25. Perchlike fishes (885)

  • Trichopsis schalleri „Vietnam“

    15. July 2009

    The genus Trichopsis (Croaking gouramis) currently comprises three accepted species: T. vittata, T. pumila, and T. schalleri. This hardly reflects the reality. Especially T. vittata seems to be catch-all species and represents a number of undescribed species. Trichopsis schalleri was known so far from Thailand only. We now get this pretty species also from Vietnam. […]

  • Laetacara araguaiae, Laetacara fulvipinnis

    23. June 2009

    Laetacara sp. „Buckelkopf“ described scientifically Laetacara sp. „Buckelkopf“ is known in the hobby for many years already. The somewhat unusal common name (the German word „Buckelkopf“ means „humphead“) derives from the feature developed by some very old males, but this happens rather seldom. It is a typical dwarf cichlid, the males grow to a length […]

  • Mikrogeophagus ramirezi „Electric Blue“

    25. May 2009

    The Ram is one of the most beautiful aquarium fishes. The wild Ram originates from the llanos of the Orinoco. The newest sport of this dwarf cichlids is blue all over the body. It is virtually impossible to illustrate this very special colour in a high resolution picture. Only reducing the resolution brings the effect […]

  • Geophagus dicrozoster and G. abalios

    22. April 2009

    The beautiful eartheaters of the Geophagus-surinamensis relationship are among the most colorful cichlids, shining in all colours of the rainbow. There are numerous species and some of them even have colour varieties in different river systems. As these are currently not recognized by scientists, we help ourselves in adding the river´s name behind the scientific […]

  • Lepomis gibbosus

    15. April 2009

    The pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus) is one of the most beautiful coldwater fishes. Moreover it has a very interesting behaviour. The species originates from central parts of the North American continent. The continental climate (hot summers, cold winters) makes the pumkinseed a hardy fish and so it was transferred by humans to many regions as a […]

  • Wonderful Golden Rams!

    31. March 2009

    We currently have an extraordinary good and healthy stock of Golden Rams, bred in Germany. They have a perfect size and are highly recommended for anybody who wants to try these beauties for the first time.

    For our customers: the fish have code 686802 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.

    Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Just in: Steatocranus!

    20. March 2009

    Adult pair of S. casuarius. Photo: B. Migge / Aqualog Archieves The humphead cichlids of the genus Steatocranus are among the most intersting cichlids of Africa. They are highly adapted to current water – in nature they live near rapids on rocky ground. So they have reduced their swimming bladder and are not able anymore […]

  • Ctenopoma acutirostre Leopard babies!

    16. March 2009

    Among the most beautiful anabantoids or labyrinth fish from Africa is Ctenopoma acutirostre, the Leopard bushfish. It can become 15-20 cm long. Its natural habitat is the Congo. It is collected there for the ornamental fish trade in the Stanley Pool region. Here the fish live under the swimming meadows of the water hyacinth (Eichhornia […]

  • Eretmodus cyanostictus “Makombe”

    25. February 2009

    Actually we can offer very pretty Tanganyika Clowns, Eretmodus cyanostictus, from Makombe. Like so many other cichlids from the lake they have developed a lot of different geographical varieties. Eretmodus are highly specialized fishes. In the wild they live in the very shallow water of the shore. Here, in the surf, they feed on aufwuchs. […]

  • Toxotes jaculatrix

    12. February 2009

    Seven species of Archerfishes (Toxotes) are known. Three of them (T. lorentzi and T. kimberleyensis from Australia and T. microlepis from South East Asia) are usually found in fresh water. Two are practically unknown, at least they have not been kept in aquaria so far: T. blythi from Burma and T. oligolepis from the Moluccas. […]

  • Betta splendens

    11. February 2009

    We have a new supplier for fighting fish (Betta splendens). Besides the amazing males (which we will introduce to you detailed in the near future) there are also wonderful females. Text & Fotos: Frank Schäfer

  • Pterophyllum scalare Blue Dwarf

    23. January 2009

    In 1949 Werner Ladiges mentions a blue dwarf angel (Pterophyllum scalare) that appeared by chance (problably by mutation) in a large breeding stock before WW2. Beside its unique blue coloration a characteristicly feature of these fishes was their small adult size. They never grew bigger than 5 cm body height. Although this stock survived WW2 […]

  • Nice Discus wildcaught available!

