December 2015

    We can currently offer a very limited number of a new variety of the rare species CW 45. The fish was named “Lessex” by the exporter. We adopted that name, but we don´t know the meaning. CW 45 is a deep bodied species, similar to C. armatus. It differs from the latter by the bright […]

  • Desmopuntius hexazona wild

    7. December 2015

    The banded barbs from Southeast Asia were always matters of interest, both of aquarists and scientists. The generic position of the species was unclear for quite a long time: they were placed in Barbus, Puntius, or Systomus. But t seems that the problems has been solved finally. The elongated species are now placed in the […]

  • Citharinus citharus

    7. December 2015

    We recieved Moonfish, Citharinus citharus, from Nigeria. This tetra is only very rarely available. The large species can attain a maximum length of about 60 cm and 7 kg of weight. In its home countries, the moonfish is a much estimated food fish. But the species is also very interesting in respect of aquarium keeping. […]

  • Apistogramma agassizii Tefé II and A. geisleri

    7. December 2015

    We received very nice wild ciollected specimens of this variety of A. agassizii. One must not confuse these fish with the variety known as “Tefé I” (see, which is distinguished from all other varieties of A. agassizii by the additional rows of zigzag-bands on the belly. The variety “Tefé II” is characterized by a […]

  • Apistogramma diplotaenia

    2. December 2015

    This dwarf cichlid is one of the most unusual members of the large genus Apistogramma. The very slim animals have a pattern of two longitudinal stripes. This is unique among Apistogramma and makes A. diplotaenia unmistakable. Sadly this species is offered only very rarely. Currently we have both wild collected fish (see photos) and bred […]

  • Biotoecus opercularis

    2. December 2015

    We received beautiful, fully grown wild collected Biotoecus opercularis from Brazil. Formerly these sandhill-builders (see were said to be extremely demanding and difficult to keep. Our recent imports, however, are very, very stout and healthy animals! For our customers: the fish have code 634493 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the […]

  • Biotoecus opercularis

    2. December 2015

    This fish probably represents the most interesting species of dwarf cichlids from Amazonia. Currently we were able to import it once more. B.opercularis is for sure not demanded due to its coloration. As typical sand cichlids they do not have pop-art colours, but shining pastel shades. The same phenomenon can be found in the sand […]

  • Cynops cf. cyanurus

    2. December 2015

    The fire bellied newts of the genus Cynops are perfect aquarium newts. Most specimens can be easily adapted for a life in water the whole year through. This makes feeding a lot easier, because on land newts are very secretive and feed only on live food, while in the water they also readily accept frozen […]

  • Geophagus sp. Aporema

    2. December 2015

    Aquarium Glaser obtained in spring 2014 a boxed that contained a mixed group of Geophagus, which belonged to three different species. Among them were seven specimens that could not be applied to any known species of Geophagus so far. The fish were 7-8 cm long. Over the time the grew up to gorgeous, about 20 […]

  • Anabas

    1. December 2015

    Fishes of the family Anabantidae are often referred to as Climbing perches. This name bases on a species of fish that is very famous among mankind, even in people who are not much interested in fish at all: Anabas testudineus. The species is known to walk over land at wet weather to search for new […]

  • Serrasalmus rhombeus – veteran

    27. November 2015

    From time to time we import fully grown Black Piranhas from Peru (see Serrasalmus rhombeus (formerly also known as S. niger) is the biggest of all species of piranha. In contrast to the well known Red Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) the Black ones are solitary fish. The specimen we obtained now shows clearly how hard […]

  • Mayaheros urophthalmus

    24. November 2015

    This post we be updated soon. We have a feeling that there is a trend back to the Central American cichlids, the big ones. Of course there are always fashions in the hobby. And of cozrse each generation of aquarists has to discover the magnificent diversity of aquarium fish on their own. Maybe this is […]

