09. Characoids: tetra relationship (486)

  • Oligosarcus jenynsii

    22. June 2011

    This pretty predatory tetra is only imported very occasionally to Europe, although the up to 30 cm long species is quite common in the southern parts of South America (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay). The photographed specimen originates from Paraguay. Basically speaking, Oligosarcus is nothing else but a Banded Astyanax (Astyanax fasciatus) that has been developed […]

  • Hasemania sp. Orange

    6. June 2011

    After a long time we were able now to import once more this beautiful tetra from Peru. It was not possible so far to place it in a known genus or described species. We chose the name “Hasemania” only because the basic coloration of the fish is somewhat reminescent to that of the well known […]

  • Serrapinnus sterbai (=7 Rays Mint Tetra)

    16. May 2011

    We imported this new, very nice and interesting tetra for the first time now from Brazil. Obviously this species originates from the Araguaia/Tocantins basin in Central Brazil. In the most current issue of the German aquarium magazine “Amazonas” (Issue 35, May/June 2011, p. 79) this fish is named “7 Rays Mint Tetra” what is adopted […]

  • Pristobrycon striolatus

    9. May 2011

    For the first time ever we succeeded in importing this unique species of piranha from Brazil. Currently the piranhas are placed in 5 genera (Catoprion, Pristobrycon, Pygocentrus, Pygopristis, and Serrasalmus). However, there is some discussion about this classifaction, because intermediate forms have been observed. The species currently placed in Pristobrycon are quite discoid fish as […]

  • Serrasalmus eigenmanni Peru

    9. May 2011

    Serrasalmus eigenmanni Peru This medium sized and very interesting piranha (maximum length reported is around 20 cm) was imported from Peru. This is worth mentioning, as so far S. eigenmanni has been “only” reported from Brazil, the Guyanas, and Venezuela. Our determination bases on the work by Jégu & Santos (1988). Following these authors, the […]

  • Erythrinus sp. Madre de Dios

    18. April 2011

    Finally we were successful and imported a larger number of this wonderfully coloured predatory tetra from Peru. Both sexes have the splendid orange belly. Females can be recognized by the shape of the ventral fins: they are comparatively small and rounded (large and pointed in males). It is said that the species can attain a […]

  • Odontocharacidium cf aphanes

    18. April 2011

    Once more we were able to import this cute dwarf tetra from Peru. The maximum length of the fish is around 2 cm total length. Despite their small size the males can be very aggressive against each other. If one can keep a lot of them together they are peaceful (the same phenomenon can be […]

  • Myloplus (formerly: Myleus) schomburgkii

    18. April 2011

    Myloplus schomburgkii is one of the most beautiful large tetras in South America. The maximum length of these magnificent disc tetras is approx. 45 cm. The photos of the adults were taken in a display aquarium. In contrast to many other silver dollars, the identification of Myloplus schomburgkii is relatively easy, as only three species […]

  • Leporinus arcus

    7. February 2011

    Currently we were able to organize one of the rare imports from Guyana and so we have the beautiful Leporinus arcus originating from there in stock again. The genus Leporinus contains almost 100 species and is thus pretty big. Nevertheless only very few species could establish themselves as aquarium inhabitants. Most of them become quite […]

  • Serrasalmus cf. spilopleura

    18. January 2011

    The correct determination of piranha species is one of the most difficult chapters in ichthyology at all. Even the specialized authorities for that group of fish have often different points of view. And so we quite often can only look for the very few features that are accepted as species specific, like the black bands […]

  • Nannostomus trifasciatus

    18. January 2011

    Sometimes the enormous number of new and attractive importations makes us forget that some of the alltime-evergreens also are real beauties. One of the most beautiful among those is the Threestripe pencilfish, Nannostomus trifasciatus. The species has a very wide distribution (Bolivia, Brazil, Guyana, and Peru) and a large number of local varieties with different […]

  • Moenkhausia copei

    17. January 2011

    For our customers: the animals have code 268634 on our stocklist.

