The short-tailed freshwater pipefish (Microphis brachyurus) has been described from Indonesia. For a long time it was believed to be a species with a worldwide distribution, which differed only slightly at the subspecies level in the various distribution areas. And so M. lineatus (code 430104 on our stocklist) and M. aculeatus (code 149104) were considered […]
Fish Archive (3044)
Metynnis sp. Big Spots Peru
From Peru we occasionally receive beautiful young Metynnis. We have not yet been able to identify them; they either belong to a scientifically undescribed species or represent a local form of M. maculatus. They certainly belong to the species cluster around Metynnis maculatus and we think that the final size, similar to M. maculatus, is […]
Boraras maculatus
The Dwarf rasbora (Boraras maculatus, formerly known as Rasbora maculata) is the species of genus Boraras that is known for the longest time in the hobby. None of these species grows bigger than 2-3 cm and thus they are perfect candidates for the so-called nano-aquaria. All like to be kept in soft and acidic water, […]
Panaque schaeferi L203 L90c
Among the largest loricariid catfish are some of the wood-eating Panaque species. Panaque schaeferi is one of them, the species will certainly grow to about 60 cm long. Since P. schaeferi was described on the basis of adult specimens, the assignment to the young animals belonging to it has never been scientifically confirmed. However, it […]
Betta apollon
Betta apollon was scientifically in 2006 and comes from forest streams in the hilly country west of Narathiwat in Thailand. The mouthbrooding species belongs to the immediate relationship of Betta pugnax. The fish was named after the Greek god Apollon, who stands for beauty and elegance among other things – an aptly chosen name for […]
Corydoras sipaliwini
There are three beautiful, very closely related, small (4-5 cm) armored catfish species on the Guyana Shield in South America, which look so similar to each other that they have already been seen as synonymous with each other in the past: Corydoras bondi, C. coppenamensis and C. sipaliwini. However, most lovers of Corydoras share the […]
Laetacara araguaiae
Finally we were able to import once more this charming dwarf cichlid. The fish was known in the hobby under the name of Laetacara sp. “Buckelkopf” ( = humphead) before the scientific description. For more informations, please click For our customers: the animals have code 603002 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively […]
Astronotus cf. crassipinnis “Bumble Bee”
Currently we import very pretty young Oscars from Brazil, which are offered under the name “Astronotus crassipinnis”. The species A. crassipinnis exists in Brazil, but there is no possibility to check if the species identification is correct. We suspect that the animals are bred ones. The beautiful fish show the typical behaviour of all Astronotus […]
Gymnotus carapo
The number of scientifically described species in the genus Gymnotus increases rapidly recently. Since the last complete revision of the New World Knifefishes by Francisco Mago-Leccia in 1994 34 new species and 7 subspecies have been described, raising the total number of known species to 43. Members of the genus Gymnotus are cylindrical shaped and […]
Yasuhikotakia (formerly: Botia) eos
This beautiful and interesting loach, which can attain a maximum length of about 12 cm, originates from Thailand. This type of loach is said to be sometimes very aggressive. Y. eos is considered as one of the most aggressive species of all. However, in most cases this is a mistake of the keeper. Y. eos […]
Serrasalmus rhombeus „Tocantins“
From the Rio Tocantins in Brazil we received wonderful, 11-14 cm long Serrasalmus rhombeus. This species grows 35 cm, maybe even 50 cm long, making it one of the largest piranha species of all. One can recognize adolescent S. rhombeus quite well by the combination of ruby red eye, a shoulder spot which is not […]
Trigonostigma truncata
Genetic investigations have shown that there is not only one harlequin barb, but several similar forms, which still need to be scientifically investigated. We have been importing beautiful wild collected specimens from southern Thailand for several years. Their colouring differs significantly from “normal” harlequin barbs: a blue line above the wedge, an orange spot […]
Trichopsis vittata
