In the black water of Sundaland (Indonesia, Malay Peninsula) you will find many wonderful aquarium fish like chocolate gouramis, harlequin barbs and kuhli loaches. However, these are only the best known; the numerous species of small and colourful barbs and rasboras, for example, are only known by a few. Among them is Trigonopoma pauciperforatum (formerly […]
Fish Archive (3044)
Afruca (formerly: Uca) tangeri
The eastern Atlantic from Portugal to Angola, is the origin of the fiddler crab Afruca tangeri, where it inhabits sand and mangrove coasts. We obtain the animal from Nigeria. The to an enormous size grown major claw of the males is remarkable. It is used for attracting the females and for the fight between rivaling […]
Hemiodus thayeria
Shortly after the first import of Argonectes longiceps we were able to import another feather tetra, which has not yet been seen, at least by us: Hemiodus thayeria. This beautiful, elegant fish comes from the border area of Brazil and Colombia at the Rio Negro. The type specimen was already collected in 1925 by Carl […]
Corydoras elegans “Peru”
There are several species of Corydoras, which even pronounced specialists are not able to distinguish. In such cases it might be useful to speak of species groups instead of species. One such example is the species group around Corydoras elegans in the narrower sense, which includes C. elegans, C. napoensis, C. nanus and several C- […]
Gambusia hurtadoi
Gambuses don’t have a good reputation in aquaristics. They are considered grey, quarrelsome and difficult fish. This is not completely wrong, especially when it comes to the worldwide plague Gambusia holbrooki. But few aquarists realize that there are 45 different species of Gambusia and it is very unfair to use the same comb for all […]
Chaetostoma sp. L455 Tiger
After longer time we could import again the beautiful Chaetostoma sp. L455 Tiger from Peru. Generally speaking, Chaetostoma species do not stand out because of their attractive colors, but this species makes a clear exception – at least the males. The females are colored considerably simpler. Some specimens show a red coloration in the tail […]
Serrasalmus cf. sanchezi “Pará”
When trying to identify piranhas, one often pokes in the dark. The differences between juvenile and adult forms are dramatic, both in terms of physical and color characteristics. Over the decades that we have imported young piranhas from all parts of South America, some characteristics have proved to be quite reliable in combination: 1- is […]
Gnathocharax steindachneri
In the natural habitat of the cardinal tetra food sources are very scarce. So it is really astonishing how many species can exist there. However, many of them stay very small. Good luck for the aquarium hobby, for they all make very good ornamental species! Even a predatory species of that biotope is such a […]
Gymnogeophagus caaguazuensis
We have received beautiful wild collectes animals of this larvophile maternal mouth-breeding cichlid from Paraguay (i.e. the female incubates the larvae in her mouth, while the animals spawn on stones etc. and take care for the eggs here like open-breeding cichlid until they hatch). With only scarcely 9 cm of standard length (with tail fin […]
Laetacara dorsigera Wild
Finally, after several years, we received again beautiful wild collected specimens of this charming dwarf cichlid from Paraguay. Males become around 8 cm, females about 6 cm long. The species is very pretty even in “normal” mood, but when they come in breeding condition they get a lilac colored throat that makes them even more […]
Argonectes longiceps
We could import a quite unusual tetra for the first time in some specimens from Colombia: Argonectes longiceps. Although the species is inconspicuously colored, it looks quite attractive with its black and white tail fin pattern. They are peaceful animals which, in contrast to the closely related Hemiodus species, have a normal, i.e. horizontal swimming […]
Betta simorum
We can just offer wonderful, full-grown German offspring of the largest bubblenest building fighting fish: Betta simorum. The animals reach a standard length (without caudal fin) of over 7 cm with a very slender body, i.e. almost 9 cm with caudal fin. Betta simorum occurs in the black water swamps of the province Jambi on […]
Xiphophorus maculatus “Belize Purple”
The wild type of the “normal” Platys (Xiphophorus maculatus) is cared for as good as never in the aquarium. This is partly due to the fact that “the” wild type of the Platy does not exist at all, but a large number of colour variants, which partly only occur locally, but partly also in different […]