  • Tyttocharax cochui and madeirae

    14. January 2011

    The lively species of the genus Tyttocharax belong to the smallest species of tetra at all. They hardly ever become larger than 2 cm. Two species are currently quite often imported, both originate from Peru: T. cochui and T. madeirae. At the first glimpse both species look very similar and have been often confused in […]

  • Galeocharax gulo

    11. January 2011

    The tretras represent a group of fishes that has developed a lot of very contrasting forms. Everybody knows the cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) as a paragon for a peaceful community fish, but the pack hunting piranha that bites big pieces of meat off its victim is also well known. Among the predatory species are the […]

  • Cyanogaster cf. noctivaga (= Characidae gen sp. / Dwarf glass tetra)

    10. January 2011

    Recently described: Cyanogaster cf. noctivaga We were able to import a new species of dwarf tetra in january 2011 from Peru. The tiny fish were only 1-2 cm long and we were neither able to assign them to an existing genus nor to an existing species. Thus we gave them the provisional name Characidae gen. […]

  • Leporinus sp. “Strawberry”

    13. October 2010

    Currently we were able to import the most beautiful species of Leporinus we have ever seen from Brazil. As the determination of juvenile Leporinus is almost impossible in many cases we decided to adopt the exporter ´s name given for the fish on his stocklist. Without any doubt, however, the new fish belongs to a […]

  • The crystal rainbow tetra has been described: Trochilocharax ornatus

    13. October 2010

    This tetra is again a species new to science, and was firstly imported by our company in April 2003, from Peru. Recently we were able to import it again. It has provisionally been designated as “Heterocharax sp. – Orange-tailed glass tetra”, or “crystal rainbow tetra”. Sometimes is was also named “Tyttocharax sp.”.

    Now the species has been described scientifically by A. Zarske who also erected a new genus for the fish. The paper can be downloaded for free under http://www.vertebrate-zoology.de/vz60-2/01_Vertebrate_Zoology_60-2_Zarske.pdf.

    Depending on the lighting, these barely 2 cm long jewels are shimmering blue or transparent. This dwarf tetra is extremely lively and has so far proved very amenable to aquarium life.

    Males and females can easily be distinguished from each other, for the males have a prolonged dorsal fin and colourful ventrals.

    For our customers: the Fish has code 258333 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

    Lexicon: Heterocharax: means “different Charax”. Charax is another genus of tetra. Trochilocharax: derived from the scientific family name for hummingbirds, Trochilidae, which is formed from the ancient Greek word “trochilos”, used by Aristotle for a small bird. Charax is another genus of tetra. ornatus: Latin, means “decorated”. Tyttocharax: ancient Greek, means “tiny charax”. Charax is another genus of tetra.

    Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Copeina cf. osgoodi

    2. August 2010

    At least in Germany members of the genus Copeina are pretty well known, which is reflected by the fact that an accepted common name exists: Forellensalmler, which means “trout tetra”. However, this knowledge is rather outdated and nowadays the fish can be regarded as real rarities in the hobby. There are only two accepted species […]

  • Hemigrammus sp. Boqueron

    15. July 2010

    Currently we received from Peru a new species of Hemigrammus, which does not fit the description of any species known so far. Thus we decided to adopt the name on the import list, eg. “Boqueron”. The pretty fish looks like a cross of the glowlight tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus) and the silvertip tetra (Hasemania nana). Due […]

  • Hyphessobrycon eschwartzae (= Hyphessobrycon cf. agulha JURUA / PERU)

    29. June 2010

    For the first time ever we were able now to import this beautiful tetra from Peru. Scientifically H. agulha is known for quite a long time, but it has never become an aquarium fish so far. In Jaques Géry´s classical work on Characoids of the World even a complete group of Hyphessobrycon is named after […]

  • Hyphessobrycon cf. pando PERU

    22. June 2010

    Recently we received beautiful Rosy tetras under the name of “Hyphessobrycon robertsi” from Peru. However, the fish is not identical with the well known “robertsi” (the species has not been described formally by a scientist yet, but it is unknown whether is has been made available “by chance” in the past 60 years of its […]

  • Ichthyborus ornatus

    17. June 2010

    The odd subfamily of African tetra called Ichthyborinae is restricted to Africa. Many species are specialized fin eaters that feed almost exclusively on fins of other fish. Their teeth work like a scissor and are able to cut out pieces of fin from other fish without any problems. Almost all of these tetras – there […]