    21. November 2008

    Discus wild ROYAL-BLUE Rio NHAMUNDA



    Discus wild HECKEL CROSS Rio JATAPUA

  • Ptychochromis oligacanthus

    4. September 2008

    They come from the crater lake Bempazawa on the island Nosy Be nearby Madagascar and we have few of them available for first time: Ptychochromis oligacanthus “Bempazawa”. Their final length is more than 20 cm, but with their current size of about 15cm, they already reached sexually maturity. They have no special demands for food […]

  • Herichthys sp. BLUE-GALAXY

    6. August 2008

    (Aug.6th 2008) A brand new star is born: Herichthys sp. Blue-Galaxy. We are proud to be able to supply limited numbers of this this beautiful breeding form for the first time. They are pubescent in a size of 6-8cm, which they have successfully demonstrated in a tank in our office. Since they should not get […]

  • Stiphodon semoni

    25. July 2008

    (23.Aug.2008) From Indonesia we received this beautiful neon-blue goby. Stiphodon semoni grows up to 4-5cm and was several times imported under the wrong name Sthiphodon elegans. Its habitats are fast floating hillstreams with rocky ground. It is found in Indonesia, the Philippines, New Guniea and the Solomon Islands. The nourishment for this item is easy: […]

  • Sphaerichthys vaillanti

    25. April 2008

    (25.April 2008) A real beauty made by nature is currently available: Sphaerichthys vaillanti. This fish, which is called red chocolate gourami, is without any doubt the best looking one of all 4 Sphaerichthys members. The water should be soft, not too cold (25-29°C) with a low pH (4,5-6,5). If you offer these water parameters, you […]

  • Uaru fernandezyepezi

    9. April 2008

    (9.April 2008)For the first time we can offer some offspring of Uaru fernandezyepezi. The home of this extremely rare cichlid is in the border area of Colombia and Venezuela, where they occur in the area of the Rio Atabapo. From there origin some challenging fishes such the Altum-Angels. Their requirements are similar, the water hardness […]

  • Crenicichla sp.ATABAPO FIRE Venezuela

    19. March 2008

    Last week we got a very small amount of one of the most beautiful pikecichlids: Crenicichla sp.ATABAPO FIRE Venezuela. Sorry for the bad picture, but it was taken directly in a tank in our facility, not in a photo-tank. But it shows how nice this fish is!

  • An brand new snakehead!

    27. December 2007

    First time imported: a brand new and undescribed snakehead from India; Channa sp. . So far we only know that this fish belongs to the same group  as Channa bleheri. Therefore  we believe that the max.size will be around 12cm. As soon as we will get more information about them , we will share with you!


  • Sicyopus zosterophorum

    5. October 2007

    Actually in small numbers available: Sicyopus zosterophorum. This loach is coming from the Pinang river in the western part of Sumatra. Until now they were not imported in big numbers, so we do not know much about keeping them. But an experienced hobbyist should not be faced with big problems with keeoping this item.

  • Geophagus sp. „Pindare“

    Geophagus sp. „Pindare“

    6. July 2007

    Among the “Eartheaters”, species Geophagus, G. sp. “Pindare” is one of the most recommendable ones. Growing up to approx. 15cm only, it stays rather small and also shows a beautiful marking with red and blue lines on its flanks. The care of this species is really quite simple, because it does not care about the […]

  • Pterophyllum altum

    6. July 2007

    The new season began, Pterophyllum altum (Orinoco) is available again. Deep Angels can reach 20cm length and up to 35cm in height. This has to be considered with the tank purchase, it should have a height of at least 70cm. A decoration with large bogwood, provides structure and retreat possibilities for them. Since they are […]

  • Vieja maculicauda

    6. July 2007

    Vieja (Cichlasoma) maculicauda the Blackbelt Cichlid is one of the larger Central American cichlids. Males can reach about 35 cm overall length. According to its size one needs voluminous aquaria, where their interesting social behaviour can be observed. In their distribution area (Atlantic slope, from the Usumacinta River drainage in Guatemala to the Chagres River […]

  • Badis sp. Patao

    Badis corycaeus (formely: sp. Putao)

    6. July 2007

    This new, brown-red Badis was imported from the borderland of Myanmar and China. They can can be kept even in cooler temperatures and are easily satisfied. Also bred ones are already available. (Photos & Text D. Bork)

