Finally we were able to import once more one of the most beautiful African tetras: Alestopetersius smykalai. The species originates from Nigeria and becomes only 5-6 cm long. So it is a perfect fish also for owners of comparatively small tanks. Due to the wonderful blue back of the males – which differ from the […]
09. Characoids: tetra relationship (486)
Aphyocharax anisitsi wild
There are species of ornamental fish that are kept and bred already for such a long time that their conspecifics living in the wild are almost unknown now. Such a species is Aphyocharax anisitsi, the Bloodfin tetra. The first importation was back in 1906. The fish proofed to be easy to breed and very productive. […]
Laemolyta taeniata (= Anostomus taeniatus)
For many years we obtained the striped headstander that looks like the big brother of the golden pencilfish only in single specimens. Now we were finally able to import about 30 specimens of the pretty fish from Peru. The species is a typical headstander in all respects of behaviour. It can become larger than 20 […]
Nematobrycon palmeri wild
The emperor tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri) belongs for decades already to the most beloved species of tetra at all. This is due to its great beauty and interesting behaviour. The species is available the whole year through as bred ones. Wild collected ones, on the other hand, are available only seasonally. We recently obtained once more […]
Neolebias trewavasae
The genus Neolebias contains 12 species of small tetra from western Africa. Neolebias trewavasae attains a maximum length of about 5 cm and is one of the largest members of the genus. Sadly the species is only very rarely available in the trade, so we are glad that we could import them now once more […]
Blind cave tetras
78 years ago a collector of ornamental fish – his name was C. Basil Jordan – discovered a blind species of tetra that lived in a cave in the state of San Louis Potosi in Mexico. Jordan was able to collect 100 specimens of the new fish and managed to bring them to the USA […]
Serrasalmus geryi
Once more we were able to import a real top-rarity: Serrasalmlus geryi. This species of piranha is restricted to the basin of the Rio Tocantins in Brazil. According to scientific literature this species becomes around 20 cm long. Thus our specimens that measure between 16 and 22 cm are most probably fully gown already. This […]
Alestopetersius cf. leopoldianus
Many species of African tetra have never been photographed alive or kept in aquaria. So it is often very difficult to determine a species of that group. We obtained for the first time ever from Lac Mai Ndombe (formerly known as Lake Leopold) a species of tetra that has wonderful shining colours in the right […]
Megalamphodus roseus
The Yellow Phantom Tetra is one of the colorful, small species. The peaceful dwarfs – they become only around 3 cm long – have blood red caudal fins and a wonderful contrasting large black shoulder spot. The species originates from French Guyana, where it occurs in the rivers Maroni and Oyapock. There are no exports […]
Hydrolycus armatus
The complete opposite to the Yellow Phantom Tetra is the Giant Waterwolve. This fish-eating predator attains a maximum length of 75 cm and is thus the largest species of the four members of the genus Hydrolycus. Of course this animal is much sought after by owners of really big tanks and public aquaria; sadly larger […]
Pyrrhulina australis
Finally we were able once more to import Pyrrhulina australis from Paraguay. The animals have pretty yellow caudal fins with a sky-blue seam, on the operculum is a shining, blue spot. The coloration of the body is changing with mood. Most often the fish display a dark horizontal band over the body, but this can […]
Distichodus noboli and D. affinis
Finally we were able to organize again an import from the Congo. The shipment contained two very pretty species of Distichodus. They look quite similar on the first glimpse. Both species become about 15-20 cm long. For our customers: the fish have code 127002 (D. noboli) and 123002 (D. affinis) on our stocklist. Please note […]
Leporinus desmotes
There are a number of ringed species of Leporinus. Each of them has its own special charme. We obtained a shipment of very nice, small Leporinus affinis from Peru. Currently they are about 5 cm long, but fully grown they will reach up to 30 cm length. A closer look on the fish made clear […]
Iguanodectes arrived!