  • Megalamphodus

    16. June 2010

    Honestly speaking, the trade name for this cute fish is completely wrong: first of all, the genus name Megalamphodus is regarded nowadays as a synonym to Hyphessobrycon and twice the species in question is an undescribed one and not identical with the red phantom tetra, H. sweglesi. However, even undescribed fish have to be named […]

  • Hyphessobrycon loretoensis

    10. June 2010

    Some species of ornamental fish live in a kind of shadowy existence. Basically speaking they are always available, beautiful and ideal aquarium fish, but it seems that nobody keeps them actually. One of those species is Hyphessobrycon loretoensis. The tiny tetra (maximum length around 3.5 cm) has been imported as an ornamental fish in 1938, […]

  • Nannostomus digrammus

    18. November 2009

    The pencilfishes (Nannostomus) belong to the most beautiful tetras. Besides their nice coloration their swimming stile makes them so attractive. It reminds one always of a miniature airship. Nannostomus digrammus is a rarely imported species. It looks quite similar to the common N. trifasciatus. However, the eponymous third black stripe on the belly, which is […]

  • Phenacogrammus interruptus “Albino”

    9. September 2009

    Currently we receive beautiful cultivated albino Congo Tetras from Indonesia. Like in all true albinos the eyes of the fish are red due to the genetically caused lack of black body pigment (melanin). In many other species of fish albinos have a uniform whitish, yellowish or flesh-coloured body. Not so in the Congo Tetra. The […]

  • Orthospinus franciscensis

    12. August 2009

    For the first time we were able to import the tetra Orthospinus franciscensis which is endemic to the Rio Sao Francisco in Brazil. Keeping and also probably breeding is the same as in the Silver Dollar (Brachychalcinus orbicularis) (http://www.aquarium-glaser.de/en/brachychalcinus-orbicularis_en_1116.html). However, O. franciscensis stays smaller, reaching only 8 cm maximum length. Lexicon: Orthospinus means “erected spine” […]

  • Brachychalcinus orbicularis

    12. August 2009

    Brachychalcinus orbicularis is also known in the hobby under the name “Silver Dollar Tetra”, which might lead, however, to confusion with tetras of the genus Metynnis, which are also called “Silver Dollars”. Ephippicharax orbicularis is a well known synonym for our fish, which is quite popular in the hobby despite the fact that it displays […]

  • Nannostomus sp. „Purple“ has been scientifically decribed as N. rubrocaudatus!

    19. June 2009

    A strikingly beautiful Nannostomus species from Peru, known in the trade under the names Nannostomus marginatus „Purple“ or N. marginatus „Red“ for some time already, has now been described scientifically by Axel Zarske from Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Museum für Tierkunde as Nannostomus rubrocaudatus. The type specimens originated from Peru and were imported by our […]

  • Axelrodia riesei – Ruby tetra

    17. June 2009

    Once more we were able to import a good number of beautiful Axelrodia riesei from Colombia. These tiny little fish – wild collected animals are sexually mature at a size of 1.5-2 cm, in aquaria they can reach a size up to 3 cm – fully deserve their popular name – they are brillant ruby […]

  • Tucanoichthys tucano

    8. June 2009

    Once more we were able to import a real jewel among the tetras for the first time ever: Tucanoichthys tucano. This tiny little species attains a maximum length of around 2 cm and is thatfore an ideal fish for nano aquaria. Tucanoichthys lives endemic in the upper Rio Negro basin, to be more precise in […]

  • Mountain crystal tetra, Leptagoniates pi

    5. June 2009

    Glassfishes occur in many fish families. In the hobby we know for example glass perches (Parambassis etc.) and glass catfishes (Kryptopterus); occasionally also glass gobies (Gobiopterus) and Crystal danios (Danionella) are kept in aquaria. All these fishes come from South and South East Asia. Now we were able to import from South America a species […]

  • A fantastic lemon tetra

    3. June 2009

    The lemon tetra, Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis, belongs to the most important ornamental fishes and can be found in almost any pet shop. Like in so many other very common species no one gives a thought on them. But even the lemon tetra keeps a lot of secrets…..

    The origin of the lemon tetra was not known until 1980, although the species has already been scientifically described in 1937. The scientific description based on specimens imported for the ornamental fish trade and so the origin could be given only vaguely as „probably Amazon river“. Although breeding the lemon tetra is not that easy (not every pair will spawn readily and females have to spawn very often for otherwise their eggs become infertile etc.) no wild caughts came in anymore. So it lasted until 1980 when Gery found that the natural range of the species lies in the lower Amazon basin, to be more precise in the lower and middle Tapajós between Itaituba and Jacare Acanga, and in brooks flowing towards the Rio Curua do Sol. Other sources give also the Xingu and the Tocantins.