Trigonostigma heteromorpha
What can we say about the harlequin barb (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) that hasn’t been said 1,000 times already? It is simply one of the most beautiful and proven aquarium fish of all. And also when looking at it 1.001 times is a pleasure to see it. If they didn’t exist, they would have to be invented! […]
Tanichthys breeding form linni veiltail XXL
The white cloud mountain minnow (Tanichthys albonubes) has not disappeared from the aquariums since its discovery in 1932. In nature, however, the species is threatened with extinction. Since no wild fish are collected because of its easy breeding ability, nobody noticed this for decades. The reason for the danger in nature is, as always, the […]
Apistogramma atahualpa
Before its scientific description this beautiful species of dwarf cichlid from Peru was known in the hobby as the „Sunset-Apistogramma“. And in fact the body coloration of a female during brood care reminds one in a sunset. The scientific name, atahualpa, refers to the last great ruler of the Inka empire: Atahualpa. He was captured […]
Corydoras polystictus and C. albolineatus
We currently have two rarely available species of Corydoras in stock, which look very similar to each other: Corydoras polystictus and C. albolineatus. The former has a wide distribution in southern South America, while the latter was discovered comparatively late and described from the Rio Itanez in Bolivia. However, our specimens come from the Brazilian […]
Moenkhausia celibela
For over 150 years a small tetra is known in science, that is placed due to the scaltion of the tail fin at present into the genus Moenkhausia, under the name M. lepidura. The species differs from all other Moenkhausia species, it was thought, by the coloration of the tail fin, in the upper half […]
Satanoperca lilith
This beautiful cichlid from Brazil is only very rarely imported. Currently we can offer some specimens in perfect size. Despite the frightening name o the fish Satanoperca lilith is a very peaceful and reserved species, it can be even a bit shy. Maximum length reported for the fish is around 20-25 cm, our specimens are […]
Hyphessobrycon hexastichos
This pretty tetra is a double of the very similarly colored species Moenkhausia agnesae. It remains however with 5,5 cm length smaller than M. agnesae, which becomes nearly 7 cm long. In addition, H. hexastichos, which occurs exclusively in the upper catchment area of the Rio Tapajós in Brazil, is not as quarrelsome as M. […]
Microglanis carlae
Usually the „typical“ catfish with long barbels become quite big and are therefore also called “predatory catfish” in the hobby. The lovers of these animals therefore have really large aquariums to care for their favourite fish. However, there is a species from South America, more precisely from Paraguay, which is truly also suitable for nano […]
Tropheus duboisi
Tropheus duboisi are the “somewhat different” Tropheus. While the remaining species of the genus Tropheus are hectic, in groups living, always quarreling swimmers, T. duboisi are at least in the nature rather singulary living fish, who are found occasionally also in pairs. They are clearly calmer and also considerably less aggressive than the other Tropheus. […]
Metynnis fasciatus
This beautiful fish, a serrasalmid and thus a relative of piranhas a pacus, is still enigmatic for scientists. The species Metynnis fasciatus has been described on the basis of a young fish from Brazil (Rio Capiru). The type specimen is regarded as lost. The species is identical with M. hypsauchen in all respects exept the […]
Pseudohemiodon sp. Peru II German Bred
Floundercatfish are very popular with catfish lovers because they combine an interesting appearance with the interesting mouth brood care. Some species become quite big, so P. laticeps from Paraguay, that can become well and gladly 35 cm long, but there are also smaller species. Among the latter are two scientifically seemingly not yet described species […]
Colisa chuna
Colisa chuna The coloration of the honey gurami, Colisa chuna, is unique among the freshwater fish of the world and also among the labyrinth fish, to which the honey gurami belongs. All other Colisa species have a pattern of vertical stripes, only the honey gurami has no such pattern. In neutral mood the animals are […]
Glossolepis incisus