  • Pelvicachromis taeniatus „Lokundje“

    6. July 2007

    From Pelvicachromis taeniatus are numerous variants and local forms existing in the western parts of Africa. One of the most beautiful variants is surely Pelvicachromis taeniatus „Lokundje “(a river in the south of Cameroon). At the moment we can offer very beautiful breds from the same breeder as the already introduced Apistogramma agassizi „Fire Red […]

  • Crenicichla spec. ITAPEMIRIM

    Crenicichla spec. ITAPEMIRIM

    6. July 2007

    We received this extremely colorful species of Crenicichla from the southeastern part of Brazil. In adults the sexes can be distinguished quite easily. Females (see main photo) have an ocellus in the dorsal fin which is missing in males (see additional photo). Moreover, in males the deep red spots are scattered over the body, whereas […]

  • Pterophyllum altum deutsche Nachzucht

    Pterophyllum altum german bred

    6. July 2007

    November 2003: Lately we received German bred Pterophllyum altum. It is worth mentioning that this was a natural brood, eg both parent took care for eggs and the young. Even spawning of the Altum Angel is a remarkeble event. This species tends to get panic attacks when the fish is fully grown. Thus they tend […]

  • Discus „Red Inferno/Rio Moju“

    6. July 2007

    Only one example of at present in extraordinarily good quality arriving Diskus is the “Red Inferno” variant coming from the Rio Moju. On their fins and flanks the animals show a strongly red-orange basic colour, which stands in beautiful contrast to the bluish green wave pattern. The icing on the cake are their cherry-red eyes, […]

  • Dario dario

    Dario dario

    6. July 2007

    This species, which became well-known as Badis sp. SCARLET is still enjoying great popularity. This dwarf badis can be kept very well along with dwarf rasboras. It is is quite easy to keep and to breed, which was succesfully done several times already. (Photos & Text Dieter Bork)

  • Chaetobranchopsis orbicularis

    6. July 2007

    Chaetobranchopsis orbicularis is a plankton eater, which can reach a total length of up to 20cm. This may be one of the reasons, why it is not getting imported too often, as such nutrition specialists are mostly only interesting for specialists and enthusiasts. Yet the care of this species from Brasil is not neccessarily difficult, […]

  • Geophagus sp. „Tananaco“

    Geophagus sp. „Tananaco“

    6. July 2007

    This very beautiful representative of the surinamensis complex comes from Venezuela. These are very large animals of approximately 25 cm TL. The requirements of keeping, this species is not much different then the other members of its family. A sandy substrate, lots of shady hiding places like bogwood and round eroded stones, are basic requirements, […]

  • Diskus Nhamunda rosé

    6. July 2007

    Nhamunda Rosé is the trade name of a strain of the brown discus Symphysodon aequifasciatus axelrodi originated in the Rio Nhamunda (northern influent of Amazon, west the city Alenquer). Now again some Nhamunda Rosé are available. Characteristic for this variety is the partially laminar high red part of the brown primary colour. Thus they are […]

  • Altolamprologus compressiceps

    6. July 2007

    From the shores of lake Tanganjika orgins (Alto)lamprologus compressiceps. There the about 13 cm long getting fishhunter inhabits the detrital zone, which it roams on search for food. When a prey is seen it approaches in slow motion, near the booty it speeds up and catches the victim. Because of its strong lateral flattening it […]

  • Nanochromis sp. „Lezas“

    6. July 2007

    With Nanochromis sp. “Lezas” we can offer a further highlight of German bred fishes. As at the before introduced species this dwarf cichlid is hardly to be exceeded in colour and quality. Particularly noticeable is the strong red colouring of the dorsal – and the upper parts of the caudal fin. In dark, peat-coloured water […]

  • Pseudocrenilabrus philander

    6. July 2007

    May 2007: From the Congo we received Pseudocrenilabrus philander. The fish originate from the upper parts of the Congo river (Lualaba). Their area of circulation covers nearly the entire southern Africa, where they are to be found in practically all types of waters. As mouthbreeders in the female gender their courtship and broodcare run after […]

  • Channa maculata

    6. July 2007

    Channa maculata is a snakehead which origins of the border area of China and Viet Nam. It is there very common and offered on markets in large numbers, naturally as a food fish. In their habitat C. maculata lives in ponds, lakes and ditches, usually over sandy or muddy bottoms. With a final size of […]

