Author Archives: Paul_

Serrasalmus spilopleura

29. September 2015

The correct determination of piranha species is one of the most difficult chapters in ichthyology at all. Even the specialized authorities for that group of fish have often different points of view. And so we quite often can only look for the very few features that are accepted as species specific, like the black bands in the caudal and the anal fins, the existence of a humeral spot etc.

But the fish is by far more important than its scientific name! And one thing is for sure: this piranha is the most beautiful one we ever were able to import! There is no doubt that the fish belongs to a relationship around Serrasalmus spilopleura and S. maculatus and most probably they reach the same size and can be kept and bred equally to these mentioned species. So please take a look on our entrance on them on our homepage:

The exact origin of our specimens is unknown to us, they reached us via Belem.

For our customers: the fish have code 292824 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Serrasalmus: from Latin, means „salmon with a saw“. Refers to the saw-like arranged scales along the keel of the breast. spilopleura: ancient Greek, means “with spotted flanks”. maculatus: Latin word for „spotted“

Suggestion of a common name: Charcoal piranha

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Mastiglanis asopos

29. September 2015

Catfishes in general often look quite odd. This is for sure true for this dwarf catfish, which was described only in 1994 in a new genus. The maximum length of this fish is about 6-7 cm without the caudal fin. The shape of the body is very elongate. The extremely long pectoral fin rays are most obvious when looked on from top. And then there are the strange eyes, placed very high in the head, and with slit-shaped pupils.

The generic name “Mastiglanis” means “Whip-Catfish” due to the long first finrays of dorsal and pectoral fins. The late discovery and the fact that the currently imported fish represent (almost) the first ones in our facility may lead to the impression that the species is rare in the wild. But this is not true. In fact, the species has an enormous range in the Amazon river, and we even obtained a single specimen as an accidental bycatch with other fish from the Orinoco in Colombia in 2006.

We have specimens in our importation that have a more dark colour and others which are lighter. But both fish are rather sand-colored. This, and the fact that the eyes are placed so high in the head made us think that the fish possibly live burrowed in fine sand. But despite the harassment the fish had to face during their stay in the photo-tank they made not attempt to burry themselves in the sand.

Against each other these catfish are very peaceful. So now catfish enthusiasts with scientific curiosity can satisfy their needs and find out details on the life history of this new “Whip-Dwarf-Catfish”.

For our customers: the fish have code 266752 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-6

Maccullochella peelii

21. September 2015

Who ever looked for a really extraordinary fish as a pet will find it in this species. M. peelii is the largest freshwater fish of Australia. The popular name of Maccullochella peelii is “Murray Cod”, after the Murray River. The average length of adults is about 60 cm and 2-3 kg weight; but the largest specimen recorded scientifically was 183 cm long and had a weight of 113 kg! There are rumors of even larger specimens….

Sadly the Murray Cod – which is, by the way, not a relative of the Cod (Gadus morhua) at all – is endangered in the wild. Our specimens are bred ones and originate from Taiwan. The Murray Cod is bred in large numbers, also in Australia, for stocking purposes, but of course this does not help the natural populations. Many of the latter are already extinct.

This large fish is a generalist in the wild and occurs in any thinkable waterbodies – even in very small ones. The species is extremely territorial, so only a single specimen per tank can be kept. The advantage is that these animals become very tame and even interact with the keeper and other persons on the wrong side of the tank. And the larger a Murray Cod becomes the tamer it will be. Murray Cods are obligate predators. In the aquarium they can be fed easily with fish and crayfish. In the wild they also prey on young waterfowl, small mammals, frogs, water turtles and other reptiles.

We were able to import four juvenile fish which are currently 18-22 cm long.

For our customers: the fish have code 426095 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 18-22

Euryglossa panoides

16. September 2015

Flounders and tongues belong to a group of fishes that are rarely seen in the aquarium hobby. Whereas flounders have a well developed, clearly visible caudal fin, in the tongues the dorsal, ventral and caudal fins are melted. The species Euryglossa panoides, which is by chance imported from India and Vietnam belongs to the tongues. The fish can reach a maximum size of about 20 cm, but even in the wild the rarely get that big, but stay about half that length. It can be kept in pure freshwater, but if the total hardness is below 10° DGH, a salt addition of about 5 ‰ is highly recommended. It is very important that the fish can burry itself in fine sand, for otherwise it wil get skin diseaeses like fungus and others. The most preferred food is tubifex and bloodworm.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien-Vietnam
Name Euryglossa panoides

The mouthbrooding Heros from Venezuela: a new species! Heros liberifer

16. September 2015

At least from 1992 on Heros have been exported from Venezuela that were thought – according to scientific and hobby publications – to belong to the species Heros severus Heckel, 1840. In 1994 the aquarium community learned fascinated the fact that these “real” H. severus (all other Heros in the hobby belong to different species of Heros) are larvophilous mouthbrooders.

Recent collections from travelling aquarists in Venezuela showed that actually two different species of Heros live syntopically in Venezuela, namely the “mouthbrooder” and another species (Peter Dittrich, DCG-Info 2014: 21-24). This inspired Wolfgang Staeck and Ingo Schindler to re-examine the holotype of Heros severus once more. They found that the mouthbrooder in fact represents an undescribed species which they named Heros liberifer; the specific name means “carrier of children” in reference to the larvophilous mouthbrooding behaviour which is unique in the genus.

From all other (described) species of Heros H. liberifer can be distinguished by the pattern: parallel rows of red spots on the lower part of the body; a clearly visible caudal spot in adult specimens (in all other species of Heros the caudal spot merges with the vertical dark bar on the caudal peduncle in adults), and small dark spots on cheek and operculum in males (vs. large dark spots or a worm-like pattern). H. liberifer is distinguished furthermore from the at least sometimes syntopical H. severus by following features: iris of the eye bright red (vs. brown or dark red in H. severus), several anatomical details which are not recognizable in living animals, and the fact that the vertical dark bar number four (counted from the tail to the head) is shortened in H. severus and runs only to the lateral line of the body, while in H. liberifer this bar runs from the basis of the anal fin to the basis of the dorsal fin. The “really real” H. severus was named in the hobby so far most often H. sp. “Inirida”. Sadly the very easy-to-see feature – the shortened dark vertical bar 4 – is reliable in wild collected specimens only. In bred ones obviously unwanted hybridisations appeared sometimes, because in these fish sometimes a great variation of this feature is observable.