We can offer currently three of the extremely attractive, only very occasionally imported species of Iguanodectes. from Venezuela arrived Iguanodectes geisleri (see and I. adujai, and from Brazil we obtained a species that porbably represents I. purusii. For our customers: the animals have code 264612 (I. geisleri), 264353 (I. adujai), and 264402 (I. cf. […]
Acestrorhynchus falcatus
We received charming and very pretty juveniles of the Redtail barracuda tetra Acestrorhynchus falcatus from Peru. One day the fish will become around 30 cm long. Currently they are about 6-8 cm long. This size is perfect for a complication-free acclimatation. For our customers: the fish have code 201701 on our stocklist. Please note that […]
Charax stenopterus
Usually no one expects that predatory tetras are especially colourful. Honestly speaking, we had doubts regarding the words of our supplier that the Charax stenopterus, which we could import now for the first time from Paraguay, who said that the fish were very nice coloured when he collected them. But guess what: after some time […]
Metynnis fasciatus Breeding coloration
Metynnis fasciatus is a very rarely offered silver dollar which has a characteristic zebra pattern. Males and females can be easily distinguished in all Metynnis by the shape of the anal fin, which is straight bordered in females and has a lappet-like extension in males. Now we could observe for the first time ever the […]
Gymnocorymbus cf. thayeri
Sometimes we obtain animals as so-called accidental catches. And sometimes these fish have never been reported so far from the area we got them from. The silver widow tetra (Gymnocorymbus thayeri) is a close relative to one of the most popular tetras in the hobby, the black widow tetra (G. ternetzi). Both look quite similar […]
Hyphessobrycon eschwartzae (= Hyphessobrycon cf agulha)
Finally we were able to import agin this very pretty, only occasionally available tetra from Peru. Keeping this fish is comparable o the popular Black Neon (Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi) that looks also a bit similar. For further information’s, please see For our customers: the fish have code 260203 on our stocklist. Please note that wee […]
Nannostomus nigrotaeniatus
This beautiful pencil fish has been described scientifically only a few months ago. It is quite similar to N. trifasciatus, but has a much broader central longitudinal band. The most important visual difference for aquarists is the fact that this species is sexually dichromous. Only the males have the very nice red spots in the […]
Serrapinnus sp. aff. kriegi
The tetras which were called “Cheirodon” for decades are splitted now in several genera: Nanocheirodon, Compsura, Odontostilbe, Serrapinnus, and Cheirodon. They all have a generalized pattern with a black caudal spot and light spots above and below it. We currently received a pretty species of that group from Peru. Sadly we were not able to […]
Ladigesia roloffi
This beautiful tetra originates from West Africa. The fish becomes only 3-4 cm long. Nevertheless it should be kept in comparatively large aquaria, for it loves to swim a lot. The males can be easily recognized by the shape of the anal fin. The sense of that structure is not researched yet. Text & photos: […]
Gasteropelecus maculatus
Hatched fishes belong to very few species of fish that are able to fly. A hatched fish on the run jumps out of the water and uses the pectoral fins just like wings. So these tiny, only 5-6 cm long species can jump several meters. The typical hatched belly is also an adaption for flying, […]
Semaprochilodus laticeps
We received wonderful Semaprochilodus from Venezuela. Sadly there was a lot of confusion regarding the correct identification of species of Semaprochilodus in the aquarium literature and in the internet. So S. laticeps – this determination is without doubts correct – is illustrated most often under the names of S. taeniurus (this is a different species […]
Hyphessobrycon sp. aff. metae
We received this beautiful tetra fro Venezuela. So far we were not able yet to determine it exactly. For our customers: the fish has code 261352 on our stocklist. Please note the we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Hydrolycus armatus
so interesting from a biological point of view that every aquarist should know them. Currently four species of sabertooth-tetras are distinguished. All have in common extremely large, saber-shaped teeth in the lower jaw that are used to spear other fish. In the upper jaw are holes in the bone that have the function of sheaths […]
Serrasalmus cf. neveriensis
There are many enigmatic species of Piranha, but one of the most mysterious ones is S. neveriensis. For the first time ever we could import two specimens from Venezuela, which fit in respect of anatomical features very well with that species that has been described in 1993. The coloration of the fish varies a lot. […]