  • Malpulutta kretseri

    6. July 2007

    September 2006: As German breds we can offer Malpulutta kretseri. These preciousnesses are very rare in the wild and therefore strictly protected in their homeland (Sri Lanka). There they inhabit soft and sour waters and therefore their keeping in aquaria can be somewhat difficult. Small, dimly lit species tanks with a lot of shelters are […]

  • Dario hysginon

    Dario hysginon

    6. July 2007

    Compared with Dario dario this species is hardly known by the general aquarists, although the males who obtain and guard their territory are looking very beautiful. Although they do not display the coloration like D. dario, they definitely show the same intense red colour. Unfortenately D. hysginon only shows his full colour when he is […]

  • Hemichromis cf. cristatus „Benue“

    Hemichromis cf. cristatus „Benue“

    6. July 2007

    This beautiful cichlid comes from the Benue-river. At least the females grow up to 5cm, the males reach their maximum size with 7cm. Among themselves they are peaceful and they also can be kept with other fish. But there is a slightly rough behaviour, which is typical for all red cichlids. But much less than […]

  • Apistogramma agassizi „Super Red“

    6. July 2007

    Another highlight in breeding effort presents Apistogramma agassizi “Super red”. It’s color allocation strongly recalls wild caught “Red tailed agassizis”, however all colors are evidently more intense toward wild caughts. Particularly the high red proportion and also the metallic body brilliance could considerablely be raised through a strict selection of the breeded species. (Photo F. […]

  • Apistogramma sp. Tefé 1 – Gold

    Apistogramma sp. Tefé 1 – Gold

    6. July 2007

    The first golden animals were found among a bred shoal of young, approx. 14 days old Apistogramma sp. Tefé 1. From them a breeding phylum for further generations of Golden Apistogramma developed. Their growth is plainly slower than the growth of the normal Apistogramma sp. Tefé 1 and their breeding is generally more difficult. Their […]

  • Cichla temensis

    6. July 2007

    Cichla temensis does not represent a fish for everyone. We could import them from Venezuela, where they are estimated fishes for consumption and sold under the name Tucunare. In its natural environment they can reach an overall length of 1 m with a weight of approximately 10 kg. They grow to be the largest of […]

  • Ctenochromis polli

    6. July 2007

    Ctenochromis polli occurring in the Congo River belongs to the rather rarely kept cichlids. Despite their body length of maximally 11cm they should not be kept in too small aquariums (100cm). The males are quite aggressive and pursue the females and suppressed males. They need sufficient hiding places, therefore the interior arrangement of the aquarium […]

  • Apistogramma agassizii ,,Abacaxis“

    Apistogramma agassizii ,,Abacaxis“

    6. July 2007

    The fish in this picture shows the beautiful A. agassizii colour morph from the Rio Abacaxis, which lies in the middle part of the Amazon River in Brasil. Recently a number of new varieties are introduced to the hobby, originating from breeding as well as import of local colour morphs. We can only hope that […]

  • Geophagus altifrons

    Geophagus altifrons

    6. July 2007

    You can surely excellently argue about taste, but the various populations of Geophagus altifrons could justly conquer a solid place among Cichlid lovers. And one of the most beautiful variants might be Geophagus altifrons “Tapajos”. Additionally, G. altifrons is an easy-to-keep cichlid. It requires aquariums with at least 500 ltr. capacity due to its size […]

  • Diskus Royal Blue/Rio Moju

    6. July 2007

    If an increase of beauty and charisma of the at 01.02.06 introduced Diskus variant Red Inferno/Rio Moju is still possible, then by the Royal Blues originating from the same river. When first seeing these fishes I remembered the headline of an old “aquarien magazin” article. In January 1972 Eduard Schmidt Focke a famous german discus […]

  • Hemichromis sp. Bangui

    Hemichromis sp. Bangui

    6. July 2007

    Red Cichlids of the species Hemichromis are generelly regarded as aggressive, but this prejudice is based on past years, when 160 ltr tanks were considered to be bathtubs and you mostly had to be satisfied with 60 ltr aquariums. To keep them in pairs, an aquarium of this size is in fact sufficient for Hemichromis […]