The Croaking Gourami (Trichopsis vittata) is perhaps the most common small fish in South East Asia. It grows to 4 – 6.5 cm long. It can be found almost everywhere, except in strongly flowing waters and in the mountains. Freshly caught, the Croaking Gourami is usually very attractively coloured and shimmers in different shades of […]
Botia striata
Currently we have very nice zebra loaches, Botia striata, in stock. The animals have an ideal size, 3-4 cm. The maximum length the species can reach is about 6-8 cm. In many species of loach the generic name has changed in the past years. The Clown loach, formerly known as Botia macracanthus, is now Chromobotia […]
Apistogramma bitaenata Brazil
Apistogramma bitaenata is one of the most beautiful species of the genus. And it is known for a very long time in the hobby already. Elder hobbyists will know the species maybe under the name of A. kleei, other, well known synonymys are A. klausewitzi and A. sweglesi. The species has a very wide distribution […]
Panaqolus sp. L2
The tiger pleco was already imported and presented in 1988; since then, unfortunately, no scientist has yet taken a closer look on the beautiful animals imported from Rio Tocantins in Brazil for the hobby; therefore, this relatively small, maximum 12 cm long, peaceful loricariid catfish still has no “correct” name, but has to be content […]
Gobiopterus chuno
The glass goby, Gobiopterus chuno, is a fascinating small fish (2-3 cm), which was originally described from the estuaries of the Ganges. Now we have received glass gobies from Thailand under the name G. chuno; they look slightly different from those we know from India (see; it may be G. brachypterus, a species originally […]
Synodontis decorus
One of the most beautiful squeaker catfish (Synodontis) comes from the Congo: Synodontis decorus. The slender species grows about 20-30 cm long and is relatively peaceful. One must always consider that all squeaker catfish have a hierarchy among each other, where “social biting” is absolutely necessary and not alarming, since it only comes to superficial, […]
Hyphessobrycon “ornatus White Fin” XL
We just have a tank full of fully grown rosy tetra (Hyphessobrycon rosaceus) of the breeding form “White Fin” in stock. These magnificent fish are a real feast for the eyes. Read more about this form of fish, which is also known as H. bentosi or H. ornatus in the hobby here: For our […]
Xiphophorus continens
For the first time ever we can offer this dwarf swordtail rarity. Our animals are German offsprings. At first sight the small, only 2-3 cm long animals remind of the also dwarf X. pygmaeus, but they are not so closely related to this species. Only in 1990 X. continens was formally described, first collected in […]
Polypterus ansorgii
Polypterus ansorgii is perhaps the rarest of the bichirs and also comes from regions in Africa from which ornamental fish exports are rarely possible for political reasons. We have already occasionally reported on this interesting, large-growing species ( and and a detailed report on P. ansorgii can be found here: (sadly in German […]
Hemichromis guttatus “Paprika”
Right now we have German offspring of Red Jewel Cichlids – probably Hemichromis guttatus – in stock, which have a very interesting history. They are descendants of wild catches from Hungary! In Hungary, more precisely in the Hévíz region, there is a thermal lake fed by natural hot springs. It is not known by whom […]
Moenkhausia costae
This tetra originates from Brazil (Rio Sao Francisco and Itapicuru). It reaches a maximum length of about 7 cm. Currently we can offer German bred specimens of this attractive schooling fish. For our customers: the fish have code 268613 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank […]
Crenicichla notophthalmus
The genus Crenicichla is with about 100 species one of the most species-rich cichlid genera at all, and yet there are numerous forms that, if we see them alive, do not really want to fit the described species. On the other hand, there are also described species of which we already doubted about their existence, […]
Neritodryas cornea
From Thailand we have received pretty snails under the name Neritina coromandeliana. Whether such names are correct, we usually cannot decide, as we have only ichthyologists (= biologists specialized in fish) in our team. Many German snail experts believe that these animals, which are characterized by their zigzag pattern and yellow triangles on a dark […]
Apistogramma nijsseni
The Panda Dwarf Cichlid (Apistogramma nijsseni) was an absolute sensation when it was first introduced at the end of the 1970s. The breeding was successful right away, but it took several years before it was understood that the – often extreme – male surplus observed in the offspring came from too high water temperatures during […]
