10b. Catfishes: Suckermouths, Plecos and L-numbers (312)

  • Hypancistrus spec. L 401

    6. July 2007

    This in the DATZ 12/05 introduced very beautiful Hypancistrus variant is at present in a small number available. The animals remind in their habitus of L 333 and with these are also occasionally confounded. In the figure they are more delicate, somewhat more stretched and reach only one overall length of maximally 12 cm, while […]

  • Liposarcus pardalis

    6. July 2007

    Liposarcus pardalis has enormous area of origin that enclosure nearly the entire Amazon basin. It is found in different waters types, herefrom results a large adaptability for the maintenance in aquaria. According to the size (> 40cm) enormous food quantities are consumed. In Southeast Asia they are bred in large numbers and so wild caughts […]

  • Spectracanthicus (= Oligancistrus) zuanoni L 354

    Spectracanthicus (= Oligancistrus) zuanoni L 354

    6. July 2007

    Spectracanthicus zuanoni L 354 originates from Rio Xingu and the Rio Iriri in Brazil. It has been described scientifically only in 2014 (see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/archiv.php?news_id=1195). The fish belongs to the same species as L 20, with however clearly larger white marks, so that the design reminds of a black net on a bright background. The reddish, […]

  • Chaetostoma pearsei L 187

    Chaetostoma pearsei L 187

    6. July 2007

    This Chaetostoma species is imported in regular intervals from the upper Orinoco through Puerto Ayacucho. This catfish is very difficult to differentiate from L 147 and L 188. L 188 has often described in the literature as C. nudirostre. C. pearsi lives in fast streaming mountain brooks and therefore needs in the aquarium oxygen rich […]

  • Hypancistrus spec. L 66 „King Tiger“

    6. July 2007

    As one of the early imported representatives of the so-called L-number catfishes L 66 has already an unbroken popularity. At present we can offer beside wild caughts also very beautiful german breds. Such bright grounded L 66 are at least as attractive as the most „newer“ Hypancistrus species. With a final size of approx. 15 […]

  • Cochliodon sp. YELLOW SEAM L 360

    6. July 2007

    From the Rio Jamanxim in Brazil we could import a small number of L 360 with nice yellow-orange fins. They are unproblematic in the maintenance need however a high portion of vegetables in their food. Similar as Panaques this over 30 cm large growing species specieseats large quantities ofr bogwood. A high performance filtering unit […]

  • Hypancistrus spec. NEU

    Hypancistrus spec. NEW

    6. July 2007

    September 2006: Latterly we received this very rich contrasted male of an unknown Hypancistrus species. Certainly here exists a similarity to L 333 and also Hypancistrus spec. Xingu. It gets more and more difficult to attach single fishes to existing L numbers or to a known Hypancistrus species, because there are not enough hard criteria […]

  • Hypancistrus spec. „Belo Monte“ (L 287, L 399, L 400)

    6. July 2007

    The denomination of this beautiful Hypancistrus is still disputed. It run long time under the number L 287, so it is named on our stock list. Recently it is called L 399 and/or L 400, the origin is the Rio Xingu, where it gets caught in the neighbourhood of Belo Monte. This species belongs into […]

  • Panaque cochliodon

    6. July 2007

    December 2005: After years when no Panaque cochliodon (Panaque suttoni, P. suttonorum) were imported, now again few individuals reach us. Whether environmental problems or the civil war in parts of Colombia are responsible for their non appearence, can not be judged from a distance. We are glad to see this in former times not rare […]

  • Crossoloricaria cf cephalaspis

    Crossoloricaria cf cephalaspis

    6. July 2007

    The 5 species of the genus Crossoloricaria are all looking very similar to the flounder Loricariid genus Pseudohemiodon. These fish have as well a flattened body form, small eyes lying distally on the triangularly formed head. The difference between these two genii is the missing of the ventral bony plates of Crossoloricaria. Only at the […]

  • Loricaria simillima

    6. July 2007

    Loricaria simillima has a very wide distribution in South America. It is found in the Orinoco-, Amazon- and La Plata basins. A result of this large area many different color forms are known, which differ clearly regarding coloration and pattern. The species occurs in different water types. Black water forms are more demanding in maintenance […]

  • Hypancistrus zebra L 46 „Double Tailfin

    6. July 2007

    November 2006: At present we can offer beside „normal “German bred zebras (surely the most demanded of all L-numbers) an individual with a doubled lower caudal fin. This change of the fin is probably to be led back on a disturbance in the embryonic development. If someone hopes to breed a race of „veil tailed […]