The red rainbow fish, Glossolepis incisus, is one of the magnificent classics among the rainbow fish. One can well understand that this fish caused real storms of enthusiasm in the 1970s, when only two relatively inconspicuous species of this group of fish were known in the hobby. The home of Glossolepis incisus lies in western […]
Batanga or Dormitator lebretonis BRED
This is one of the gobies imported as an ornamental fish shortly after the beginning of the 2nd century (1905) already. Since then she has always found her friends, but was never very popular in the hobby. This is probably due to the quite impressive size that this goby, which is widespread along the West […]
Lamprologus brevis Kapampa
Many cichlids from Lake Tanganyika have different local populations that also look more or lress different. The snail cichlid Lamprologus brevis (sometimes also called Neolamprologus brevis, the species belongs neither to one nor to the other genus, but to a genus still to be described) has a lake wide distribution and therefore it has become […]
Erythrinus erythrinus PERU
According to the current state of science, the predatory tetra species Erythrinus erythrinus is widespread throughout practically all of South America: Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Paraguay, Bolivia, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela. However, they look somewhat different everywhere, so that one must assume that in case of a modern revision […]
L134 Peckoltia compta
The L-number catfishes are like us humans. There are pretty, very pretty and extraordinarily pretty specimens. To the latter group belong the L134 (Peckoltia compta) from the Rio Tapajós, which we currently have in stock. P. compta belongs to the most recommendable L-catfishes at all and unites all desired characteristics of this group in ideal […]
Ancistrus patronus and Ancistrus sp. “Rio Tocantins”
In small numbers we received German bred specimens of these pretty bristle-noses. Ancistrus patronus is one of the numerous white dotted, black species and was known in the hobby as Ancistrus sp. “Puerto Ayacucho” and A. sp. “Rio Parucito” before its scientific description in February 2019; the numbers L125 and L150 were given to imported […]
Ageneiosus lineatus (= sp. III Green Stripe)
Update: es handelt sich um die Art Ageneiosus lineatus Ribeiro, Rapp Py-Daniel & Walsh 2017 The dolphin catfish were only recently revised and divided into two genera: Ageneiosus and Tympanopleura. Tympanopleura are the smaller species. They are characterized by a circular structure immediately behind the edge of the gill cover, which looks like a tympanum. […]
Betta splendens Pla Kat Halfmoon Galaxy Candy
Sometimes you don’t know what to admire more: the breeding skills of Betta freaks or their creativity in inventing new names. However, these candies are real beauties; each animal is individually patterned and spotted, so they are unique! Our dear friend Kamphol has sent us an exclusive collection of these beauties from Thailand. For our […]
Cyprinodon variegatus
The pupfish of the genus Cyprinodon live, so to speak, in the limbo for fish. Once the area, which today represents the desert regions of the western USA and northern Mexico, was a huge lake plate, the fish there lived in paradise. But the lakes gradually dried up over the millennia. Today, some species of […]
Inlecypris auropurpureus
The Inle Lake in Burma has a high proportion of endemic fish species, i.e. fish that occur exclusively there. One of them is Inlecypris auropurpureus, a Danio with vertical stripes on a golden band. The number and shape of the stripes are slightly different for each individual. Inlecypris is closely related to the species placed […]
Corydoras venezuelanus “Orange” and C. sp. “Venezuela Black”
Such a pretty little fish and such an ugly confusion about the name! Corys, which look like the bronze cory, Corydoras aeneus, appear in whole South America. However, these are certainly different species, there is general agreement. Only – how to name them correctly? Whether the cory, which is currently called Corydoras venezuelanus “Orange” in […]
Channa aurantimaculata GERMAN BRED
Currently we can offer beautiful offspring of one of the most beautiful Channa species: Channa aurantimaculata. The species originates from the north of India, where it can sometimes get quite cool. Therefore the summerly care of the up to 50 cm long animals (normally they become in the nature, however, only 20-25 cm long) in […]
Brachygobius doriae
Brachygobius doriae has been confused with B. xanthozonus for decades. We also received the fish under that name and stocked it so, because almost all aquarium books and websites depict B. doriae, but name it B. xanthozonus. However, B. xanthozonus has more than 50 scales in the horizontal row (our fish have somewhat more than […]