However, in all specimens studied for the description of H. liberifer the feature of vertical bar 4 seems to be quite reliable, despite the fact that Schindler (in DCG-Info 2015: 117) already stated that rarely exceptions appear. So it is a very unexpected coincidence that among the animals we photographed for determination purposes immediately after their arrival in our fishhouse in June this year was one specimen that had the bar-four-pattern of H. severus, but the coloration of H. liberifer! Sadly we cannot say if the shortened bar 4 appeared on both sides of the body and the animal is sold already. However, the species-specific coloration (eye, red dots etc.) of the specimen fits perfectly for H. liberifer.

All Heros liberifer we currently have in stock show the species-specific pattern in a perfect way. This is a good opportunity to provide oneself with wild collected specimens of this very beautiful, mouthbrooding species!

For our customers: the fish have code 682944 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Literature: Staeck, W. & I. Schindler (2015): Description of a new Heros species (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from the Rio Orinoco drainage and notes on Heros severus Heckel, 1840. Bulletin of Fish Biology 15 (1/2): 121-136

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Venezuela
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Tometes cf. makue

8. September 2015

Luckily we were able to import several times the beautiful Myleus schomburgkii “Broadband” this season already. The fish originate from Venezuela. Only me, the chronicler, did not find the time yet to make a photo in a photo-tank, so we add here “only” a picture we made in our fishhouse. The most current importation contained one specimen of a silver dollar we have never seen before. In all probability it is a specimen of Tometes makue. This fish has been described only in 2002.

How difficult it is to determine such a fish becomes evident by the fact that the species has been mis-identified by Kner in 1860 as Mylesinus schomburgkii. Kner was followed by Nelson (1961), Hurtado Sepulveda (1989), Lasso et al. (1995), and Machado-Allison & Fink (1995). Other mis-identifications are as Myleus setiger and Utiaritichthys sennaebragai, then followed the original description as Tometes makue.

Tometes makue may reach a total length of about 40 cm. It is reported from Brasil (Rio Negro basin) and Venezuela (Caroni basin and Orinoco basin). Against our “broadbands” the new import was quarrelsome, but of course we are not able to give much information on the behaviour of such a rare new importation yet. However, it is a hardy fish and as undemanding as one is used to by Myelus.

For our customers: the animal has code 297343 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only one specimen available!

Jégu, M. , G. M. dos Santos & E. Belmont-Jégu (2002): Tometes makue n. sp. (Characidae: Serrasalminae), une nouvelle espèce du bouclier guyanais décrite des bassins du Rio Negro (Brésil) et de l’Orénoque (Venezuela). Cybium v. 26 (no. 4): 253-274.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Venezuela

Corydoras loxozonus

7. September 2015


cory belongs to the most attractive members of the genus Corydoras and
is also very easy to keep. One should only remember that C. loxozonus –
it originates from the Rio Orinoco and its affluents – prefers higher
temperatures. So the water temperture should not sink below 25°C for

we can offer very nice and large wild collected ones. Among these wild
ones always some specimens appear that have a rather broken dorsal band.
Formerly these individual often were taken erroneously for Corydoras
evelynae. Now we know that Corydoras loxozonus can have a very variable
pattern. Most experts believe that even such aberrant fish like C82 and
C83 belong to that species.

our customers: Corydoras loxozonus has code 233705 on our stocklist,
C83 code 233753; the latter is available in very small numbers only.
Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Gagata cenia

7. September 2015

The Assamese Clown Catfish is the perfect choice for all aquarists that love lively species. This catfish attains a maximum length of about 15 cm, but matures at a length of less than 7 cm. The fish is a real energy pack. It can be hardly ever found resting for a minute, it is always on the move.

Clown catfish are – as a rule – sensitive fish, because they originate from very clean, running waters. However, well settled animals are real hardy, as is shown by the specimens we currently have in stock – they are in perfect condition!

One should keep Gagata cenia always in groups, because the fish are very social. There should be a good current in the tank. The bottom should be covered with sand and some larger stones. The water temperature can lie between 18 and 26°C, the pH beween 6.5 and 8, and the hardness between 10 and 30° dGH.

For our customers: the fish have code 416002 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien / India
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

And once more: Corydoras CW49

7. September 2015

We reported about our current importations of the most beautiful Corydoras sp. CW49 and CW51 quite recently (see Now we obtained again a shipment of that species, this time said to originate from a new collecting site. And see: now all specimens look like the other, all are “pure” CW49 phenotypes!

The pictures accompanying this entrance were taken from specimens of our most recent import.

For our customers: the animals have code 240194 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien / Colombia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

The fourth Retroculus has been described

2. September 2015

In our newsletter from the last weekend we mentioned that besides the three described species of Retroculus also an undescribed one exists. Sadly we overlooked that the undescribed has been in fact described in June this year: Retroculus acherontos from the Rio Tocantins. The species is distinguished from all other species of Retroculus by a hump on the fronthead (visible in specimens from 12-13 cm length) and the fact the the dark spot in the soft part of the dorsal fin is situated in the median part of that fin and not, like in all other Retroculus, near the back. Additional species differences are not visible in live fish.

As far as we know this beautiful fish has not been imported yet. Pictures of freshly captured, living fish can bee seen in the most current issue of Amazonas Magazine (No 61 for September/October 2015).