  • Teleogramma depressum

    Teleogramma depressum

    6. July 2007

    This rapid inhabitant from the lower Congo catchment area, which grows up to 10cm is generally regarded as the worlds flattest cichlid. At first sight it it looks like the little more known T. brichardi, but T. depressum – as the species name already tells – is distinctly more flattened, which you can especially see, […]

  • Retroculus lapidifer

    Retroculus lapidifer

    6. July 2007

    To take sensibly care of Retroculus lapidifer, which comes from Rio Tocantins/Rio Araguaia catchment area, you should own quariums with a base of 150 x 60cm minimum, as this species can grow very big (25-30cm). But despite its size you should not socialize it with aggressive cichlids, because it has only a certain self-assertion among […]

  • Diskus Semi royal, Rio Moju

    6. July 2007

    Like the introduced before Discus from the same area (Rio Moju) the “Semi Royal” variant shows a strong red coloration at the seam of their body and their fins. With them the wave pattern is nearly continuous distributed over the entire body. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Acentrogobius viridipunctatus

    Acentrogobius viridipunctatus

    6. July 2007

    This magnificent goby, it´s scientific name is Acentrogobius viridipunctatus, has now been successfully imported from India for the first time in greater numbers. The species attains a length of maximum 15 cm. Fully grown males have a very thick skull. In breeding mood, the fish become complete black in base colour, on which the emerald […]

  • Channa stewartii

    6. July 2007

    This often under the name Channa cf. barca traded Snakehead originates from the Indian province Assam. C stewartii can reach a length of 30 cm and as predators they should kept together only with fishes whose length exhibits at least 2/3 of their body length. Beside living and dead fish they accept food as insects, […]

  • Osphromenus exodon

    Osphromenus exodon

    6. July 2007

    Even this fish looks like the common gourami, it is really something special & rare. As far as we know, this species was never before importet to Germany. When they have the size of about 30-40cm, they turn their lips inside out and show many small white teeths. Unfortunately this stadium is only shown in […]

  • Cyphotilapia frontosa var. „DARK BLUE HORIZON“

    6. July 2007

    March 2005:New on our list and absolutely rare: Cyphotilapia frontosa var. “DARK BLUE HORIZON”. We are proud to present these only in extremely small number existing variant of the well-known Cyphotilapia frontosa. Beside the remarkable longitudinal striation the animals are characterised by a very intensive blue. Since so far only very, very few animals are […]

  • Gymnogeophagus meridionalis

    6. July 2007

    If you search for a Cichlid for a society aquarium (120 l and up), G. meridionalis is almost unrestricted recommendable. Being a all eatingfish, it accepts every imaginable food, getting only approx. 10-12cm it is not growing too big and it also shows really beautiful colours. Besides it is not choosy regarding the water condition […]

  • Diskus „Nhamunda rosé”

    Diskus „Nhamunda rosé”

    6. July 2007

    Nhamunda Rosé is the trade name of a strain of the brown discus Symphysodon aequifasciatus axelrodi originated in the Rio Nhamunda (northern influent of Amazon, west the city Alenquer). Now again some Nhamunda Rosé are available. Characteristic for this variety is the partially laminar high red part of the brown primary colour. Thus they are […]

  • Awaous cf. lateristriga

    6. July 2007

    From the coastal ranges of the western Africa between Senegal and Angola originates the freshwater goby Awaous lateristriga. The animal introduced here reminds strongly of this species, whether it is identical to it could yet not be determined. With an overall length of approx. 30 cm Awaous lateristriga belongs to the larger gobys. In their […]

  • Orthochromis stormsi

    6. July 2007

    Orthochromis stormsi reached us as bycatch with Steatocranus casuarius. Both species originate from Central Africa, where they inhabit the cataracts of the Congo River. Their maximum size amounts to 12 cm, whereby the females remain somewhat smaller. The differences between sexes are only weakly pronounced, males appear more multicoloured, females have a darker basic colour. […]

  • Biotoecus sp. „Tapajos – New“

    Biotoecus sp. „Tapajos – New“

    6. July 2007

    For quite a while Aquarium Glaser imports this dwarfcichlid regularly from Rio Tapajos in Brasil. This Cichlids, which only get approx. 4-5cm can be kept in pairs in smaller aquariums from 50 ltr and up already. If the aquarium is bigger, a larger group can be brought in, but in doing so a slightly surplus […]