    The ancestors of our new lemon tetra which we can offer in wonderful German bred specimens are said to originate from Bolivia. They differ from the well known lemon tetra due to their brillant orange basic colour and the lack of the typical black border of the anal fin. According to our breeder the breeding behaviour is also different. So it is very likely that our new lemon tetra belongs to a so far undescribed species.

    Keeping the new lemon tetra is very easy and even beginners can do it. One should keep the up to 4.5 cm long animal in little groups in well structured aquaria. Every individual will form a small territory after settlement and defend it against congeneers. They feed on any commercial and living fishfood, tempertaure can be between 22 and 28°C. In soft and slighlty acidic water they become most beautiful, but these water conditions are not necessary for a successful keeping.

    For comparison: the classical lemon tetra

    For our customers: the new animals, called „Orange Bolivia“ by us, have code 261632, the classical lemon tetra code 261603 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale market.

    Text Frank Schäfer, Photos: Frank Schäfer and H.-J. Mayland/Aqualog archieves

  • Hydrolycus scomberoides

    29. April 2009

    The Dogtooth characins (Hydrolycus) are small genus of tetras (four species) that have a wide distribution in tropical South America. They have in common very long saber-like teeth in the lower jaw. In the upper jaw cave-like notches are present, as otherwise the fish would not be able to close the mouth. These saber-teeth are […]

  • Nannostomus anduzei

    28. April 2009

    For the first time ever we were able to import this tiny fish in larger numbers. Until now the fish was available only by accidental by-catches. Please read more about this new jewel for nano tanks: Within the family Lebiasinidae, sixteen scientifically accepted species of the genus Nannostomus are known. Still, in aquatic specialist shops […]

  • Markiana nigripinnis

    24. April 2009

    We were able to import one of the most unusual tetras again: Markiana nigripinnis. Our specimens originate from Argentina. The species inhabits the river basins of the Paraná, Paraguay and the Marmoré (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay). Due to the southern subtropical region where the fish occurs it is not necessary to install a heater in […]

  • Pygocentrus piraya

    8. April 2009

    The „real“ piranha, Pygocentrus piraya, is restricted to the river system of the Sao Francisco in southern Brazil. It is a up to 30 cm long species, which is characterized by its deep red breast and the mighty jaws when it is fully grown.However, even juveniles display a very attractive coloration. Most piranha species belong […]

  • Available again: Pterobrycon myrnae, the Semaphore tetra

    6. April 2009

    New stock arrived for first calendar week 2010 And the good news is: the are considerably more favourable than last year! It was only twice, 1998 and 2008, that we received the Semaphore Tetra by Thomas Schulz. This fish is restricted to fast running brooks in Costa Rica. It is a spectacular tetra and luckily […]

  • Hyphessobrycon amapaensis

    4. March 2009

    One of the most beautiful tetras of South America is availble now in brillantly colored wild collected specimens. The Amapa tetra is an uncomparable eye-catcher for any well suited community tank for South American fishes. As usual, among these wild collected fishes were also specimens of other species, so-called by-catches. This gives us a good […]

  • Pyrrhulina laeta

    16. February 2009

    It is quite long ago that we were able to import this wonderful tetra. But now we can offer it again! Including the caudal fin the males can reach 12 cm in length. Males are generally larger than the females. A characteristical pattern for the species is the black line that extends to the level […]

  • Chilodus gracilis

    9. February 2009

      There are four species of the small headstanders of the genus Chilodus. Only two of them appear in the hobby. According to reports the Spotted Headstander (Chilodus punctatus) is the most common species in the hobby. But, in fact, it is not. The species found most is Chilodus gracilis which can be distinguished from […]

  • Black winged dwarf hatchets

    5. February 2009

    There are two species of Black winged dwarf hatchets recognized. These charming little creatures hardly reach 3 cm in length. From Peru we get occasionally Carnegiella schereri with a spotted belly as a so-called by-catch of C. strigata, whereas Carnegiella marthae from Brazil has a lined belly and is now and then available assorted (214003).