  • Tetraodon schoutedeni

    23. November 2015

    Long time not seen! Formerly, in the 1960ies, Tetraodon schoutedeni was one of the most common species in the ornamental fish trade. Even breeding of this species proofed to be rather uncomplicated. But due to the civil wars in the Congo the situation changed drastically. Even nowadays the collectors prefer not to go to the […]

  • Rineloricaria lanceolata

    20. November 2015

    Currently we obtain very nice Rineloricaria lanceolata from Paraguay. This species of whiptail catfish is very variable in respect of coloration. Almost all colours from deep dark brown (almost black) to a light clay-brown can be observed. It was back in the 1980ies that a brick-red sport of whiptail catfish appeared in the former GDR. […]

  • Neritina violacea, Red Lip Snail – new in stock

    18. November 2015

    The snails of the genus Neritina have become very popular among aquarists. These snails are excellent algae eaters. They feed most algae from the glasses of the tank, because they prefer hard surfaces to live on. Another advantage of these snails is that they cannot breed under aquarium conditions, because the larvae develop in marine […]

  • Lepidosiren paradoxus

    17. November 2015

    Only recently we introduced to you our lungfishes imported from the Congo ( Now we received the even rarer cousin: the South American Lungfish, Lepidosiren paradoxus, from Paraguay. There is only one species extant in South America, namely this living fossil. We usually import them as small young fish from Peru, the specimens we now […]

  • Corydoras vittatus

    16. November 2015

    And here we have one more beautiful species of currently imported Corydoras. Corydoras vittatus – the specific name means “striped” – is one of the most variable species in respect of the individual pattern. The fish originates from Brazil. Formerly it was often regarded to be a subspecies of the also very variable species Corydoras […]

  • Myleus schomburgkii Red-Salmon

    13. November 2015

    The Black-banded silver dollar, Myleus schomburgkii, is bred for quite a long time already in Southeast Asia. So it was a mere question of time when – after the “Lamax” (see – additional artifical sports would appear in the market. Nevertheless the fish we now received from Singapore left us a bit speechless: we […]

  • Hypancistrus sp. L66 King Tiger Pleco

    13. November 2015

    The King Tiger Pleco originates from the Rio Xingu in Brazil. The species belongs to the most popular plecos in the hobby. This fish attains a length of about 15 cm. Currently we can offer very nice German bred ones (4-5 cm long), which have a pretty and strongly contrasting black-and-white-pattern. Like in all species […]

  • Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis

    9. November 2015

    Among the dwarfs this is the smallest: Apistogrammoides pucallpaensis. This species from Peru is one of the smallest species of cichlid at all. The maximum size is given in literature with 5 cm (males) and 4 cm (females). However, this must refer to very old aquarium specimens. Wild collected ones are mature and fully grown […]

  • Corydoras diphyes and Otocinclus mimulus

    4. November 2015

    Corydoras diphyes and Otocinclus mimulus are available irregularly in Germany and have been recently described by Axenrot and Kullander (2003). They originate from the tributary of the Rio Monday, a river flowing into the Rio Parana in Paraguay. This species was known, for quite a long time, as Corydoras flaveolus in the hobby; this species, […]

  • Lungfishes from the Congo

    3. November 2015

    After quite a long time we were able again to import juvenile lungfishes from the Congo. Currently the animals are 12-20 cm long. Three species of lungfish are known to occur in the Congo: Protopterus aethiopicus, P. annctens, and P. dolloi. At least two of them, namely P. aethiopicus and P. dolloi are represented in […]

  • Apistogramma cacatuoides wild

    3. November 2015

    The Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid is one of the most popular members of the genus Apistogramma and found in petshops all over the World. Almost exclusively bred specimens of very colourful sports are traded. These do not appear in the wild. However, “the” wild form of A. cacatuoides does not exist at all. Like so many […]

  • Rhinogobius maculafasciatus

    3. November 2015

    Once more we are able to offer a species of freshwater goby that was not imported so far to Europe: Rhinogobius maculafasciatus. The species has been described scientifically only in 1996 from Taiwan; our specimens originate from Taiwan. So we are comparatively sure that the determination is correct. Determination of a Rhinogobius is not that […]