Hyphessobrycon axelrodi
Initially, this charming dwarf tetra was described from the island of Trinidad. The maximum length is 2 cm in males and about 3 cm in females. Now we received a shipment with wild collected specimens from Venezuela. The beautiful animals fit quite good to the description of H. axelrodi, the calypsotetra; the scientist Taphorn determined […]
Heterocharax virgulatus
For the first time ever we managed to import this breathtaking species of tetra from Venezuela. The about 4 cm long fish always swim in closely aggregated schools. They settled in our fishhouse without problems, but for the photographer these fish are a real challenge. The brilliant glittering colours – blue, green, violet – […]
Megalamphodus megalopterus
Black Phantom Tetra The Black Phantom Tetra belongs to the most common species of fish in the aquarium trade. It originates from the Mato Grosso in Brazil, but all fish in the hobby are bred ones. Wild collected specimens do not appear in the trade, because decades of selective breeding produced so pretty fish that […]
Pygopristis denticulata
One could name this fish the ideal piranha for home aquaria. They are very colorful and comparatively peaceful against conspecifics. It is also possible to keep them along with other larger fish species. This piranha is so to say an intermediate between the plant eating pacus and the meat eating piranhas. Although Pygopristis denticulata are […]
Hyphessobrycon sp. aff. metae
We could import this pretty tetra from Venezuela. There is no doubt that it represents a close relative of Hyphessobrycon metae. The broad stripe in the caudal fin of our fish is the main difference. For our customers: the animals have code 261352 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. […]
Leptagoniates pi
We were able to import once more the very rare crystal glass tetra. The charming species attains a maximum length of only about 4 cm and is very peaceful. For our customers: the animals have code 266002 on our stocklist.Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Hydrolycus tatauaia
If you ever wondered what gives Amazonian small fish nightmares, here’s the answer. Hydrolycus tatauaia is a saber-toothed tetra that impales its prey with the extremely elongated teeth in its lower jaw, making escape impossible. Once the prey has wriggled to death, it is devoured. These teeth are so long that when the mouth is […]
Hyphessobrycon heliacus
We currently have magnificent, large bred specimens of the Kitty tetra in stock. The males already have wonderfully developed dorsal fin “flags”. This species has been confused in the past with Hyphessobrycon lowae, which is a different species. For our customers: the animals have code 261334 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply […]
Micralestes stormsi
We received the rare tetra Micralestes stormsi from Nigeria. the beautiful schooling fish are said to become around 10 cm long, currently our fish have a length of 6-8 cm and are sexually completely differenciated. Male can be recognized by the lappet on the anal fin. For our customers: the fish have code 149004 on […]
Chalceus erythrurus
We received bred specimens of this beautiful large tetra – the real one, with bright yellow ventral fins. Currently the fish are 7-9 cm long. For our customers: the animals have code 215003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank Schäfer
Piranhas! Serrasalmus compressus
Another rarity reached us from Peru: Serrasalmus compressus. The systematics of Piranhas are still poorly understood, especially young fish are very difficult to determine. Formerly this species has been often traded as S. hollandi. S. compressus reaches a maximum length of about 20 cm. This species of Piranha are solitary fish that feed in their […]
Piranhas! Serrasalmus niger
We received magnificent, 12-15 cm long Serrasalmus rhombeus from Brazil. This species attains a maximum length of about 50 cm and is thus one of the largest species of Piranha. Sometimes occur specimens with a very dark and dull coloration. In our current import we also obtained such a fish. This sport has formerly been […]
Hemigrammus stictus
This peaceful and beautiful tetra occurs in the wild along with the Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi). A tank that is inhabited by a school of both species is a wonderful look. We recently received splendid wild collected Hemigrammus stictus. The species attains a length of 4-5 cm. For our customers: the fish have code 257503 […]
Roeboides descalvadensis
We received this rare glass predatory tetra from Paraguay. It is an ideal aquarium fish for all who are interested in keeping predatory tetras and have no very large tank, because R. descalvadensis becomes only around 10 cm long. Feeding the fish is pretty easy for they accept almost any type of the usual frozen […]
Moenkhausia costae
