Author Archives: Paul_

New in stock calendar week 3, 2011

18. January 2011

Dear customers,

our weekly importatios regularly content species and varieties we never or only very occassionally had in stock. Thus they are – at least for us – new. Sadly
it is for different reasons not possible to portray all of them in detail. However, we want to show you at least some of the most interesting of them by a photograph. Enjoy!

Your Aquarium Glaser Team

Moenkhausia copei

17. January 2011

For our customers: the animals have code 268634 on our stocklist.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru und/and Brasilien/Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Barbus manipurensis

17. January 2011

Many species of Indian barbs belong to the most popular ornatmental fish at all. This is due to their brillant colours, the peacefulness and the easy keeping of these fish. A new species – Barbus manipurensis, which we can offer currently – has the potential to become also such a evergreen. The fish has been described scientifically only in 2000. It originates from the Indian state of Manipur. The fish´s name derives from that state, too. The closest relatives of B. manipurensis are the Red Sunspot Barb (B. stoliczkanus) and the Odessa Barb (B. padamya).*

At least the wild collected B. manipurensis, which we offer now, are the smallest of the three and reach only a total length of 3-4 cm. That makes them an attractive alternative for aquarists that own only smaller tanks.

Males in breeding coloration cannot be taken for mistake due to the wonderful red stripe along the body that also led to the popular name of the fish (jasper is an opaque variety of silicia, which is used as a gemrock, especially the red varieties), but it is also possible to distinguish the sexes on the basis of another, always visible feature: the iris of males is bright red, the iris of the female yellowish.

*All mentioned species can also be applied to the genus Puntius.

For our customers: the species has code 370012 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Barbus: Latin, means “the bearded one”, referring to the barbels. Puntius: from the Bengal term “Punti” for such barbs. manipurensis: after the Indian state of Manipur. stoliczkanus: dedicated to the collector of the species, Ferdinand Stoliczka (1838-1874). padamya: padamya is the Burmese word for “ruby”.

Suggestion of a common name: Red Jasper Barb

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien / India
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Tyttocharax cochui and madeirae

14. January 2011

The lively species of the genus Tyttocharax belong to the smallest species of tetra at all. They hardly ever become larger than 2 cm. Two species are currently quite often imported, both originate from Peru: T. cochui and T. madeirae. At the first glimpse both species look very similar and have been often confused in the past. Another reason for this is the fact that T. madeirae has not been recognized in scientific collections from Peru so far.

Both dwarf tetra species can be distinguished best by the coloration of the dorsal and the anal fins. Both fins are hylaine in T. cochui and have dark markings in T. madeirae.

Males become larger than the females and are very deep bodied at age. Keeping these tiny fish is not much demanding. Any usual fishfood is readily taken as long as it fits the mouth. The dwarf fish are very peaceful against tankmates, may they belong to their own or to other species. Plants are not harmed.

For our customers: the fish have code 298952 (cochui) and 298963 (madeirae) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Tyttocharax: ancient Greek, means “tiny Charax”; Charax is another genus of tetra. cochui: dedication name. madeirae: after the Rio Madeira in Brazil.

Suggestion of common names: T. cochui: Whiteband Frippery Tetra; T. madeirae: Madeira Frippery Tetra

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 1 - 1,5

Apteronotus leptorhynchus GOLD

11. January 2011

A very special knifefish reached us currently from Colombia: a golden Apteronotus leptorhynchus! The species is widespread and common in Colombia and we have the “Brown Ghost” regularly stocked; but this is the first time ever that we became aware of a specimen with such an unique coloration.

For our customers: the animal has code 208013 on our stocklist.Plaese note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Apteronotus: ancient Greek, means “with no fin on the back”. leptorhynchus: ancient Greek, means “with a small snout”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien / Colombia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Nothobranchius hassoni

11. January 2011

Code number: 332683

Photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Aphyosemion bivittatum

11. January 2011

Code number: 305504

Photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Characidium fasciatum “Colombia”

11. January 2011

Code number: 215703

Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien / Colombia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-5

Galeocharax gulo

11. January 2011

The tretras represent a group of fishes that has developed a lot of very contrasting forms. Everybody knows the cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) as a paragon for a peaceful community fish, but the pack hunting piranha that bites big pieces of meat off its victim is also well known.

Among the predatory species are the three or four species of Galeocharax. These fishes can reach a length of 20-25 cm. All species look very similar to each other, our determination bases mainly on the origin (Peru), as only G. gulo is reported from there so far. These fishes are real rarities in the import business, the current importation is only the second in the history of our company.

Galeocharax belong to the group of the so-called “water-dogs”, which have needle-pointed teeth that are used to hold the prey. It is quite obviously that such predators are only suited for specialized aquaristis. They need large tanks for they are active swimmers. Against conspecifics the fish are relatively peaceful as well as against tankmates that are too large to be eaten. However, Galeocharax are shy fish and one should keep that in mind in respect of planned tankmates.

For our customers: the fish have code 254152 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Galeocharax: compound of the ancient Greek word for a small shark and “charax”: Charax is another genus of tetra. gulo: after the scientific name of the wolverine (Gulo gulo), a large species of weasel.

Suggestion of a common name: Barrakuda water dog

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Xenoophorus sp. “Illescas”

10. January 2011

Code number: 476401

Photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Betta mahachaiensis

10. January 2011

Code number: 377103

Photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Crenicichla vittata

10. January 2011

Code number: 673612

Photos: Thomas Weidner

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred

Aphyosemion campomaanense

10. January 2011

For the first time ever we have this pretty killifish in stock. Our specimes are German bred. This up to 5 cm long fish originates from Cameroon. It has been described scientifically in 2009. The closest relative of this species is the well known Aphyosemion ahli. The easiest way to distinguish these two species from each other is by the coloration of the caudal fin, which is bordered in A. ahli by two almost identically broad and yellow bars. In A. campomaanense the upper bar is much narrower and whitish.

For our customers: the animals have code 306553 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Aphyosemion from ancient Greece, means „small fish with flag-like fins“. campomaanense: after the type locality, the Campo-Ma'an National Parc in Cameroon. ahli: dedication name for Ernst Ahl, at times ichthyologist working in Berlin.

Suggestion of a common name: Campomaan-killi

Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Coenobita cavipes

10. January 2011

For the first time we can offer this interesting species of terrestrial hermit crab in a xxl- format! Besides this the animals also bear extremely beautiful shells of marine snails.

Keeping these terrestrial hermit crabs does not differ from other species. This means one has to keep them in groups; the terrarium has to contain enough soil (15-20 cm deep) that the animal can burry itself completely during moulting; at least two bowls filled with daily changed water, one with fresh and one with seawater, are needed as drinking water and for keeping the breathing organs functionable (although the hermit crabs live exclusively on land and can even die by drowning, they breath through specialized gills that have to be kept moist to stay functional). Hermit crabs are omnivorous so feeding them is no problem at all.

Detailed informations on terrestrial hermit crabs can be found in TerralogNews No 95 (English version available online problably January 2011 via

For our customers. The animals have code 483147 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Coenobita: derived from the Latin word for “monastery” or “religious community”. cavipes: Latin, means “with hollow foot”.

Suggestion of a common name: Big land hermit crab

Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Taiwan

Plagioscion squamosissimus

10. January 2011

Croakers, also called Drums (Sciaenidae) are a fish family that comprises about 290 species. Most of them are marine, but some occur exclusively in fresh water. In South America about 20 species and 4 genera are known to live in fresh water. The smallest among them becomes only 7 cm long (Pachypops pigmaeus), most become 20-40 cm long. They are quite abundand and important food fish.

However, none of them has been imported as an ornamental fish so far. Now we can offer for the first time a member of the genus Plagioscion from Peru. Probably it is P. squamosissimus, but it may also be the close relative P. auratus. Plagioscion are predatory fish and one should not underestimate the broad mouth! Against conspecifics the fish are peaceful. P. squamosissimus can reach a length of about 80 cm, whereas P. auratus becomes only half of that.

For our customers: the fish have code 280593 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Plagioscion: ancient Greek, means “oblique scion”; Scion was the common name in hellenistic Greek for the Red mullet. squamosissimus: Latin, the word is a superlative of the adjective meaning “scaled”, so it means something like “with many, many scales”. auratus: Latin, means “golden”.

Suggestion of a common name: South American silver croaker

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Discus Heckel Cross

10. January 2011

The term “discus Heckel cross” is given for fish with a broader central bar on the body, the so called “Heckel bar”. Despite this the fish are very different and probably also originate from different regions. Among them are real gems, some with a high degree of red body colouration.

For our customers: the fish have code 735015 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil

Discus Heckel Blue Body Nhamunda

10. January 2011

Currently we have beautiful, large Heckel discus from the Rio Nhamunda in stock. The characteristic feature of that variety is the bright blue sash-like band.

For our customers: the fish have code 734095 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil

New in stock calendar week 2, 2011

10. January 2011

Dear customers,

our weekly importatios regularly content species and varieties we never or only very occassionally had in stock. Thus they are – at least for us – new. Sadly it is for different reasons not possible to portray all of them in detail. However, we want to show you at least some of the most interesting of them by a photograph. Enjoy!

Your Aquarium Glaser Team

Triportheus albus

10. January 2011

Code number: 298282

Photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru

Cyanogaster cf. noctivaga (= Characidae gen sp. / Dwarf glass tetra)

10. January 2011

Recently described: Cyanogaster cf. noctivaga

We were able to import a new species of dwarf tetra in january 2011 from Peru. The tiny fish were only 1-2 cm long and we were neither able to assign them to an existing genus nor to an existing species. Thus we gave them the provisional name Characidae gen. sp., Dwarf Glass Tetra (code 215503). Now our idea that the fish are completely new to science has proofed to be true: the scientists George Mattox, Ralf Britz, Monica Toledo-Piza, and Manoelo F. Marinho described recently (March 2013) this or a very similar species under the name of Cynaogoster noctivaga, new genus and new species. The scientific generic name means “blue belly” due to the coloration and the specific name “noctivaga” means “night wanderer”, because all specimens were collected during nighttime (between 20.00 and 24.00).

There is no doubt that the fish we imported from Peru belongs to the same genus, eg Cyanogaster. However, the species noctivaga has been described from the Rio Negro area in Brazil. Only a very close look on preserved specimens will allow a decision wether both populations belong to the same species or not. So we hope that we will be able to import this nice fish in the near future once more – sadly currently they are not available.

Code number: 215503

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru

Ituglanis cf. metae

10. January 2011

Code number: 264302

photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru

Candidia barbata

10. January 2011

Code number: 408003

Photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Taiwan, Southern China

New in stock calendar week 1, 2011

5. January 2011

Dear customers,

our weekly importatios regularly content species and varieties we never or only very occassionally had in stock. Thus they are – at least for us – new. Sadly
it is for different reasons not possible to portray all of them in detail. However, we want to show you at least some of the most interesting of them by a photograph. Enjoy!

Your Aquarium Glaser Team

New in stock calendar week 52, 2010

27. December 2010

Dear customers,

our weekly importatios regularly content species and varieties we never or only very occassionally had in stock. Thus they are – at least for us – new. Sadly it is for different reasons not possible to portray all of them in detail. However, we want to show you at least some of the most interesting of them by a photograph. Enjoy!

Your Aquarium Glaser Team

New in stock

13. December 2010

Dear customers,

our weekly importatios regularly content species and varieties we never or only very occassionally had in stock. Thus they are – at least for us – new. Sadly it is for different reasons not possible to portray all of them in detail. However, we want to show you at least some of the most interesting of them by a photograph. Enjoy!

Your Aquarium Glaser Team

Centropomus unionensis

7. December 2010

The snooks (Centropomus) are distributed in the New World; currently 12 species are recognized. Persons that are reminiscent of giant perches (Lates) by looking at snooks are not wrong: until quite recently the snooks and the giant perches were united in a single family, Centropomidae.

We were now able to import a pretty species of snooks for the very first time from Colombia (Pacific slope). Initially we had some problems to identify the species, but were successful finally: our fish belong to the species Centropomus unionensis. This snook becomes around 40 cm long. On the other hand, the largest known species of snook can reach 120 cm, the smallest only 20 cm total length.

Snooks are rather marine fish, but many species enter brackish water regularly and some even pure fresh water. Among the latter is Centropomus unionensis. However, we are not able to decide whether it is possible to keep this species in a long time sight in pure fresh water and thus recommend adding some salt to the water.

Against conspecifics our 5-8 cm long specimens are very peaceful. They can be even characterized as schooling fish. Friends of unusual predatory fish will like this one for sure!

For our customers: the fish have code 214661 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Centropomus: ancient Greek, means “thorn-cover”; this probably refers to the spiny operculum. unionensis: after the type locality, Bay of Union, El Salvador.

Suggestion of a common name: Union snook

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien / Colombia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Monocirrhus polyacanthus

7. December 2010

The Leaffish, Monocirrhus polyacanthus, belongs to the most astonishing species of freshwater fish at all. The species – the genus Monocirrhus is monotypical – is spread all over the Amazon basin. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. Our imports usually come from Peru, so the current one does.

The Leaffish belongs to the family Nandidae, which is a member of the perch-like order. Quite few genera and species are known, which come from tropical regions in Asia, Africa, and South America. This unusual distribution clearly shows that the nandids are an old family that existed already at a time when these three continents still formed a single land mass.

Most Leaffish are brownish and marbled. Both coloration and body shape imitate perfectly a dead leaf that is drifting in the water. This is the way the up to 12 cm long fish utilizes to come near to its prey: small, live fish, which form almost exclusively their diet. As soon as it is close enough, the Leaffish snaps with its bag-like, accordeon-shaped mouth and swallows the prey as a whole.

Our recent import contained some very pretty, brick-red specimens. Bright yellow Leaffish are also known. Nobody knows, if these colour morphs are restricted to special habitats or if any brood can contain a number of each colour morph. In any case the different coloration is no result of sexual dichromatism. Distinctive differences in the sexes are missing in Monocirrhus.

The Leaffish is a substrate spawner. The male takes care for the eggs until they hatch. In an aquarium, the Leaffish needs very clean, soft, and acidic water to thrive well. Only hobbyists that can guarantee the long term supply with small live feeder fish should keep these fascinating predators.

Lexicon: Monocirrhus: latin, means “with one thread”, referring to the fleshy barbel at the chin. polyacanthus: ancient Greek, means “with many spines”.

Common name: (South American) Leaffish

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Lamprologus signatus

7. December 2010

This beautiful cichlid from Lake Tanganyika belongs to the dwarf cichlids. Males become around 5.5 cm, females around 3.5 cm long. At the first glimpse one would think that these tiny fish are “snail brooders”, e.g. that the females would spawn only in empty snail shells. However, this is not true. In their natural habitat these cichlids settle on muddy bottom. Here they dig tubes in the ground of about 1 cm diameter which can be up to 12 cm long. Although L. signatus accepts empty snail shells in the aquarium this is only an “emergency program”, which is used in case they have no other opportunity. In contrast to almost all other species of Lamprologus the eggs of L. signatus are not adhesive at all. This is a special adaption to their type of breeding, as there is no opportunity nor any benefit in attaching eggs in a mudhole.

Keeping Lamprologus signatus is very easy. The males are very aggressive against each other, so it is best to keep the fish by pair or one male with a number of females. Like all cichlids from Lake Tanganyika L. signatus prefers hard, slightly alcalic water and temperatures of about 25 to 28°C. In nature they feed on small animals, in the aquarium they accept readily any type of usual fishfood that fits the mouth.

For our customers: the fish have code 549401 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Lamprologus: means “the one that wears gloss”; refers to the shining spots on each scale of L. congoensis, the type species. signatus: Latin, means “the marked one”.

Suggestion of a common name: Tanganyika Zebra Dwarf Cichlid

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-5

Oryzias cf. woworae

7. December 2010

The ricefishes (Oryzias) are well known in the aquarium hobby. Currently 26 species are recognized scientifically. The latest described species is also the most beautiful one: Oryzias woworae was named only in 2010! Immediately after its description it was imported for the aquarium hobby and caused a sensation. We are glad to be able to offer this hardly 4 cm long* jewel now as German bred.

Currently two populations of this fish are known in the hobby. The first one came from Sulawesi. A little bit later a second population was imported, this time from the island of Muna, the type locality. To hinder unwanted crossing of the two populations the first one (from Sulawesi) was named Oryzias cf. woworae in the hobby and only the Muna-population is named O. woworae without the “cf.”.

Keeping and breeding this cute fish is very easy and even beginners in the hobby will be successful. These ricefishes can be kept in moderate hard water, it is thus usually not necessary to mix a special water for them. They feed readily on any usual fish food that has as size that fits the mouth. In all Oryzias species, the female carries the eggs some time along with it after spawning and strips them then on dainty waterplants. Hatching depends on the water temperature, but it takes usually between 2 and 3 weeks. The adults do not show any interest in the eggs, which can be left in the breeding tank. The newly hatched offspring swims immediately under the water surface. Although they are very tiny, they can be easily recognized by the shining eyes that look like spark. One should separate them now by using a spoon and rear them in a separate tank. The water temperature for keeping, breeding and rearing may lie between 22 and 30°C.

*the largest specimen in the type series was 28 mm long (without tail fin), as usual, aquarium specimens will grow a bit bigger than their free living cousins.

For our customers: the animals have code 340122 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Oryzias: derived from the scientific name of rice (Oryza), thus it means “belonging to the rice”. woworae: dedication name for Daisy Wowor, a carcinologist at the Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, who collected the species for the first time.

Common name: Daisy´s ricefish

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Schizolecis guntheri and LG4

7. December 2010

The coastal rainforests of southeastern Brazil are the home of a good number of unusual aquarium fish. One of the most popular and most attractive species from that region is for sure Scleromystax barbatus, the Bearded cory (formerly known as Corydoras b.). Sadly the natural habitats in that region are much affected by the growing human population. Especially the pollution of the water bodies is a growing threat for the aquatic animals and many of the endemic fish are in danger of extinction. Collecting these animals for aquarium purposes has no effect in this context. On the other hand it is not unlikely that some of the more attractive species will survive this century only in captivity.

We have received recently a very nice importation of fish from that region, among which were a good number of Schizolecis guntheri. The species looks a bit like an elongated marbled Otocinclus. One of the very special features of that species is the fact that almost any specimen has an individual pattern. Uninitiated people may even think that such a shipment would contain a great number of different species, even if in fact only Schizolecis guntheri is represented in it.

Nevertheless every now and then so-called by-catches are found in Schizolecis shipments and these enjoy spezialized aquarists a lot. So in our current shipment a specimen was detected that was given the name “LG 4” by Hans-Georg Evers and Ingo Seidel in their book “Wels-Atlas”, because it was not possible to apply either a genus or a specific name on it.

Keeping such gems is not very problematical, but a species-specific tank should be preferred. This tank needs not to be very large, as the tiny species (maximum length reported is 5 cm) do not need spacious aquaria. The tank should be well illuminated to make sure that algae can grow. Schizolecis are feeding mainly on aufwuchs, although all types of regular small fishfood are readily accepted. One should always keep in mind that these fishes originate from relatively cool (maximum 23°C), fast running waters. Thus a regular water change of 50-70% is highly recommended. Besides this the water should be well filtered. The tank should be placed in a cool room.

For our customers: Schizolecis guntheri has code 293173 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Schizolecis: ancient Greek, means “with splitted platelet”, this refers to an anatomical feature. guntheri: dedication name for Albert Günther (1830 – 1914), one of the most important ichthyologists at all. Scleromystax: combined from an ancient Greek and a Latin term, means “with hard moustache”. barbatus: Latin, means “bearded”. Otocinclus: ancient Greek, means “ear-grid”, this refers to a perforated bone situated at the place where in human beings the ear is placed.

Suggestion of a common name: Gunther´s algae eater

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Omobranchus zebra

1. December 2010

Omobranchus zebra Omobranchus zebra Omobranchus zebra

Omobranchus belongs to the Blenniidae family, most of which live in marine environments. Due to their funny behaviour and the generally easy keeping the blennies are favorite fish of the marine hobbyists. There are only very few species that settle permanently in fresh or brackish water.

One of the latter is the pretty Omobranchus zebra, which we were able to import now from India for the very first time. The species has a large distribution along the coastline of the Indo-West-Pacific, ranging from the Bay of Bengal in the west to Singapore in the east. The fish are found almost exclusively in brackish and fresh water, although they are said to tolerate also pure marine water. They breed in the mangrove area in holes in the bottom. The larvae develop in the sea.

Our specimens have proofed so far to be very lively and healthy, even without adding salt. The photographed specimens for example stayed about ten days in the photo tank in pure freshwater to settle themselves and obviously felt very well. Nevertheless we suggest a slight addition of salt – about 5g/l. For all cases salt is used for a long time sight we recommend commercially manufactured sea salt for coral fish aquaria.

Males and females have a similar coloration, but the dorsal fin and the lateral spots are more intensively colored in males. The easiest detectable sexual dimorphism can be found in the structure of the anal fin. In this fin the male´s anterior four rays are flattened on the tip. Besides this the males become larger than the females. There are a lot of additional sexual dimorphisms, we recommend the study of the paper by Springer & Gomon (1975) for all who have a special interest in these things.

The fish feed readily on all usual types of food for ornamental fishes. In nature, these fishes are carnivorous and feed on small invertebrates. The maximum size is around 7 cm. Like all blennies, these fishes defend a small territory, but neither conspecifics nor tankmates belonging to other species become hurt usually.

For our customers: the fish have code 439742 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Omobranchus: ancient Greek and Latin, means “shoulder gill”. zebra: refers to the pattern of the same-named wild horse.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Literature: Springer, V. G. & M. F. Gomon (1975): Revision of the blenniid fish genus Omobranchus with descriptions of three new species and notes on other species of the tribe Omobranchini. Smithonian contributions to zoology 177.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien / India
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-6

Taia naticoides

26. October 2010

This nice, live bearing snail could be imported again from Inle lake in Burma. It is a close relative to the European species of Viviparus (river snails). Like these they feed on soft particles like mouldered food tablets, detritus etc. They do not fit for fights against algae. On the other hand they also leave plants completely unharmed.

As they come from subtropical regions they are suited to a broad array of temperatures and can be kept between 15 and 28°C. It is a very slow and calm species of snail. Like many other river snails they are sensitive against bad water conditions. Thus their aquarium should be kept with the very same attention as in keeping fish.

In these snails, males and females exist. The sexes can be easily distinguished by the broad and circled right antennae of the male. Coloration and shape of the shell are not usable for distinguishing the sexes, as both characters are very variable. Although in general only the very nice black-and-white specimens are traded, they can be also uniformly brown.

The young ones are about 2-4 mm in height when born. It seems that the females can produce offspring of different sizes. Adult snails may reach about 35 mm. The species likes to burry itself from time to time and thus at least a part of the aquarium bottom should be of fine and soft sand.

For our customers: the animals have code 488253 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Taia: not explained in the original description. As the word has very different meanings in Latin, ancient Greek, and Sanskrit, it makes no sense to speculate here. It may also be an indigenous name for snails at Inle lake. naticoides: means “similar to naticus”. viviparus: Latin, means “livebearing”.

Suggestion of a common name: Nubby piano snail

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Burma
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Apistogramma panduro var. “Marsel”

26. October 2010

We were able to import this new dwarf cichlid from Peru now. The fish is without any doubt a close relative of the species Apistogramma nijsseni, A. panduro and the still undescribed A. sp. “Inka II”. In contrast to these species the seam around the caudal fin in males is yellow instaed of red-orange. The tailspot looks most like A. nijsseni. Like all dwarf cichlids of that group the males have bright blue shining scales.

For our customers: the animals have code 626224 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Apistogramma: ancient Greek, means “with unreliable line”. It is not known whether the lateral line organ or the pattern is meant. panduro: dedication name. nijsseni: dedication name.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Cichlasoma istlanum

26. October 2010

The large cichlids from Central America are a bit out of fashion currently. That is a sad thing, for hardly any other fish combines in such a perfect matter brillant coloration, personality and interesting behaviour. Of course these fish need large tanks and an equipment that fits their needs, but if these things are given any aquarist will for sure enjoy keeping them.

One of the rare species in the hobby is Cichlasoma istlanum (the generic position of this species is still an unresolved problem, Cichlasoma is for sure wrong). This splendid species is endemic in the Rio Balsas system in Mexico. Here the fish also represents the only naturally occurring species of cichlid. Males can grow up to 30 cm in length, females always stay smaller. This makes the fish one of the important food fish in the region. Sadly the species is more and more under pressure due to the introduced Amatitlania nigrofasciatum (Zebra cichlid). Although C. istlanum is much larger and stronger than A. nigrofasciatum, the latter reproduces much faster and very often in the year. C. istlanum, on the other side, sometimes reproduces only once per year!

We now have this beautiful fish in stock. Our specimens are German bred. The species is sexually active already at a length of 8-10 cm. The sexes can be distinguished easily by the different coloration.

For our customers: the fish have code 651503 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Cichlasoma: ancient Greek, means “with the body of a Cichla”: Cichla is another genus of cichlid. istlanum: latinized from the Rio Ixtla, the type locality. Amatitlania: referring to Lake Amatitlan in Guatemala, the type locality of the type species, A. nigrofasciatum. nigrofasciatum: Latin, means “with black stripes”.

Suggestion of a common name: Rio Ixtla cichlid, Red bellied cichlid

Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Hans J. Mayland & Frank Schäfer

MacBeath, T. C. (1991): Zebras in Mexiko. Die Aquarien- und Terrarienzeitschrift (DATZ) 44 (5): 305 – 307
Miller, R. R. (2005): Freshwater Fishes of Mexico. Chicago, 490 pp.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Discus champions on a visit

19. October 2010

Once more our Japanese friend Mr Akira Ishinabe has placed his discus he displayed in the current discus championship in Duisburg in our facility to give them an opportuntity to rest a bit after the stress of the exhibition before they turn back home to Japan. His Green Wild was able to get the first prize, his Heckel the second prize in their respective categories. Congratulations!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Leporinus sp. “Strawberry”

13. October 2010

Currently we were able to import the most beautiful species of Leporinus we have ever seen from Brazil. As the determination of juvenile Leporinus is almost impossible in many cases we decided to adopt the exporter ´s name given for the fish on his stocklist.

Without any doubt, however, the new fish belongs to a group of Leporinus closely related to (or identical with) Leporinus granti, a species known so far from the Guianas only. It is mentioned in the elder aquarium literature also under the name of Leporinus “maculatus”. The good news is that so far no species of this group is known to grow larger than 15 – 20 cm, most stay even smaller. Another positive announcement from an aquarist´s point of view is the fact that L. granti (or a very close relative of it) is the only Leporinus species that has been bred successfully in aquaria so far. The fish are egg-scatters that do not care for their brood in any way.

Like all Leporinus, L. sp. “Strawberry” is a plant eater and has a very vigorous pecking order. Thus it is much easier to keep two fish of different sizes together than animals of equal size. In specimens of differnt size it is quite clear who is the stronger one and so there is no need for fighting. In specimens of equal size they fight every day to find out who is the stronger and this results in ruffled fins.

For our customers: the fish have code 265892 on our stocklist.Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Leporinus: Latin, means “hare-nose”. granti: dedication name for “Mr. William Grant, my most efficient Indian guide on the Potaro, who later made additional collections, which among other new species contained this.” (Eigenmann, 1912). maculatus: Latin, means “spotted”.

Text & Photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4 - 6

Nothobranchius cardinalis

13. October 2010

We have this beautiful nothobranch currently as bred specimens in stock. Nothobranchs are in general extremely beautiful fish, but this species is even more beautiful due to its deep red colours and the minuite size.

The species is already known in the hobby for quite a long time. In Aqualog “Killifishes of the World – Old World Killis II” it is listet under the name of Nothobranchius sp. aff. rubripinnis. It was described finally scientifically as Nothobranchius cardinalis in 2008.

The species originates from Tanazania where it inhabits periodically dry affluents of the Mbwemkuru river. These killis are typically annual fishes.

For our customers: the fish have code 330403 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Nothobranchius: from ancient Greek “nothos” = false, untrue and “branchion” = gill, referring to the gill anatomy. cardinalis: in allusion to the blood red garment of cardinals. rubripinnis: Latin, means “with red fins”.

Suggestion of a common name: Cardinal killi, Mbwemkuru nothobranch

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Flexipenis vittatus

13. October 2010

Once more we are able to offer a beautiful dwarf livebearer that proofed to be a bit problematical in respect of breeding – not keeping! – in a long time sight under traditional aquarium conditions. However, under the open skies of Southeast Asia they breed pretty well.

Flexipenis vittatus is also often placed in Gambusia. Males become 2.5 – 4.5 cm, females 4 – 6 cm long. In nature, this livebearer inhabits Mexico (Atlantic slope).

In contrast to Gambusia Flexipenis has a highly developed courtship display, meanwhile the males present their pretty yellow-black dorsal fins in a very attractive way. It is wise not to keep these fishes year-in year-out at too high water temperatures. In living rooms no extra aquarium heater is necessary. Temperatures may lie between 18 and 26°C.

For our customers: the fish have code 415073 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Gambusia: derived from the Cuban term “Gambusino” for something unimportant. Flexipenis: means “with pliant sexual organ”. vittatus: Latin, means “Striped”.

Suggestion of a common name: Small flag livebearer, Blackline mosquitofish

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Caquetaia kraussii

13. October 2010

In the wild, Caquataia kraussii is something like a million fish. There is literally no waterbody, may it be pond, lake, or river in the Llanos of Venezuela without this cichlid. So the cichlid enthusiast is a bit left alone with the question why it takes so long if one searches for this fish in the local pet shops. It is kept even seldom by specialized cichlid keepers. Much of this results for sure from the bad reputation this fish has. However, they are not that bad. At least much worse species are known. But there is no doubt that C. kraussii can become quite unpleasant if kept in small tanks and with the wrong company. And they have a quite large mouth. Up to 10 cm long fish can be swallowed by the up to 30 cm long predator. Nevertheless it is unfair to blame this on the fish. It is the keeper who has to take care for the correct tank, equipment and tankmates.
When it comes to breeding – and up to 2.000 young fish are no rarity in one spawn – the fish show quickly why only very robust tankmates are suitable. The always hungry youngsters are led by their parents throughout the tank and delicate tankmates are doomed from that moment on. Oscars (Astronotus), Hoplarchus, or large Crenicichla are the correct company for C. kraussii; they will hardly be hurt and the Caquetaia and, on the other hand, Caquetaia do not display mouthfighting like the other cichlids. If their sensitve mouth would become hurt by such an occasion the Caquetaia would be doomed to die by starving. For our customers: Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. C. kraussii has code 634581 on our stocklist.

Texte & photos: Thomas Weidner.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-7

Caquetaia myersi

7. October 2010

Caquetaia myersi belongs definetly to the real rarities in the aquaria of the world. The main reason for this is the fact that it occurs in the wild far from the usual collecting sites in Colombia. What makes fishing in those areas even more difficult is the presence of guerilla which has quite different interests than keeping and breeding of ornamental fish. So it is very important to take extreme care for the few specimens that still live in captivity. We are able now to offer this up to 25 cm long cichlid as German bred specimens. Due to the size the species can reach larger tanks (500 litres upwards) are recommended. However, it is also possible to keep and breed a pair in much smaller tanks, for Caquetaia are predators and do not swim more than necessary. They prey on their victims with a strike. Food has to be chosen according to the size of the fish. Juvenile can be fed by flakes and frozen food, but adults need frozen smelt or cichlid sticks to thrive well.
C. myersi can be better kept with other fish than its close relatives, C. kraussii and C. spectabilis. Even fully grown adults of C. myersi can be kept with other large species of cichlid, tetra, or catfish. Those tankmates do not have to fear anything from the C. myersi. Even when a pair leads its up to 600 youngsters offspring, it is able to defend them without hurting any other fish.
Lexikon: Caquetaia: after the Rio Caqueta in Colombia. myersi: dedication name.
For our customers: Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. C. myersi has code 634601 on our stocklist.

Text & photos: Thomas Weidner

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-7

Parapteronotus bonapartii

30. September 2010

There is a lot of movement in the South American Knifefishes. Science has put an eye on these fascinating, electrical fishes and so a flood of new species descriptions and revisions has been published quite recently. Most genera and species are only weakly electric and use the electric pulses for orientation and communication. However, the Electric eel (Electrophorus electricus), which belongs also to the South American Knifefishes, can produce electric shocks that can be even fatal to human beings (500 volts at 1 ampere).

Parapteronotus bonapartii can reach a total length of up to 40-50 cm. The history of its scientific names is long and complicated. It was back in 1942 that Eigenmann and Allen described a grotesque knifefish with an enormous snout under the name of Apteronotus anas. It took until 2002 to find that A. anas represents only the fertile male of the already known species Apteronotus hasemani which was described in 1913. It could be shown that the snout of the male grows constantly when the individual reaches sexual maturity. Consequently the name Apteronotus anas became a synonym (= invalid name) of the elder A. hasemani. Even one year before this discovery was published by Fernades et al. Albert (2001) described a new genus, Parapteronotus for A. hasemani. Sadly this was not mentioned in Fernades et al., probably due to overlapping of the submissions of both papers. Finally, in 2007 Triques showed that A. hasemani is identical with the species described in 1855 by Castelnau under the name of Sternarchus bonapartii. So the currently valid name of the fish is Parapteronotus bonapartii.

We were able to import a pair of these fantastic fishes from Peru now for the first time. The specimens are 30 – 35 cm long already. As Apteronotus-species are known to be sometimes quite nasty against each other we keep the two fish separated. The animals have very obvious teeth. The sense of them is unknown so far. Our knifefish do not feed on small fish. Mainly they get live Tubifex which are taken readily.

Nothing is known about the breeding behaviour of Parapteronotus bonapartii. However, the close relative Apteronotus leptorhynchus has been bred in aquaria already (Kirschbaum & Schugardt, 2002). The latter species does not take broodcare in any way.

For our customers: the fish have code 277607 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Apteronotus: ancient Greek, means “with no fin on the back”. Parapteronotus: ancient Greek, means “close to Apteronotus”; this is meant in the sense of sister-groups. Apteronotus is another genus of knifefish. leptorhynchus: ancient Greek, means “with a small snout”. hasemani: dedication name for J. D. Haseman. Sternarchus: ancient Greek, means “breastbone-anus”. bonapartii: dedication name for prince Charles Bonaparte, “a prince of science”. Electrophorus: named after an early physical instrument which transformed mechanical work in electrostatic charge. electricus: Latin, means “electrical”. anas: Latin, means “duck”.

Suggestion of a common name: duckbill-knifefish

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer


Albert, J. S. (2001): Species diversity and phylognetic systematics of American knifefishes (Gymnotiformes, Teleostei). Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan No. 190: i-vi + 1-127.

Castelnau, F. L (1855): Poissons. In: Animaux nouveaux or rares recueillis pendant l’expédition dans les parties centrales de l’Amérique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, et de Lima au Para; exécutée par ordre du gouvernement Français pendant les années 1843 a 1847 … Part 7, Zoology. Animaux nouveaux or rares recueillis pendant l’expédition dans les parties centrales de l’Amérique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, … v. 2: i-xii + 1-112, Pls. 1-50.

Cox Fernandes, C. C. , J. G. Lundberg, & C. Riginos (2002): Largest of all electric-fish snouts: Hypermorphic facial growth in male Apteronotus hasemani and the identity of Apteronotus anas (Gymnotiformes: Apteronotidae). Copeia 2002 (no. 1): 52-61.

Kirschbaum, F. & C. Schugardt (2002): Reproductive strategies and developmental aspects of mormyrid and gymnotiform fishes. Journal of Physiology-Paris 96: 557–566.

Triques, M. L. (2007): Parapteronotus bonapartii (Castelnau), considerado sinônimo sênior de Parapteronotus hasemani (Ellis) (Teleostei, Apteronotidae). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia v. 24 (no. 1): 84-86.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 30 - 35

Newly in: Electric eels

29. September 2010

Wonderful Electric eels (Electrophorus electricus) from Peru reached us lately. The animals are 40-50 cm long. The three of them are astonishingly peaceful among each other and feed  readily. The fish have nice pale spots on the flanks, which are typical for specimens from Peru  and which make the fish even more attractive.

For our customers: the fish have code 253206 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Electrophorus: named after an early physical instrument
which transformed mechanical work in electrostatic charge. electricus:
Latin,means “electrical”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Lepomis megalotis

23. September 2010

Sunfishes belong to the most colourful species of coldwater fish. The most widespread species in the hobby is Lepomis gibbosus, but the genus comprises not less than 12 species.

Lepomis megalotis is native from NE-Mexico to the Great Lakes in the US and is additionally introduced in many countries. Up to six subspecies have been described within this large area, but as in so many other common species there is almost no scientific research and so the systematics of the species are only poorly understood.

The preferred habitat are clear waters with sandy and rocky bottom and submerse vegetation. The largest specimen recorded was 24 cm long, but the common length is around 11 cm.

Males grow to a bigger size than females, have larger “ears” (these flaps are extensions of the operculum) and hardly show a pattern of vertical bars, which can be recognized in females (depending on mood more or less visible).

The Longear sunfish may be quite rough in small tanks, a behaviour that can be found in many cichlids as well. The fish feed readly on frozen and live food, but dried food is most often refused. The water temperature may be beween 10 and 24°C. If the keeper wants to breed with the fish, it is necessary to hibernate them at low temperatures and (this is by far more important) lighting periods of less than 8 hours per day.

For our customers: the fish have code 883203 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Lepomis: ancient Greek, means “with scales on the operculum”. megalotis: ancient Greek, means ” with a great ear”.

Common name: Longear sunfish

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Taiwan
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Uaru amphiacanthoides

13. September 2010

Extremely beautiful, fully grown specimens of this amazonian species of cichlid reached us now from Brazil. Uaru are peaceful fishes that can be best compared with discus regarding demands on water quality and temperature. However, Uaru are more or less specialized herbivorous fishes.

For our customers: the fish have code 688517 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Uaru: after a term given by indigenous people to a toad. amphiacanthoides: ancient Greek, meaning “similiar to an Amphiacanthus”: Amph(i)acanthus is another genus of fish, the name is nowadays regarded as a synonym of Siganus (rabbit fishes).

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Uaru amphiacanthoides

13. September 2010

This large cichlid, which can grow up to 30 cm in length, has a wide distribution throughout South America. Despite its modest colouration and considerable size this species is well known in the fish tanks of the aquarium hobbyist, mainly because of the interesting behaviour and the lack of aggressiveness against fellow tank mates. Especially during the breeding phase these fish display a touching caring for their offspring. As with the discus fish the larvae are fed during the first phase of life with the secrete of the parents body mucous developed by the skin cells. The raising of the young is not complicated because they eat all available food and losses are rare. Around a length of 5 cm these fish need to be fed with vegetarian food like for instance lettuce. Grown up these cichlids live mainly on a vegetarian diet and even the hardest aquarium plants are devoured. Therefore one should take only.(Text & Photo: Thomas Weidner)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Amazonas, Rio Negro

Hippichthys penicillus

10. September 2010

Hippichthys penicillus Hippichthys penicillus

Currently we were able to import a new species of freshwater pipefish from India: Hippichthys penicillus. Basically speaking, there are two types of pipefish. First, the ones that swim free in the water column, imitating plant material (sticks etc.). Twice the ones that are bottom-dwellers and crawl like snakes between plants, stones, roots etc.. The most important aquarium pipe fish of that group is Enneacampus ansorgii.

The species belonging to Hippichthys are in between those extremes. This is also true for their habitat. They can be found in pure marine, brackish water and pure freshwater environments. The technical term for that is euryhaline.

From an aquarists point of view it is best to keep them in weakly brackish water (about 3-5 grams salt per litre). The benefit of the salt is that Artemia, they primary food resource for pipefish kept in aquaria, will stay longer alive; moreover any potential salt requirement by the pipefish is thus fulfilled. Please use exclusively salt that is manufactured for reef aquaria!

The males of Hippichthys penicillus can be easily recognized by the prominent fold on the belly which serves as a brood chamber. Besides this they also differ from the females in respect of coloration. Males are deep black with silver shining spots, wheras the females are much duller coloured. The fish become mature at a length of 6-8 cm, but according to literature they may reach a maximum length of 18 cm.

For our customers: the fish have code 421522 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Hippichthys: ancient Greek, means “horse-fish”. penicillus: Latin, means “brush”; this name was given referring to the finray-structures at the end of the tail. Microphis: ancient Greek, means “little snake”. Enneacampus: ancient Greek, means “with nine coves”, probably referring to the cross section. ansorgii: dedication name.

Suggestion of a common name: Night sky pipefish

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien / India
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Lucania goodei

10. September 2010

Once more we were able to stock another real gem among the aquarium fish: Lucania goodei. The Bluefin killifish originates from Florida and reaches a length of about 5 cm. Our specimens are German bred. In contrast to most other species of killifish this is a schooling species. To observe the harmless comment fights of the males is really marvelous.

The Bluefin killifish spawns between plants and the eggs need about 14 days to hatch. Lucania goodei is found in hard water in the wild and prefers such conditions also in the aquarium. Owners of a garden pond can keep the fish even in central Europe from late spring to early autumn under outdoor conditions. These animals will develop particularly splendid colours.

For our customers: the fish have code 329003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Lucania: Latin, means “the shining one”. goodei: dedication name.

Text: Frank Schäfer, photo: Dieter Bork

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Corydoras gossei

10. September 2010

Currently we have beautiful German bred specimens of Corydoras gossei in stock. This is a very lively species of Corydoras. It originates from the Rio Mamoré in Brazil. Wild collected specimens are hardly ever available. Corydoras gossei is a close relative of C. sterbai. However, due to the dark basic coloration in C. gossei the bright orange spines of the pectoral fins look even better than in C. sterbai. Maximum size in both species is around 6 cm.

For our customers: the animals have code 230243 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Corydoras: from ancient greek, means „with helmet and spear“. This refers to the strong armor and fin spines. gossei: dedication name for the ichthyologist Jean-Pierre Gosse. sterbai: dedication name for the zoologist Günther Sterba.

Common names: Palespotted Corydoras, Orange finned Corydoras, Gosse ´s Corydoras

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Polypterus mokelembembe

8. September 2010

Polypterus mokelembembe Polypterus mokelembembe Polypterus mokelembembe Polypterus mokelembembe

Bichirs are so-called living fossils. 60 million years old fossilizations are known which can be assigned to recent species! There are 16 recent species known so far, all of them originating from Africa.

The latest discovered species is also the smallest one: Polypterus mokelembembe was described in 2006. Formely the species was confused with P. retropinnis. P. mokelembembe inhabits smaller blackwater creeks in the Congo region and grows up to 25 cm long. Males and females can be distinguished quite easily, as it is the case in all Polypterus. The anal fin of the males is more than double sized compared with the anal fin of the female. This fin is spread and looks like a bowl when the fish spawn. During mating the male swims closely side-by-side with the female and surrounds the female´s anal fin region with the spread anal fin. The eggs, wich are spawned free in the water, are thus collected in the males anal fin what makes sure they become fertalized. Polypterus do not take care for their brood. The juveniles have external gills and look very much alike newts.

Polypterus mokelembembe is peaceful against all possible tankmates as long as they cannot be regarded as food. The fish do not like strong light. They feed readily on all frozen and live food as long as it is of animal origin.

For our customers: the fish have code 165533 on our stocklist.Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Polypterus: ancient Greek, means “with many fins”, referring to the numerous dorsal finlets. mokelembembe: name of a legendary monster with a dinosaur-like appearance said to live in the Congo, comparable with Nessie from Loch Ness. The name was chosen as an allusion to the old age of bichirs, which were existing already at the times of dinosaurs. retropinnis: Latin, means “with fins turned backwards”.

Suggestion of a popular name: Jungle bichir

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft D.R. Congo
Verfügbare Größe in cm 10-20

Xiphophorus variatus

3. September 2010

The Variable platyfish (Xiphophorus variatus) is represented in millions of home aquaria by uncountered cultivated forms. However, their wild ancestors – and there are a lot of different populations – are almost unknown even to the most experienced aquarists. As the specific name already suggests: each local population looks different.

The place of origin of the variety we now received from a German breeder is Tampico in Mexico. The fish live there in a small brook. Sadly unfiltered industrial waste water runs into this brook so it is very likely that this population of platyfish will not survive there and can live on only in aquaria.

For our customers: the fish have code 442993 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Xiphophorus: ancient Greek, means “sword bearer”; variatus: Latin, means “variable”.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Rivulus rectocaudatus

3. September 2010

The killifishes of the genus Rivulus represent the most species-rich genus of New World Killis. We received recently beautiful R. rectocaudatus from Peru, which are unique due to their amazing orange anal and caudal fins, as well as due to their orange scales along the body.

Rivulus are not annual fish at all, but live as long as any fish of comparable size, may it be a tetra, livebearer or anything else. A very special thing in Rivulus is their tendency to travel over land when the weather is humid enough for that. In the wild, they jump from plant to plant, attaching their body on wet leaves. If they try to do the very same in a living room, this is usually fatal, so it s absolutely necessary to cover the tank. The fish will find even the smallest opening!

The sexes of the population we were able to import, are not so easy to distinguish yet, as the fish have a size of only 3-4 cm and thus all of them show the typical Rivulus-spot on the basis of the caudal, which is so typical for adult females. However, the males can already be recognized by the red border of the anal fin, which is completely orange in females. Adult males will get a blueish body, loose the caudal spot and develope a very charcteristic spade-shaped caudal fin, which stays round in females.

For our customers: the fish have code 344063 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Rivulus: Latin, means “small brook”. Probably the name was given, because the describer was told the fish live in brooks. rectocaudatus: Latin, recto means “straight”, caudatus means “tailed”, referring to the characteristic shape of the caudal fin.

Suggestion of a common name: Orange finned Rivulus, Spadefin Rivulus

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Placidochromis sp. “Phenochilus Tanzania”

3. September 2010

The generic placement of the Malawian cichlids formerly lumped in the genus Haplochromis depend on their melanin pattern, eg the black markings in the basic coloration. Sadly the melanin pattern is not recognisable in the only existing type specimen of Haplochromis phenochilus, which was described in 1935; thus its correct generic placement remains unknown until today.

The extremely beautiful German bred fish we can offer now undoubtely belong to the genus Placidochromis and it is very likely that they belong to the species phenochilus. However, until this question is answered by a scientist it is better to use the term Placidochromis sp. “Phenochilus Tanzania” to put a name on the species.

Placidochromis sp. “Phenochilus Tanzania” is one of the most peaceful Malawian cichlids. It becomes about 17 cm long (males, females stay smaller). In the wild, this species belongs to the “followers”. This means, it swims along with very large, burrowing cichlids like Fossochromis or Taeniolethrinops and feeds on the small animals or other food items uncovered by the work of the large cousins. As this behaviour does not make it necessary to defend a territory it is possible for Placidochromis to live in harmony with congeneers and other fish.

One of the special features of the “Phenochilus Tanzania” is that males begin at an age of 1-2 year to develope withe scales. 4 year old males can be considered to be fully grown and coloured. They develope a small hump, similar to that found in Cyrtaca morii, but by far not as impressive as in this species.

Even the youngsters are extremely attractive as can be seen on the pictures. Due to the peaceful temper of these cichlids they must never be accompanied by mbuna-like fish, but only with other peaceful utaka or Aulonocara, for example.

For our customers: the fish have code 564701 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Placidochromis: Latin, means “calm Chromis”, referring to the swimming behaviour. The suffix -chromis is widely used for African perch-like fishes. It is an old fish name which is used in a scientific way nowadays for the damselfish, Chromis chromis from the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic. phenochilus: ancient Greek, means “with shining lips”. Fossochromis: ancient Greek, means “burrowing Chromis”. Taeniolethrinops: ancient Greek, means “striped Lethrinops”. Lethrinops is another genus of cichlid. Haplochromis: ancient Greek, means “simple Chromis”.

Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Frank Schäfer & Erwin Schraml

Pseudeutropius – the mini shark cats

3. September 2010

The shark cats belonging to the genera Pangasius and Pangasianodon are very popular. The reason is their interesting swimming behaviour which reminds one in sharks. However, these fish have one big disadvantage: they grow to a very large size. Even the smallest of them, the common Siamese shark Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, becomes at least 30 – 35 cm long in home aquaria. These animals are bred in Southeast Asia as food fish and this is the reason why so many of small juveniles are always available in the trade. But undoubtedly many aquarists have problems to butcher the animals they reared in the tank over years….

Now the trade has found a perfect alterative that stays small: catfish of the genus Pseudeutropius. They do not differ from the large shark cats in respect of coloration or swimming behaviour, but become maximum 10 cm long. Sexual maturity is reached even at half of that length.

There are two species in that genus that look almost identical and both stay small and have the same swimming behaviour, and both originate from Sumatra. That is the reason why they are usually not distinguished from each other in the trade. However, it is quite easy to tell them apart, for P. brachypopterus (which does also live on Borneo) has a much shorter anal fin with approximately 30 rays compared with P. mooelenburghae, which has about 40 rays in that fin. The pictures illustrating this entry show P. brachypopterus.

Besides their small size the mini shark cats have another feature that makes them very entertaining aquarium fish: umbrella-barbels! In contrast to the large shark cats Pseudeutropius own eight long barbels around the mouth. Depending on the requirements the fish bear these barbels attached to the body or stretched in front of the head. The special thing is that this stretching of the barbel appears in a jerky manner. One virtually believes to hear a “plop” when they do it! The whole thing reminds one in putting up an umbella.

For our customers: the animals have code 445504 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Pangasius: from a native name of the type species of the genus, Pangasius pangasius, which lives in the Ganges river in India. Pangasianodon: ancient Greek, means “with teeth like a Pangasius”. Pangasius is another genus of catfish. hypophthalmus: ancient Greek, means “goggle-eyed”. Pseudeutropius: ancient Greek, means “false Eutropius”. Eutropius is another genus of catfish. brachypopterus: ancient Greek, means “with a short fin”. moolenburghae: dedication name for Mrs Moolenburgh who supplied together with her husband a large collection of fishes from Sumatra to Weber and de Beaufort for their epochal work on the fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indonesien / Indonesia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-6

Corydoras serratus

3. September 2010

The saddle-nosed Corydoras serratus from the upper Rio Negro in Brazil belongs to the most wanted species of Corydoras. Due to the fact that the saddle-nosed species of Corydoras are in general no schooling fish it is not possible to collect larger numbers of them in an economically senseful way. This and the fact that there were times in which exorbitant prizes were payed in Japan for this species made them real rare in the trade for a long time.

Nowadays there are some breeders of this beautiful species and one of them supplies us with gorgeous bred specimens of Corydoras serratus. It is very interesting that although the breeder uses only partent fish that fit perfectly to the original description the offspring differes much individually in respect to coloration. Some have only a vertical bar under the origin of the dorsal fin instead of the broad horizontal bar over the back. This phenomenon was also observed in wild collected specimens, but there was a good deal of uncertainty if not similar, but different species were involved. Thus once more the aquarium hobbyists were able to answer a question of ichthology.

For our customers: the animals have code 245682 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Corydoras: from ancient greek, means „with helmet and spear“. This refers to the strong armor and fin spines. serratus: Latin, means “sawed”, referring to the strongly serrated pectoral spine.

Suggestion of a common name: Saddelnosed Goldpatch Cory

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Danio aesculapii

1. September 2010

Danio aesculapii Danio aesculapii Danio aesculapii

Back in 2005 we were able to import this pretty species from Burma for the first time. This appeared under the provisional trade name Danio sp. “Pantherinus” (see In 2009 the species was formally described as Danio aesculapii. It was named after the ancient Greek god of medicine, whose regalia were a stick with one or two snakes wrapped around it. The colour pattern of D. aesculapii is referred to as snakeskin pattern, thus the name. Am I allowed to give the weisenheimer? Thanks! The symbol of Aesculapius probably does not show snakes on a bar at all, but the Guinea worm wrapped on a stick. The Guinea worm (Dracunculus medinensis) is a parasite of humans who infect themselves via drinking water containing infected small crustaceans. The male Guinea worm dies after mating,but the female lives on and builds up a boil with the size of a gidgeon’s egg in the skin. When this boil gets contact with water, the very thin skin in its center brakes off and the female Guinea worm protudes a part of its body to release larvae in the water. The up to one meter long but only 1.5 mm thick Guinea worm can be removed only by wrapping it about 10 cm per day (not more, otherwise there is danger of disruption and a heavy bacerial infection) on a stick. This disease is or was (it seems to be almost extinct nowadays) far spread in tropical Africa and Asia, but unknown in ancient Greece. So the symbol of the healer showing a stick wrapped with Guinea worm was mistaken as the bar with snakes. This should just be noted in the margin….

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Burma
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Trachycorystes sp. WHITE SPOTS

31. August 2010

The genus Trachycorystes currently comprises three described species. In the aquarium hobby so far only T. trachycorystes appeared. For this up to 45 cm long species, please see

Recently we received a 25-30 cm long specimen from Peru with an unique coloration: white, irregular spots on both sides of the body! It is unknown to us if this fish represents another species than T. trachycorystes or a mere colour variety of the latter.

When I intended to photograph the animal, I tried to bring it in a better position by using an aquarium net. Now something exceptional happened: the fish attacked the net and bit in it! This hardly ever happens in freshwater fish, one can find it very seldom in predatory tetras or in cichlids taking care for their brood. But even this is quite rare.

The teeth of Trachycorystes are placed in ribbon-like pads and are small, but pointed; so a bite can be quite painful.
For our customers: the fish has code 297958 on our stocklist. Please note that we eclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Trachycorystes: from ancient Greek, trachys meaning “rough” and korystes meaning “one armed with a helmet”


Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Enneacanthus gloriosus

27. August 2010

The Bluespotted Sunfish (Enneacanthus gloriosus) is a coldwater fish and a real oldtimer among aquarium fish. Aquarists used to name the up to 7.5 cm long fish “working class discus”, due to its brillant colours and the nice behaviour. However, it was never as expensive as the discus.

Bluespotted Sunfish occur in nature along the southeastern coastal region of the US. Here they live in ponds and slow moving rivers with clear water and a dense vegetation. In the aquarium they are not undemanding. They need clean, clear and preferably soft and slightly acidic water. Moreover they are said to be very anxious and can die when shocked.

Neverless it is not a big problem to fulfill these demands and a tank with Banded Sunfish belongs to the most beautiful looks one can have in the whole aquarium hobby. Like all sunfish, the Banded Sunfish usually refuses flake food, it is better to feed them on frozen and live food

The term “coldwater fish” is often misunderstood. In this case it does not mean that the tank for sunfish has to be cooled in living rooms. These species have no problem with temperatures as high as 26°C for some time. However, they need a cool period during winter at 4-10°C, otherwise they will not breed. In Central Europe this species will not survive extreme winters in the garden pond, so it is better to bring them in a cool cellar room from December to March.

For our customers: the fish has code 415203 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Enneacanthus: ancient Greek, means “with nine spines”. This refers to the structure of the dorsal fin. gloriosus: Latin, means “glorious”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Parasphaerichtys lineatus

27. August 2010

Once more we have the smallest anabatoid fish of the world in stock: Parasphaerichthys ocellatus, the mini chocolate gorami. This tiny species hardly reaches 2 cm in length. In contrast to all other chocolate gouramis this is a bubblenester builder (all others are mouthbrooders) and should be kept and bred in harder, slightly alcalic water (all other chocolate gouramis need soft, acidic water).

The sexes are hardly to tell apart, except during the breeding season. Then the male changes its coloration drastically and becomes bright orange-yellow.

Tankmates (which, however, must be also small and peaceful, for example Microdevario nana, Microrasbora spp or Celestichthys spp. are suitable) will not be harmed. This is also true for conspecifics. Despite the small size of the fish it is recommended to keep them in larger tanks and in groups. Here all their fascinating behaviour can be observed.

For our customers: the fish have code 441212 on our stocklist.Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Parasphaerichthys: ancient Greek, means “similar to Sphaerichthys”. Sphaerichthys is another genus of fish. lineatus: Latin, means “lined”, referring to the coloration.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Burma
Verfügbare Größe in cm 1-2

Barbus candens

23. August 2010

Three very similar species of dwarfish barbs occur in the central Congo basin. All of them become only 3-4 cm long. Additional forms are already known, but not researched scientifically yet. The three described species are B. candens, B. hulstaerti, and B. papilio. They live in shadowy brooks that have a acidic (pH 5.0 – 5.7) and cool (21-23°C) water.

Barbus candens, the one we were able to import recently, is the largest of the three, it becomes about 4 cm long. It is a very beautiful and peaceful species that fits perfectly for nano tanks. As in all members of the group, males may be recognized by the coloured dorsal fin, which is hyaline in females.

For our customers: the species has code 100694 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Barbus: Latin, means “the bearded one”, referring to the barbels. candens: Latin, means “shining, glittering, white gleaming”; hulstaerti: dedication name; papilio: Latin, means “Butterfly”.

Suggestion of a common name: Blacknose Butterfly Barb

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Potamotyphlus kaupii

23. August 2010

Most people interested in natural history know two orders within the class Amphibia, namely the Anura (frogs, toads etc.) and the Caudata (news, salamanders etc.). Much less people know that there is a third order, the Gymnophiona (caecilians), although this order has more than 180 species. However, most of them are nocturnal and live burrowed in the ground, so one hardly ever comes in touch with them. If it happens, the caecilians are often taken wrongly as gigantic earthworms.

Some genera of the Gymnophiona live exlusively in freshwater. One of them, Typhlonectes natans from Colombia, has even managed to become a quite popular aquarium inhabitant, usually sold as “blind eel”.

From a biologist´s point of view the caecilians are very interesting creatures. The land living, egglaying species take brood care, and the water living, livebearing species develope a kind of umbilical cord, by which the unborn are fed by the mother. There are males and females in caecilians, the males have a kind of penis which is used for the internal fertalization.

In contrast to Typhlonectes natans, which is uniform black, Potamotyphlos kaupii has a quite attractive colour pattern. Our specimens originate from Peru. So far we were able to import only a few specimens. They proofed to be much more sensitive than their black cousin from Colombia. Especially they were quite sensitive for fungus infection of the skin. However, once they are settled they are as easy to keep as T. natans. The eyeless animals orientate by the scent and so they find their prey (in the aquarium mainly frozen food like bloodworm). It is very important to cover the tank absolutely tight.

For our customers: the animals have code 281724 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Potamotyphlus: from ancient Greek, “potamon” meaning “river” and “typhlos” meaning “blind”, eg “blind river dweller”. kaupii: dedication name. Typhlnectes: ancient Greek, “typhlos” meaning “blind”, “nectes” meaning “swimmer”, eg “blind swimmer”. natans: Latin, meaning “swimming, drifting”.

Suggestion of a common name: Kaup´s caecilian, zebra caecilian

Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 25 - 35

Hemiloricaria sp. Golden (Lutino)

23. August 2010

This wild collected specimen from Peru has a very unique colour aberration. Usually such specimens cannot survive in the wild, but this fish is a healthy, adult animal.

For our customers: the fish has code 257924 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Hemiloricaria: ancient Greek, means “half loricaria”; loricaria is another genus of catfish.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 9-12

Moema cf. ortegai

17. August 2010

We were able to import astonishing large Moema cf. ortegai from Peru. The females are around 8 cm, the males around 12 cm long. This places them among the largest species of killifish known so far. The extremely large pectoral fins of the males are very impressive. However, the whole finneage of the males is much enlarged and some fancy bettas and fancy guppys must shame on them when looking at the Moema. The only difference is that in this case not the human breeder but mother nature selected for enlarged finneage.

Moema are bottom divers, this means the spawning pair dives deep in the bottom, where the eggs dwell during the dry season. The adults must die then and thus never become old in the wild, but in captivity the can live as long as 1.5 years. The eggs need 5-10 months to hatch.

For our customers: the fish have code 329905 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Moema: a city in Brazil. ortegai: dedication name.

Suggestion of a popular name: Golden giant longfin

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-12

Ernstichthys megistus

16. August 2010

For the first time we were able to import a very astonishing species of catfish, which was known until 1985 from 3 specimens only. At the first glimpse the small animals – they are hardly 2 cm long – remind one on the Asian catfishes of the genus Akysis. Actually they are relatives of the banjo cats.

The reason why this and some close relatives, which are classified as tribe Hoplomyzontini, are so little known lies probably in their way of life. Hoplomyzontini seem to settle on the bottom of relatively fast running waters where they burry themselves in the ground. As most of them are very small fishes they are hardly ever collected by usual catching methods.

Our specimens show a wide range of coloration, the extremes are grey ones and yellow ones. It is unknown wether this represents sexual differences.

Athough our specimens proofed so far to be quite hardy, it seems necessary to provide fine sand for them, which they use to burry themselves. The type specimen of Ernstichthys megistus was collected in Ecuador and is around 7 cm long (standard length without caudal fin). This is by far the largest size of any Hoplomyzontini known so far, which usually hardly reach half that size. Also the other known stored museum specimens of E. megistus, which originate from Peru, are much smaller (about 3 cm). Ernstichthys megistus is a fish we have much to learn about and aquaristis can help with their observations to understand the life history of that fascinating creature.

For our customers: the fish have code 253363 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Ernstichthys: dedication name, means “Fish of Ernst”; A. Ernst worked at the Universidade Central de Venezuela. megistus: probably latinized form of the ancient Greek word megistos, which means “the greatest”.

Suggestion of a common name: Bumble bee banjo cat

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Literatur: Stewart, D. J. (1985): A review of the South American catfish tribe Hoplomyzontini (Pisces, Aspredinidae), with descriptions of new species from Ecuador. Fieldiana Zoology (new series), No. 25

Pinirampus sp. Paraguay

16. August 2010

The catfish family Pimelodidae is restricted to South America. It is a quite diverse family. Although only about 90 species are known they could hardly be more contrasting. The smallest species (a still undescribed one from the Amazon river) becomes only 2.5 cm long, the largest (Brachyplatystoma filamentosum) becomes 2 metres long. Most species, however, reach 20 – 80 cm in length.

Determination of the species is not easy, because many of them look very different in juvenile coloration compared with the adult coloration. Moreover, also the proportions change drastically during the individual growth.

The species we currently imported from Argentina and Paraguay fits best to the genus Pinirampus. Especially the very long adipose fin which orginates immediately behind the dorsal fin reminds one of Pinirampus (other genera with a comparably adipose fin are Calophysus, Exallodontus, Pimelodina and Propimelodus). The genus Pinirampus contains only one accepted species, eg P. pirinampu, which has a very wide distribution in South America. However, it is not reported so far from Argentina and Paraguay. The fish were sent under the name of Megalonema platanum which has a much deeper body and a different shape of the adipose fin. Due to these findings we name the fish in question Pinirampus sp. “Paraguay”.

The nice colored species seems to stay relatively small. Our largest ones are around 20 cm long. Among each other they are very peaceful. They have a very interesting way of resting: they “sit” on their large ventral fins and the caudal. So they have an angle (compared to the horizontal bottom) of about 30°. When one takes a look on the very large caudal fin it seems plausible that the catfish lurk in this postion for small fish, which they prey on by a “catapult start”. In the aquarium the catfish feed on any frozen food of the right size.

For our customers: the fish have code 280253 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply to the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Pinirampus: anagram to the specific name “pirinampu”. pirinampu: not explained in the original description, probably from an indigenous name for the fish.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Paraguay
Verfügbare Größe in cm 15-20

Yasuhikotakia nigrolineata

16. August 2010

Yasuhikotakia nigrolineata

This pretty loach is distributed in Laos, Thailand and parts of China. Obviously it is a close relative of the dwarf chain loach, Y. sidthimunki, and the behaviour of Y. nigrolineata is absolutely the same.
However, there are two distinguishing features – besides the coloration: first, Y. nigrolineata become a bit larger, about 8 cm long; twice, Y. nigrolineata likes cooler water temperatures. It is best to keep it at room temperature. So it is the ideal fish for all energy savers!
For our customers: Y. nigrolineata has code 404702 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Lexicon: Yasuhikotakia: dedication name. nigrolineata: Latin, means “black striped”; sidthimunki: dedication name.
Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Corydoras sp. Neon Goldstripe, CW 10

11. August 2010

There are many attractive and desirable species of Corydoras, but one would hardly describe many of the about 300 species known so far as colourful. One of the very few really colourful Corydoras is the scientifically still undescribed species Corydoras sp. Neon Goldstripe, that we were able to import again in larger numbers now from Peru. The fish is known in the trade also as “Peru-Goldstripe” or under the code CW 10.

The splendid fish reach a length of about 6 cm. They are absolutely peaceful schooling fish which can be kept even by beginners. However, the fantastic shining stripe over the back looks best in so-called black water. Successful breeding has been reported quite often, but the species is not very productive. The eggs are moreover quite small.

For our customers: the fish have code 221073 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Corydoras: from ancient greek, means „with helmet and spear“. This refers to the strong armor and fin spines.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Parotocinclus jumbo, LDA 25, Pitbull Pleco

5. August 2010

The import season for this charming algae killer has started. Parotocinclus jumbo is both one of the largest species of the genus (maximum size is reported to be around 6-7 cm!) and one of the prettiest. Astonishingly there is so far no report in the aquarium literature on the very obvious sexual dichromatism found in this species. Males get wonderful shining, blueish-green saddles on the back which are missing in females. Besides this the females are much more plump than the males.

There are some spawning reports on the species. It seems to have an positive effect if a rainy season is simulated as it is found in many Corydoras species. Practically speaking this means large waterchanges with cooler and softer water than the water used for regular keeping. However, the temperature difference should not be too big, about 5°C are suitable.

The fish does not practice brood care in any way. The eggs are sticky and become attached on the glasses or tank equipment – again here are many parallels to Corydoras. It is reported that raising the spawn is rather difficult and that the eggs tend to get fungus.

For our customers: the fish have code 26480-LDA 025-3 on our stocklist. Please notew that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Parotocinclus: ancient Greek, means “alike Otocinclus”; Otocinclus is another genus of catfish. jumbo: refers to the unusual size of the species compared with other members of the genus.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Apistogramma cactuoides WILD

5. August 2010

Some species of fish are very popular in the aquarium hobby. Many of them are kept only as sports or breeding forms that do not exist in the wild and most aquarists are completely unaware how the wild form looks like. One of these species is the very popular dwarf cichlid Apistogramma cacatuoides. The species occurs in the Amazon basin of Brazil, Colombia, and Peru between 69°W and 71°W and is imported only occasionally.

The wonderful A. cacatuoides we currently have in stock have been imported from Peru. Although they look rather drab compared with their selective-bred cousins and their mainly red finneage, the wild ones impress with the stout body and gorgeous dorsal fin. By the way: the black clusters of pigment are not inherited, but can be found in wild collected specimens only. It is said that they result from recovered diseases in the wild. May that be as it is, it is a fact that the black clusters are completely harmless.

For our customers: the fish have code 617204 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Apistogramma: ancient Greek, means “with unreliable line”. It is not known wether the lateral line organ or the pattern is meant. cacatuoides: means “looks like a cockatoo”. The author of the species was reminded by the dorsal fin of the males in the hood of an cockatoo.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Macrobrachium brasiliense

4. August 2010

Most freshwater shrimps that are established in the hobby originate from Asia and Afrika. Not even one species from South America has become a permanent aquarium inhabitant. There are several reasons for that, but the most important one is the fact that in most species from South America the larvae develop in marine environments. This makes it pretty difficult to raise them under aquarium conditions.

Now we were able to import Macrobrachium brasiliense from Peru, one of the very few species of Macrobrachium from South America with large eggs that can be bred quite easily in home aquaria. Males of that shrimp become around 8.5 cm, females around 5 cm long (body length only). The species has a wide distribution in South America. It prefers soft and slightly acidic water, but thrives also well in medium hard water.

The very attractive species – coloration changes a lot depending on mood and equipment and can be anything from whitish to deep reddish brown – is at least the first choice for biotope aquaria with fishes from South America.

For our customers: the animals have code 484383 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Macrobrachium: ancient Greek, means “with big arm”. brasiliense: means “coming from Brazil”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Copeina cf. osgoodi

2. August 2010

At least in Germany members of the genus Copeina are pretty well known, which is reflected by the fact that an accepted common name exists: Forellensalmler, which means “trout tetra”. However, this knowledge is rather outdated and nowadays the fish can be regarded as real rarities in the hobby. There are only two accepted species in Copeina, namely C. gutta and C. osgoodi. Both can be distinguished from each other only by internal features of the dentition and the collecting site: C. guttata is known from the central Amazon basin in Brazil, and C. osgoodi from the upper Amazon in Peru (following Géry, 1978).

We received our beautiful specimens from Peru. Depending on the light they look quite different. Lateral illumination makes them shining bright blue, light from the top highlights the red spots on the scales and the orange red finnage.

According to the scientific literature C. osgoodi becomes 5.1 cm long (standard length, eg without caudal fin) and C. guttata 7.6 cm. Aquarium literature gives even 15 cm for C. guttata (of course with caudal fin).

Keeping Copeina is very interesting due to their broodcare. They spawn on roots, stones, leaves, etc. and even in holes in the sand. The male defends the breeding territory against all other fishes, including the female. This ends when the brood swims free.

For our customers: the fish have code 219893 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Copeina: Dedicated to E. D. Cope, an ichthylogist with worldwide reputation. osgoodi: dedication name. guttata: Latin, means “speckled”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Literature: Géry, J. (1977): Characoids of the World. Neptune City.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Clibanarius africanus with white shells!

2. August 2010

The charming hermit crab Clibanarius africanus has become a very popular aquarium inhabitant. It is an euryhalin species, which means that it can survive in both pure fresh and pure marine water. However, it seems that it can live in pure freshwater only for a few months, so it is much better to keep it in brackish water. Clibanarius are detritus feeders. Detritus is composed from several dead stuff of plants and animals. In the aquarium, Clibanarius feed readily on any typical fish food.

Usually C. africanus are imported with the brown snail shells of the snail species Tympanotonus fuscatus. This time almost all specimens have very pretty white snail shells from the snail species Pachymelania aurita.

For our customers: the crabs have code 483123 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Clibanarius: term for a heavily armoured cavalryman. africanus: means “comes from Africa”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Panaqolus sp. PUCALLPA

30. July 2010

Once more we were able to import another quite cute suckermouth catfish from Peru – from Pucallpa to be more precise. Again, this species belongs to the closer Panaqolus changae relationship (LDA 26, L206, L226), as it does the “New Zebra Pleco” we introduced to you last week ( Especially the young ones are colored very nice, adults become more dull in coloration. A typical feature of this special variety seems to be the spotted caudal, which can be observed in all stages of age. The biggest ones we saw so far were about 7 cm long.

For our customers: the fish have code 275351 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Panaqolus: diminuative of Panaque. Panaque is another genus of suckermouth catfish. changae: in memory of Fonchii Fang, who was integrated in the discovery of the species. She died by accident on the Amazon.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Tatia dunni

30. July 2010

Once more we were able to be the first who imported this pretty driftwood cat. The identification of Tatia species is not that easy. Although there is a very recent revision of the genus available, the species concept used there reflects only few aspects of coloration. So currently fish of very different coloration are lumped under the same species name. Our first try to identify the fish went wrong though and we listed them erraneously under the name of Tatia cf. gyrina initially.

Tatia dunni was described in 1945 from Colombia. From 1973 to 2008 it was regarded to be synonymous with T. intermedia. T. dunni is widely distributed: there are records of the species from Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru. However, the fish look quite different in distinctive populations. Our Peruvians, which were collected near Pucallpa and were named by the exporter “padre abad”, differ individually regarding pattern, but have all in common the golden stripe over the back as well as the bright golden bar before the dorsal fin.

Tatia dunni belongs to the larger species of the genus. It may become longer than 12 cm. However, sexual maturity starts at a much smaller size. In museum material, males were found to have the anal fin modified to a copulation organ from about 7 cm standard length (that is without caudal fin) on. This modification of the male´s anal fin is typical for all driftwood cats.

For our customers: the fish have code 295693 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Tatia: dedicated to Charles Tate Regan, who was ichthyologist at the British Museum. dunni: dedication name. gyrina: from the ancient Greek word for “tadpole”. intermedia: Latin, means “in between”. This means that the characteristics of the species are intermediate between the characteristics of two other species.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Literature: Sarmento-Soares, L. M. & R. F. Martins-Pinheiro (2008): A systematic revision of Tatia (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae: Centromochlinae). Neotropical Ichthyology 6 (3): 495-542

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Aphyolebias peruensis

27. July 2010

This species from Peru represents one of the most beautiful species of killifish. It was known in the hobby for quite a long time under the name of Pterolebias peruensis. They are typical seasonal fishes. In the aquarium, they might become up to 1.5 years old, but in the wild they will never reach such an age. The species is restrictet to primary woods in the north of Peru. The intraspecific variation is very high, and it is possible to distinguish each male from an import from another by coloration and pattern.

These fish are bottom divers and spawn in the ground. The eggs need about 10 months to develope. Although keeping and breeding of the species is not really difficult, it takes a lot of patience to be successful.

Killifish do not fit for community tanks in general, because they cannot show to advantage there. A. peruensis do not like flake food. Thus they should be fed with frozen and live food.

For our customers: the fish have code 342803 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply to the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Apholebias: from the anterior part of the word Aphyosemion and from Lebias; Aphyosemion is a genus of killifish from Africa, which is somewhat similar to Aphyolebias. Lebias is an ancient fish name, which was formerly used for what is now Aphanius. The word is part of many genus-names of South American killifish. Pterolebias: from ancient Greek for “wings” and from Lebias: “winged Lebias”. Lebias is an ancient fish name, which was formerly used for what is now Aphanius. The word is part of many genus-names of South American killifish. peruensis: means “comes from Peru”.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Guppy Venezuela Top Sword

26. July 2010

Since quite a long time we receive wild guppy types from one of our breeders. These wild types are much sought for, due to their brilliant colours, their lively temper and their perfect adaptability to almost any aquarium conditions. Under the name of guppy “Venezuela” recently wonderful fish in show size with top sword reached us. The most attractive ones have a black eyespot in the white sword; this feature, however cannot be found in each specimen, but it surely can be fixed by selective breeding.

For our customers: the fish has code 419075 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Otocinclus vestitus PARAGUAY

26. July 2010

The season for this popular Otocinclus has started now. Otocinclus vestitus has a very large distribution. It is found in Peru, Bolivia, and Paraguay. The species can be easily identified by the typical pattern in the caudal fin.

Among the O. vestitus we received this week from Paraguay was one very unusual xanthoristic specimen. It is a very rare occasion that such a conspicious animal survives in the wild and grows to adult size!

Keeping and breeding O. vestitus is very easy; it is a typical beginner´s species. Especially lovers of well planted aquaria enjoy Otociclus vestitus very much, as it is a perfect algae eaters that feeds the algae from the top of the leaves without hurting them at all. For breeding a specis-specific tank should be used. Technically speaking, breeding is very much alkie that of Corydoras species.

For our customers: the fish have code 273604 (old trade name: O. arnoldi) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Otocinclus; vestitus: Latin, means “dressed”. Xanthorism: a mutation, in which the cells with yellow pigment increase.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Geophagus megasema

20. July 2010

There is almost no chance that commercial importations of wild collected Geophagus megasema will ever appear. So it is very welcome that travelling aquarium enthusiast collect such species in areas that are ignored by professional fish collectors and bring them home alive, which makes it possible to develope a captive bred stock. Geophagus megasema was described scientifically by Heckels as early as 1840. However, only very few specimens reached Europe from Bolivia since then. Moreover, the fish were quite often mis-identified as other Geophagus species. It was only in 2006 that a group of travelling aquarists from Austria, Germany and Switzerland were able to import a good number of specimens of this cichlid from the Rio San Martin in Bolivia. Soon after they were able to breed them and the species was spread in the hobby. Now Aquarium Glaser is able to offer bred specimens of this beautiful eartheater in perfect quality.
Geophagus megasema is a quite hardy species and can be kept even in harder water up to 20° dGH; however, it will be not as colorful as it could be under these conditions. If the fish are kept in soft and slight acidic water they are real eyeburners! Breeding is also easier under these conditions, but the fish can also be bred in harder water. Food should not be too rough for this species: flakes, different types of frozen bloodworm, mosquito larvae, and artemia are perfect for it.
This species of eartheater from Bolivia can be kept and bred at relative low temperatures of 25 to 28°C. Geophagus megasema is a larvophilous mouthbrooder. The larvae are taken in the mouth by both parents as soon as they leave the eggs. Parental care is taken by both sexes in an equal way.

For our customers: the fish have code 678614 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Geophagus: ancient Greek, means “eartheater”. megasema: ancient Greek, means “with a big sign”. This is referring to the large lateral spot.

Text & photos: Thomas Weidner

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 10-15

Panaqolus sp. NEW ZEBRA JUTAI

15. July 2010

This extremely attractive new suckermouth cat was sent to us from Peru with the name of a collecting site “Jutai”. Currently the fish are around 4-6 cm long. There is no doubt that they belong to the Panaqolus changae group (LDA 26, L206, L226). A very astonishing matter in these fish is the fact that despite their small size they seem to be sexually differentiated already. The presumed males have a whitish basic colour, narrower bands and an irregular pattern on the caudal fin. The presumed females have an orange basic colour with regular bands.

Has a dwarfish population been discovered? Panaqolus changae (typical form) reaches a total size of approx. 12 cm and can be kept quite easily. As in all members of Panaqolus soft wood forms an essential part of the food.

For our customers: the fish have code 275351 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Panaqolus: diminuative of Panaque. Panaque is another genus of suckermouth catfish. changae: in memory of Fonchii Fang, who was integrated in the discovery of the species. She died by accident on the Amazon.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Hemigrammus sp. Boqueron

15. July 2010

Currently we received from Peru a new species of Hemigrammus, which does not fit the description of any species known so far. Thus we decided to adopt the name on the import list, eg. “Boqueron”. The pretty fish looks like a cross of the glowlight tetra (Hemigrammus erythrozonus) and the silvertip tetra (Hasemania nana). Due to its nice orange fins we thought initially indeed it would be a Hasemania species. However, our fish has a well developed adipose fin. The lack of this fin is genus-specific for Hasemania.

The new tetra seems to be a rather small species. Our specimens are 2.5 to 3 cm long and already sexually developed. Regarding the behaviour they do not show any significant differences to other small tetras of that type. Until now our fish have prooved to be pretty hardy. All in all: a nice addition in the palette of tetras available for the hobby.

For our customers: the fish has code 257533 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Hemigrammus: ancient Greek, means “with half line”, referring to the incomplete lateral line, which is genus-specific. Hasemania: dedication name for J. D. Haseman. nana: Latin, means “small, dwarfish”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Corydoras sp. “New Panda” CW51

15. July 2010

Corydoras sp. “New Panda” from Colombia is so far the most spectacular new importation of the year. Hans-Georg Evers, expert for Corydoras, guesses that the species may be found in the Rio Vaupes system, but still no assured information on that topic is available. It is very conspicious that the spot below the dorsal fin differs individually very much in size. In any case this is an extremely beautiful species. There are already first reports on a successful spawning in the cory scene. If it is possible to breed this species on a regular basis it will for sure have a great career as an ornamental fish.

Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien / Colombia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-6

Rivulus ornatus

9. July 2010

This tiny jewel among the fishes, which we were able to import from Peru recently, causes some confusion among taxonomists. It is possible that this fish represents a still undescribed species and will be named seperatly in the future. May this be as it wants, we are glad to have this pretty animal in stock once more.

As in all Rivulus species is is necessary to cover the tank absolute tight, otherwise the fish will end sooner or later on the bottom of the fishroom. If the owner wants to keep more than one male per tank they should be set in simultaneously, for these little fish can be quite aggressive against conspecifics.

Despite its small size these killis can live up to 3 years in the aquarium. Thus they are not belonging to the short- but to the longliving killifishes!

For our customers: the fish have code 343902 on our stocklist. Please note that we exculsively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Rivulus: Latin, means “small brook”; this refers to the biotope. ornatus: Latin, means “decorated”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Mastacembelus caudiocellatus

9. July 2010

Recently we were able to import this pretty spiny eel from Burma for the first time. It is a rather small (around 20 cm) species with a very contrasting pattern. The species lives endemically in the Lake Inle region in Burma. Lake Inle has medium hard water with a slightly alcalic pH. From Lake Inle already many pretty and very suitable aquarium fish have been imported.

Although the species has been described scientifically in 1893 already it is still new for the hobby. There are two phenotypes in our specimens. Some fish are larger, heavier builded and have a very dark coloration, others are smaller, more elongate and rather brownish. This possibly represents sexual dimorphism. It is – generally speaking – possible to breed spiny eels in the aquarium. They prefer to spawn in the roots of swimming plants near the water surface.

When keeping spiny eels it is necessary to offer a number of hiding places as well as fine sand which enables the fish to burry themselves at least in some parts of the tank. Mastacembelids are exclusively carnivorous, plants are ignored. The worst that can happen is that a spiny eel tries to burry itself under a plant. Spiny eels are generally very peaceful to conspecifics and to other fish. Very small fish, however, are eaten. Due to the quite small mouth of this spiny eel, other fish from 4-5 cm upwards are usually safe. Spiny eels are fed with all the usual live and frozen food, most of them also accept granulated food.

For our customers: the fish have code 426353 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Mastacembelus: ancient Greek, means “the one that throws oneself a bite”; probably it was though that these fish can use their snout like the trunk of an elephant. This is, however, wrong. caudiocellatus: Latin, means “with an eyespot in the caudal”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Otocinclus mimulus

6. July 2010

For the first time ever we are now able to offer a very rare Otocinclus species, namely O. mimulus. Besides all the well known good characteristics that it shares with other members of the genus – small size, peacefulness, cleaning of plant leaves, day activity – this species also has to offer a very special feature. It lives along with a species of Corydoras and has the very same coloration; this phenomenon is called mimesis. The Corydoras species is C. diphyes (see which we currently also have in stock. So one has for the first time the chance to study the behaviour of both species kept together in an aquarium.

For our customers: Otocinclus mimulus has code 273994 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Otocinclus: ancient Greek, means “with latticed ear”; referring to a bone in the skull, which is visible externally and placed where in humans would be the ear; this bone has a latticed structure. mimulus: Latin, means “little actor”, referring to the mimikry of this species with Corydoras diphyes. Corydoras: from ancient greek, means „with helmet and spear“. This refers to the strong armor and fin spines. diphyes: anicient Greek, adjective meaning “of double nature”, in reference to the variation in body patterns, eg striped and blotchy.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Hyphessobrycon eschwartzae (= Hyphessobrycon cf. agulha JURUA / PERU)

29. June 2010

For the first time ever we were able now to import this beautiful tetra from Peru. Scientifically H. agulha is known for quite a long time, but it has never become an aquarium fish so far. In Jaques Géry´s classical work on Characoids of the World even a complete group of Hyphessobrycon is named after H. agulha. It is defined as “lower half of the body dark, especially above anal fin; usually a horizontally elongate humeral spot, more or less united with the asymmetrical, broad band”. The H. agulha-group comprises, besides the name-bearing species, H. peruvianus, H. loretoensis, H. metae, and H. herbertaxelrodi, which are well known aquarium inhabitants.


A conspicuous feature of our fish is the brightly shining spot in the upper part of the caudal peduncle. Along with the shining upper part of the eye this is a signal for conspecifics in the dark waters of the natural invironment of the species. If one keeps the pretty tetra in so-called black-water the effect is really enchanting.

Regarding general keeping of the fish: there is no difference to that of the well known remaining members of the group.

For our customers: the fish has code 255973 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Hyphessobrycon: ancient Greek, means “small Brycon”. Brycon is another genus of tetras. agulha: after a popular name given to the species in the region of the Rio Madeira, the type locality.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Aphyolebias schleseri

24. June 2010

A very unusual killi is Aphyolebias schleseri, which can be recognized by its unique sword. The species has been described only in 2003 and initially we thought it to be a new species of Micromoema. However, some members of the German killifish association (DKG) helped to trace the correct name. Once more: thank you guys! Until now this species is known only from very few places in the north of Peru. The type location is about 1 km upstream from Tacshacuraray in the Loreto province. The fish becomes 4-5 cm long. It is a typically annual species that dives deep into the ground for spawning. The eggs have to be incubated about 10 months. In the aquarium this fish migh become as old as 1.5 years, but it hardly ever reaches that age in the wild.

Lexicon: Apholebias: from the anterior part of the word Aphyosemion and from Lebias; Aphyosemion is a genus of killifish from Africa, which is somewhat similar to Aphyolebias. Lebias is an ancient fish name, which was formerly used for what is now Aphanius. The word is part of many genus-names of South American killifish.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Hyphessobrycon cf. pando PERU

22. June 2010

Recently we received beautiful Rosy tetras under the name of “Hyphessobrycon robertsi” from Peru. However, the fish is not identical with the well known “robertsi” (the species has not been described formally by a scientist yet, but it is unknown whether is has been made available “by chance” in the past 60 years of its career as an aquarium fish). To be honest, we didn´t recognize this at first. But when Peter and Martin Hoffmann, two aquarists specialized in tetras, visited us and led our attention on the fish, we realized what we have.

Still our specimens are too young to say more, but the new species is distinguished from most other Rosy tetras by the bright shining stripes alongside the humeral spot. This unique feature is very reminescent of Hyphessobrycon pando, a species quite recently described from Bolivia.

For our customers: the fish have code 261442 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Hyphessobrycon: ancient Greek, means “small Brycon”. Brycon is another genus of tetras. pando: after the Bolivian department of Pando, where the species has been collected.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Corydoras diphyes

22. June 2010

This Corydoras is available irregularly in Germany and has been recently described by Axenrot and Kullander (2003). C.dyphyes originates from the tributary of the Rio Monday, a river flowing into the Rio Parana in Paraguay. This species was described, for a long time, as Corydoras flaveolus which comes however from the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo. This catfish has a variable coloration, is relatively easy to breed and is very suitable for the planted communion fish tank together with peaceful companions. In their natural habitat these armoured catfish live in large shoals together with Otocinclus mimulus. The coloration and pattern of A. mimulus coincides very well with those of C.diphyes. In this way the Otocinclus catfish tries to protect itself for predators, in this case Crenicichla lepidota. This phenomenon is called mimicry.(Photo: Erwin Schraml, Text: Izaak den Daas)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Paraguay, Rio Monday

Ichthyborus ornatus

17. June 2010

The odd subfamily of African tetra called Ichthyborinae is restricted to Africa. Many species are specialized fin eaters that feed almost exclusively on fins of other fish. Their teeth work like a scissor and are able to cut out pieces of fin from other fish without any problems.

Almost all of these tetras – there are 6 genera with a total of about 20 species – have a very significant fin pattern. It is proclaimed that this pattern is a signal to conspecifics and hinders them to bite in the fin.

Interestingly not all Ichthyborinae are fin eaters at all. One of these “false” fin eaters is Ichtyborus ornatus that can reach a maximum size of 15-20 cm. The teeth of this species are backwards orientated fangs and identify the owner as a predator that feeds on complete small fish. The photo illustrating this teeth structure was made on a preserved skull, in live this is not so easy to see. Although no fin eater, this species has the characteristic pattern in the caudal fin.

There is no report on external sexual dimorphism in Ichthyborinae so far. However, in our import of Ichthyborus ornatus are specimens with much more reddish fin coloration than others.

For our customers: the fish has code 141944 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Ichthyborus: from ancient Greek, means “fisheater”. ornatus: Latin, means “decorated”.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft D.R. Congo
Verfügbare Größe in cm 10-12


16. June 2010

Honestly speaking, the trade name for this cute fish is completely wrong: first of all, the genus name Megalamphodus is regarded nowadays as a synonym to Hyphessobrycon and twice the species in question is an undescribed one and not identical with the red phantom tetra, H. sweglesi. However, even undescribed fish have to be named somehow in the trade….

This is the most beautiful species of phantom tetra. It originates from Colombia and is available only for a relatively short time per year. Now the season has come and the opportunity to stock the fish.

As the species is available as wildcaught only the fish are much smaller than the phantom tetras that are bred in captivity. At a total length of 2-3 cm the fish are adult already and delight their owner with their striking colours and the harmless fights among the males.

For our customers: the fish have code 267402 on our stocklist.Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien / Colombia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Hyphessobrycon loretoensis

10. June 2010

Some species of ornamental fish live in a kind of shadowy existence. Basically speaking they are always available, beautiful and ideal aquarium fish, but it seems that nobody keeps them actually. One of those species is Hyphessobrycon loretoensis. The tiny tetra (maximum length around 3.5 cm) has been imported as an ornamental fish in 1938, found to be a species new to science and described scientifically. Since then the species has been much-vaunted as an ideal aquarium inhabitant.

The tetra originates from the upper Amazon river, Loreto province, Peru. It is not a schooling fish at all, but it is necessary to keep 10-20 specimens together. Otherwise they do not feel well and will never show their typical behaviour. The Loreto tetra swims in schools only when it feels endangered. As this situation virtually never appears in the home aquarium, each individual will soon occupy a small territory and defend it against conspecifics. The intensity of the black band and the red caudal fin shows the position in the hierarchy. However, these fights never lead to any wounds.

The Loreto tetra looks best when kept in aquaria with many plants, dark bottom (dead leaves, peat etc.), soft and slightly acidic water and not too high temperatures (22-24°C). It is absolutely peaceful against all tankmates. Any type of fishfood will readily be taken.

For our customers: the fish has code 261304 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Hyphessobrycon: ancient Greek, means “small Brycon”. Brycon is another genus of tetras. loretoensis: after the Loreto province in Peru.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Xenopus muelleri

10. June 2010

Clawed frogs or platannas (Xenopus) are popular aquarium inhabitants. They are totally aquatic animals and leave the water only for curiosity or when the water body dries out. Nevertheless the tank has to be absolutely safely covered, for a trip in the dry living room can cause the death of the animal.

Most often Xenopus laevis is offered. This is the largest species of the genus and can reach the size of a man´s hand. Frogs of that size are able to eat pretty big fish. However, there are also smaller species. One of them is Xenopus muelleri. This species becomes 7-8 cm long (males stay about 20% smaller) and has a nice, spotted pattern.

X. muelleri has an enormous range in tropical and subtropical Africa. Our specimens, however, are European bred. Like in all species of Xenopus the tadpoles are filtrating and look rather like small catfishes than like the tadpoles of our native frogs.

For our customers: X. muelleri has code 192903 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Xenopus: from ancient Greek, means “with a strange foot”, referring to the three sharp clawes on the hind foot. laevis: Latin, means “smooth, shining”. muelleri: dedication name.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

PS: Colin Dunlop from Scotland told us it might be possible that our frog belongs to a subspecies of X. laevis rather than to X. muelleri due to the fact that in X. muelleri even in younger specimens the tentacles below the eye should be much longer than in our specimens. We thank Colin for this and will stay on the ball.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Chapalichthys pardalis

2. June 2010

The Polkadot Goodeid, Chapalichthys pardalis, reaches a maximum length of 6.5 cm (males) and 7 cm (females). Its natural habitat are the waters of the pacific slope of Mexico, Michoacan province, Tocumbo district. In contrast to many other goodeids this pretty, livebearing species seems not to be endangered in the wild.

In the aquarium, however, it is a top rarity and so we are quite proud to have it in stock currently. Keeping and breeding of the fish is not difficult. However, it is best to keep them under slightly varying temperatures and (in living rooms) without a heater, because in the wild the temperature hardly ever increases 20°C. The fish looks best in tanks with a dense vegetation. Against tankmates at least the strain currently present in the hobby is said to be very peaceful. Sadly the fish grow rather slowly which makes them a bit more expensive. On the other hand: the good news is that the fish become more beautiful with growing age.

For our customers: the fish has code 408403 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Chapalichthys: means “fish from lake Chapala”. Lake Chapala in Mexico is the habitat of one species of Chapalichthys. pardalis: Latin, means “painted like a panther”.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Ancistrus sp. 2-color

1. June 2010

Ancistrus sp. 2-color

The origin of our “common” aquarium-Ancistrus is not recorded. Since the very first importation to Europe – around the year 1911 – in all probability several similar species have been crossed accidentally. In the wild, these species obviously have no contact to each other. So there was no necessity during their evolution to develope mechanisms that hinder interspecific crosses as can be found in many other genera and families of fish. Anyway, it is nowadays impossible to give the aquarium-Ancistrus a proper specific name due to its hybrid origin.

Knowing this it is not astonishing that a lot of sports of the common aquarium-Ancistrus exist, some of them probably the result of additional species-crosses. Ancistrus sp. 2-color seems to be the result of such a cross. The pretty fish are colored individually: besides more or less plain yellow-golden ones do exist also specimens with a lot of blackish marbling. Regarding keeping, breeding, and the size the Ancistrus sp. 2-color does not differ from the common aquarium-Ancistrus.

For our customers: the fish has code 204070 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Ancistrus: from the ancient Greek word for “fishhook”. This refers to the hooked spines that are placed on the movable Interoperculum (a bone between the gill-covering bones), called interopercularodontodes, which are spread in case of danger.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Pseudobunocephalus sp. White Peru

27. May 2010

The genus Pseudobunocephalus has been erected quite recently (2008). It is distinguished from the other banjo cat genera by externally invisible characters of the teeth and bone structures. As aquarists are more interested in fish than in technical definitions of genera it may be mentioned that nevertheless there are some external features that allow to distinguish Pseudobunocephalus from Bunocephalus, the most similar genus: in Pseudobunocephalus upper and lower jaw are about equally long; the lateral line is truncated at approximately the level of the dorsal fin origin; the uppermost and lowermost rays of the caudal fin are the shortest in that fin.

So we can be quite sure that the new banjo cat we were able to import from Peru belongs to the genus Pseudobunocephalus. However, we were not able to determine the species so far. If we go for the coloration, the species P. rugosus keys out, which is known so far from the Paraguay-Paraná-basin only; if we ignore the coloration the species P. amazonicus keys out. That species occurs in Peru, but is said to have a strong contrasting dark-light pattern.

May it be as it is: so far no species of Pseudobunocehalus is known which grows larger than 8 cm and so we can assume that the new white one also stays small. This makes it an interesting addition to the species of banjo cat available in the hobby.

For our customers: the fish has code 212892 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Pseudobunocephalus: ancient Greek, means “false Bunocephalus”. Bunocephalus is another genus of banjo cat. The name was chosen because in the past members of Pseudobunocephlus often have been mistaken for juveniles of Bunocephalus. Bunocephalus: ancient Greek, means “with hilly head”. rugosus: Latin, means “wrinkled, rugose”. amazonicus: after the Amazon river, where the species occurs.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-7

Corydoras orcesi

26. May 2010

beautifully marked species appeared only very occasionally in the
aquarium hobby. The fish has been described from the Rio Tigre system
in Ecuador. Initially it was described as a subspecies of the similar
Corydoras pastazensis. However, so far no intergrades have been found
and this makes it very likely that both are seperate species.

were able to import both species from Peru now. If one has the
opportunity to see them side by side they are very easy to distinguish
from each other. Both species belong to the tribe of the saddle-nosed
Corydoras. Males stay smaller than the females. So far the fish have
proofed to be hardy aquarium inhabitants. A tank for Corydoras should
in general have at least in part a bottom of fine, smooth sand. Worms
(Tubifex) are the preferred food, but they feed readily on anything
that is usually fed on ornamental fish, may it be living, frozen or
dried. Both species reach about 6-7 cm in length.

our customers: C. orcesi has code 237903 and C. pastazensis code 240304
on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale

Lexicon: Corydoras: from ancient greek, means „with
helmet and spear“. This refers to the strong armor and fin spines.
orcesi: dedication name in honour of Gustavo Orcés-Villagomez.
pastazensis: after the Rio Pastaza in the Pastaza province, Ecuador,
where the species is found.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer