09. Characoids: tetra relationship (489)

Nannostomus rubrocaudatus

2. March 2018

Two species of pencilfish from Peru are very famous for their brillant red coloration: N. mortenthaleri and N. rubrocaudatus. Despite their small size – they become only 3-4 cm long – one should never underestimate their aggressivness. Especially N. mortenthaleri can become quite a problem for other small fishes in small tanks. So it is strongly recommended to keep these small fish in comparatively large tanks that allow other fish to avoid the attacks of the pencilfish. Given this one will enjoy a lot the wonderful Nannostomus.

Currently we have very nice wild collected N. rubrocaudatus in stock. The fish are about 3 cm long and full in colour.

For our customers: the fish have code 272264 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Distichodus lusosso

    26. February 2018

    The longsnout distichodus has a very wide distribution in the Congo basin. The species attains a length of up to 40 cm; we recently obtain extremly charming, small juveniles. D. lusosso is an omnivorous fish; a great part of the food is plant material, so a planting of the tank is usually not possible. One […]

  • Melanocharacidium cf. dispilomma

    21. February 2018

    We obtained this charming ground tetra from Brazil. Melanocharacidium dispilomma has a very wide distrubution in northern South America. There are scientific reports from Bolivia, Brazil, the Guyana countries, Venezuela, and Colombia. There is a strange contrast between this very wide distribution and the fact that M. dispilomma has been described scientifically only in 1993. […]

  • Anostomus anostomus

    19. February 2018

    The Striped Headstander is one of the most beautiful species of tetra from South America. It really looks like the big brother of the Threestripe pencilfish, Nannostomus trifasciatus. Anostomus anostomus attains a maximum length of about 15-18 cm. Sadly there are hardly ever exportations of ornamental fish from Guyana currently, so the beauty became rare […]

  • Hyphessobrycon paepkei

    9. February 2018

    The Goldshoulder rosy tetra, Hyphessobrycon paepkei, has been described only a few years ago, the type specimens originated from our fishhouse. THe natural distribution is in the Rio Negro in Brazil. Usullay onyl a few specimens could be selected from shipments of other species, but now we are able to offer the beautiful Goldshoulder rosy […]

  • Hyphessobrycon wadai

    22. December 2017

    We are very glad to be able to offer this beautiful tetra for the first time now. The fish are German bred ones. The species has been described only in 2016. The natural distribution is the upper basin of the Rio Tapajós. This tetra is already a popular aquarium fish in Sao Paulo (Brazil) since […]

  • Hyphessobrycon flammeus GOLD

    24. November 2017

    We want to remind on one of the first species of tetra that reached us from the area around Rio de Janeiro: Hyphessobrycon flammeus, the Flame Tetra. Since the first importation in the year 1924 the species is present in aquaria all over the world, for the fish are easy to breed and very productive. […]

  • Hyphessobrycon eques wild

    15. November 2017

    The Serpae tetra is one of the most popular tetras at all. This is doubtless due to its intensive red coloration. In respect of the behaviour one cannot trust them too far. They have the nasty tendency to bite off pieces of finnage from other fish, also from conspecifics.  From a scientific point of view […]

  • Leporinus steyermarki

    22. September 2017

    Leporinus steyermarki is a beautiful large tetra. It can reach a maximum size of about 30 cm and originates from Venezuela. In German, the fish is now and then named “Grey Leporinus” which is for sure not describing accurately the coloration of the animal. Maybe this name bases on a confusion with another of the numerous species of Leporinus.

    Like all Leporinus, this fish is an omnivorous animal that takes a lot plant of material for food. Our specimens currently are 4-6 cm long and very peaceful against each other.

    For our customers: the fish have code 265882 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Lexicon: Leporinus: Latin, means “hare-nose”. steyermarki: named for Julian A. Steyermark who led the 1953 botanical Venzuela Expedition of the Chicago Natural History Museum; the fish was discovered during this expedition.

    Suggestion of a common name: Golden Spotted Leporinus

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Nannostomus trifasciatus „Gold“

    15. September 2017

    Only very rarely we obtain assorted „goldtetras“ in numbers. An exception of that rule is, however, „the“ gold tetra, Hyphessobrycon saizi (usually traded under the wrong name H. eos). But basically every tetra can become a golden one – they are only hard to find. We now received from Peru large, fully mature golden Nannostomus […]

  • Hyphessobrycon cf. agulha Red Tail

    1. September 2017

    We received a  new species of tetra in number which reached us in former times in single specimens only from the Rio Negro region. Without any doubts the animals are identical with the tetra illustrated on page 472 of „the bible of tetra lovers“, Gery´s „Characoids of the world“. The caption says „Hyphessobrycon agulha, or […]

  • Ammocryptocharax elegans

    28. July 2017

    There is probably no other species of freshwater fish that has such a bilious green coloration as it is shown by the 4-5 cm long ground characin Ammocryptocharax elegans. We were able to import a few specimens from Brazil. However, one should know that these fish can change their coloration very fast and in case […]

  • Moenkhausia agnesae

    28. July 2017

    We received once more the fantastic Moenkhausia agnesae from Peru. This is a larger species that can be kept ideally along with cichlids and catfish. Maximum length reported from M. agnesae is about 8 cm. Formerly this species has been often confused with M. simulata. However, the horizontal stripes in M. simulata are all black, […]

  • Hyphessobrycon eques wild

    14. July 2017

    The Serpae tetra is one of the most popular tetras at all. This is doubtless due to its intensive red coloration. In respect of the behaviour one cannot trust them too far. They have the nasty tendency to bite off pieces of finnage from other fish, also from conspecifics.   From a scientific point of […]