This tetra originates from Brazil (Rio Sao Francisco and Itapicuru). It reaches a maximum length of about 7 cm. Currently we can offer German bred specimens of this attractive schooling fish. For our customers: the fish have code 268613 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank […]
Iguanodectes geisleri
The lizard tetras of the genus Iguanodectes are in general very rare aquarium fish. Currently 8 species are accepted. The very slender fish attain a maximum length of about 7 cm and are peaceful schooling fish. We could import the very pretty Iguanodectes geisleri from Venezuela. This blackwater fish is characterized by the three coloured […]
Tucanoichthys tucano
Finally we are able to offer this tiny, very nice and extremely rare dwarf tetra once more. For more information please see For our customers: the animals have code 298923 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Hydrocynus goliath
The tigerfish of the genus Hydrocynus are the top predators among the freshwater fishes of Africa. H. goliath represents the largest species, maximum length reported so far is more than 130 cm and 50 kg weight. Our specimens currently are 10-12 cm long. Tigerfish are very popular among sport fishers, but aquarists specialized in predatory […]
Hydrocynus goliath
Once more we received nice specimens of this gigantic predator from the Congo. For more information on the species, please see For our customers: the animals have code 141403 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Poecilocharax weitzmani
Of course this fish is known in the hobby for decades already, but isn´t it nevertheless a breathtaking beauty? The tiny animal is an ideal companion of the cardinal tetra, along with which it occurs in the natural habitat, too. For our customers: the animals have code 281002 on our stocklist. Please note that we […]
Bryconops cf. caudomaculatus
For the first time ever we could import this attractive tetra from Venezuela. Currently 12 species of Bryconops are described from Venezuela, but most of them are known from preserved specimens only. So our determination is only tentative. In any case the fish are very pretty; we suppose that they may reach a maximum length […]
Hyphessobrycon cf. melanostichos
For the first time ever we can offer this attractive new tetra. Our specimens are German bred ones. Hyphessobrycon melanostichos has been described scientifically only in 2006. Until now the fish is known only from the upper reaches of the Rio Tapajos, namely a small river called Rio Doze de Outubro. If our fish are […]
Crenuchus cf spilurus Venezuela
Along with the new, red species of Crenuchus that lacks the tail spot (see we received splendid, large Crenuchus cf. spilurus from Venezuela. Some specimens also have a reddish basic coloration, others are yellowish. Only the males develope the gorgeous sailfins. For our customers: the animals have code 250225 on our stocklist. Please note […]
Trochilocharax ornatus
Once more we were able to import the charming, only 2 – 2.5 cm long crystal rainbow tetra from Peru. For more information on the fish, please click For our customers: the fish have code 258333 on our stocklist.Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
A new species of Crenuchus!
We were able to import this obviously undescribed species of Crenuchus from Venezuela. This beautiful, reddish tetra is distinguished from the only described species of the genus (Crenuchus spilurus) by the deeper body, the orange-red fins, the only hardly visible caudal spot and the fact that the anal fin in males of the new Crenuchus […]
Leporinus sp. aff. tigrinus
This beautiful striped Leporinus originates from the Ventuari river in Venezuela. It represents possibly a still undescribed species of Leporinus; Leporinus with a similar coloration are known so far only from the Rio Tapajos and Rio Xingu in Brazil; these “haresnouts” (this is what the name Leporinus means translated) have been described in 1929 under […]
Hoplias cf. teres
For the first time ever we were able to import this trahira from Venezuela. We received only very few specimens. The new species differsfrom all Hoplias imported so far by the brillant coloured eye. However, we are not able to confirm the scientific name of H. teres, a species described by Valenciennes in 1847 from […]
Acnodon normani
We are able to import this rare and comparably small (up to 13.5 cm standard length without caudal fin), pretty pacu only very occasionally. This is due to the fact that Acnodon represents a type of fish that lives in open waters. This is also obvious from its typical pattern, consisting of thin vertical stripes […]
Metynnis cf. lippincottianus
We received very pretty spotted silverdollars from Brazil. The particular variety is sexually differentiated at a very early stage. In our specimens, which are about 6 cm long, the sexes are already distinguished. The males have an orange spot on the shoulder, shining scales on the back and the outer border border of the anal […]