Leptodoras cf. cataniai “Rio Nanay“
We receive only very rarely imports of one of the unusual and stress-prone Leptodoras species. These thorny catfish are extraordinarily elongated and apparently live in flowing waters, while many other thorny catfish – think of the Platydoras, Agamyxis etc. which are common in the hobby – are more at home in dead wood or leaves […]
Sturisomatichthys leightoni
Until recently, two genera of closely related whiptail catfish were distinguished according to anatomical features: the relatively short-nosed Sturisomatichthys with four described species and the relatively long-nosed Sturisoma with over 15 species. All species are popular aquarium fish because they are attractive and easy to breed. Unlike most other loricariid catfish they do not breed […]
Scardinius erythrophthalmus – the rudd
The corona crisis has delayed the start of the pond fish/cold water season, but now we have at least a few native biotope fish in stock. The name “biotope fish” should not hide the fact that these are bred fish, which are intended for aquarium and garden pond keeping and must not be released into […]
Poecilia sp. Central America
Right now we can offer a very special delicacy for the friends of livebearers: a scientifically still undescribed wild molly! It is a F1 offspring of a wild collected species from the Poecilia sphenops relationship. The parent animals were collected on a scientific expedition. The description of the species is in progress, so we have […]
Corydoras cf. imitator C140 Red Spot
Again and again we receive imports of Corydoras from the upper Rio Negro area, which differ in details from the well known Corydoras adolfoi, C. duplicareus, C. imitator, C. serratus & Co. It is difficult to classify them in such cases. Are these only colour variations that occur in large numbers somewhere? Are they geographically […]
Gobio gobio, gudgeon
The gudgeon, Gobio gobio, is one of the smallest native fish. It usually grows to 8-12 cm, rarely over 15 cm long. The record is said to be 21 cm, but such giants are as rare as people over 2.20 m long. Because of its small size and pretty colouring (compared to the mostly silvery […]
Microctenopoma ansorgii
We have very nice and stable wild catches of the Orange Bushfish from the Congo in our stock. The bubblenest-building species grows to about 6-8 cm, currently the animals are 3-4 cm long. The Orange Bushfish is a very interesting species. It becomes already half grown and sexually mature. With increasing age the fish becomes […]
Malapterurus beninensis – Electric catfish
For a long time it was believed that there were only two species of electric catfish, namely the widespread Malapterurus electricus and the Congolese M. microstoma. Then two independent revisions of the genus appeared practically at the same time, one by Roberts (2000) and one by Norris (2002), which drastically increased the number of species, […]
Barbucca diabolica
Currently we managed once more to import one of the cutest loaches from Borneo. Barbucca diabolica is despite its terrifying name a totally peaceful animal. Sadly almost nothing is known about the species. In nature, it lives in small forest streams in the Kapuas system on Borneo. Our animals have already almost the size of […]
Nothobranchius rachovii
Rachow´s Nothobranch (the species has been named to honour Arthur Rachow, thus the common name must end on a “w”), also called the bluefin notho, belongs not only to the longest-serving, but also to the timeless most beautiful species of killifish at all in our aquaria. Most often the orange colour morph is kept, which […]
Pseudomugil furcatus (formerly Popondetta furcata)
The blue-eyes Pseudomugil furcatus, relatives of the rainbow fish, originate from the island of New Guinea. However, there are never wild catches of the maximum 6 cm long, peaceful schooling fish on the market, but only offspring, all of which go back to a single collection in 1981. Since then they have been bred continuously. […]
Datnioides microlepis
The Indonesian Tiger Fish (Datnioides microlepis) is without any doubt the most beautiful species of Tiger Perch. These large growing predators can reach a maximum length around 50 cm and are wonderful show fish for large aquaria. But the photographed fish are still young, 4-6 cm long. There are two populations of this perch, one […]
Doryichthys martensii