Literatur: Landim, M. I. , C. R. Moreira and C. A.
Figueiredo (2015): Retroculus acherontos, a new species of cichlid fish
(Teleostei) from the Rio Tocantins basin. Zootaxa 3973 (no. 2): 369-380

Text: Frank Schäfer

Geophagus mirabilis

26. August 2015

Geophagus mirabilis Geophagus mirabilis Geophagus mirabilis

This beautiful species of eartheater is known in the aquarium hobby since the year 2009. It is endemic in the Rio Aripuana. So it was called initially Geophagus sp. “Aripuana”. The scientific description of the species appeared much later, in january 2015. Now the correct scientific name is Geophagus mirabilis. The specific name, mirabilis, means “extraordinary, marvelous, admirable”. It refers to the unique pattern of the species: from a scientific point of view the row of black spots on the flanks are more important, for they are also visible in preserved animals and allow a doubtless identification. But the describers also mention the beautiful pattern of live specimens with the iridescent spots as reason for the scientific name.

From time to time we can offer German bred specimens of this beautiful eartheater. The fish attains a maximum length of about 20 cm. It is a larvophilous, biparental mouthbrooder. This means that both parents take together care for the brood. The fish spawn on stones, roots etc.. The hatched larvae are taken in the mouth subsequently.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / Bred

A brandnew Corydoras – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis

26. August 2015

Ein brandneuer Panzerwels – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis Ein brandneuer Panzerwels – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis Ein brandneuer Panzerwels – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis Ein brandneuer Panzerwels – Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis

Sometimes it’s hard to believe. If one reminds that currently 160 species of Corydoras are scientifically accepted, plus 159 C-numbers, plus 107 CW-numbers, it is more than likely that every newly imported Corydoras could be applied to at least one of these fish. But far from that! Last week we obtained Corydoras under the name of “Corydoras potaroensis”. Our new fish is very similar to C. potaroensis, but differs from it by many black dots all over the body and the fins. In the original description of C. potaroensis, Myers writes: “There are no spots on the body or fins, the only markings being faint lines running parallel to the vertical plate-sutures.” This is meant with the exception of the large black spot in the dorsal fin and the black eye-band. So we stocked the new fish under the provisional name Corydoras sp. aff. potaroensis “Spotted”.

For our customers: the animals have code 225753 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-6

Paracheirodon simulans

27. July 2015

green neon is the smallest and tiniest species of neon tetra. The
maximum length is around 2.5 cm. One should not confuse this species
with the neon costello, Hemigrammus hyanuary, which is also called the
“green neon” occasionally. This is the reason why some people call
Paracheirodon simulans the “blue neon”, but in the international trade
the name “green neon” is established for the species.

this babylonic confusion one cannot confuse P. simulans with any other
species. Only in this neon tetra the intensive shining neon band runs
from the tip of the snout right through to the end of the caudal

can offer green neons the greatest part of the year. They originate
from Brazil and Colombia. But only rarely such large, adult (about 2 cm
long) specimens are available as we have currently in stock. This is a
perfect occasion to stock a nano tank with these shimmering jewels….

For our customers: the animals have code 275704 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Cetopsis coecutiens

27. July 2015

Cetopsis coecutiens Cetopsis coecutiens Cetopsis coecutiens Cetopsis coecutiens

This species is legend. Cetopsis coecutiens becomes up to 40 cm long and is spread very far over South America – and feared! The animals are merciless hunters. Even when trapped in a fish cast they bite pieces out of their fellow captives. Even attacks on humans are reported. People living along the Amazon river call them inter alia Candiru-açu (Brazil) or Canero (Peru). Both are names that are usually reserved for the bloodsucking, parasitic catfish of the family Trichomycteridae, which occasionally enter the ureter of bathing people in case they urinate under water.

The naturalists of the 18th century already knew Cetopsis coecutiens. They called it the “whale catfish”, because the shape of the fish is somewhat reminiscent to that of certain cetaceans. Another, whale-like feature of the catfish is the fact that it has two pairs of nasal openings. One pair is situated quite “normal” on the front of the head, but the other pair opens over the eyes, just like the blowholes of the whales do.

In the aquarium these catfish are rather interesting than beautiful. They are very peaceful against conspecifics. In life, Cetopsis coecutiens reinds one rather in a Great White Shark than in a whale. Like the shark the catfish are swimming perpetually. Like the shark the catfish are not able to close the mouth for a longer time. And also the coloration (dark back, light belly) is like the coloration of the shark.

We received some specimens of this catfish from Peru. Of course these animals are only for specialists and zoos. However, if one has a tank that is spacious enough, keeping these catfish is not difficult at all. In our facility they feed readily on Tubifex and dry food (granulates) – tamed predators!

For our customers: the fish have code 214735 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

L24 has been described: Pseudacanthicus pitanga

26. June 2015

Another L-number has received a correct scientific description finally: L24. The beautiful orange finned cactus pleco from the Rio Tocantins is named now Pseudacanthicus pitanga. The specific name “pitanga” is from the Tupi-Guarini language and means “red” in allusion to the colour of the fins.

L24 wurde beschrieben: Pseudacanthicus pitanga

The scientific paper also discusses the risks of using this fish for the ornamental fish industry. The scientist states that this kind of use is
no danger for wild populations. The only real danger for Pseudacanthicus pitanga are hydroelectric dams that change the water body in a way that it is destroyed for fish that are specialized in fast flowing waters, like L24. However, due to the very wide distribution of P. pitanga in the Tocantins the species is currently not endangered at all.

L24 wurde beschrieben: Pseudacanthicus pitanga

Literature: Chamon, C. C. (2015): Pseudacanthicus pitanga: a new species of Ancestrini (SIluriformes: Loricariidae: Hypostominae) from rio Tocantins Basin, North Brazil. Zootaxa 3973 (2): 309-320

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Butis koilomatodon

26. June 2015

We received this sleeper goby for the first time. The animals originate from Thailand. Some author place this species also in the genus Prionobutis. It attains a maximum length of about 8 cm and is one of the smaller sleepers. Like all Butis species B. koilomatodon is able to swim and hunt in every thinkable position, often upside down. The species can be told apart from its congeneers at the first glimpse by the blunt profile of the head.

Against conspecifics this species is quarrelsome. So one has to keep in them is well structured tanks with a lot of hiding-places. It is not necessary to feed these predatory fish with live food, they readly accept frozen food as well, like Artemia, bloodworm etc.. However, one has to keep in mind that smaller fish, shrimps, etc. will be taken for food by the goby.