  • Astronotus zebra Tapajos

    30. October 2015

    Again we were able to import a small number of this splendid wild form of the Oscar. For more informations, please see For our customers: the fish have code 633426 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very limited numbers only! Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Macropodus spechti

    28. October 2015

    The ancient homeland of the Black Paradise Fish (Macropodus spechti, formerly M. concolor) is Vietnam. We obtained now fully grown, wonderful specimens from there. The fish are most probably bred ones, but they differ clearly from the strain bred in Europe since the 1930ies. In direct comparison the new importations show a very attractive, brass […]

  • Poecilia (Limia) melanogaster

    27. October 2015

    It happens only rarely that a wild form of livebearer is kept continuously over decades by hobbyists. This is understandable if one takes a look on the immense number of colourful sports that do exist from guppy, platy, molly & co.. So, if a wild form is able to compete with them it is without […]

  • Scolichthys iota

    26. October 2015

    For the first time ever we are able to offer this tiny species of livebearer. Scolichthys iota has been discovered and described back in 1967 already, but has become never known alive to hobbyists until very recently. Our specimens are German bred. Males attain a maximum length of only 1.5 cm, females get almost double […]

  • Labeo chrysophekadion

    26. October 2015

    The black shark is of course no shark at all, but a cyprinid or carp. It is a very large growing species, attaining almost a metre in length and 7 kg in weight. Like many other large carps it is a very much sought for food fish in Southeast Asia. So it is bred in […]

  • Unusual ornamental fish bred in Indonesia 3: Leporinus affinis

    23. October 2015

    This is another, very attractive large tetra, which is currently offered as bred specimens from Indonesia. This Leporinus attains a maximum length of about 25 cm total length and stays a bit smaller than the otherwise very similar L. fasciatus, which reaches about 30 cm total length. The species needs a lot of plant material […]

  • Unusual ornamental fish bred in Indonesia 2: Corydoras septentrionalis

    21. October 2015

    Corydoras septentrionalis is rather rare in the trade. It occurs in Venezuela and Colombia. The species is very similar to Corydoras ellisae from Paraguay. It differs from C. ellisae mainly due to the much longer snout and the colourless fin (with a spotted pattern in C. ellisae). We were a bit surprised to obtain that […]

  • Unusual ornamental fish bred in Indonesia 1: Leporinus arcus

    20. October 2015

    There are many very successful breeders of ornamental fish in Indonesia. These people are able to breed even species that have proven to be unbreedable in hobbyists tanks for decades already. However, not all the species that are used as ornamental fish are only ornamental. Many species, for example Colossoma macropomum (Giant Pacu), the species […]

  • Poecilia (Limia) perugiae

    19. October 2015

    The Dominican Republic is the destination for millions of tourists each year. But it is only known by few people that also beautiful freshwater fish exist there. One of the prettiest of them is Poecilia perugiae. We can offer this beautiful livebearer on a quite regular basis, but have usually only few specimens in stock. […]

  • Crenicichla semifasciata

    19. October 2015

    Formerly the pike cichlids were splitted in two genera. Batrachops and Crenicichla. Batrachops were the rather blunt-headed species. Nowadays this classification is not accepted anymore and Batraochops seen only as a synonym of Crenicichla. However, hobbyists have not forgotten the old name… One of these blunt headed species is Crenicichla semifasciata from Paraguay. The attractive […]

  • Corydoras pantanalensis C5

    19. October 2015

    This species is one of the largest of its genus: C. pantanalensis can reach a total length of more than 8 cm! Now we finally were able once more to import these splendid pieces of gold in small numbers. Besides the impressive size Corydoras pantanalensis is also very interesting because the males develop during the […]