The up to 15 cm long becoming freshwater pipefish Doryichthys martensii is widespread in southeast Asia, one knows it from Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. In nature, it is mainly found in flowing waters (streams, small rivers), where the animals can be found in the undergrowth of riparian vegetation. As with all pipefish, the male takes […]
Guianacara dacrya
The genus Guianacara currently comprises seven described species, all of which originate from the Guiana shield in South America. The genus was only established in 1989 and only one species – G. geayi – was known before; Pellegrin described it in 1909. From this one can already conclude that the species look quite similar. Before […]
Microctenopoma fasciolatum
Within the African labyrinth fishes, the so-called bushfishes, one can roughly differentiate between two groups: those that do not care for their brood and those in which the males build a foam or bubble nest, into which they are spawned and which is guarded by the male until the young fish are independent. The latter […]
Corydoras orphnopterus
216 scientifically described Corydoras species, of which 163 are generally accepted as valid (this number is, of course, constantly changing, as of March 2020), 159 C-numbers and 160 CW-numbers: one should think that gradually all Corydoras are sufficiently known. But there are still several species which are known only because of their scientific description and […]
Terapon jarbua
This brackish water fish – adult Terapon jarbua usually live in the sea, juveniles in brackish water, but the species is euryhalin and can be found both in the sea and in freshwater – is widespread along the coasts of South East Asia to Australia and East Africa. From the Red Sea, T. jarbua has […]
Hemimyzon nanensis
With the import of Hemimyzon nanensis we were once again able to fill a white spot on the map of fishes that have become known in the aquarium with content. At least for us it is a first import. Hemimyzon belongs to the family of hillstream loaches (Balitoridae) and is closely related to the genus […]
Tanichthys micagemmae – Jewel minnow
Currently three species of the genus Tanichthys are known in the hobby: the White Cloud Mountain minnow Tanichthys albonubes, the Jewel Minnow, T. micagemmae, and T. kuehnei, which was termed T. sp. „Vietnam“ prior to its scientific description. The White Cloud is available exclusively as bred specimens, wheras the Jewel minnow is also imported as […]
Pangio alternans
Kuhlii loaches (Pangio) are very popular aquarium fish. They are cute, small and often colourful. In community aquariums the small water snakes act as a cleaning crew, which reliably prevents food residues from being left lying around. The animals are completely peaceful and love the company of conspecifics. Kuhlii loaches become restless before thunderstorms and […]
Crenicichla sp. “regani-Orinoco”
The pike cichlids (Crenicichla) are one of the most species-rich cichlid genera with 94 valid species at present. Many species grow to well over 20 cm in length and thus belong to the large cichlids, but there are also dwarf cichlids. The latter include the beautiful, slender C. regani, which according to literature should grow […]
Cyclocheilichthys janthochir
Once more we have this beautiful species of shark in stock. Of course it belongs to the barb family, but species of several barb genera that have a similar body shape, are commonly called “shark” in the hobby. In our fishhouse it got the nickname “top-model-barb”, for it is very pretty, but looks also a […]
Hemirhamphodon tengah
This pretty little fish is a challenge for experienced hobbyists. The species originates from Borneo. In contrast to the widespread prejudice halfbeaks of the genus Hemirhamphodon do not appear in brackish water; they are strictly bound to very soft and acidic water! These fishes are commonly found along with chocolate gouramis and small rasboras. The […]
Brachyplatystoma platynemum
From Peru we have received some specimens of this very rarely imported catfish. The animals are in top condition and currently 10 – 12 cm long. Brachyplatystoma platynemum used to be placed in a separate genus, Goslinia, which is now a synonym for Brachyplatystoma. B. platynemum is distributed throughout the Amazon and Orinoco region and […]
Triportheus cf. nematurus
The unusual genus Triportheus contains very interesting, somewhat larger species. Depending on the species these fish attain a length of 15-25 cm. Currently 16 species are distinguished that inhabit all major river systems of South America. From time to time we import members of the genus from Paraguay. Two species can be found there, namely […]