Butis koilomatodon has an extremely wide range. It is not only known from the Indo-West-Pacific region, but also from the eastern Pacific, the eastern and the western Atlantic. This distribution clearly shows that the larvae develop in marine environment. The adult goby accepts pure freshwater as easy as pure marine water. However, for the long-time sight we suggest to keep them in brackish environment, eg 5-10 grams salt per litre.

For our customers: the animals have code 414803 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-6

Sinibotia robusta

26. June 2015

Sinibotia robusta

We received beautiful coloured Kansu loaches (Sinibotia robusta) from China. This comparatively peaceful species is best kept at room temperature (18-24°C) without an additional heater. Only very few specimens available!

For our customers: the fish have code 405053 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft China

Sinibotia robusta

26. June 2015

year in June is import season for Botia-like loaches from China. The
genus Sinibotia currently contains six species. The genus Sinibotia
differs from Botia by the presence of three pairs of barbel (two
maxillary, one mandibulary), while in Botia a fourth pair of barbels is
present on the lower lip.

robusta is also known as the Kansu loach. This comparatively peaceful
species is best kept at room temperature (18-24°C) without an additional
heater. Maximum size reported for that species is about 18 cm, but in
the wild most specimens become only 8-10 cm long.

our customers: the fish have code 405053 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only very few specimens

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer  

Corydoras sp. CW 49 and CW 51

25. June 2015

Among the most attractive species of Corydoras that have been imported in the past years is the “New Panda” from Colombia. We obtained the first speciemens in 2010. There do exist two varieties of the species. One has a larger black spot that extends over the middle of the body down in direction of the belly (CW 49), in the other variety this spot is smaller and restricted to the upper half of the body (CW 51). It is said that the two varieties do not appear together in the same habitat, despite the fact that both are collected for the trade in the same river – the Rio Vaupes or its tributaries.

Our finding that both varieties are exported together and that also intermediate animals appear gives a different picture. In any case, CW 49 and CW 51 are with some certainty members of the same species in the zoological sense of the word. But for sure one can imagine that there do exist local varieties of the species. In case one owns both sexes of the same variety and is able to breed with them, he or she should publish the results in respect of the coloration of the offspring. This could help to solve the riddle. At east CW 51 is said to have been bred successful already, but no details are yet available to us.

According o informations published on Ian Fuller´s page “” (this is also the place where the CW-numbers are given), CW 51 originates from “Brazil/Colombia small creek near the setttlement of Villa Bittencourt on the Brazilian side where the Apaporis merges with the Rio Caquetá (which later – in Brazil, is called Rio Içá)”. (Information provided by Heiko Bleher). The very same source gives “Colombia, a small creek which enters the Rio Içá very near the Indian settlement Boa Vista, on the middle of the Rio Içá, also left bank.” for CW 49.

However, it is extremely likely that the species are by far more widespread than these informations seem to suggest. So let´s stay curious!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Venezuela
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus: L1

25. June 2015

L-numbers are for many people simply synonyms for Loricariids. But one should remember that they have been cooked up only in 1988! L-numbers were given for species that have not been determined scientifically yet. The very first L-number, L1 (or L001, although nobody would have dreamed of hundreds of L-numbers initially) has been applied on a nice pleco that is now known under the name of Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus.

Once these fish were rather expensive, but this was long ago. Today they are bred in large numbers in Southeast Asia. Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus can become 25-30 cm long. Of course large specimens are eaten in Asia, but here most people prefer to keep large fish in large tanks. Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus is a peaceful species and a perfect algae eater.

For our customers: the animals have code 26480-L001 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / Bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-6

Polypterus delhezi

15. June 2015

Polypterus delhezi Polypterus delhezi Polypterus delhezi

The bichir fishes – Polypterus – are animals of ancient ages. They already existed 60 million years ago. Among the particularities of the bichirs belongs the fact that they breath with a lung and that the pectoral fins are placed at the end of muscular stalks that can be moved like little arms.

Some species of bichir become quite large: 80-90 cm. But others stay much smaller. Among the latter is Polypterus delhezi from the Congo, which attains a maximum length of 30-35 cm. The species has a quite pretty pattern. P. delhezi is bred in large numbers in Indonesia, where these ancient fish remind the aquarists in dragons. But wild collected animals are only rarely available.

So we are glad that we could manage once more an importation from the Congo which contains some wild collected Polypterus delhezi.

For our customers: the animals have code 163003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Polypterus: means “with many fins” (this refers to the numerous finlets on the back). delhezi: dedication name for M. Delhez

Suggestion of a common name: Barred Bichir

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft DR Kongo / DR Congo
Verfügbare Größe in cm 12-15

Tucanoichthys tucano

10. June 2015

Tucanoichthys tucano

we are able to offer this tiny, very nice and extremely rare dwarf
tetra once more. We have both wild collected and German bred ones in

This tiny little species attains a maximum length of
around 2 cm and is thatfore an ideal fish for nano aquaria.
Tucanoichthys lives endemic in the upper Rio Negro basin, to be more
precise in the Rio Uaupes. Fishes from that region should be kept in
very soft, strongly acidic water (pH 5). The water should be coloured
brownish with humidic acids. Males have red in the caudal and anal fin,
which is missing in females.