  • Monostichodus mesmaekersi

    10. July 2017

    For the first time ever we can offer this pretty and very interesting tetra from the Congo. The species is practically unknown among aquarists. The genus Monostichodus (formerly: Hemistichodus) belongs to the relationship of the subfamily Ichthyborinae (fin eaters). Many members of that group are specialized fish that feed almost exclusively on parts of fins […]

  • Brycon hilarii

    12. June 2017

    Every year comes a season for one of the most wanted fish or large show aquaria: Salminus maxillosus. And every year we have to look wether the ordered young fish really belong to that species. The Salminus are large (usually up to 60 cm, sometimes reaching even 1 m in length) predatory fishes hat feed […]

  • Pygocentrus piraya

    3. June 2017

    The „real“ piranha, Pygocentrus piraya, is restricted to the river system of the Sao Francisco in southern Brazil. It is a up to 30 cm long species, which is characterized by its deep red breast and the mighty jaws when it is fully grown.However, even juveniles display a very attractive coloration. Most piranha species belong […]

  • Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi Wild

    3. June 2017

    Wild collected black neon tetra? This is extremely rare, even in our company. The black neon tetra is one of the most often traded ornamental fish at all and much sought for. So it is available any time in any number as bred ones, even some artifical sports have been bred, like „smoke“ or „albino“. […]

  • Two new tetras from the Rio Negro region: Hyphessobrycon paepkei and H. cf. agulha

    5. May 2017

    In a shipment containing Hyphessobrycon socolofi (Socolof´s bleeding heart) we found an extraordinary large number of bycatches. Allmost half of the shipment were another species, obviously a close relative of H. ornatus (Rosy tetra). We took a closer look and found the the bycatches were the Goldshoulder rosy tetra, H. paepkei. This species has been […]

  • Copella arnoldi

    2. May 2017

    The Splashing tetra (Copella arnoldi) is very famous due to it´s unique way of spawning. The pair jumps out of the water and deposites the eggs on the underside of plant leafes hanging over the water surface (in the aquarium they often spawn on the top glass). After spawning the male guards the clutch and […]

  • Hyphessobrycon melanostichos

    28. April 2017

    In our latest newsletter I made a regattable mistake: I used pictures of Hyphessobrycon cf. melanostichos instead of pictures of the „real“ Hyphessobrycon melanostichos in the post; H. cf. melanostichos differs a lot from the „real“ species in life colours. So here are now pictures of the „real“ H. melanostichos, the fish we currently have […]

  • Tetras: top rarities, German bred

    27. April 2017

    We obtained from our proofed breeder three species of tetra which are hardly – if ever – available in the trade, all German bred. Hyphessobrycon melanostichos, H. nigricinctus, and Hemigrammus coeruleus. Especially H. coeruleus is now available in larger numbers (yippieh!), the remaining two species are only in small numbers in our stock. For our […]

  • Hyphessobrycon sp. Red-Blue Peru Tetra, now H. margitae

    12. April 2017

    This tetra, which attains a maximum length of about 4-5 cm, is without any doubts one of the most attractive members of the tetra family. The species has been described scientifically recently under the name of Hyphessobrycon margitae. It originates from Peru, according to the exporters from the Loreto region, Rio Nanay basin. Regarding the […]

  • Hemigrammus rubrostriatus

    5. April 2017

    Until now we were able to present this beautiful tetra – which has been described scientifically only in 2015 – to you only as a very rare bycatch (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archives/hemigrammus-rubrostriatus/). But finally we managed a larger importation of that beauty from Venezuela. The fish are about 4-5 cm longer, adult and in full colour. They […]

  • Rhaphiodon vulpinus

    3. April 2017

    Rhaphiodon vulpinus belongs to the largest of the sabertooth tetras. The species can attain a maximum length of about 80 cm and a weight of up to 2.1 kg. It has a very wide distribution in South America where it is called „Biara“. This predator has, very much alike the close realtives of the genus […]

  • Phenacogrammus interruptus Albino

    15. March 2017

    Currently we receive beautiful cultivated albino Congo Tetras (Phenacogrammus interruptus) from Southeast Asia. Like in all true albinos the eyes of the fish are red due to the genetically caused lack of black body pigment (melanin). In many other species of fish albinos have a uniform whitish, yellowish or flesh-coloured body. Not so in the […]

  • Black winged dwarf hatchets

    11. March 2017

    There are two species of Black winged dwarf hatchets recognized. These charming little creatures hardly reach 3 cm in length. From Peru and Colombia we get occasionally Carnegiella schereri. The fish, however, are usually sent under the name of „Gasteropelecus sternicla, size small“. In fact both species have a very similar coloration, but C. schereri […]

  • Hemigrammus coeruleus

    3. March 2017

    Among the most sought after species of tetra is Hemigrammus coeruleus. The species attains a maximum length of about 6 cm and look even pretty in the regular coloration – a bit similar to the well known glowlight tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus). But when the fish come in breeding condition, they look really spectacular! The males […]

  • Melanocharacidium sp. Peru

    3. March 2017

    The ground tetras belonging to the genus Melanocharacidium can change their coloration drastically. This makes a determination often pretty difficult, because the characters used in scientific papers to distinguish the species cannot be seen in life fish and the colours exhibited in preserved specimens may be very different from those observed in life specimens. The […]