Parambassis pulcinella
Once more we were able to import the most peculiar species of glass perch: Parambassis pulcinella. This freshwater fish originates from clear streams in the border region between Thailand and Burma. The maximum size reported so far is about 10 cm. Against conspecifics the species is rather peaceful. They tend to tease each other sometimes […]
L330 scientifically described: Panaque nigrolineatus laurafabianae
Many fish scientists (ichthyologists) currently reject the concept of the subspecies. They argue that either there are definable characteristics, in which case it is a species, or there are no characteristics, in which case the form cannot be named. However, this concept has only limited relevance to reality; in the case of the large striped […]
Corydoras cf. atropersonatus “Morocha“
For the first time ever we have received a very attractive Corydoras (called „Moriocha“) from Peru (unfortunately not more details), which looks very similar to Corydoras atropersonatus (this species also comes from Peru – Rio Nanay basin – and we have received this at the same time), but is even more attractive. Corydoras atropersonatus has […]
Rasbora cephalotaenia
One of the unfortunately very rare black water rasboras on offer is Rasbora cephalotaenia. The species is quite widespread on the Malay Peninsula to southern Thailand and on the large Sunda Islands (Borneo, Sumatra), presumably it is also found on smaller islands of the Sunda archipelago in suitable habitats. However, as peat swamps are drained […]
Moenkhausia hemigrammoides
From Venezuela we recently received „feather tetras“. This is what we used to call tetras that have a striking black stripe in the anal fin, accompanied by a white line in front of it. In general, however, the term “feather tetra” is alternatively used to species of the genus Hemiodus or Hyphessobrycon copelandi. Our “feather […]
Hypancistrus sp L471 “dwarf, big spots”
From the Rio Ventuari in Venezuela we have received this extraordinarily beautiful Hypancistrus, which is very similar to H. inspector, H. contradens and L201, but has considerably larger spots, which also appear slightly yellowish. At least wild collected L471 seem to remain much smaller than the other mentioned Hypancistrus and hardly grow beyond 6 cm. […]
Oryzias javanicus
The rice fish (Oryzias) have been in the focus of aquarists for several years. First the fantastically colored O. woworae were discovered on Sulawesi, then the Japanese Medakas (O. latipes) experienced a renaissance, because many interesting new breeding forms developed. Most species of the genus, which comprises more than 30 species, occur quite locally. Two […]
Brittanichthys axelrodi
From the catchment area of the Rio Negro these interesting, rarely traded characins reached us. Brittanichthys axelrodi is a true black water fish, which should be kept at pH 4.5 – 6 and low hardness. Filtering via peat can be very helpful here. In addition to improving the chemical parameters, the bactericidal effect of peat […]
Pseudochalceus kyburzi
After several years we finally were able again to import this very beautiful tetra from Colombia once more. This species attains usually a length of about 5 cm, the largest one reported had about 8 cm in length. In respect of the general look and the behaviour Pseudochalceus kyburzi can be best compared with the […]
Pseudorinelepis sp. L95
The loricariids of the genus Pseudorinelepis are the most heavily armored loricariids at all. They are widely distributed in the basins of the large South American rivers Amazon and Orinoco. The imported animals often look a little bit different, but scientifically only one species, P. genibarbis, is recognized at present. The coloration varies greatly individually, […]
Puntioplites falcifer
These large barbs differ from all other barb relatives by an easily recognisable external feature, namely a strong ossified anal fin spine, which can be smooth or serrated. Within the Cyprinidae in a broader sense only carp and crucian carp show this anatomical feature, but these two genera are not barbs. So while the genus […]
Betta raja
With 73 species generally regarded as valid, the genus Betta has become rather confusing and without knowledge of the origin, even specialists find it difficult to identify the species. We have just received very beautiful mouth-breeding Bettas from Sumatra, including Betta raja. Betta raja belongs to the closer relatives of Betta pugnax. The most reliable […]