In dark aquaria the pastel, but shining colours of the fish are presented best.

our customers: the animals have code 298923 (wild) and 298933 (bred) on
our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale
trade. Available in limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Rhamphichthys hahni

26. May 2015

Rhamphichthys hahni Rhamphichthys hahni Rhamphichthys hahni

Yesterday we received for the first time ever an extremely unusual species of knifefish from Paraguay: Rhamphichthys hahni. We obtained three specimens of about 20-30 cm length. Despite the fact that the species has been described in the year 1937 already it has been overlooked by most of the following scientists. The photos posted here are only snapshots of our freshly imported specimens, but due the rarity of these fish we want to present them to you immediately.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Corydoras: Top rarities from Colombia

26. May 2015

obtained a number of sample specimens (only one specimen per species)
of Corydoras from the Rio Vaupes in Colombia. Some of them are real
rarities, others are better known already.

of the well known species is Corydoras osteocarus. This species cannot
be confused with any other Corydoras. The species attains a maximum
length of about 5 cm.

sp. CW 49 is a very pretty individual variety of the species C. sp. CW
51. The latter is currently quite often imported. It attains a length of
about 6 cm.

sp. CW 107 reminds one strongly in Corydoras davidsandsi. We think that
CW 107 belongs to the very same species as Corydoras sp. CW 91.

long snouted sibling species to CW 107 is Corydoras sp. CW 106. This
fish belongs most probably to the same species as Corydoras sp. CW 89.

evelynae is one of the most wanted species of Corydoras, but hardly
ever available. The appearance of this species in Colombia has been
published by Mojica et al. (2005): Peces de la Cuenca del Rio Amazonas
en Colombia: Región de Leticia. Bioto Combiana 6 (2): 191-210. C.
evelynae has been described from the upper Amazon in Brazil initially.

most sensational species is for sure a Corydoras that looks quite
similar to a group of Corydoras known so far from Peru only: Corydoras
fowleri, C. coriatae, and C. semiaquilus. In fact, C. semiaquilus is
listed for Colombia by Mojica et al.. However, our recently imported
fish looks quite different from what we know as the “Peru Black”, which
has been identified as Corydoras semiaquilus until now. So we think that
a lot of research has still to be done.

Sadly all these
Corydoras are very expensive and so they will hardly appear in near
future in good numbers in the ornamental fish market. But it is
nevertheless good to know that such beauties exist.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Xiphophorus variatus Rio Pantepec

26. May 2015

For the first time ever we can offer this very interesting wild form of the variable platy in small numbers. The original stock of this variety has been collected in the Rio Pantepec in Mexico (state of Veracruz). The pattern differs a lot individually – a typical feature of Xiphophorus variatus – but the vertical bars shown by the males are very obvious. The tail pattern is variable. Besides animals without any tail pattern also halfmoon or even moon complete specimens appear. The number of spots in the caudal fin, another interesting feature of this population, differs also individually.

Of course these wild forms cannot compete with the artificially bred sports in respect of coloration. But for friends of livebearers this platy is a highly welcome addition to the available forms. One should breed it in pure strain and not cross with other platys.

For our customers: the fish have code 442985 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only!
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / Bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-5

Pseudancistrus sp. LDA 32/L259/L321 Rio Tapajós

19. May 2015

four syntopically occuring forms of Pseudancistrus are reported from
the Rio Tapajós. They differ from each other by minor differences in
respect of coloration and proportions. L321 is the comparatively
flattest of them, has small dots and a reddish seam at the caudal fin.
LDA32 and L259 are a bit deeper bodied and have larger spots. The border
of the caudal fin is yellow. In P. sp. “Tapajós” (this form did never
receive a L-number, see Mergus Wels Atlas Vol 2, page 911 for a photo)
the border of the caudal fin is white. However, these differences are
comparatively vague and do not allow an exact determination when looking
on a single specimen. Coloration differs individually and the size of
the spots is decreasing when the fish get older. We have listed the
specimens from our current importation from the Rio Tapajós as L259.

attractive fish are feeding basically, as can be clearly recognized by a
look in the mouth, on Aufwuchs. Males can be very aggressive against
other males. Despite the fact that these fish can attain a maximum
length of about 20-25 cm, specimens of only 10 cm already show the
sexual dimorphism. The photographed animal, a male, is about 10 cm long
and has already the genus-specific bristles (odontodes) around the

For our customers: the animals have code 26480-L 259-2 on
our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Ancistrus sp. Black Rio Negro (L88)

19. May 2015

We received a good number of pure black Ancistrus from the Rio Negro. These have no clearly visible markings, except one: a deepblack spot on the basis of the dorsal fin. This somewhat unspectacular, but characteristic feature made finally the determation possible. Our fish belong to the species named “L88” or Anstrus sp. Black (the latter in Mergus Wels Atlas, Vol. 2: 284). Otherwise there are only unclear, light zones on the back of the fish, which are more or less clearly visible, depending on the mood of the animal.

Even though the species has no white seams, spots or so it looks very interesting and somewhat ancient!

For our customers: the species has code 204561 (4-6 cm) and 204562 (6-8 cm) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-8

Wild Guppy Rio Morichal

12. May 2015

The wild guppy from the Rio Morichal in Venezuela is also known as “orange line” among the specialists for wild forms of livebearers. These fish are a very tiny and slender variety of wild guppy, but not an artificial sport. In contrast to other wild populations of the guppy this one is known to be a bit sensitive. One should always take care that the bacterial content of the water column is as low as possible. Orange lines will get very fast very sick if this basic rule is neglected! These little jewels are perfect nano fish for experienced hobbyists.

For our customers: the animals have code 419115 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / Bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Corydoras sp.

12. May 2015

Another extremely rarely imported Corydoras species reached us from Peru. The unusual popular name of the scientifically undescribed species is due to the coloration, especially the dark triangle in the neck. This reminds one very much to the odd type of headdress worn by Gustaf Gründgens in his legendary production of Goethe´s Faust, where he played the Mephisto.

Among Cory enthusiasts the species has the code CW7. Our fish come from the basin of the Rio Jurua. It is a very lively species that didn´t want to sit still even in the photo-tank.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-6

Corydoras sp.

12. May 2015

longsnouted and saddle-nosed Corydoras appear in the wild either
solitary or in small schools. This is the reason why they are much more
difficult to collect than the round-nosed Corydoras which most often
live in very large swarms. This fact makes the longsnouted and
saddle-nosed Corydoras much more expensive and also more desired by
Corydoras specialists. Longsnouted, saddle-nosed and round-nosed
Corydoras are not close relatives to each other and even belong to
different genera, despite that fact that they are traditionally still
grouped under Corydoras.

advantage for the longsnouted and saddle-nosed Corydoras in imitating
the coloration of the round-snouted Corydoras is the fact that predators
that feed on fish will avoid the spiny Corydoras after the first trial.
So longsnouted and saddle-nosed Corydoras profit from the bad
experiences fish-eaters make with the common round-nosed species. This
phenomenon – eg imitatiting the coloration of another species – is
called mimicry in biology.