Nimbochromis venustus
The genus Nimbochromis is probably best known to the aquarists through the “sleeper”, N. livingstonii. All species of Nimbochromis have a Camouflage pattern from irregular, brown spots. N. livingstonii uses this to mimic a decomposing fish, because fish carrion looks very similarly patchy. So the sleeper lies on his side on the ground and plays […]
Ancistrus sp. Paraguay
After Paraguay had closed its doors for half a year for the export of ornamental fish, now imports from the southern country in South America reach us again. Among them also various Ancistrus species, which are often sent mixed. It has become common practice in the trade to call these animals Ancistrus tamboensis, which is […]
Liosomadoras oncinus
The Jaguar catfish (Liasomadoras oncinus) belongs to the rarities in the aquarium. Also in the large museum collections of the world the species is only sparsely represented, so that the knowledge about these animals is small. In the aquarium, they belong to the very sensitive species that only experienced aquarists should dare to approach. The […]
Symphysodon discus
The real or Heckel discus is maintained considerably more rarely in the aquarium than brown, blue or green discus and their sports and becomes as good as not at all bred. It is therefore only regularly available as a wild collected fish. At the moment we have some very nice, well-adjusted Heckel varieties in our […]
Amatitlania sajica
From the many Central American cichlids, that were grouped in the gigantic collective-genus Cichlasoma earlier, most species are cared for only by the experienced “old hares” among the aquarists, who don’t want any more a colorful community aquarium but prefer a preferably big aquarium with few, characterful fishes. The Central American cichlids are perfect for […]
Paracanthocobitis rubidipinnis
This beautiful loach comes from Burma, where it is found in the Irrawaddy system. They are exceptionally lively animals that are constantly in action with each other. For this reason, it is not acceptable to combine fish that love peace with Paracanthocobitis rubidipinnis. The animals – they become about 6-7 cm long – are however […]
Giuris margaritacea
When one sees these sleeper gobies from the Indo-West Pacific region, where they are very common, for the first time, one spontaneously thinks of an oversized Australian spotted goby (Mogurnda). The main difference between Giuris and Mogurnda is – aquaristically speaking – that the tiny larvae of Giuris develop in the sea, while the much […]
Colombia, a journey to the habitats of our fishes
Every aquarist probably wants to visit the habitat of his fish once. We were 6 aquarists from the Berlin area as well as from the south-southwest of Germany. Through Roman Neukirchen from the company Aquarium Glaser we got the opportunity to have a look at the transport routes from the catch of the fish in […]
Zebra Otocinclus
Currently we have two forms of very attractive Zebra-Otocinclus from Peru in stock. The first species, Otocinclus cocama, is more commonly available. It shows a rather dense pattern of vertical black stripes on a light background and has the code number 274154 (see also Only in small quantities and very rarely we get a […]
A white Corydoras sp. C124
We get the rare long nosed Corydoras sp. C124 occasionally under the names C. cortesi (that is another species from Colombia) or Corydoras “Huangana” (so one calls the wild pigs of the species white-lipped peccary) from Peru. C124 has a very variably pattern, each individual can be recognized by his special pattern. But this time […]
Macropodus spechti
Once again we managed to import a Macropodus form from Vietnam which cannot be clearly assigned. Unfortunately nothing can be found out about the original location. Some years ago we had been able to import similar animals, also from Vietnam, but they had a strong bronze shine on their body, which is missing in the […]
Mesonoemacheilus triangularis
The loaches of Asia are an enormously species-rich fish group. Similar to the cory catfish in South America, a great part of the species has not yet been scientifically described. A well recognizable species is the Zodiak Loach, Mesonoemacheilus triangularis, from South India; here it occurs endemically in the Western Ghats. The genus Mesonoemacheilus differs […]
Trachelyopterichthys taeniatus