Garra lissorhynchus
Algae eaters do not have to be pretty, they should eat algae. This basic motto also applies to Garra lissorhynchus, for which the name “chocolate algae eater” was coined to promote sales, but which is mainly dressed by friendly grey tones. The 1-3 cm long juveniles of this species, which comes from India, or more […]
Indostomus paradoxus
The Burmese Dwarf Stickleback or Paradox Fish, Indostomus paradoxus is a tiny species, it becomes only 2-3 cm long and originates from the northern parts of Burma. The charming creature should be kept in single species tanks, so called nano-tanks fit perfectly. Indostomus are very peaceful against conspecifics, but they are too weak to compete […]
Potamotrygon orbignyi BRED and P. sp. Mantilla PERU
For the first time we can offer a good number of German offspring of the freshwater stingray Potamotrygon orbignyi. Because of the extreme variability in colour this species, which was already scientifically described in 1855, is difficult to determine. The type specimen that Castelnau had at hand came from the Rio Tocantins in Brazil. As […]
Nimbochromis livingstonii
The genus Nimbochromis is probably best known to aquarists through the “sleeper”, N. livingstonii. All Nimbochromis species have a camouflage pattern of irregular brown spots. N. livingstonii uses this to imitate a decaying fish, because fish carrion look very similarly spotted. So the sleeper lies on his side on the ground and plays dead fish. […]
Corydoras robustus
This Corydoras belongs with 9-10 cm of total-length to the biggest and most splendid species of the genus at all. Both sexes develop, when they are sexually active, long dorsal fins. The males can be recognized by the additional long ventral fins. At the moment we have wonderful, fully grown, well settled animals in stock. […]
Pethia bandula
In the south of India and on the opposite island of Sri Lanka there is a small group of barb species that look very similar. All three are wonderful aquarium fish, one of them, the black ruby barb Pethia nigrofasciata, was already known and loved by our aquaristic grandfathers. A second species, Pethia narayani, is […]
Pseudacanthicus leopardus LDA7
Species of Pseudacanthicus are also known under their popular name “cactus catfish”, for the species are very spiny and it is no good idea to catch a larger specimen with bare hands. Some species of Pseudacanthicus can reach one metre in length, but there are other species that grow up only to 25 cm. As […]
Elassoma evergladei
The pygmy sunfish, Elassoma evergladei, is a real classic among the dwarf fish. Many generations of hobbyists already enjoyed keeping and breeding the tiny species. It is best kept in a small single species tank that should not be heated. For our customers: the fish have code 404603 on our stocklist. Please note that we […]
Sundadanio retiarius
The dwarf-fish of the genus Sundadanio become only 1,5-2 cm long. They are strongly adapted to black water and require careful acclimatisation. Especially the parasite Piscinoodinum makes life difficult for the tiny fish and is also very difficult to detect on the small fish bodies. Once successfully acclimated, Sundadanio are surprisingly tough fellows that you […]
Cichlasoma boliviense
In the past, the genus Cichlasoma included practically all the larger Central and South American cichlids, more than 200 species; currently there are only 16 species in the genus, all were cultivated and valued in the early days of aquarium science as Aequidens portalegrense. It is rarely possible to distinguish the 16 scientifically described Cichlasoma […]
Biotodoma cupido Peru
The small cichlid Biotodoma cupido – the species can attain a maximum length of about 12-15 cm, but is sexually mature already at 6-8 cm total length – is probably the species of cichlid with the widest distribution in Amazonia. However, experts are merrily discordant wether all the different looking populations represent only varieties of […]
Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum IJEBU ODE
Finally we have once again this beautiful killi as German offspring in our stock. The species grows 4-5 cm long. Unfortunately, this magnificent killi is offered only very rarely. At the moment we have some of these offspring from the population Ijebu Ode (Nigeria, state of Ogun) in stock, fully colored and very colorful. This […]
Serrasalmus geryi
If ichthyologists were superstitious, they would surely believe that Serrasalmus geryi was sent to them so that they would not despair. No other species of piranha can be identified at all stages of its life as reliably and unequivocally as this endemic (i.e. it occurs exclusively there) of the Rio Tocantins in Brazil. The reddish-brown […]
Discus Rosé Lake Tureré
The approximately 300 km long Nhamundá River, one of the smaller left hand tributaries of the Amazon, forms the border between the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Pará. Near the mouth of the Nhamundá River into the Amazon lies the city of Nhamundá. The estuary is basically a large lake district. One of these estuary […]
L128 Blue Phantom
There is no „official“ paper that states in which genus this popular species from Venezuela should be placed in, but the catfish community agrees that it most probably is a member of the genus Hemiancistrus. Currently we have very nice youngsters of 3-4 cm length in stock, and some smaller as well as some larger […]
Uaru amphiacanthoides WILD
Within the genus Uaru only two species are scientifically distinguished at present: U. amphiacanthoides and U. fernandezyepezi. However, there are different local variants of U. amphiacanthoides, which differ in the size and position of the lateral spot. Right now we can offer wonderful, large and three-quarter sized wild catches from the Rio Negro in Brazil. […]
Bunocephalus coracoideus
Banjo catfish (Bunocephalus) are very common in nature. That is why we always have them on offer. Mostly we call them Bunocephalus coracoideus, which may be correct in many cases. But if you look into such a swarm of banjo catfish you will notice that there are always other species in between. Usually they cannot […]
Channa melanoptera
Channa melanoptera from Indonesia belongs with a maximum length of 65 cm to the large Channa species from the species group around Channa marulius. Like all species of this group, C. melanoptera undergoes a drastic colour change from youth to adult. Right now we have lovely young animals of about 4-5 cm length in stock. […]
Wakin goldfish Hoe Kim
One of the earliest fin changes to occur in goldfish is a doubling of the caudal fin, a mutation that occurs exclusively in the species „goldfish“. Simple goldfish with a double caudal fin are called Wakin. The red-and-white fish is one of the most common and most beautiful colour variations of the goldfish. One calls […]
Nannostomus anduzei
Finally we could import one of the smallest fish species of the Amazon basin again: Nannostomus anduzei. They stay – including the tail fin – usually smaller than 2 cm. Our current import came via Manaus, so they are Brazilian animals; the specimens on which the original description was based came from the department Amazonas […]
Dianema urostriatum
The most beautiful species of the Callichthyinae relationship is undoubtedly Dianema urostriatum. The striking black and white striped caudal fin indicates its origin: water coloured dark brown by humic substances. Here, fish that prefer to live in groups need signals that allow them to recognize themselves even in poor visibility. Cardinal tetras, which live in […]
Ancistrus leucostictus
From the Guyana states (French Guiana, Guyana and Surinam) there are for various reasons hardly any commercial ornamental fish exports. The ornamental fish originating there, e.g. the glow-light tetra, are therefore practically exclusively traded as bred specimens. This is also true for Ancistrus leucostictus, which was brought back from a tributary of the Mazaruni River […]
Steatogenys elegans
From Peru we have received extremely pretty knife fish of the species Steatogenys elegans. The genus Steatogenys comprises three species, which are all zebra-like striped. With a total length of approximately 20 cm, they remain comparatively small, only S. ocellatus clearly becomes bigger with 30 cm. The three species are very similar in color. One […]
Parosphromenus paludicola
The magnificent licorice gouramis (Parosphromenus) are among the most threatened fish species on earth. This is due to the extensive destruction of the environment in their habitats. Most of the currently 20 scientifically described species have only been discovered in the last 40 years thanks to aquarium science, as the licorice gouramis differ mainly in […]
Channa sp. Laos Fireback
For the first time we received this splendid snakehead in the year 2011. It obviously represents a species unknown to science so far. I reminds one strongly to the far spread and variety rich species C. gachua, but the “Fireback” is much bigger, reaching 15 -20 cm (some sources give even 25 cm), it lacks […]