    Please note that we are supplying the wholesale trade only.

    Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

  • A great number of Leporinus species in stock

    3. February 2009

    Actually, Aquarium Glaser has many Leporinus species in stock. These are often very attractively coloured large tetras which are perfectly suited for large and show aquaria. Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

  • Boehlkea fredcochui now Knodus borki

    22. January 2009

    Dr. Axel Zarske found that the species imported for decades under the name Boehlkea fredcochui in truth represented a species of the genus Knodus so far unknown to science. The real Boehlkea fredcochui was now and then imported under the trade name Boehlkea sp. Sky Blue. So our good old aquarium fish is now named […]

  • Hyphessobrycon pyrrhonotus Gold

    10. November 2008

    (Nov.10th 2008) The so called „gold dust disease“ of the bloodfins is a very interesting phenomenon, which happens to very many bloodfin species. The best known one surely is the gold-tetra, Hemigrammus rodwayi whose number of gold-dust-sick animals in nature is higher than of the normal coloured ones. The gold-dust-sick animals were even considered as […]

  • 3500gramm & 35cm: Serrasalmus rhombeus BLACK

    30. May 2008

    They have this amazing size, the Black Piranhas we received last week from Peru.We got a group of 3 pieces in 3 big double-boxes….and all arrived in a perfect condition.They are really beautiful: very graceful but also really verythreatening. Very fascinating!

  • Bryconamericus/Hemibrycon sp.

    16. January 2008

    (16.Jan.2008) These beautiful, agile, steel-blue shining tetra, which grow up to approx. 6cm were caught by Hoffmann & Hoffmann in a clearwater stream in Peru nearby the Andes in 2004. Six animals reached Germany and could be bred. They do not need much warmth, 24°C are sufficient. The youngsters grow slowly. An exact classification was […]

  • Cheirodon sp. (A)

    16. January 2008

    (16.Jan.2008) The most colourful type of the three different Cheirodon/Odontostilbe species caught by Hoffmann & Hoffmann in Peru in 2004, which cannot be classified exactly is Cheirodon sp. (A). The animals have red coloured belly- and anal fins, males more intense than females. Also these fish were already often bred. They are productive and fast-growing.(Photo […]

  • Phenacogrammus cf. ansorgei

    12. October 2007

    (12.Oct.2007) Last week we received a real beauty from Zaire: Phenacogrammus cf. ansorgei. This species grows up to 8cm and was caught in the Lac Mai Ndombe. In the past this lake was called Lac Leopold II. This is a “blackwater” lake, this means all fish from there should be kept in a pH of […]

  • Hoplias macrophthalmus

    6. July 2007

    With Hoplias macrophthalmus we could import from Colombia one of the biggest predatory fishes of the Amazon river system. Contrary to the regular imported Hoplias malabaricus these arrive only extreme rarely in the trade. As an adult with a weight of over 40 kg and a length of more than 120cm they belong to the […]

  • Ammocryptocharax sp. „spotted“

    Ammocryptocharax sp. „spotted“

    6. July 2007

    This scientifically undescribed ground tetra originates from Peru. This is a peaceful species also when housed with delicate fish. This is a medium size tetra fish, which probably does not grow larger then 5 cm. If more then one male of this ground tetra inhabits the tank then they can become somewhat territorial and therefore […]

  • Hoplias malabaricus

    6. July 2007

    “Here's lookin' at you, kid,” – but be careful. Otherwise it could happen that it will be the very last what a tank mate will be looking at. Under these beautiful green eyes are not less impressive teeth that makes the wolf fish Hoplias malabaricus a feared hunter. The owners of these from Costa Rica […]

  • Hyphessobrycon agulha

    6. July 2007

    This very attractive Tetra originates from the Rio Madeira, which runs into the Amazon River downstream from Manaus in Brazil. This Characin species will probably not grow much larger then 6 cm. They are friendly and lively schooling fish, very suitable for a community tank. These fish are not difficult in keeping and will tolerate […]

  • Astyanax leopoldi

    Astyanax leopoldi

    6. July 2007

    Because of their rhomboid body form these animals remind one a little of African tetras of the species Phenacogrammus or Bathyaethiops. Except from Rio Oyapock Astyanax leopoldi are also said to be found in Rio Approuague. They were named in honour of King Leopold III of Belgium, who attended an ichthyological expedition to Rio Oyapock […]