Among the driftwood catfishes are some quite attractive coloured species. This is a bit astonishing, for these catfishes are usually strictly night active and hide during daytimes in caves or crevices. However, well settled animals usually come out of their wholes at feeding times in the aquarium. Trachelyopterichthys taeniatus belongs to the really attractive species. […]
Macropodus opercularis Albino
About 80 years ago, a German breeder found by chance an albinotic paradise fish among a brood of normal siblings. The breeder was successful in rearing the fish and this animal became the ancestor of all albinotic paradise fish known today. However, breeding albinotic paradise fish is not that easy and so they always were […]
Leporinus friderici
One of the longest known Leporinus species is L. friderici. It was already described in 1794 under the name Salmo friderici. The author, Marcus Eliser Bloch, writes: “This fish is a resident of Surinam’s waters. I received it from the present governor, the Lord of Friderici, along with several other fish. He has an excellent […]
Corydoras robustus BRED
The magnificent Corydoras robustus belongs to the biggest species of its genus. Up to 95 mm standard length (i.e. without caudal fin) have already been measured in females of this species. Females become somewhat bigger than the males. Both sexes develop long dorsal fin rays, what looks very nice. For more pictures of adult animals […]
Boraras urophthalmoides (formerly Rasbora urophthalma)
As early as 1914 the then very prominent German aquarist J. P. Arnold illustrated a new species of Rasbora in a German aquarium magazine, imported by the company Scholze & Pötzsche and said to originate from Sumatra. In 1922 E. Ahl from Berlin Museum described this species scientifically as Rasbora urophthalma and since these days […]
Microphis deocata BRED
The probably prettiest freshwater pipefish is Microphis deocata from India. In its homeland it lives in clear running waters at the foot of the Himalaya. Unfortunately this pipefish is very sensitive to transport. It neither tolerates water deterioration nor can it starve for long. As a food specialist it also requires living food, this species […]
Etroplus suratensis
After a quite long time we were able to import the Indian Pearl Spot, Etroplus suratensis, once again. Of the three species of Indian cichlids this one is the largest. Record dimensions of up to 40 cm were reported. But normally this fish becomes only about 15 cm long, it is sexually mature from about […]
Devario annandalei
Until quite recently all species now placed in Devario have been placed in Danio and most of them were considered to be varieties of a single species, D. malabaricus. But even earlier a good number of species has been described scientifically, most of them became forgotten later. One of these species is Devario annandalei from […]
Polypterus endlicherii bred (2)
For some time now we have been able to offer offspring of this big bichir (see With the current delivery we noticed the bizarre outer gills, which have young animals of all Polypterus species. They give these primeval fishes a very peculiar appearance. For our customers: the animals have code 163312 on our stocklist. […]
“Cichlasoma” loisellei
In their Central American home countries, the predatory colorful cichlids, that are classified currently in the genus Parachromis – before this, they were placed in Cichlasoma or Nandopsis – are called “Guapotes“. That means “the big pretty ones”. And actually, these species, some of which can reach up to 50 cm in length, are very […]
Thoracocharax stellatus, Gasteropelecus maculatus JUMBO, Carnegiella myersi, Carnegiella strigata
The platinum hatchetfish, Thoracocharax stellatus, is regarded as biggest species of the hatchetfish. In the scientific literature, up to 6.8 cm of standard length (without tail fin) are indicated for the species. However, much smaller animals are always imported. The specimens that we currently offer as “large” have a standard length of about 3.5-4 cm. […]
Leiodon cutcutia THAILAND
The first tropical freshwater puffer fish, which was imported in 1903 for aquaristics and soon bred, was the common or emerald puffer fish, at that time still known as Tetraodon cutcutia. The species remains quite small with a maximum length of 9 cm, is attractively colored and easy to keep, but unpredictably biting against conspecifics […]
Tatia gyrina
In spite of their largely nocturnal nature, the driftwood catfishes have meanwhile gathered a small fan community behind them, which enthusiastically cultivate and breed them. Surely it contributes to the fact that these catfishes have an internal fertilization, whereby the females can produce a fertilized clutch sometime without direct intervention of a male, since the […]