A quite rare saddle-nosed species is known to imitate Corydoras reynoldsi from Colombia (see The saddle-nosed species as known as the “reynoldsi longnose” or “CW12” in the hobby (see also
Now we were able for the first time ever to import a larger group of
that pretty fish. This enables us to study the variation in the species.
And indeed, there is a lot of variation! Besides animals that look like
regular CW12 also very light, almost patternless specimens appear. Were
there not the intermediate morphs also present, no one would hesitate
to proclaim these fish to belong to different species!

most probably all the CW12 and the light fish belong to the very same
species, namely Corydoras septentrionalis and are only ecological sports
of that species.

For our customers: the fish have code 243655 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pseudanos winterbottomi

8. May 2015

received this nice headstander in the past years only very occasionally
in single specimens as bycatch from Venezuela. Most often the specimens
were intermixed in shipments of Anostomus ternetzi or Pseudanos
trimaculatus. Finally we were able to import directly a number of the
beautiful species.

winterbottomi can reach a length of about 15 cm; so it belongs to the
group of medium-sized headstanders. The experiences we made with the
formerly imported single specimens showed that this species can be kept
like all other headstanders: they love well planted, large aquaria with a
lot of hiding places.

chemical composition of the water is of no meaning. One should keep
these fish at temperatures between 26 and 28°C. The best company are
other headstanders, like the already mentioned species, but P.
winterbottomi can also be kept with other, peaceful tetras, cichlids and
catfish. One should keep in mind that headstanders need some vegetables
in their food, otherwise they will destroy waterplants. The species
accepts readily any usual food for ornamental fishes.

our customers: the species has code 283744 on our stocklist. Please
note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in
limited numbers only!

Lexicon: Pseudanos: means “false
Anostomus”. winterbottomi: dedication name for Richard Winterbottom,
curator emeritus for ichthyology at the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada.

Suggestion of a common name: Striped Bambi Headstander

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pelvicachromis humilis and close relatives from Guinea (3): Pelvicachromis humilis SIERRA LEONE & P. signatus

30. April 2015

this very attractive variety both sexes have a bright yellow basic
colour. In males, the caudal fin is spotted, ventral fins and anal fin
are red. An unique feature for this form is the eye. The upper half of
the iris is bright red in males and brass in females!

For our customers: the fish have code 559604 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pelvicachromis signatus

form has been described as a separate species on its own in 2004. It
can be recognized at the first glimpse due to the unique spotted pattern
of the female. They have a block spot in the centre of the dorsal fin
and another black spot on the caudal peduncle. The males look not that
different from other P.-humilis-relatives, but can nevertheless always
identified by the coloration of the dorsal fin: and red-and-white seam
and dark dots in the dorsal fin cannot be found in any other

For our customers: the fish have code 560454 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pelvicachromis humilis and close relatives from Guinea (2): Pelvicachromis humilis DIKINYAH and FALESADE

29. April 2015

variety has the following characteristics: in males, the caudal fin is
yellow without any pattern, the ventral fin blue and the dorsal fin has a
red border. The horizontal stripe seems to be composed of spots. The
dorsal fin of the female is bright yellow and has black spots in the
upper backward part of the spiny part of the dorsal. The change of
coloration in excited females is dramatically. The initially yellow face
mask changes over green to almost black, the horizontal stripe
disappears and the belly glows in yellow-pink.

For our customers: the fish have code 559533 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pelvicachromis humilis “Falesade”

impressive variety is almost identical with P. humilis “Dikinyah”.
Males differ from that variety by the colour of the anal fin, which is
red flamed in “Falesade”. Both sexes of “Falesade” have a violet tinge
all over the body.

should keep all these P.-humilis relationship in spacy aquaria with
fine sand as bottom and caves for breeding. It is important to keep them
not too warm: 22-24°C are the best choice.

For our customers: the animals have code 559593 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Moenkhausia agnesae

27. April 2015

received once more fantastic large Moenkhausia agnesae from Peru. This
is a larger species that can be kept ideally along with cichlids and
catfish. Maximum length reported from M. agnesae is about 8 cm.

this species has been often confused with M. simulata. However, the
horizontal stripes in M. simulata are all black, whereas in M. agnesae
these stripes are reddish in the upper portions of the body. For more
pictures of M. agnesae, please see

For our customers: the fish have code 268575 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Moenkhausia agnesae

27. April 2015

We received this wonderful tetra from Peru. Moenkhausia agnesae is only very rarely available. The species attains a maximum length of about 8 cm. One should keep this tetra, which is sometimes a bit quarrelsome, alnong with other medium sized tetras, cichlids etc..

Our imported fish have almost show size and show breathtaking colours.

For our customers: the fish have code 268575 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-7

Uaru amphiacanthoides SANTAREM

27. April 2015

more we were able to import four wonderful specimens. They have 16-20
cm total length. One specimen, most probably a male, is obviously in
mood for breeding: it reacts quite harsh against the photographer!

For our customers: the fish have code 688496 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Pipa parva

27. April 2015

Pipa parva Pipa parva Pipa parva Pipa parva

The Dwarf Suriname Toad from Venezuela is a real rarity in aquaria. We have a new breeder that is able to offer us some specimens every now and then. At the first glimpse they nice animals remind one on Dwarf Clawed Frogs (Hymenochirus). However, like all other Pipa species, P. parva has ramifications on the top of each finger, which always allow a correct identification.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred

Glossolepis dorityi „Lake Nenggwambu“

22. April 2015

Glossolepis dorityi also originates from West Papua, like Melanotaenia rubrostriata „Dekai Village“ (see
Males attain a maximum length of about 15 cm, females stay smaller.
Sadly the females have only quite dull colours. Males need about one
year to reach a length of 7-8 cm. At that size they already display a
real firework of splendid colours, which fascinate any observer. It is
hard to believe that a person might exist that is not fascinated by
displaying males of Glossolepis dorityi „Lake Nenggwambu“!

fins seem to burst when the males circle around  each other and the
females. The latter are led into the plantation where they spawn. These
continuous spawners daily spawn some eggs. Over one weeks the breeder
can obtain more than 100 eggs from one male and two females. The newly
hatched larvae must be fed with infusoria or likewise small food,
because Artemia nauplii are much to large for them. Glossolepis dorityi
„Lake Nenggwambu“ does best at comparatively high water temperatures
(28°C), medium hard water, a pH around 7 and a water change on a regular
basis. Then they become literally “underwater jewels”!