  • Distichodus teugelsi

    27. February 2017

    D. teugelsi attains a maximum length of about 5-6 cm and is one of the smallest species of Distichodus at all – and one of the prettiest! A few specimens reached aus from the DR Congo. Here the fish inhabit soft, acidic water in the middle course of the Congo river.  The males stay smaller […]

  • Hemigrammus bellottii – the Golden Glowlight Tetra

    24. February 2017

    The common Glowlight Tetra, Hemigrammus erythrozonus, originates from Guyana. The species is very popular in the aquarium hobby. But only few hobbyists know that there does exist a comparatively close relative of the common Glowlight in Colombia and Brazil: the Golden Glowlight, Hemigrammus bellottii. The latter is often found along with the Cardinal (Paracheirodon axelrodi) […]

  • A great classic: Gasteropelecus sternicla

    19. February 2017

    The flying fish of the freshwater, the hatchetfishes, are popular aquarium fishes for a long time already. They are peaceful, look very interesting and live near the water surface.   The Common Hatchetfish (Gasteropelecus sternicla) is quite abundand in larger parts of South America. So we have the species more or less always in stock. […]

  • Gnathocharax steindachneri

    10. February 2017

    In the natural habitat of the cardinal tetra food sources are very scarce. So it is really astonishing how many species can exist there. However, many of them stay very small. Good luck for the aquarium hobby, for they all make very good ornamental species! Even a predatory species of that biotope is such a […]

  • Nannostomus eques and N. unifasciatus: two odd birds

    29. July 2016

    Among the pencil fishes, two species are very conspicuous due to their oblique swimming style: Nannostomus eques and N. unifasciatus. The two species often appear intermixed in the wild. As a result they are often found as bycatch in importations of the other species. These „hockeysticks“ are very nice fishes. Like all other pecilfishes they […]

  • Hemigrammus sp. Llanos

    25. July 2016

    Again we were able to import a species of tetra new to science from Peru or at least we are not able to assign the fish to any described species of the region. They wre sent under the name Hemigrammus sp. „Llanos“ (another fantasy-name for that species in the trade is Hemigrammus „Carlitos“). Sadly we […]

  • Dwarf Tetras from Peru 3: Cyanogaster cf. noctivaga

    19. July 2016


    We were able to import a new species of dwarf tetra in january 2011 from Peru. The tiny fish were only 1-2 cm long and we were neither able to assign them to an existing genus nor to an existing species. Thus we gave them the provisional name Characidae gen. sp., Dwarf Glass Tetra (code 215503). Our idea that the fish are completely new to science has proofed to be true: the scientists George Mattox, Ralf Britz, Monica Toledo-Piza, and Manoelo F. Marinho described recently (March 2013) this or a very similar species under the name of Cynaogoster noctivaga, new genus and new species. The scientific generic name means “blue belly” due to the coloration and the specific name “noctivaga” means “night wanderer”, because all specimens were collected during nighttime (between 20.00 and 24.00).


    There is no doubt that the fish we imported from Peru belongs to the same genus, eg Cyanogaster. However, the species noctivaga has been described from the Rio Negro area in Brazil. Only a very close look on preserved specimens will allow a decision wether both populations belong to the same species or not.


    Finally we were able to import the Peruvian fish again. Maybe now it will be possible to clear the open questions on the identity of the most intersting fish.

    For our customers: the fsih have code 215503 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

    Dwarf Tetras from Peru 2: Tyttocharax cochui

    19. July 2016


    The lively species of the genus Tyttocharax belong to the smallest species of tetra at all. They hardly ever become larger than 2 cm. We can offer currently Tyttocharax cochui from Peru. Occassionally we obtained from the same exporter also the closely related species T. madeirae. At the first glimpse both species look very similar and have been often confused in the past. Another reason for this is the fact that T. madeirae has not been recognized in scientific collections from Peru so far.





    Both dwarf tetra species can be distinguished best by the coloration of the dorsal and the anal fins. Both fins are hylaine in T. cochui and have dark markings in T. madeirae.




    There is a third species of Tyttocharax known from Peru, the very deep bodied T. tambopatensis. But sadly we have not obtained that fish for a while now anymore.



    Males in all Tyttocharax become larger than the females and are very deep bodied at age. Keeping these tiny fish is not much demanding. Any usual fishfood is readily taken as long as it fits the mouth. The dwarf fish are very peaceful against tankmates, may they belong to their own or to other species. Plants are not harmed.

    For our customers: Tyttocharax cochui has code 298952 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Lexicon: Tyttocharax: ancient Greek, means “tiny Charax”; Charax is another genus of tetra. cochui: dedication name. madeirae: after the Rio Madeira in Brazil. tambopatensis: after the collecting site, the Rio Tambopata.

    Suggestion of common names: T. cochui: Whiteband Frippery Tetra; T. madeirae: Madeira Frippery Tetra; T. tambopatensis: Tambopata Frippery Tetra

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

    Dwarf Tetras from Peru 1: Trochilocharax ornatus

    19. July 2016


    This tetra is again a species new to science, and was firstly imported by our company in April 2003, from Peru. Recently we were able to import it again. It has provisionally been designated as “Heterocharax sp. – Orange-tailed glass tetra”, or “crystal rainbow tetra”. Sometimes is was also named “Tyttocharax sp.”.


    Now the species has been described scientifically by A. Zarske who also erected a new genus for the fish. The paper can be downloaded for free under http://www.vertebrate-zoology.de/vz60-2/01_Vertebrate_Zoology_60-2_Zarske.pdf.