Datnioides quadrifasciatus
Some aquarium fish are more of a pet than just an observation object. They grow larger than usual and communicate with their keeper. It is often not clear who is observing whom more intensively: the vertebrate in front of the aquarium or the one behind it. Datnioides quadrifasciatus clearly belongs to this category of fish. […]
Apistogramma rubrolineata
The Bolivian dwarf cichlid Apistogramma rubrolineata is one of the true rarities in the trade. The species was only discovered in 2001 and scientifically described in 2002. The scientific name of the species refers to the seven brown-red longitudinal stripes that this species has. However, they are to be seen in full expression only in […]
Xiphophorus hellerii “Tiger”
Breeding marbled swordtails with red basic colour is a challenge. With the “Tiger”, which we can offer for the first time, this goal has succeeded. In every “tiger” the body spotting is individually different. So far that type of swordtails were offered almost exclusively with whitish body-basic-coloring (then one calls them Marble). Many of the […]
Benitochromis riomuniensis
Benitochromis are closely related to the Pelvicachromis species and can be compared regarding the aquarium biology quite good with these peaceful and colorful cichlids. In contrast to Pelvicachromis, which are cave brooders, Benitochromis are biparental, ovophilous mouthbrooders. This means that both parents take care for eggs and fry; eggs and fry are given from parent […]
Corydoras crypticus and Corydoras cf. crypticus CW 157
The high number of varierties of Corydoras in the upper Rio Negro is very confusing and even Corydoras experts in some cases have great difficulty in addressing the very similar species. A controversial species from the beginning is Corydoras crypticus, which was described together with C. amandajanea in 1995. The main difference between C. crypticus […]
Corydoras serratus
One of the most coveted Corydoras is the saddle-nosed Corydoras serratus from the upper Rio Negro area in Brazil. Because the saddle-nosed Corydoras are rather loners in contrast to the long- and round-nosed Corydoras, they cannot be collected in larger numbers. This and the fact that these fish were sometimes paid incredible prices in Japan […]
Betta apollon
The number of known mouthbrooding fighting fish has virtually exploded in the last 30 years. From around 10 species known in the early 1980s, the number has risen to well over 70. It is hardly possible to keep track of all of them, especially as many variants are already known in the hobby, but not […]
Aplocheilus lineatus RED
The striped panchax (Aplocheilus lineatus) from South India has been inspiring generations of aquarists for over 100 years. Its magnificent coloration compensates for its sometimes quarrelsome temperament. One should not keep the striped panchax together with too tender fish, very small fish are also eaten by the up to 10 cm long animal. But with […]
Pipa parva
The dwarf Surinam toad (Pipa parva) from Venezuela is a real rarity in the aquarium. We have a breeder who can occasionally offer us some of them. At first sight the nice animals remind us of dwarf clawed frogs (Hymenochirus), but you can always tell them apart from them by the branched fingertips – typical […]
Dicrossus maculatus xxl German Bred
The checkerboard dwarf cichlids (Dicrossus) belong to the most beautiful of all dwarf cichlids. However, they are very demanding concerning the chemical water composition, at least when it comes to breeding. Then they need almost distilled water with a pH value around 5. Any bacterial load is only poorly tolerated. For this reason, Dicrossus are […]
Hypancistrus spec. L 401
This in the DATZ 12/05 newly introduced very beautiful Hypancistrus variant is currently available in small quantities. The animals remind in their habitus of L 333 and are sometimes confused with them. All in all L401 are more dainty, somewhat more stretched and reach only a total-length of maximum 12 cm, while L 333 can […]
Astronotus ocellatus Oscars 12-15 cm Mixed Colour
Why the Oscar is called the Oscar? Honestly, we don’t know that for sure. But what is certain is that the name originated in the USA. In 1936, an essay by E. W. Clarke about Astrontus appeared in the journal “The Aquarium”. In 1949 Gene Wolfsheimer reported in „The Aquarium Journal“ that the aquarists in […]
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