  • Nomorhamphus celebensis

    16. October 2015

    Most of halfbeaks of the genus Nomorhamphus originate from Sulawesi (formerly known as Celebes). Some species, like N. ebrardtii or N. rex, are traded usually as wild collected ones, others, among them N. liemi, are occasionally also available as bred ones. A species that occurs hardly ever in the trade is the Black Halfbeak, Nomorhamphus […]

  • Parotocinclus cf. variola

    14. October 2015

    For the first time ever we were able to import this interesting dwarf suckermouth catfish. It originates from a only recently discovered region, namely the waterfalls of Cachoeira do el Dorado in the far northern parts of Brazil, almost at the border to Venezuela. This area has not been explored ichthyologically yet. Of all the […]

  • Hypostomus sp. LDA10

    14. October 2015

    The great rush for l-numbers is over, no doubt. But even at the highest level of the hype some of the species appeared only once or twice in the ornamental fish market. One of those guys is LDA, a species of Hypostomus with an extraordinary broad head. Obviously this species lives syntopically with the much […]

  • Apistogramma commbrae

    12. October 2015

    The species Apistogramma commbrae is only very occasionally available. The species has been described back in 1906 already and has a very wide distribution: Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay. But from this region mainly the close relatives of A. commbrae, namely A. borellii and A. trifasciata become exported. This is not easy to understand, because A. […]

  • Xiphophorus variatus Rio Nautla

    8. October 2015

    We obtained in very limited numbers this beautiful local variety of the wild variatus platy (Xiphophorus variatus) from a German breeder. The Rio Nautla variety is a fish that occurs in the wild, not an artificial sport! For our customers: the fish have code 442983 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the […]

  • Trichogaster pectoralis

    7. October 2015

    The Snakeskin Gourami is the largest and the most peaceful species of gourami. The animals can reach a maximum size of about 20-25 cm. This makes them also much sought for food fish in their home countries in south-east Asia. However, we prefer to enjoy their peaceful habit and the pretty coloration of the fish. […]

  • Pachypanchax playfairii

    6. October 2015

    Aquarists who like to read in elder books find this killifish in all literature until the 1970ies: the Golden Panchax, Pachypanchax playfairii. Then the species seems to have disappeared from the aquarium hobby mainstream. By the way: the Golden Panchax is the only primary freshwater fish species from the Seychelles. The Golden Panchax belongs to […]

  • Batrochoglanis raninus Dwarf

    5. October 2015

    Batrochoglanis raninus Dwarf The genus Batrochoglanis was formerly placed in Pseudopimelodus. Batrochoglanis can be best distinguished from Pseudopimelodus by the shape of the caudal fin. Pseudopimelodus has a deeply forked caudal fin, Batrochoglanis only a slightly indented one. Currently five species of Batrochoglanis are accepted. We obtain occasionally specimens of that genus from Colombia, which […]

  • Nanochromis parilus

    30. September 2015

    Nanochromis parilus is a species of dwarf cichlid that originates from the Congo region. Usually we offer this species as wild collected ones. But currently we found a breeder that can supply us with fully grown, very healthy, gorgeous animals. It is quite interesting that among these bred fishes two types of males appear. Some […]

  • Scatophagus

    29. September 2015

    Tiny scats Scats (Scatophagus) spawn in the sea. The juveniles enter brackish water zones after their development in the plankton. From the mouths of the rivers they migrate often far inland. In India currently this migration starts and we received from there charming scat babies of 1-1.5 cm length. Juvenile scats show their realtionship: the […]

  • Sphoeroides annulatus

    29. September 2015

    A very interesting species of pufferfish reached us currently from Colombia: Sphoeroides annulatus. This species is primary a seawater fish, but juveniles are often found in pure freshwater. However, we recommend to keep the species in brackish water. This beautiful puffer can reach a maximum length of 40 cm. Most specimens are peaceful, but one […]

  • Danio (Brachydanio) roseus

    29. September 2015

    The pearl danio (Brachydanio albolineatus) is the type species of the (sub-)genus Brachydanio. It belongs to the most popular species of ornamental fish in the world and is almost anytiome available in any petshop. However, the other Bracydanio in the closer sense are by far less well known. Among them is Brachydanio roseus that originates […]

  • Astronotus ocellatus Roter Tiger Oskar

    Astronotus ocellatus Roter Tiger Oskar

    29. September 2015

    Only a Red Tiger Oscar… The man-made sport “Red Tiger Oscar” from Astronotus ocellatus is very common in the ornamental fish trade. Oscars are large cichlids that should be kept only in really large tanks. Here they are very nice pets with a great personality. However, we often do not look very intensive on such […]

  • Serrasalmus spilopleura

    29. September 2015

    The correct determination of piranha species is one of the most difficult chapters in ichthyology at all. Even the specialized authorities for that group of fish have often different points of view. And so we quite often can only look for the very few features that are accepted as species specific, like the black bands […]

  • Mastiglanis asopos

    29. September 2015

    Catfishes in general often look quite odd. This is for sure true for this dwarf catfish, which was described only in 1994 in a new genus. The maximum length of this fish is about 6-7 cm without the caudal fin. The shape of the body is very elongate. The extremely long pectoral fin rays are […]

  • Procambarus clarkii White

    29. September 2015

    The Louisiana crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) has become a real domesticated pet. Quite a lot of colour sports have been developed by breeders. These sports do not exist in the wild. One of these sports is plain white. In case the female bears eggs it looks like Snow White playing with snowballs… Sadly the species P. […]

  • Myleus schomburgkii “Big Black Stripe”

    22. September 2015

    Myleus schomburgkii “Big Black Stripe” Obviously many different varieties – or do they even represent different species, who knows? – of the attractive pacu Myleus schomburgkii exist. We obtained recently very nice specimens from Colombia, which are characterized by the very broad black band over the body. Our fish are 9-12 cm long and only […]

  • Maccullochella peelii

    21. September 2015

    Who ever looked for a really extraordinary fish as a pet will find it in this species. M. peelii is the largest freshwater fish of Australia. The popular name of Maccullochella peelii is “Murray Cod”, after the Murray River. The average length of adults is about 60 cm and 2-3 kg weight; but the largest […]

  • Channa sp. aff. bleheri “Flame Fin”

    17. September 2015

    A really gorgeously coloured dwarf snakehead reached us from the foot of the Himalaya. Our specimens are obviously fully grown adults and have about 12 cm total length. Compared with all other dwarf snakeheads of that relationship in our fishhouse – Channa gachua, Ch. sp. Fire & Ice, Ch. bleheri, Ch. andrao, Ch. sp. Laos […]

  • Hypoptopoma cf. psilogaster “sp. II”

    16. September 2015

    The dwarf catfish of the genus Hypoptopoma are close relatives of the much better known Otocinclus species. Both genera have a similar habit and a similar  way of life. Members of Hypoptopoma have a very typical position of the eyes. This gives them the advantage to be able to see what happens below them them […]

  • Corydoras aeneus Cuiabá

    16. September 2015

    The Bronze Cory is the most popular and most widespread Corydoras in the hobby. This stands in a strong contrast to the scientific knowledge about the systematics of that species. From a systematist´s point of view the Bronze Cory is among the least understood species of the genus. Currently only one species is accepted, which […]

  • Euryglossa panoides

    16. September 2015

    Flounders and tongues belong to a group of fishes that are rarely seen in the aquarium hobby. Whereas flounders have a well developed, clearly visible caudal fin, in the tongues the dorsal, ventral and caudal fins are melted. The species Euryglossa panoides, which is by chance imported from India and Vietnam belongs to the tongues. […]

  • Euryglossa panoides

    16. September 2015

    Many species of flatfish (of course not all of them) are wanderers between two worlds. They are very tolerant against different salinities and can live as happy in pure freshwater as in pure marine water. The common European Flounder (Platichthys flesus) for example is found occasionally as far upwards as Basel in the Rhine. However, […]