    Depending on the lighting, these barely 2 cm long jewels are shimmering blue or transparent. This dwarf tetra is extremely lively and has so far proved very amenable to aquarium life.


    Males and females can easily be distinguished from each other, for the males have a prolonged dorsal fin and colourful ventrals.


    For our customers: the Fish has code 258333 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Lexicon: Heterocharax: means “different Charax”. Charax is another genus of tetra. Trochilocharax: derived from the scientific family name for hummingbirds, Trochilidae, which is formed from the ancient Greek word “trochilos”, used by Aristotle for a small bird. Charax is another genus of tetra. ornatus: Latin, means “decorated”. Tyttocharax: ancient Greek, means “tiny charax”. Charax is another genus of tetra.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Chalceus erythrurus

    19. July 2016

    We received bred specimens of this beautiful large tetra – the real one, with bright yellow ventral fins. Currently the fish are 7-9 cm long. The members of the genus Chalceus can be best compared with our native species of trout. Like these Chalceus prefer to feed on insects etc. that fall on the water […]

  • Surprise, surprise! A silver dollar from Peru

    19. July 2016


    Very small specimens of the different species of silver dollar and piranha are hardly to tell apart. They all have a very similar coloration and look always different compared with the adult fish.


    We obtained small, only 1-2 cm long silver dollars from Peru under the name of Myleus schomburgkii. This may be or not be, who nows? Currently the fish display only a nice, golden green coloration with some cloudy dark spots. We are very curious what will become of the fish!


    For our customers: the animals have code 270500 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Hemigrammus rubrostriatus

    18. July 2016

    Recently we obtained two specimens of a small tetra as a sample from Peru. The supplier asked us for the determination of the species. The animals looked somewhat familiar to us. Didn´t we get such fish not from Colombia formerly? A short e-mail correspondence with the tetra expert Martin Hoffmann solved the riddle: this species […]

  • Prionobrama filigera

    18. July 2016

    The Red Tailed Glass Tetra (Prionobrama filigera) was already known to our grandfathers in the hobby. It was imported as early as 1931. Initially the species came from South America. Here it is far spread over the Amazon basin in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. However, hardly ever a wild collected specimen can be […]

  • Hyphessobrycon dorsalis (formerly determined as H. minor)

    12. July 2016

    The scientific description of a new species bases usually on dead specimens that are stored in a museum. Very often it is unknown how the living organism looks. Especially in small species of freshwater fish – the animals most often kept in aquaria – this method very often leads to mis-identifications, for the preserved specimens […]

  • Hyphessobrycon copelandi

    12. July 2016

    This tetra is the most gracile of the so called „rosy tetras“. The rosy tetras are a specious clade of tetras that share the following characters: a comparatively deep body, a humeral spot (the spot on the shoulder), long fins in males and in females an obvious white-black-white marking in the dorsal fin. The phantom […]

  • Pseudanos winterbottomi and Anostomus ternetzi

    21. June 2016

    We received this nice headstander in the past years only very occasionally in single specimens as bycatch from Venezuela. Most often the specimens were intermixed in shipments of Anostomus ternetzi or Pseudanos trimaculatus. Finally we were able to import directly a number of the beautiful species. We have two sizes in stock, young ones (4-6 […]

  • Moenkhausia phaeonota

    21. June 2016

    This small (about 4 cm) species of tetra originates from the Mato Grosso region in Brazil. It is the only species of Moenkhausia with such a colour pattern. So already in the original scientific description (1979) the author mentioned that this generic placement can be only provisionally. This makeshift stands until today… Sadly this charming […]

  • The latest golden nugget: Nematobrycon palmeri

    15. June 2016


    The emperor tetra, Nematobrycon palmeri, is kept and bred for a long time already in aquaria. The animals in the trade are almost exclusively bred ones. So it was only a question of time when the first sports would arrive. A very nice sport of the emperor tetra is the xanthoristic, golden mutant. The genetic reasons for that coloration are the same as in the goldfish, namely the lack of dark pigments on the body. Nevertheless the fish are no albinos. Despite the colours these golden emperors do not differ from their wild coloured cousins in respect of the demands in the aquarium.




    For our customers: the fish have code 272652 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Piaractus brachypomus ALBINO

    28. April 2016

    Almost exactly four years ago we were able to import a pair of albinotic Pacus from Colombia (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/archiv.php?news_id=470). At the time the import was quite spectacular. However, nowadays the fish are offered from southeast Asia already. These animals are by far more handy, because they are only 4-6 cm long, compared with the 16-20 […]

  • Phenacogrammus aurantiacus II

    29. February 2016

    Last week we presented to you our freshly imported Golden Congo Tetras (Phenacogrammus aurantiacus). The slight fin damages of the fish are as good as cured completely now. Many of our customers now ask for “safely” sexed specimens. All we can say to that is: of course large, dominant males are easy to recognize. But […]

  • Phenacogrammus aurantiacus

    23. February 2016

    Only yesterday reached us a phantastic import from the Congo that contained several top rarities from the surroundings of Brazzaville, for example Distichodus teugelsi, D. sp. Red Stripe, Aphyoplatys duboisi, and many catfishes. We will present all these species to you in the next weeks, but one small sensation should be shown here right now, […]

  • Leporinus brunneus Ventuari

    16. February 2016

    Once more we were able to import this beautiful, large tetra from Venezuela. The fish can reach a maximum size of 25-30 cm. It can be found in the basins of Orinoco river and the rio Negro. The coloration of the fish is quite variable, depending on the origin. The orange spot under the eye […]

  • Salminus from Paraguay arrived!