  • Characidium spec. V

    6. July 2007

    This prettily drawn representative of the genus Characidium reached us over Rio de Janeiro, its actual occurrence area is unknown. A classification of the more than 50 Characidium species is difficult, for orientation we here adopt the numbering of the Aqualog photo collection. As natural biotope small clear watercourses are to be assumed. The water […]

  • Hyphessobrycon sweglesi

    Red Phantom tetra, Hyphessobrycon sweglesi

    6. July 2007

    Until a few years ago Red Phantom tetra, Hyphessobrycon sweglesi was easy to identify, even though under the name of Megalamphodus sweglesi. Lately “Red Phantom Tetras” appear more often, which are very similar to it, but also show other characteristics. It stays (temporarily) unclear, if they are own species, subspecies or “local forms”. Interested hobbyists, […]

  • Nematobrycon lacortei

    6. July 2007

    The Rainbow Tetra is one of the most attractive characins of South America. They origin from western Colombia, where they are caught in the tributaries of the Rio San Juan. They belong to the same genus as the usually better known Emperor Tetra Nematobrycon palmeri. Rainbow Tetras can not be characterized as true schooling fishes, […]

  • Copella meinkeni

    6. July 2007

    At present Aquarium Glaser can offer some species of splash tetras, noticeable by a magnificent colouring is particularly Copella meinkeni. Each scale of these up to 6 cm long getting species is marked with a red spot. C. meinkeni origins from areas north of the Amazon, where it occurs in the basins of the Orinoko […]

  • Hyphessobrycon bifasciatus

    6. July 2007

    The Yellow Tetra originates like its close related Von Rio Tetra from coastal rivers in southeast Brazil. With its pretty yellow basic colour it forms a beautiful contrast to it and other reddish characin species. As a schooling fish the Yellow Tetra should be kept only in larger swarms. Particularly in not too brightly lit […]

  • Phenacogrammus cf. nigropterus

    Phenacogrammus cf. nigropterus

    6. July 2007

    This new African tetra, presented by Dieter Bork in “Das Aquarium” 12/01 as “pastel-congo-tetra”, comes from Lake Maindombe (also known as “Lac Leopold II”) in the Democratic Republic Congo (Zaire). Ornamental fish breeder Winter was able to multiply them in a bigger number of pieces. The fins of the males are pulled out beautifully and […]

  • Nannostomous espei

    Nannostomous espei

    6. July 2007

    Up to now this ornamental tetra is only known from western Guyana/Southamerica in the lower course of Mazaruni River. Full-grown fish reach a total length of approx. 40mm. When putting on spawn the females are getting much plumper. By using their dish-shaped anal fin the males fix the eggs to a substrate (e.g. bottom of […]

  • Hyphessobrycon cf. loweae

    Hyphessobrycon cf. loweae

    6. July 2007

    It was illustrated on the homepage of Canadian fish exporter “Below Water” and designated as “Kitty” Tetra (“a new Hemigrammus-species, caught in Mato Grosso in November 2000). It is presented as Hyphessobrycon loweae in the February/March-issue of “Aquaristik Fachmagazin & Aquarium heute”. According to Dr. Géry there are “good correspondences” with Hyphessobrycon loweae (Costa & […]

  • Hydrolycus tatauaia

    6. July 2007

    From Peru some sabre toothed Tiger Fishes of the species Hydrolycus tatauaia came to us. For the maintenance of these impressive hunters naturally roomy aquariums (> 1000l) are needed. Young specimen can be kept in swarms, in the wild even swarms of mixed species were observed. With ageing their aggression potential rises and they become […]

  • Cheirodon spec. „Gold Neon“

    6. July 2007

    At present we can offer some Cardinals of the variety „Gold Neon“. This is one of some more in the wild rarely existing colour forms of Cheirodon axelrodi. Actually it is not clear whether this colour forms are distinct species or varieties of the cardinal. At the “Gold Neon” the blue colour strip is replaced […]

  • Cynopotamus atratoensis

    Cynopotamus atratoensis

    6. July 2007

    Only three of these predatory characins found their way to Aquarium Glaser. This group of characins form the subfamily Cynopotaminae within the family of real American characins (Characidae). The representatives of this subfamily are relatively large fish, which can reach a total length between 15 and 30 cm in adulthood. Cynopotamus have large mouth openings […]

  • Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia, Lapis-Tetra

    Hyphessobrycon cyanotaenia, Lapis-Tetra

    6. July 2007

    This tetra was introduced to us under the name of “Inpaichthys sp. Lapislazuli” in February 2002 by Mrs. Glaser-Dreyer (Aquarium Glaser GmbH). On the (Japanese) internet it is called Lapis tetra. It was imported in a bigger number of pieces without exact declaration of place of discovery. The males are growing up to at least […]

  • Pristobrycon maculipinnis

    6. July 2007

    April 2006: This week we got some very nice Pristobrycon maculipinnis. This rarely traded and in the fish keeping hobby almost unknown species is characterised by intensive red colored fins, as well as a pronounced examination of black markings over the silver shining body. Maybe it is the most attractive of all Piranhas, it originates […]

  • Erythrinus erythrinus

    6. July 2007

    June 2007: Last week we imported from Peru a small amount of probably the most beautiful of all wolf characins. A big advantage of Erythrinus erythrinus is it’s size, that stays with about 25 cm in a tolerable area. It doesn’t have excessive claims with water-chemistry. In it’s homeland, it lives next to small streams […]

  • Hyphessobrycon flammeus

    6. July 2007

    The Flame Tetra, Fire Tetra, or Von Rio Tetra is a well established aquarium guest. Its origin is the proximity of Rio de Janeiro in Eastern Brazil, where it occurs in coastal rivers. As swarm fishes they need the society of conspecifics. Since the optical impression of the observer depends on the swarm size, it […]

  • Salminus brasiliensis (früher: maxillosus)

    Salminus brasiliensis (formerly: maxillosus)

    6. July 2007

    April 2004: At present Aquarium Glaser can offer Salminus brasiliensis (formerly: S. maxillosus) as a further characin rarity. This up to 1 m and over 20 kg growing fish is a migratory species. These migrations take place from October to January, and are correlated with the rise of the water levels as well as the […]

  • Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi (= spec. „Araguaia“)

    Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi (= spec. „Araguaia“)

    6. July 2007

    Red fish always attract interest amongst hobbyists, especially the intensively red coloured ones. Five years ago when we received the first animals of this tetra by the name of “Hyphessobrycon serpae – the real one” (wildcaught from Rio Araguaia), we were immediately enthusiastic, too. At first sight (still inside the transport bag) these tetras looked […]

  • Distichodus sexfasciatus

    6. July 2007

    From the Congo River basin in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) originates Distichodus sexfasciatus. This in the aquarium to approximately 30 cm growing characin is a pronounced herbivore. This has to be regarded for the basin setup, since most smooth leaved plants are regarded as food. Some hardy plants as Anubias- or […]

  • Serrasalmus cf. brandtii

    6. July 2007

    From the Rio Sao Francisco originates this with Serrasalmus brandtii closely related species. They are quite aggressive and as young fish they can be held as a shoal in the species aquarium. Adults with a size of over 30cm length need then naturally very large tanks. At first freshly imported Piranhas accept usually only living […]

  • Hasemania sp. „Red“

    Hasemania sp. „Red“

    6. July 2007

    This small characin is a very attractive fish and a fast swimmer as well. It could be determined as a representative of the Hasemania genus, because it misses the characteristic adipose fin, which is one of the features that determine characins. Up to now we used to have only one species belonging to this genus, […]

  • Kein Bild

    Hemibrycon spec. „Paraguay“

    6. July 2007

    In the last years some quite difficult to classify new species of characins arrived from Paraguay. Usually they belong to the genera Creagrutus, Hemibrycon and Piabarchus. As a common characteristic a high swimming activity can be called for all species of this relationship. They need thus tanks, with a large free swimming area. Thus long […]

  • Hemigrammus coeruleus

    Hemigrammus coeruleus

    6. July 2007

    The tetra, which was meanwhile clearly identified as Hemigrammus coeruleus is one of the most spectacular by-catches of Southamerican tetras. In over 20 years we could only discover approx. 25 of these tetras, mostly single animals among various imports. Inside the dealers tank they do not attract much attention, however: pink stripes on grey ground, […]