Neolebias ansorgii
This dainty little characin was a fairly popular aquarium fish in the 1950s and 1960s – according to the literature, at least. Nowadays it is only very rarely seen in the trade. The species is comparatively widespread in Central Africa. It has been reported from Angola, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, and the D. R. Congo […]
Abramites hypselonotus
We received very nice Marbled Headstanders in perfect aquarium size (4-6 cm) from Venezuela. The shipment contains a lot of specimens with a very contrasting pattern. For our customers: the fish have code 200502 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only. Text & photo: Frank […]
Pseudanos gracilis
On tuesday 28.8.2012 we informed you in our Extra-Newsletter that the rare headstander Pseudanos trimaculatus from Peru had arrived. One of our readers – a specialist in headstanders – informed us kindly that the import contains two species, the rare P. trimaculatus and the even rarer Pseudanos gracilis. Hearty thanks for the hint! We have […]
Pseudanos trimaculatus
We received the very rare Threespotted headstander from Peru. The size of the fish is 5-7 cm. For our customers: the fish have code 206103 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank Schäfer
Myleus sp. LAMAX III
We are proud to present to you this extraordinary silver dollar (probably an extremly rare sport of M. schomburgki?). It is said that this beauty becomes only 8-9 cm long. For our customers: the fish have code 270903 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Hyphessobrycon eschwartzae (= Hyphessobrycon cf. agulha)
The Flag Tetra (Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus) belongs to most beautiful small tetras of Amazonia. A sister species, H. amapaensis, occurs in Brazil. It has a similar coloration, but can be recognized by the broad, red stripe. Both species are much sought after. Now we were able to import another species of Flag Tetra from Peru, which […]
Piabucus melanostomus
Code: 278934
Phenacogaster tegatus
Six eyed tetra We obtained the rare, fascinating Six eyed tetra (Phenacogaster (formerly: Vesicatrus) tegatus) from Paraguay. The peaceful, about 6 cm long schooling fish confuses predatory fish with its pattern. In the middle of the body and on the caudal peduncle P. tegatus has eye-spots; thus it looks like that the fish has three […]
Nannostomus marginatus
We already introduced to you a new sport of the dwarf pencil fish from Peru in an Extra-Newsletter this week. We took the opportunity to take a closer look than usual on our “regular” dwarf pencils from Brazil. Honestly – aren ´t they among the most beautiful species of ornamental fish at all? For our […]
Semaprochilodus taeniurus
We received very beautiful Flagtail Prochilodus from Colombia. The fish have a perfect size (5-7 cm). Among them is a top rarity: the first xanthoristic (= due to a genetic peculiarity with a yellow-golden instead of a grey basic colour) Semaprochilodus that came to our knowledge! For our customers: the fish have code 290504 on […]
Leporellus vittatus
Finally we were once more able to import some of the very rarely offered Leporellus vittatus from Brazil. This extraordinary species attains a length of approximately 25 cm and belongs to the headstander tetra relationship. However, in Leporellus the air bladder is mostly reduced and so the fish live strictly bottom orientated. Our animals are […]
Ladigesia roloffi
This dwarf tetra (maximum length reported is 4 cm) is a real jewel from Westafrica. The fish love to swim. They should be kept in schools in a well planted aquarium. It is important to choose a dark gravel which makes the colours of the fish shine brightly. For our customers: the fish have code […]
Serrasalmus irritans
Finally we managed to import once more this rare piranha in small numbers. For our customers: the fish have code 292284 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & phoros: Frank Schäfer
Albino Pacus
For the first time ever we received two albino pacus (Piaractus brachypomus, formerly Colossoma brachypomum) from Colombia. The fish are really beautiful, for the red colours on the body stay even in the albino variety. Currently the fish are 16-20 cm long. Due to the different shapes of the anal fins they seem to represent […]
What about a Blue Tetra? Knodus borki
Currently we have wonderful, wild collected large Blue Peru Tetras in stock. This fish was known in the trade for a long time under the name of Boehlkea fredcochui until it was found that this name applies to a total different species. So the Blue Peru Tetra now is called Knodus borki, but it still […]
Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis ORANGE BOLIVIA
For our customers: the fish have code 261634 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Photo: Frank Schäfer
Tyttocharax tambopatensis