    28. January 2016

    genus Salminus currently comprises four species. These tetras can
    become very large. The most colorful of them is S. brasiliensis, also
    known as “Dorado”. Old fish get a breathtaking beautiful golden colour
    all over the body. This species is also known under the old, invalid
    name S. maxillosus. The species can become one meter long. Our juveniles
    originate from Paraguay and are currently 7-10 cm long. The pictures of
    the young fish show our actual stock, while the two pictures of old
    fish are added only to show you what will become of the pretty
    youngsters: wonderful oldies!

    For more information, please see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/tetras-en/predatory-tetras-en/Salminus_brasiliensis_formerly_maxillosus__en/

    For our customers: the animals have code 289304 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Distichodus rostratus, D. engycephalus and D. brevipinnis from Nigeria

    18. January 2016

    Last week we received for the first time an unsusal shipment containing Distichodus unknown to us from Nigeria. The first determination was that they belonged to the species Distichodus rostratus. This species attains a maximum length of about 70 cm. We thought initially that all or fish would belong to the very same species, despite […]

  • Wonderful Red-Backed Congo Tetras (Bathyaethiops greeni) arrived!

    18. December 2015

    Finally we were able to organize an import from the Congo once more. This time
    the shipment contained very nice Red-Backed Congo Tetras (Bathyaethiops
    greeni). Generally speaking this species can be rather easily
    distinguished from other species of the genus; but due to one confusion
    in the aquarium literature it is almost impossible to clarify this in
    the trade. In hobby literature B. greeni has been determined as
    Phenacogrammus breuseghemi. That species really exists, it also
    originates from the Congo and is also now placed in Bathyaethiops, but
    it looks different. The caudal spot of the real B. breuseghemi is much
    smaller than the caudal spot of B. greeni. In the real B.
    breuseghemi that spot covers only half of the height of the caudal
    peduncle, so above and below the spot the regular silver colour of the
    body is visible. Sadly the Red-Backed Congo Tetra is imported only very
    rarely. So we had to use also the name “Phenacogrammus breuseghemi” on
    our stocklist despite we know it better.

    For our customers: the fish have code 158303 (lg) and 158304 (xlg, photos)
    on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Citharinus citharus

    7. December 2015

    We recieved Moonfish, Citharinus citharus, from Nigeria. This tetra is only very rarely available. The large species can attain a maximum length of about 60 cm and 7 kg of weight. In its home countries, the moonfish is a much estimated food fish. But the species is also very interesting in respect of aquarium keeping. […]

  • Serrasalmus rhombeus – veteran

    27. November 2015

    From time to time we import fully grown Black Piranhas from Peru (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/news/3500gramm_35cm_Serrasalmus_rhombeus_BLACK_en/). Serrasalmus rhombeus (formerly also known as S. niger) is the biggest of all species of piranha. In contrast to the well known Red Piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) the Black ones are solitary fish. The specimen we obtained now shows clearly how hard […]

  • Myleus schomburgkii Red-Salmon

    13. November 2015

    The Black-banded silver dollar, Myleus schomburgkii, is bred for quite a long time already in Southeast Asia. So it was a mere question of time when – after the “Lamax” (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/news/Myleus_sp_LAMAX_III_en/) – additional artifical sports would appear in the market. Nevertheless the fish we now received from Singapore left us a bit speechless: we […]

  • Unusual ornamental fish bred in Indonesia 3: Leporinus affinis

    23. October 2015

    This is another, very attractive large tetra, which is currently offered as bred specimens from Indonesia. This Leporinus attains a maximum length of about 25 cm total length and stays a bit smaller than the otherwise very similar L. fasciatus, which reaches about 30 cm total length. The species needs a lot of plant material […]

  • Unusual ornamental fish bred in Indonesia 1: Leporinus arcus

    20. October 2015

    There are many very successful breeders of ornamental fish in Indonesia. These people are able to breed even species that have proven to be unbreedable in hobbyists tanks for decades already. However, not all the species that are used as ornamental fish are only ornamental. Many species, for example Colossoma macropomum (Giant Pacu), the species […]

  • Serrasalmus spilopleura

    29. September 2015

    The correct determination of piranha species is one of the most difficult chapters in ichthyology at all. Even the specialized authorities for that group of fish have often different points of view. And so we quite often can only look for the very few features that are accepted as species specific, like the black bands […]

  • Myleus schomburgkii “Big Black Stripe”

    22. September 2015

    Myleus schomburgkii “Big Black Stripe” Obviously many different varieties – or do they even represent different species, who knows? – of the attractive pacu Myleus schomburgkii exist. We obtained recently very nice specimens from Colombia, which are characterized by the very broad black band over the body. Our fish are 9-12 cm long and only […]

  • Red Phantom Tetra: wild and bred ones

    21. September 2015

    The Red Phantom
    tetra (Hyphessobrycon, formerly Megalamphodus, sweglesi) is a very
    popular aquarium fish. Only recently we could present to you the bred
    albino sport (http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/news/Megalamphodus_sweglesi_Albino_en/) and the wild variety “rubra” (http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/tetras-en/hyphessobrycon-hemigrammus-moenkhausia-en/Megalamphodus_en/). The beautiful tetra is available wild collected from Colombia and as bred ones (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/tetras-en/hyphessobrycon-hemigrammus-moenkhausia-en/Red_Phantom_tetra_Hyphessobrycon_sweglesi_en/).
    In respect of coloration both do not differ much, but the sizes are
    astonishing different: adult wild ones are always much smaller than
    their aquarium-bred cousins!

    our customers: the fish have code 267102 (wild) and 267204 (bred,
    currently we have lg-xlg in stock!) on our stocklist. Please note that
    we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.


    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Hyphessobrycon vilmae

    10. September 2015

    The “chocolate neon tetra”, Hyphessobrycon vilmae, originates from the upper reaches of the Rio Tapajós in Brazil. Sadly it only rarely available. Regarding keeping not much is to say here: the fish requires the very same conditions as the well known “black neon tetra”, Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi. The males of H. vilmae have a more intensive […]

  • Mimagoniates barberi

    8. September 2015

    Sadly we are only very occasionally able to import this beautiful blue tetra from Paraguay: Mimagoniates barberi. But now we finally can offer once more this very lively brook fish. Our wild collected fish seem to be fully grown; at least they are sexually ripe. The males (about 4 c, total length) are larger and […]

  • Tometes cf. makue

    8. September 2015

    Luckily we were able to import several times the beautiful Myleus schomburgkii “Broadband” this season already. The fish originate from Venezuela. Only me, the chronicler, did not find the time yet to make a photo in a photo-tank, so we add here “only” a picture we made in our fishhouse. The most current importation contained […]

  • Gymnocorymbus socolofi

    2. September 2015

    It´s been quite a long time that we were able to import this pretty tetra – Gymnocorymbus socolofi – from Colombia. Very small specimens look very much alike the Yellow Tetra (Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus), but the larger they grow the more the shape of the body becomes alike a Gymnocorymbus. Finally we received the pretty orange […]

  • Megalamphodus sweglesi Albino

    26. August 2015

    For the first time ever we obtained from our breeder the albino sport of that fish. Independent of the question wether one likes albinos or not: the somewhat spooky fish deserve the common name Red Phantom Tetra rather than the wild type. And for sure friends of artificial sports will love this new one! For […]

  • Hydrolycus armatus Orinoco

    26. August 2015

    Once more we were able to import this breathtaking animal from the Rio Orinoco. Anyone who is interested in this species should take the chance now, because this fish is available only a few weeks each year. For more informations on the species please see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/tetras-en/predatory-tetras-en/Hydrolycus_armatus_en/ and http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/tetras-en/predatory-tetras-en/Hydrolycus_armatus_en/ For our customers: the animals have code […]

  • Paracheirodon simulans

    27. July 2015

    The green neon is the smallest and tiniest species of neon tetra. The maximum length is around 2.5 cm. One should not confuse this species with the neon costello, Hemigrammus hyanuary, which is also called the “green neon” occasionally. This is the reason why some people call Paracheirodon simulans the “blue neon”, but in the […]

  • Axelrodia stigmatias Colombia

    27. July 2015

    One should think that the determination of a species belonging to a genus that contains only three species is pretty simple. The genus Axelrodia contains only three species, but it is quite difficult to distinguish two of them, namely A. stigmatias and A. riesei. Most probably the genus contains more, still undescribed species. We recently […]

  • Tucanoichthys tucano

    10. June 2015

    Tucanoichthys tucano Finally we are able to offer this tiny, very nice and extremely rare dwarf tetra once more. We have both wild collected and German bred ones in stock. This tiny little species attains a maximum length of around 2 cm and is thatfore an ideal fish for nano aquaria. Tucanoichthys lives endemic in […]

  • Pygocentrus nattereri Small Spots

    26. May 2015

    The Red Piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri, is the only species of piranha that is bred on a commercial basis due to the high demand on these fishes in the ornamental fish trade. So it is always available in the shops and almost all of the offered fish are bred ones. Now we were able once more […]

  • Pseudanos winterbottomi

    8. May 2015

    We received this nice headstander in the past years only very occasionally in single specimens as bycatch from Venezuela. Most often the specimens were intermixed in shipments of Anostomus ternetzi or Pseudanos trimaculatus. Finally we were able to import directly a number of the beautiful species. Pseudanos winterbottomi can reach a length of about 15 […]

  • Moenkhausia agnesae

    27. April 2015

    We received once more fantastic large Moenkhausia agnesae from Peru. This is a larger species that can be kept ideally along with cichlids and catfish. Maximum length reported from M. agnesae is about 8 cm. Formerly this species has been often confused with M. simulata. However, the horizontal stripes in M. simulata are all black, […]

  • Moenkhausia agnesae

    27. April 2015

    We received this wonderful tetra from Peru. Moenkhausia agnesae is only very rarely available. The species attains a maximum length of about 8 cm. One should keep this tetra, which is sometimes a bit quarrelsome, alnong with other medium sized tetras, cichlids etc.. Our imported fish have almost show size and show breathtaking colours. For […]

  • Poptella paraguayensis

    7. April 2015

    An ornamental fish has not be necessarily colourful to be a beautiful aquarium inhabitant. At least it is hard to believe that anyone would keep Discus tetras due to their colours. There are several species of Discus tetra, all quite similar to each other. We were now able to import one of them, Poptella paraguayensis, […]

  • Myleus sp., second take

    11. March 2015

    Last week we informed you about the silver dollars we imported which exhibit an unbelievable green coloration. Here we present to you again pictures, but this time take from the now settled down specimens. They do belong without any doubt to the genus Myleus. Three species of Myleus are reported so far from Peru:  Myleus […]

  • Bilious green silver dollars!!!!

