10a. Catfishes: Corydoras & Co. (212)

  • Corydoras sp. C 115/116

    16. January 2008

    (16.Jan.2008) This Longnose armored catfish was caught by Hoffmann & Hoffmann in Peru in a small canyon 50km away from Puerto Maldonado toward Boliva in 2004 and brought along legally. The very variable drawing, from monochromatically grey to big black spots on the sides of body (hence C115 and 116) is interesting. The breeding is […]

  • Corydoras armatus „spotted“

    Corydoras armatus „spotted“

    6. July 2007

    April 2005: These beautiful animals where imported from Columbia. The literature however give Peru and Brazil as their place of origin. For more then 125 years ago these fish were described by Günther and since then hardly ever imported. The characteristic features of this catfish is the extreme long dorsal fin of which the first […]

  • Corydoras baianinha

    Corydoras baianinha

    6. July 2007

    March 2003: Some weeks ago we received a few pieces of Corydoras baianinha. This extreme rare Corydoras only occurs in a little number of small streams in the south of Brasil. The population of Cordoras baianinha is very much in danger, because its living space was already largely distroyed by environmental pollution and forest clearing! […]

  • Corydoras spectabilis

    Corydoras spectabilis

    6. July 2007

    In fact we have ordered Corydoras guapore from Manaus,…but what we got was totally different. We got for the first time Corydoras spectabilis, which is found in the upper Rio Guaporé around Vila Bela. (Photo E. Schraml, Text Aquarium Glaser)

  • Corydoras weitzmani

    Corydoras weitzmani

    6. July 2007

    This is one of the most spectacular representative of the Corydoras genus recently imported. For us this is the ultimate Corydoras. Its closest relative is probably Corydoras panda. The body pattern is similar to the recently described Corydoras tukano. This species was caught by the authors in September 2004 in the riverine system of the […]

  • Corydoras sp. aff. kanei

    Corydoras sp. aff. kanei

    6. July 2007

    This new and undescribed true mailed catfish differs from C. kanei by a golden band on the shoulder. The very attractive fish originate from the Rio Jamaxin (Brazil). Their final length is 5 cm. C. kanei has been bred successfully on several occasions and Seuß (Die faszinierende Welt der Corydoras, Landbuch Verlag Germany, 1997) reports […]

  • Corydoras weitzmani

    6. July 2007

    February 2006: We are pleased to be able to offer you the first offspring of a legend. Now offspring of the recently again discovered and in the last year for the first time to Germany imported Corydoras weitzmani are available. Fortunately this beautiful small, at Corydoras panda reminding species, could quite fast be spawned by […]

  • Corydoras ephippifer

    Corydoras ephippifer

    6. July 2007

    This true mailed catfish species was imported from Belem (Brazil). The latin name „ephippifer“ is a combination from „ephippium“ (lat. = saddle) und „ferre“ (lat. = bearing) referring to the black spot on the basis of the dorsal fin. The animals reach a maximal length of 6 cm. They should be kept in a group. […]

  • Corydoras sp. BLACK VENEZUELA

    Corydoras sp. BLACK VENEZUELA

    6. July 2007

    A very beautiful colour morph bred in Germany and a true addition to our fascinating hobby. Corydoras aeneus (this fish probably belong to this family) is one of the most common true mailed catfish in the aquaristical hobby. Originally this cory species has a large distribution in nature which ranges from Trinidad, Venezuela, Surinam, Colombia, […]

  • Corydoras sp. C 30

    6. July 2007

    Corydoras C 30, a scientifically still not described species, originates from the area of the Amazon delta (Federal State Amapa) in Brazil. In its appearance it reminds of Corydoras melanistius a further north in Surinam and Guyana occurring species. Like all Corys C 30 should be held not in a to small group (5 – […]

  • Callichthys spec. NEW

    6. July 2007

    From southern Brazil we could import a probably new Callichthyid catfish species. The sexes can be easily differentiated on the basis the dark pattern at the head of the females. In their homeland they inhabit diverse waters types. As accessory air-breathers they can move over land if it gets necessary to reach other waters. Their […]

  • Corydoras sp. C 71

    6. July 2007

    August 2006: With Corydoras spec. C 71 we could import a further rare species from Brazil. They originate from the Rio Arua in the Federal State Para. With a final size of 6 cm they belong to the medium sized Corys. The requirements for their maintenance might be the same as for other Corydoras species. […]