  • Acarichthys heckelii

    6. July 2007

    January 2007: At present we can offer particularly beautiful Acarichthys heckelii from the region around Santarem. These fish are characterised by an intensive yellow colouring of the body. It forms a beautiful contrast to the red eyes and their magnificent fin rays. Acarichthys heckelii has a large area of origin along the Amazon and the […]

  • Heros severus

    Heros severus

    6. July 2007

    Despite the fact that Heros severus is the type species of the Heros genus, this species is the most uncharacteristic representative of this group. This is mainly caused by its reproducing behaviour, which is mouthbreeding and untypical for Heros, because they are all substrate breeding. Also the coloration is different from the other members of […]

  • Satanopera acuticeps

    Satanopera acuticeps

    6. July 2007

    Normally the durable care of Satanopera acuticeps is only possible in soft and sour pH-value. But as it was finally successful to breed this eartheater inside the aquarium, it could be that the bred ones are easier to keep and even easier to breed. So far the breeding was possible furthermore only in soft (< […]

  • Diskus „Red Inferno/Rio Moju“

    6. July 2007

    In the following pictures you see some impressions from our discus installation. Seldom could we offer a so large selection on magnificently coloured, perfectly acclimatized Discus. The animals originating from different areas are even in our facility hardly to exceed in colour splendour. Since all of them attained full growth, breeders can fast extend their […]

  • Apistogramma agassizii „Fire Red“

    6. July 2007

    September 2006: Few days ago we received a delivery of fishes from a well-known German breeder. The here introduced Apistogramma agassizi „Fire Red “increases the heartbeat of each Apistogramma fan. The strong red of the caudal -, dorsal – and anal fin forms a fantastic contrast with the blue-yellow body colouring and a dark longitudinal […]

  • Diskus „Wild Lago Inanum“

    Diskus „Wild Lago Inanum“

    6. July 2007

    This very beautiful discus fish is traded as well under the name „Semi Royal Blue“. Wild caught discus fish are just beautiful! It is remarkable that still new wild type varieties are found and imported. Wild caught discus fish will not be feeling themselves well if not kept under optimal conditions. This malcontent will be […]

  • Betta falx

    6. July 2007

    Betta falx, belonging to the Betta picta form circle, was scientifically described 1998 by Tan and Kottelat. Their origin is the central part of Sumatra, where it occurs in dense overgrown, nearly standing waters. The water conditions at the habitat (pH 5.7, GH 0 – 1, KH 0 – 1) do not have to be […]

  • Eretmodus cyanostictus „Kigoma“

    6. July 2007

    Eretmodus cyanostictus is among the group of cichlids called gobies. Gobies only occur naturally in the surge habitat of Lake Tanganjika, which is the upper meter of the water at the shoreline. They unique in that their swim bladder is non-functional, meaning that when they’re not swimming, they drop to the bottom like a rock. […]

  • Nannacara sp. Essequibo

    Nannacara sp. Essequibo

    6. July 2007

    This fish was caught in October 2001 in a blackwater-river nearby Rockstone/Guyana. It is a peaceful fish which only grows up to 60mm. The males are more elongate than the females and have clearly visible spots in the dorsal and caudal fins. Water of following parameters was used for breeding and keeping them: 5°dGH, pH […]

  • Geophagus crassilabris

    Geophagus crassilabris

    6. July 2007

    Very large animals, up to 20 cm, came to us from Colombia. These beautiful fish came as well from the Rio Chacu. These eartheaters live in nature in a habitat of moderately flowing streams and rivers. Remarkably for this group of eartheaters is the way they breed their eggs, not as normally in the throat […]

  • Sphaerichthys osphromenoides

    6. July 2007

    Sphaerichthys osphromenoides is the most famous representative of the in southeast Asia indigenous chocolate gouramis. Like other chocolate gouramis Sphaerichthys osphromenoides is a delicate and at least while settling down a sensitive fish. It’s natural biotope are shore areas of small, still and slow-moving black water on the Malayan peninsula. As a typical black water […]

  • Haplochromis sp. Mburo Blacky

    Haplochromis sp. Mburo Blacky

    6. July 2007

    The “Mburo Blacky” is coming from Lake Mburo in Uganda. This species is undescribed until now and grows up to 12cm. It does not dig and do not eat plants, but it is rather agressive and therefor those fish need bigger tanks (1 meter in length and up) in which they can find places to […]

  • Hoplarchus psittacus

    Hoplarchus psittacus

    6. July 2007

    This, by specialised hobbyists of large South American cichlid, well known species is only very rarely offered to the public. Our animals were imported from Columbia. The best way to take good care of these beautiful cichlids, which can grow up to 40 cm, is to keep them in large fish tanks with plenty of […]

  • Micropterus salmoides

    6. July 2007

    Something special for your pond. The Largemouth Bass originates from the eastern part of the United States where they occur from the Canadian border down to Mexico. In the meantime they were spread in numerous countries as game fish and can therefore be found also in Europe. They prefer quiet, well warmed waters without a […]

  • Pelvicachromis spec. „Blue Fin“

    6. July 2007

    November 2005: From Guinea the import of a still undescribed Pelvicachromis species surprised us. This species seems to mediate within the genus Pelvicachromis between P. roloffi and P. rubrolabiatus, since it carries characteristics of both species. Particularly the name giving bright blue-green dorsal fin of females is noticeable. Maintenance in pairs is appropriate, in larger […]

  • Nannacara spec. -Sourourou-

    6. July 2007

    From the Crique Sourourou in French Guyana originates this beautiful new Nannacara variant. We are pleased to be able to offer some offspring to you. According to information of an experienced Nannacara specialist their maintenance is unproblematic, even in middle hard water. The breed however succeeds only in soft and sour water according to their […]

  • Tahuantinsuyoa macantzatza

    Tahuantinsuyoa macantzatza

    6. July 2007

    The unpronounceable from the Incas empire. So an article about Tahuantinsuyoa macantzatza the Inca Stone Fish could be titled. After fearing over years that they had become extinct, we succeeded to import a larger number of them at the beginning of 2003. For the first time we can offer now both: very beautiful wild caught […]

  • Betta prima

    6. July 2007

    Betta prima originates from South East Thailand and Cambodia and is a member of the Betta pugnax group. They are found foraging along the dense vegetation of brooks, swamps and calm rivers. B. prima is a small species, they can reach the size of about 6 cm. They like well planted, and since they are […]

  • Sphaerichthys vaillanti

    6. July 2007

    Sphaerichthys vaillanti is probably the rarest and most desired species of the Chocolate Gouramies. Their origin is Kalimantan the indonesian part of Borneo. Since they are black water inhabitants, the water equivalents should be adapted in the aquarium to it. This species does best in peat filtered water. Water must be changed often, and a […]

  • Lamprologus callipterus ALBINO

    Lamprologus callipterus ALBINO

    6. July 2007

    August 2004: Now available: Lamprologus callipterus ALBINO. After several years, one of our breeder was successful in breeding this species. We have this fish for the first time in stock. You will find here more details soon.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Micropercops swinhonis

    6. July 2007

    One of the most beautiful new fish species of 2003 is this goby, which is rather widely spread in China, Korea and Japan. Already in 1873 Günther described it under the name Eleotris swinhonis of Shanghai, China, but it made its way to our tanks only now. It can reach a maximum size of approx. […]

  • Etheostoma fusiforme

    Etheostoma fusiforme

    6. July 2007

    October 2003: This week we received a limited number of Etheosoma fusiforme. These goby-like perches are also called Darters and originates from North America. Darter males inspire during the courtship with beautiful colors. During the summer months this species can be held also in the domestic garden pond. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

  • Mesonauta insignis

    Mesonauta insignis

    6. July 2007

    This cichlid, which is growing up to approx. 20cm is living along the catchment area of the Orinoco, whereit mostly lives in slowly flowing or even standing waters. You often find it right in front of the shore, where it inhabits the upper water layer. Regarding the nutrition M. insignis is totally uncomplicated, because these […]

  • Uaru amphiacanthoides -Santarem-

    6. July 2007

    At present we can offer this magnificent variant of Uaru amphiacanthoides originating from Santarem. The fish impress by their metallical resplendent body and the cherry red eyes. All Uarus are expressed plant lovers. Beside a meaty nutrition vegetarian food should be offered. The food spectrum is large, almost all fruit and vegetables are accepted and […]

  • Nandopsis salvini

    6. July 2007

    December 2006: At present we can offer a very beautiful, strongly red coloured variant of Nandopsis (Cichlasoma) salvini to you. They origin from South Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, where they live in to the Atlantic ocean heading streams. Like most Central American cichlids they are very easy to keep in middle hard water at pH […]