Apistogramma iniridae
Sadly this beautiful dwarf cichlid is only occasionally available, but currently we were able to import once more beautiful, fully grown specimens. The fish display all the behaviour that makes the keeping of these fish so desirable. Like its close relative A. uaupesi, which differs from A. iniridae mainly due to the lyra-shaped caudal fin […]
Allenbatrachus grunniens
Nobody would keep this fascinating frogfish from South East Asia due to its coloration. The bizarre shape and the expressive eyes nevertheless make it a desirable species for the aquarium. This frogfish lives in the wild in river mouths; although it is possible to keep the fish in pure freshwater, it is better to add […]
Hemigrammus cf. bellottii “Venezuela”
One of the most common tetras from the Amazon and Orinoco is Hemigrammus bellottii. The species is easily recognizable by the golden longitudinal stripe and the red eye; other pattern elements (tail spot, fin coloration etc.) are usually missing. Only a shoulder spot can be present from time to time – depending on the mood. […]
Cherax snowden “Irianto Red” and Cherax holthuisi
These intensively colored crayfish originate from Papua New Guinea, where they are found on the Vogelkop Peninsula. „Irianto Red” is a colour variant of the Cherax snowden, which was only scientifically described in 2015, while Cherax holthuisi already received its scientific name in 2006; before that, C. holthuisi was known as “apricot crayfish“, while C. […]
Pyrrhulina spilota
The tetras belonging to the genus Pyrrhulina combine the advantages of two basic groups of ornamental fish. The first group are the schooling species that are always visible and swim merely in the open water: tetras and barbs. The second group has a fascinating behaviour and takes care for the brood: the cichlids and the […]
Trachelyopterichthys taeniatus
Among the driftwood catfishes are some quite attractive coloured species. This is a bit astonishing, for these catfishes are usually strictly night active and hide during daytimes in caves or crevices. However, well settled animals usually come out of their wholes at feeding times in the aquarium. Trachelyopterichthys taeniatus belongs to the really attractive species. […]
Leporacanthicus triactis VARIETIES
Currently we received an import from Venezuela, which included small, only 3-4 cm long specimens of Leporacanthicus triactis, also known as L91. Among them are an unusually large number (approx. 10) of unusually beautifully drawn variants. Normally small L91 do not look much different than the adults, only a little lighter in basic tone. But […]
Brochis multiradiatus BRED
The big emerald-corys of the genus Brochis clearly differ from all species of Corydoras through the long back-fin, that contains essentially more fin-rays. While Corydoras have 7-8 rays in the back-fin, Brochis have 10-18. The care of all Brochis is easy and hardly differs from that of the remaining corys, however, the breeding succeeds only […]
Barbodes lateristriga
The black banded barb or spanner barb is an old friend in the aquarium, although it is somewhat out of fashion. In former times it was called Barbus or Puntius lateristriga, at present it is assigned to the genus Barbodes. The pretty, peaceful animals are widespread in Southeast Asia, where they mainly inhabit clear waters, […]
Flexipenis vittatus
Once more we are able to offer a beautiful dwarf livebearer that proofed to be a bit problematical in respect of breeding – not keeping! – in a long time sight under traditional aquarium conditions. However, under the open skies of Southeast Asia they breed pretty well. Flexipenis vittatus is also often placed in Gambusia. […]
Danio feegradei
Danio feegradei was first described by the famous Indian ichthyologist S. L. Hora in 1937 by a single specimen originating from the Thandwe river in Myanmar (former Burma). Since then no reports have been published about new findings in the same river nor in other areas. Only in 2007 this beautiful barb fish has been […]
Hoplias malabaricus “Venezuela”
We have already mentioned it: currently we have three species of the genus Hoplias from Venezuela in our stock. The common wolf tetra (Hoplias malabaricus) has a huge distribution area, but it is very likely that this “species” proves to be a species complex consisting of several, at least partially undescribed species. With the “Hoplias […]