Finally we managed to get once more this largest of all Tyttocharax species: it becomes around 2 cm long. We have a limited number of fully grown, very nice specimens in stock. For our customers: the fish have code 298974 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: […]
Hyphessobrycon heliacus
We currently have magnificent, large bred specimens of the Kitty tetra in stock. The males already have wonderfully developed dorsal fin “flags”. For our customers: the animals have code 261333 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Pyrrhulina filamentosa
This beautiful Pyrrhulina also reached us recently from Guyana: it can be recognized best by the broad dark lateral band. However, the species has a very wide distibution and we sometimes received them also from Colombia. Maximum size reported for P. filamentosa is 10 cm. So this species is a beautiful, representative aquarium inhabitant. For […]
Pyrrhulina lugubris
Regarding the coloration this Pyrrhulina may look a bit inconspicous at the first glimpse, but if one gives the fish a chance to settle down it developes a bright, beautiful pastel. In any other respect this fish is a true Pyrrhulina and enables lots of interesting observations in the aquarium. This species prefers to swim […]
Pyrrhulina cf. brevis
This gem from Peru is without any doubt the most colorful species in the genus Pyrrhulina. In breeding mood the males get red-orange fins and on each scale appears a cherry-red spot. One should keep this up to 6 cm long species in larger tanks. Under these conditions it is possible to keep more than […]
Mylossoma duriventre
We received a limited number of wonderful specimens of the real Mylossoma duriventre (size: 7 – 10 cm) from Paraguay. For our customers: the fish have code 271204 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank Schäfer
Roeboides araguaito
For the first time ever we have this nice predatory tetra from Venezuela in stock. The largest specimen known so far was 11 cm long (without caudal fin), we have received a limited number of specimens in the sizes 6-8 cm (code 289174 on our stocklist) and 8-10 cm (code 289175 on our stocklist). Please […]
Distichodus affinis
Currently we can offer the very rare Distichodus affinis from the Congo in limited numbers. The males have beautiful red fins and stay much smaller than the females (males 5 – 6 cm, females 8 – 10 cm). For our customers: the fish have code 123002 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply […]
Copella arnoldi
Just in: extraordinary beautiful splashing tetras in XXL-size, German bred. For our customers: the animals have code 219554 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photo: Frank Schäfer
Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae WILD
There are species of fish that are so commonly seen in the trade that we sometimes forget to look at them with the eyes of a child. One of these species is the red eye tetra, one of the top classics among the ornamental fish species They can be found in any pet shop around […]
Erythrinus sp. TAHUAYO RIVER
Another recent first importation from Peru: a new species of Erythrinus! It is clearly distinguished from the other two species of Erythrinus known so far from Peru, eg Erythrinus erythrinus (see and E. sp. Madre de Dios (see by the fine, whiteish-blue seam on the caudal fin. Our specimens are still too small […]
Leporinus brunneus
For the first time ever we were able to import this beautiful, large tetra from Venezuela. The fish can reach a maximum size of 25-30 cm. It can be found in the basins of Orinoco river and the rio Negro. The coloration of the fish is quite variable, depending on the origin. The orange spot […]
Acestrorhynchus cf. minimus
The barracuda tetras (Acestrorhynchus) from South Americ are beautiful predators, which are much sought for among specialized aquarists with large tanks. Several of the approximately 14 species accepted currently become 20 to 40 cm long, but there do exist also small species in the genus that become never larger than 10 cm. We received from […]
Holpias curupira
Code: 258606
Cynopotamus atratoensis
It is a very rare occasion that predatory tetras of the genus Cynopotamus are imported, due to their sensibilty against stress and transportation. So we are extremely happy and prous that we have been able to manage an importation of not less than eight specimens from Venezuela. The fish have a size of 18-22 cm […]
Myleus rubripinnis
We received magnificent M. rubripinnis from Venezuela, which we call “sp. rubripinnis RED” due to their intensive red colours. Code: 270392. Our specimens are 4-7 cm long. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Lepidarchus adonis
Currently we have this beautiful and extreme rare dwarf tetra (maximum length: 3 cm) in good numbers in stock. Code: 145303. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Rachoviscus crassiceps
Finally we are able to offer once more this beautiful, but sadly only very occasionally available tetra. However, even now we have only a limited number of them. Although the fish is really beautiful – one of the most attractive features is the deep red adipose fin – this is not the main excitement for […]
Characidae gen. sp. “Yellow Glass Tetra”
For the first time ever we were able to import this charming dwarf tetra from Peru, which cannot be placed in any known genus or species so far. Our largest specimens are about 1.5 cm long. Of course it is possible that our fish represent only juveniles of a larger species, but this thesis seems […]
Gymnocorymbus socolofi
The genus Gymnocorymbus comprises only three species, one of which – the Black Skirt tetra, G. ternetzi – is among the most popular ornamental fish. The other two species are absolute rarities. So we are glad to be able to offer one of them, the rare Gymnocorymbus socolofi from Colombia, once more. This tetra reaches […]
Leporinus steyermarki
Leporinus steyermarki is a beautiful large tetra. It can reach a maximum size of about 30 cm and originates from Venezuela. In German, the fish is now and then named “Grey Leporinus” which is for sure not describing accurately the coloration of the animal. Maybe this name bases on a confusion with another of the […]
The Flame tetra
take the current FIFA-football World Cup in Brazil as an opportunity to
remind on one of the first species of tetra that reached us from the
area around Rio de Janeiro: Hyphessobrycon flammeus, the Flame Tetra.
Since the first importation in the year 1924 the species is present in
aquaria all over the world, for the fish are easy to breed and very
H. flammeus is in danger of extinction, for the natural habitat of the
Flame Tetra is vanishing. The species has not been exported from Brazil
for decades, but every aquarist can help the Flame Tetra to survive:
just buy them! As long as the Flame Tetra is demanded in the trade it
will be bred by breeders and so the fish has a realistic chance to
survive at least in aquaria!
For our customers: the fish have code 290302 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Gigantic Black Piranha arrived!
received a Black Piranha (Serrasalmus rhombeus) from Peru which has a
size of 30-35 cm. This size makes the fish a big lump, but it can still
grow a bit. The largest specimen known to science so far had a size of
about 45 cm.
are always happy that such big predators can be acclimatized so very
easily. Despite some harmless scratches on the skin, which are healing
already, the fish did not get any harm during catching and transport.
if one takes a close look on the animal, a lot of old scars and
scratches can be seen. Life in the wild is not easy-peasy! But now our
old newcomer faces a future in peace and harmony in the tank of a public
our customers: the fish has code 292810 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only one specimen of
that size available!
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Red Tail Barracuda Tetra
We received the colorful Acestrorhynchus falcatus from Brazil recently. The graceful predators reach a length of 30 – 40 cm.
For our customers: the fish have code 201703 on our stocklist. Available in limited numbers only! Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Two beautiful Pyrrhulinas from Peru
We received the very rare Pyrrhulina vittata and the similar, also very beautiful Pyrrhulina spilota from Peru. Both species do not only look very nice, but also have a fascinating behavior, for the males take care for the eggs and brood!
Pyrrhulina vittata becomes only 3.5 to 4 cm long and is one of the smallest members of the genus, P. spilota becomes around 7 cm long.
For our customers: P. spilota has code 286784, P. vittata code 286733 on our stock list. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
A new sport of Nannostomus marginatus!
We received this new variety of the dwarf pencil fish from Peru – or does it even represent a new species? Available in limited numbers only!
For our customers: the fish have code 272094 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Rummy nose tetras and Cardinals: German bred ones available!
We have received large and healthy German bred Rummy nose tetras and Cardinals. The photos are made from our fish we currently have in stock!
For our customers: the Rummy noses have code 257203, the Cardinals 216555 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer
Fantastic tetras: German bred!
We received this week German bred Moenkhausia cosmops and Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi. These fish are very strong, healthy and have brilliant colours. Of course we have only limited quantities of these rare fish available… Read more about the species under (Moenkhausia cosmops) and (H. haraldschultzi).
For our customers: M. cosmops has code 268644, H. haraldschultzi 260404 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer