10c. Catfishes: remaining catfish from South America (126)

  • Pimelodus tetramerus

    23. May 2011

    The genus Pimelodus is quite specious and currently comprises 34 accepted species. Due to the lack of a recent revision it is not easy to identify the species. In the aquarium hobby only one species is of some importance: P. pictus, the angel catfish. One more species, P. ornatus, is a rare and highly demanded […]

  • Tatia strigata

    7. February 2011

    Once more we were able to import a species new for for the hobby: Tatia strigata. This small species – maximum length reported is around 6 cm – has been discovered and described as late as 1995. The unique colour pattern that differs slightly individually makes the species unmistakable. As in all Tatia, males can […]

  • Trachycorystes sp. WHITE SPOTS

    31. August 2010

    The genus Trachycorystes currently comprises three described species. In the aquarium hobby so far only T. trachycorystes appeared. For this up to 45 cm long species, please see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/news/Trachycorystes_trachycorystes_en/ Recently we received a 25-30 cm long specimen from Peru with an unique coloration: white, irregular spots on both sides of the body! It is unknown […]

  • Ernstichthys megistus

    16. August 2010

    For the first time we were able to import a very astonishing species of catfish, which was known until 1985 from 3 specimens only. At the first glimpse the small animals – they are hardly 2 cm long – remind one on the Asian catfishes of the genus Akysis. Actually they are relatives of the […]

  • Pinirampus sp. Paraguay

    16. August 2010

    The catfish family Pimelodidae is restricted to South America. It is a quite diverse family. Although only about 90 species are known they could hardly be more contrasting. The smallest species (a still undescribed one from the Amazon river) becomes only 2.5 cm long, the largest (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum) becomes 2 metres long. Most species, however, […]

  • Tatia dunni

    30. July 2010

    Once more we were able to be the first who imported this pretty driftwood cat. The identification of Tatia species is not that easy. Although there is a very recent revision of the genus available, the species concept used there reflects only few aspects of coloration. So currently fish of very different coloration are lumped […]

  • Pseudobunocephalus sp. White Peru

    27. May 2010

    The genus Pseudobunocephalus has been erected quite recently (2008). It is distinguished from the other banjo cat genera by externally invisible characters of the teeth and bone structures. As aquarists are more interested in fish than in technical definitions of genera it may be mentioned that nevertheless there are some external features that allow to […]

  • Centromochlus sp. Ninja (= C. orca)

    11. March 2010

    A small sensation reached us recently from Brazil. Already when the small (4-6 cm long) catfish were unpacked their brillant black-and-white-pattern was a real eyecatcher. The fish definetely belong to the genus Centromochlus, which currently comprises 11 species in South America. These fish are close relatives of the better known genus Tatia and belong (like […]

  • Phractocephalus hemiliopterus

    12. October 2009

    At Aquarium Glaser not only small fish for private community tanks are stocked, but also real rarities for scientific institutions and large fish for public aquaria and zoos. A specimen for the latter category reached us now: a gigantic Phractocephalus hemiliopterus, more than 80 cm long. We stocked the fish for a Russian customer. The […]

  • Trachycorystes trachycorystes

    26. August 2009

    This bizarre species has been described scientifically already in 1840. It is widely distributed in the whole Amazon basin. Nevertheless it becomes only rarely imported and so it is highly demanded by fans of predatory catfish who pay quite high prices for them. The species can attain a total length of about 45 cm. We […]

  • Trachelyopterus galeatus

    28. May 2009

    Already in 1766 this species was described under the name Silurus galeatus by the founder of the zoological nomenclature, Carl von Linné. It is extremely widespread in South America. Today this fish is classified in the family Auchenipteridae, and within this family in the subfamily Auchenipterinae. The species in Auchenipterinae share a very special feature: […]

  • Opsodoras stuebelii

    22. May 2009

    The Doradidae family contains around 90 species in about 35 genera. Thus they represent only a minority among the huge number of catfishes existing in South America. But all dordadid catfishes are really bizzarre and desirable creatures for catfish enthusiasts. There are dordaid catfishes that reach around one metre in length, but for Opsodoras stuebelii […]

  • Trichomycterus alternatus: In the shadow of the vampire

    13. March 2009

    female Sometimes fishes have the same problems as human beings: one cannot choose his relatives! And so the good reputation of a small fish sometimes is destroyed due to the bad one of a cousin. The most by far feared species of fish in South America is the so-called candiru. In fact, the name candiru […]

  • Brachyplatystoma

    6. February 2009

    The catfishes of the genus Brachyplatystoma are some of the most important foodfish in the basins of the Amazon, the Orinoco and the countries of the Guiana shield. Some of them may reach a length of 360 cm and a weight of 200 kg. Many thousand tons are landed each year, which led to local […]

  • Auchenipterus nigripinnis

    21. January 2009

    For the first time ever we were able now to import a catfish from Argentina which is new for the hobby. It looks amazingly similar to the Asian shark, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (a well known synonym of that species is Pangasius sutchi). The identification of the new fish wasn´t easy, but thanks to Ingo Seidel from […]

  • Glanidium melanopterum

    9. May 2008

    (09.May 2008) A real strange fish was now imported by us from the south of Brasil. This fish belongs to the Glanidium family and shows a size of about 40cm, which is really big for such an fish. They look very calm, but during the night they start to eat….everything what they can get into their big […]

  • Sorubim lima

    Sorubim lima

    6. July 2007

    The shovel nose catfish is a classical appearance in the hobby. Even in the most common aquarium shops you can find this species as juveniles with a length between 8 and 10 cm. These fish are very appealing when they are small, but one should reconsider an impulsive buy here because these fish can grow […]

  • Ageneiosus vittatus

    6. July 2007

    July 2002: For the first time we could import Ageneiosus vittatus from Peru. Slopehead catfish of the genus Ageneiosus are particularly noticeable by its strongly flattened head. These predators can reach an overall length of 30 cm. For the maintenance large basins are necessary. A dark bottom, some stones and bogwood should be brought in […]

  • Pareiodon cf. microps

    6. July 2007

    This pencil catfish, a relative of parasitic the urethra of humans entering catfishes, is very rarely traded. The affiliation to the genus Pareiodon is rather clear, the species classification however is yet not clarifyed. As predators they should not be socialized with to small fishes. Due to their rarity no reports about their maintenance in […]

  • Trichomycterus alternatus

    6. July 2007

    One of the in the aquarium most easy to keep pencil catfishes is Trichomycterus alternatus. This species, originating from the Rio de Janeiro region, reaches an overall length of for 10cm and can be maintained in aquaria starting from 60cm length. These very shy fish, reminding in their appearance of our in Europe native Stone […]

  • Amaralia hypsiura

    6. July 2007

    January 2001: At present we can offer Amaralia hypsiura for friends of the extraordinary . This rarely dealt catfish attains full growth with approx. 15 cm length. It originates from the Amzon and there it feeds mainly, as gastric examinations of freshly caught fishes documents, predominantly the spawn of other fish. Fortunately they are not […]

  • Bunocephalus sp. „Black/White“

    Bunocephalus sp. „Black/White“

    6. July 2007

    The banjocat new imported from Peru immediately attract attention due to their interesting colouring in contrast to other species of the same relation circle. Therefore some animals are almost unicoloured white while other specimens mainly show some irregular black markings. The care of this species does not differ from that of other relatives of this […]

  • Pseudoplatystoma corruscans

    6. July 2007

    The rarely traded largest shovelnose catfish Pseudoplatysoma corruscans originates from the Rio Sao Francisco in Brazil. This predator becomes quite large (approx. 180cm) and heavy (100 kg). They like to stay in groups and socialize well with rays, big charazins, cichlids or other catfishes. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)