    6. March 2015

    Yesterday arrived a species of fish in our fishhouse that makes us rub our eyes constantly. But it is no illusion: the fish – they are currently between
    4 and 8 cm long – really all have that bilious green basic coloration! The animals are wild collected ones from Peru, so we can exclude the possibility that a tricky exporter may have coloured the fish artificially. Better photos will follow next week, when the fish have settled down a bit.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Boulengerella maculata

    3. March 2015

    The Spotted Pike Characin, Boulengerella macaulata, belongs to the most popular species of predatory fish in the freshwater aquarium. This has several reasons. First of all the up to 30 cm long species is very peaceful. All other tankmates (as long as they don´t fit the mouth) are simply ignored. And, despite the fact that […]

  • Emperor tetras in show size arrived

    12. February 2015

    Emperor tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri) belongs to the most popular
    species of tetra at all. The fish found in the ornamental fish trade are
    almost exclusively bred ones. The species originates from Colombia.
    Wild collected specimens can be seen here: http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/news/nematobrycon_palmeri_wild_en/

    to the great demand the breeders usually sell their fish at a
    comparatively small size already. But currently we received really fully
    grown specimens which have a total length of almost 5 cm: These fish
    are simply wonderful!

    For our customers: the animals have code 272614 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Salminus arrived!

    5. February 2015

    The genus Salminus currently comprises four species. These tetras can become very large. The most colorful of them is S. brasiliensis, also known as “Dorado”. Old fish get a breathtaking beautiful golden colour all over the body. This species is also known under the old, invalid name S. maxillosus. The species can become one meter […]

  • Anostomus ternetzi

    2. February 2015

    The golden striped headstander, Anostomus tenetzi, has a very wide distribution in South America. It is recorded from Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. The specimens on which the original descritption based, originated from Venezuela, and we were able to import them from there once more. This beautiful fish is among the most peaceful […]

  • Nannostomus marylinae Venezuela

    29. January 2015

    We could import a beautiful, only very rarely available species of pencil fish from Venezuela: Nannostomus marylinae. Some days after their arrival the fish showed two remarkable, reddish-brown spots in the middle of the body, a coloration that is said to be typical for N. minimus. However, now the fish have lost those spots. We […]

  • Acestrorhynchus altus

    27. January 2015

    We obtained most beautiful barracuda tetras from the state of Para in Brazil. They look very similar to the fish we sometimes get from Paraguay. However, the species from Paraguay has been described scientifically as Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro, whereas the type locality for Acestrorhynchus altus is in the state of Para, Brazil. If Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro and […]

  • Silver Dollars

    26. January 2015

    child has heard about piranhas. Piranhas are predatory tetras. Many
    horror stories are told about piranhas, most of them lies. The silver
    dollars are close relatives of the piranhas. They also have sharp or
    broad teeth, but they use them to bite off pieces of plant material or
    to crack nuts and seeds.

    medium sized (15-20 cm) species belonging to the genus Metynnis feed
    mainly on plant material. The members of the genus can be recognized
    easily by the typical shape of the enormous adipose fin. We could import
    very pretty young Metynnis from Venezuela, which most probably belong
    to the species M. orinocensis.

    a bycatch a small number of “red hooks” were sent along with the
    Metynnis, most probably Myleus rubripinnis. Myleus are seed-crackers.
    The large mouth and the large teeth are adaptations to that behaviour.
    Myleus become larger than Metynnis, one should expect that they reach
    about 25 cm: Adult fish look totally different and are much more
    colourful than the youngsters. They are perfect show fish for display

    one specimen of another species of Myleus reached us from Paraguay,
    This fish represents most probably an individual of M. tiete. Even in
    the very young specimen the very large dorsal and anal fins are very

    For our customers: Metynnis orinocensis has code 268082,
    Myleus rubripinnis 270401 and Myleus cf. tiete 270521on our stocklist.
    Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

    The robertsi-tetra has a valid name now

    22. December 2014

    1958 a beautiful and popular tetra from Peru is trade under the name of
    “Hyphessobrycon robertsi”. However, this name is a pure invention and
    never ever a scientific description for the tetra appeared.

    In a
    scientific study on the relationship of the “rosy tetras” to which the
    robertsi-tetra belongs, Stanley Weitzman and Lisa Palmer suggested 1997
    that the fish might be conspecific to Hyphessobrycon bentosi.

    Axel Zarske from Senckenberg Museum in Germany has published a new
    study on the theme. He compared H. bentosi with the robertsi-tetra
    carefully and found a number of differences. So he described finally the
    robertsi-tetra under the new scientific name Hyphessobrycon
    jackrobertsi as a valid species. The specific name “jackrobertsi” honors
    the discoverer of the species, Jack Roberts from Miami, who was already
    meant with the invalid name “robertsi”.

    we have beautiful wild collected animals of the species in stock. By
    the way: the specimens that form the type series of H. jackrobertsi also
    originate from our fishhouse.

    For our customers: the fish have code 261704 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

    A new, wonderful Congo Tetra!

    19. December 2014

    received in our current import from the Congo a beautiful species of
    CongoTetra under the name of “Phenacogrammus sp. Lukeni River”. As the
    correct determination was impossible at first (the systematics of this
    group of tetra are quite complicated) we adopted that name for our
    stocklist. In the meantime we are quite sure that our fish belong to the
    species Alestopetersius hilgendorfi.

    this be as it is: the fish are really breathtaking beautiful! When we
    caught them to transfer the animals to the photo-tank they looked much
    deeper red than later. The solution of that enigma can be found in the
    magnification of one of the pictures. Here we see that all over the body
    small red cells are scattered, looking a bit like spread ink. These
    color-cells can be widened or contracted by the fish, depending on its
    mood. Obviously the lightning of the photo-tank was a bit too strong for
    the fish, so they contracted the color cells and looked less red.

    Congo Tetras can obtain a maximum length of 6-7 cm. They should be kept
    by experienced keepers only, as they need very clean, bacteria-poor

    For our customers: the fish have code 159004 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

    A new Erythrinus!

    17. December 2014

    We received for the first time ever a species of Erythrinus from Paraguay which we have never seen before: neither alive nor on pictures. The genus Erythrinus is in urgent need of revision. Currently only two species are recognized as valid. The one is spread almost over the whole of South America: Erythrinus erythrinus. The other one is known so far only from Bahia in Brazil: E. kessleri. However, no pictures are known to exist that show for sure E. kessleri. The scientific description of Steindacher (1877) based on the unique shape of a band of teeth in the palate; no external features are known to distinguish the species otherwise from E. erythrinus.

    So we name this fish provisionally Erythrinus sp. Paraguay. The vertical bands in the hind half of the body are very characteristic for the species as well as the dark horizontal stripe on the back of the fish. They can be seen best in smaller individuals (8-10 cm). In our largest fish (12-14 cm, they seem to be fully grown) a broad dark horizontal band develops in the front half of the body. Then the fish look at the first glimpse very similar to Hoplerythrinus unifasciatus, which we obtained also from Paraguay. Leaving anatomical details aside, Hoplerythrinus can be best recognized by the dark stripes running from the eye backwards, whereas the also very characteristic dark horizontal band can fade when the fish is under stress. However, the swimming behaviour of Hoplerythrinus and Erythrinus is completely different. The former is found most of the time in open water, while Erythrinus prefers to sit on the bottom or in dense vegetation.

    We could hardly find any sexual dimorphism in our new Eryrthrinus. Usually males of Erythrinus can be easily recognized by the much larger dorsal fin. However, we feel that the males in our new fish have a rather golden opercles (greenish-silvery in females). Moreover the head of the putatively females is more rounded.

    Against conspecifics, Erythrinus are really aggressive. So don´t be fooled by the pictures. Such a harmony will hardly ever be seen when the fish are settled. In a long time sight one should keep each fish solitary. Erythrinus are obligatory predators and should be fed with fish.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Markiana nigripinnis

    14. November 2014

    We received wonderful, large (8-10 cm) specimens of this extraordinary species of tetra from Paraguay. For more information, please click http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/news/Markiana_nigripinnis_en/ For our customers: the fish have code 266694 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only! Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

  • Hoplias aimara Amapa Brazil

    14. November 2014

    Hoplias aimara belongs to the fighters. Without any fear they attack even humans. And one should keep in mind that H. aimara attains a length of more than one meter! So one should be really careful with these fish… For the first time ever we could import this species, which is known so far only […]

  • Alestopetersius caudalis

    27. October 2014

    The Yellow Congo Tetra is one of the most beautiful tetras of the dark continent. It reaches a maximum size of only about 6 cm and so it can be also kept in smaller aquaria. Sadly the juveniles look rather drab and so the fish is often overlooked in the pet shop. Now we received […]

  • Acestrorhynchus pantaneiro

    17. October 2014

    We received wonderful specimens of this most attractive barracuda characin of all from Paraguay. Currently the fish have a size of 11-15 cm and already have very nice colours. A. pantaneiro has been named A. altus in the elder aquarium literature. The latter is a close relative, but a different species. A. pantaneiro becomes 30-40 […]

  • Pyrrhulina cf. brevis Red Spots

    13. October 2014

    We received charming Pyrrhulina tetras from Peru, which most probably belong to the species P. brevis. Even on the day of their arrival the fish showed a lot of red colours. But when the males came in breeding mood in the photo-tank and started to quarrel they became even more colorful. At a glimpse on […]

  • Lonchogenys ilisha

    13. October 2014

    For the first time ever we were able to import this extremely unusual tetra. Lonchogenys ilisha is a member of the family Acestrochrhynchidae, which means the species is closer related to the barracuda tetras (Acestrorhynchus) than, let’s say, to a cardinal tetra. Nevertheless our first observations proofed the species to be very peaceful, as well […]

  • Moenkhausia pittieri

    30. September 2014

    The Diamond tetra is present in the hobby since 1933. The species lives endemic in the lake Valencia in Venezuela (Inclusive some tributary rivers). Usually only bred specimens are available, only every now and then some wild collected ones appear in the trade. At the first glimpse the fish may look a bit unspectacular, but […]

  • Alestopetersius smykalai

    25. September 2014

    Finally we were able to import once more one of the most beautiful African tetras: Alestopetersius smykalai. The species originates from Nigeria and becomes only 5-6 cm long. So it is a perfect fish also for owners of comparatively small tanks. Due to the wonderful blue back of the males – which differ from the […]

  • Aphyocharax anisitsi wild

    15. September 2014

    There are species of ornamental fish that are kept and bred already for such a long time that their conspecifics living in the wild are almost unknown now. Such a species is Aphyocharax anisitsi, the Bloodfin tetra. The first importation was back in 1906. The fish proofed to be easy to breed and very productive. […]

  • Laemolyta taeniata (= Anostomus taeniatus)

    21. August 2014

    For many years we obtained the striped headstander that looks like the big brother of the golden pencilfish only in single specimens. Now we were finally able to import about 30 specimens of the pretty fish from Peru. The species is a typical headstander in all respects of behaviour. It can become larger than 20 […]