Tropheus sp. “Phoenix”
The cichlids of the genus Tropheus are widespread around the gigantic Lake Tanganyika in numerous locality-variants. The sometimes very different looking animals testify to rising and sinking water levels over the millennia. As strict Aufwuchs eaters, Tropheus cichlids are not able to migrate over larger sandy areas and so the stone reefs of the lake […]
Hoplias curupira
Right now we have three Hoplias species from Venezuela in our stock. Hoplias curupira belongs to the real rarities and is accordingly sought after among predatory fish fans. With a final length of about 40 cm the stocky species remains relatively small. It belongs within the genus Hoplias to the so-called H.-lacerdae group, which besides […]
Trichogaster leerii
The Pearl Gourami (Trichogaster leerii) is an absolute classic among the ornamental fish. The species is always available in the petshops all over the world and they are usually quite cheap. These traded fish are bred ones. Wild collected ones are hardly ever offered; the species is endangered in the wild, because the habitats become […]
Garra sp. Red Tail
After many years we were finally able to import some full-grown (8-10 cm long) specimens of this as rare as beautiful and interesting sucking barb species. Garra sp. Red Tail is still scientifically undescribed, although the collecting site (the Kasat river in the west of Thailand) is well documented. For the history of discovery of […]
Centrodoras brachiatus
In two large specimens (they are currently 20-25 cm long) we have received the extremely rarely imported Centrodoras brachiatus from Peru. The up to 40 cm long catfish are widely distributed in the Amazon system and also occur in Brazil and Colombia. Typical is the form of the lateral bone row, whose shields are very […]
Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi
Only extremely rarely, this pretty, maximum 7 cm long killifish is offered in the trade. Formerly, Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi was placed in the genus Aphyosemion. The species appears from Nigeria to Cameroon. No fear of short-lived Killifishes: this species is approximately as long-lived as other popular aquarium-fish, like Guppys or Platys. It should be noted that […]
Moenkhausia simulata
We obtained a somewhat irritating import of a very rare species of tetra last week from Peru. In all probability, it is Moenkhausia simulata; however, our new import differs slightly from the previously known M. simulata in coloration. All other tetra species with a pattern of several horizontal stripes (Astyanax lineatus, A. kullanderi, A. superbus, […]
Colisa fasciata wild
Actually, nobody knows exactly what Colisa fasciata is; because the specimen on which the first description is based was lost in the turmoil of the French Revolution and where it is supposed to come from (Tranquebar in the south of India) there are no gourami at all. That’s why everything that isn’t Colisa lalia, C. […]
Garra spilota
Algae are probably the most widespread of all the hazards that can hit an aquarium. However, algae are not a bad thing in themselves, they just do not correspond to our aesthetic ideas. In nature, algae growing on stones, plants and pieces of wood and the microorganisms living in them – together they are called […]
Apistogramma pantalone
Two species of so-called Lyratail-Apistogramma come from Peru, which are very similar to each other: A. martini and A. pantalone. Both are among the most delicate and difficult Apistogramma species ever, but this is not a law of nature, but depends on circumstances in nature that have not yet been understood. At the beginning of […]
Hyphessobrycon peruvianus
Three species of tetra in northern South America are obviously close relatives to each other and often confused: Hyphessobrycon loretoensis from Peru, H. metae from Colombia, and H. peruvianus, again from Peru. From these, H. loretoensis has been portayed here: Currently we were able to import the second Peruvian species once more, H. peruvianus, […]
New Bettas (1): Spade Tail
Once again Kamphol has provided us with very special breeding fighting fish, which currently enjoy particular popularity among the breeders of these fish jewels in Thailand. The “Spade Tail” is one of them. Basically there are different possibilities in animal breeding to get to new forms. One way is to inbreed as closely as possible, […]
New Bettas (2): “Alien Blue”, “Alien Steel Blue” and “Alien Green”
These new Betta types were certainly also bred by crossing in wild species, in this case Betta stiktos seems to have been involved; “Alien Green” looks de facto like a B. stiktos. They are all very slender Bettas, they have much more of the heritage of the Betta smaragdina alike forms to which B. stiktos […]
Pseudotropheus sp. “Acei”
It is hard to understand why such a well-defined and unique species has not yet been scientifically described, although the animals have been kept and bred in the aquarium for decades. And yet it is; “Acei” is a pure popular name and not a scientific name. The species can be found in several different coloured […]
Channa melasoma
From the mountainous part in the north of Thailand, the legendary Golden Triangle between Thailand, Burma and Laos, we received two pairs of Channa melasoma. Originally this species, which inhabits clear forest streams, was described from Borneo. With approx. 30-40 cm of final-length (our animals are, including tail fin, approximately 20-25 cm long), C. melasoma […]
Endler Guppy “Blue Tiger”
There are two different ways of breeding new Endler or Dwarf Guppies. One is to cross different color varieties of the pure species Poecilia wingei (Endlerguppy) with each other or to select and intensify certain color characteristics, which occur within a population, by selective breeding. The other way is to cross Endlerguppy and “normal” Guppy […]
Callochromis pleurospilus “Kigoma”
This sand cichlid originates from Lake Tanganyika, where it is found almost all over the lake with the exception of the extreme south. Our animals are descendands from fish that were collected at Kigoma Bay; fully coloured males (unfortunately our quite young, 4-6 cm long animals do not show this yet) of this local variant […]
Corydoras panda
The panda cory from the Rio Ucayali in Peru belongs to the most popular species of the genus. This applies both to the aquarists, who have a community aquarium, and to the breeding aquarists, because Corydoras panda is quite easy to breed and productive – if you know how to do it, of course. We […]
Oryzias woworae XXL
The neon rice fish was the absolute sensation during its aquaristic discovery in 2010. At that time two neon rice fish were known: the “real” O. woworae from the small island of Muna and an O. cf. woworae from the main island Sulawesi. The most important optical difference between the two was seen in the […]
Macrochirichthys macrochirus
Everybody should be fooled by this unusual barb from Southeast Asia on some occasion! The wonderful 18-22 cm long specimens from Indonesia were sent to us under the name Rhaphiodon vulpinus, a predatory tetra from South America. Apart from the great shyness, the animals were in perfect condition, which is why we didn’t want to […]
Pseudanos winterbottomi
In the past years we received this rare headstander, scientifically described only in 2005, which is known from the Orinoco in Venezuela and the Tapajós in Brazil, only very occasionally as a by-catch from Venezuela. Mostly the animals were found among Anostomus ternetzi or Pseudanos trimaculatus. Now we could finally import some specimens of this […]
Desmopuntius pentazona
The five banded barb is one of the most beautiful small barbs. Originally it comes from the river Baram on Borneo, which flows through the Malaysian part (Sarawak) of the big island. Once the black water species was regarded as delicate, its breeding as a high school, but these problems have long since been solved. […]
Haplochromis sp. “Thick Skin” (CH44)
Unfortunately many Haplochromis-like cichlids of Lake Victoria are threatened by extinction due to profound environmental changes. The giant perch (Lates niloticus) introduced there, the turbidity of the water due to eutrophication and the resulting mass growth of the water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) are the best known causes. For this reason, a conservation breeding programme is […]
Acrochordonichthys rugosus
If this catfish came from South America, then one would count it without question to the banjo catfish. But in reality, Acrochordonichthys rugosus comes from Southeast Asia, where it is widespread and science has known about it for a long time, but from where it is only rarely exported as an aquarium fish. A special […]
Anchoviella alleni
We received a very special fish from Peru: Anchoviella alleni, one of the very few representatives of the sardine family (Engraulididae) that lives exclusively in freshwater. The species attains a maximum length of about 10 cm. Our specimens have about half of that size. The supposed males are more slender, slightly larger and the swim […]
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