For our customers: the fish have code 417122 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Thomas Weidner

Geophagus cf. altifrons „Rio Araguari“

20. April 2015

At the first glimpse one would doubtless place this fish to G. altifrons. However, there are differences. Up to a length of about 10 cm this new variety exhibits exclusively a pattern of vertical double-bars and has a comparatively large lateral spot. The dark zone between operculum and lateral spot, which is so characteristic for G. altifrons, is lacking. So the fish should better named Geophagus cf. altifrons „Rio Araguari“.

The parents of the fish we currently have in stock have been imported by Aquarium Glaser in March 2014 via Amapa. They bred successful in the aquarium and proofed to be ovophilous, maternal mouthbrooders. This eartheaters should be kept in soft and slightly acidic water. Regular water changes are necessary and an intense, beautiful coloration of the fish shows that these water changes are highly appreciated. The same can be said for comparatively high water temperatures. Fish that are kept under these conditions will readily breed in the aquarium.

For our customers: the fish have code 670352 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Thomas Weidner

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred

Uca vocans

17. April 2015

Fiddler crabs are always something very special. They live along the border of water and land. During the tide they hide in wholes in the sand. At low water the come out of their hiding places and search for food that the water left behind.

The males display their mighty claw to impress the females, but this also is used to awe other males. Within the very same species males exist, in which the left claw or the right is enlarged.

Currently we were able to import some males from Thailand that exhibit extraordinary large claws, which gain even humans respect!

For our customers: the animals have code 489704 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand

Crenicara cf. punctulatum Lake Tapana

17. April 2015

It was only quite recently that we were able to import Crenicara puntulatum from Peru. We reported on that importation here:
Now we received fully grown specimens from Brazil with an information
on the collection site: Lake Tapana. These fish differ in some points
from all so far described populations of Crenicara punctulatum.

The males have
strongly enlarged fins and in both sexes an orange spot above the
operculum can be extant. The pattern of the operculum reminds one rather
in the closely related species Crenicara latruncularium, but the fin
formula is identical with C. punctulatum. This new population (or
species) of Crenicara is in any case very attractive.

our customers: the animals have code 669014 on our stocklist. Please
note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very
limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Melanotaenia rubrostriata „Dekai Village“

15. April 2015

village named Dekai is located in West Papua (formerly: Irian Jaya) in
the district of Yahukimo. It seems to be a real hotspot for extremely
beautiful species of rainbowfish. Many species and local varieties have
been collected there in the past years and brought to the tanks of
enthusiasts. This applies also for this variety of M. rubrostriata. It
really doesn´t matter from a hobbyists point of view if one prefers to
see M. rubrostriata (Ramsay & Ogilby, 1886) as a full species or
only as a subspecies of M. splendia. In the latter case it has to be
named M. splendida rubrostriata.

real great importance is the water quality for this fish. The water
should be changed as often as possible. At temperatures of 24-28°C,
medium hard water and a pH around 7 the fish will readily spawn. For
spawning fine plant material is needed, like Myriophyllum, Java Moss
etc.. Here the eggs are deposited.

One should never keep
different species of Melanotaenia or other rainbowfishes together,
because in the aquarium this would lead to unwanted hybrids.

For our customers: the fish have code 428652 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Thomas Weidner

Paramesotriton chinensis

13. April 2015

Springtime is the time for amphibians. In Germany toads, frogs, and newts leave their winter lairs and turn back to the ponds where they have been born to spawn. The very same happens in other parts of the world that have a similar climate. So we now get newts from China sometimes.

Paramesotriton chinensis is a very warty, but attractive newt that becomes about 12-15 cm long. Similar to the better known species of Pleurodeles and Cynops, Paramesotriton chinensis prefers to live in the water the whole year through. Only when the temperature becomes to high they leave the water and hide on land. So the regular temperature should not become higher than 18-20°C. Against conspecifics this species of newt is peaceful. Their tank should imitate a brook in a wood. The water must be always very clean and clear and should have a good current. However, one must take care that the somewhat clumsy newts cannot be sucked and hurt by the filter. The aqua-terrarium for newts always has to be perfectly covered, because newts can walk even on vertical glasses!

For our customers: the animals have code 485933 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft China
Verfügbare Größe in cm 12-15

Trigonostigma heteromorpha Blue and Gold

10. April 2015

Harlequin barb (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) belongs to the most popular
ornamental fish worldwide. The beautiful colours and the peaceful mood
make them ideal inhabitants of a community tank. One can hardly believe
today that once it was impossible to breed that species. In the 1930ies
the breeders hard to learn that water chemistry can be very important
for the breeding of fish and they learned it from the harlequin barb!
Nowadays millions and millions of that beautiful fish leave the breeding
farms each year.

it is not surprising that over the years also mutants appeared that
were also bred from then on. The two best known are the blue and the
golden sports. Despite the coloration they show no difference to the
wild form: they are beautiful and peaceful community fish that should
always be kept in small schools.

For our customers: “Blue” has
code 452523, “Gold” code 452563 on our stocklist. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Copadichromis borleyi Kadango Red Fin

7. April 2015

Copadichromis borleyi is a species of cichlid that inhabits Lake Malawi. It is found there pretty widespread. Males obtain a maximum length of 18 cm, females stay smaller and become only 15 cm long. The addition “Kadango” to the scientific name refers to a place in the south-east of Lake Malawi.

Copadichromis are planctivorous fishes and feed readily on any type of usual fishfood. As most cichlids of Lake Malawi they are maternal mouthbrooders.

It is very interesting to observe the change of coloration in this species. Juveniles and females have a dark body and bright orange to red fins. When the males become sexually active they change the coloration drastically. At first they look a bit like Placidochromis electra, but what follows places them among the most colorful fish species in Lake Malawi at all as can be seen on the photos.

For our customers: the fish have code 514732 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4 - 8

Poptella paraguayensis

7. April 2015

An ornamental fish has not be necessarily colourful to be a beautiful aquarium inhabitant. At least it is hard to believe that anyone would keep Discus tetras due to their colours. There are several species of Discus tetra, all quite similar to each other. We were now able to import one of them, Poptella paraguayensis, from Paraguay. They are large, about 8 cm long, beautiful animals.

As in most other silvery fish the scales sometimes look splendid silver, sometimes rather golden and in some instances the guanine of the scales does not reflect any light and then the scales look greenish. A dark or reflecting horizontal stripe can be seen under some light conditions over two thirds of the body and tail.

As already mentioned: no one would buy this fish for the colours. But the large size and the unusual body shape makes them perfect contrast fish for community tanks. Despite their size Discus tetras are peaceful fish. The colours of other aquarium inhabitants – Aphyocharax species are a good choice for example and fit perfectly from a geographical point of view – seem to be much more intensive when a silvery contrast fish is kept along with them.

For our customers: the animals have code 281715 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Paraguay
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6 - 8

Telmatherina bonti (2)

23. March 2015

The Malili lake system on Sulawesi (former Celebes) is home of spectacular shrimps, snails and mussels which are exported for the hobby. Now the import of an endemic atherinoid species was successful, namely Telmatherina bonti. Like many atherinoides of the Malili lakes this species is polychromatic, which means that males and females appear in different sports. In T. bonti, which by the way differs from all other Telmatherina species by lacking filamentous extensions in the first dorsal fin rays, yellow, white and yellow-white individuals exist. In nature they occur in mixed schools and there is no sexual preference observable (in the sense that yellow females prefer to mate with yellow males for example). So these sports are definitely not races or subspecies. The meaning of the polychromatism is unknown.

In the aquarium, T. bonti, which can grow to approx. 8cm length, is a very peaceful and lively fish. Keeping is easy, if one considers that the water in the Malili lakes is always rather warm (approx. 28°C) and its pH value is always over 8. Both should be simulated in the aquarium. All usual dry and frozen fishfood is taken readily. Eggs are laid in plants. The fish are permanent spawners. Telmatherina bonti excites with its lively nature and the constant courtship. It never gets boring to watch a school of this fish – and it should always be a school!

For our customers: the fish has code 461235 on our stocklist.Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Telmatherina: the word “telma” is ancient Greek and means “swamp”; Atherina is another genus of fish. bonti: after the indigenous name applied to the fish at Towuti lake: “bonti-bonti”.

Suggestion of a common name: Towuti Rainbowfish

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indonesien / Indonesia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Neocaridina davidi Black Choco Shrimp

17. March 2015

Neocaridina davidi Black Choco Shrimp Neocaridina davidi Black Choco Shrimp Neocaridina davidi Black Choco Shrimp

The most popular and easy to keep dwarf shrimp for the freshwater aquarium, Neocaridina davidi, has another new dress: pitchblack! Of course there do exist already black sports of other species of dwarf shrimp, but N. davidi has against other species the big advantage that N. davidi is extremely tolerant against different temperatures. Other species of dwarf shrimp still bear the heritage of their wild living ancestors, which prefer rather cool water. Of course led the breeding over generations and generations of aquarium shrimp to more tolerant stocks, but non is as hardy as Neocaridina davidi.

N. davidi can be kept year-in year-out at temperatures as high as 26-28°C, if the keeper wishes to do that. But it also can be kept without any heater if that is desirable. The species is simply an artist of survival and the Black Choco differs in nothing from the red, yellow, blue or striped conspecifics except the coloration.

For our customers: the Black Choco Shrimp has code 485201 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 1-2

Neolamprologus pulcher

17. March 2015

Deep inside of even the straightest democrat seems to live a small royalist. How can it be explained otherways that extraordinary beautiful species of ornamental fish so often get royal popular names? The first Neolamprologus with a lunate tail fin with long filaments was imported around 1958. It very soon was called the “Princess of Burundi”.

The Princess is a very recommendable aquarium fish. The species stays small (maximum length around 10 cm), is comparably peaceful, does not destroy plants and displays a fantastic type of broodcare. The parents (both are involved) defend mainly the territory. If young fish survive they stay for quite a long time inside their parents´ territory. These youngster help to take care for their younger siblings. It is a fascinating look to observe such a school of fish of different ages.

There was some confusion about the correct scientific name of the species. In fact, three closely related species were known at the time from Lake Tanganyika: Neolamprologus savoryi, N. brichardi, and N. pulcher. They are so closely related that they were described only as subspecies of N. savoryi initially. Today we know that there does a good number of additional, similar species exists. The Princesses with a high degree of yellow colour belong to the species Neolaprologus pulcher. They can be quite easy told apart from the in all other respects extremely similar species N. brichardi by a broad yellow stripe under the eye. The high degree of yellow colour led to the additional popular name “daffodil” for that species.

Currently we have very nice German bred Neolamprologus pulcher in stock. In the wild, this species is restricted to a comparatively small area in the extreme south of Lake Tanganyika. The type locality is Kasanga on the southeastern coast, the place belongs to Tanzania.

For our customers: the fish have code 555303 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Coenobita rugosus

11. March 2015

From Taiwan we were able to import beautiful land hermits. They belong to the species Coenobita rugosus, which can be recognized by the ridge-like swellings on the upper edges of the claws. The colour is very variable and can be grey, brown or reddish. Like all Coenobita species the animal likes to live in groups. They are omnivorous and can be fed easily with flake food for fish and several vegetables. It is necessary to feed always dried leaves (oak, beech etc.). In one bowl one has to offer daily changed fresh water, in another one seawater. The terrarium should be filled 10 cm high with a mixture of sand and garden earth. It is necessary that the ground is high enough to allow the animals to burrow themselves completely. Otherwise they are unable to moult.

For more informations please see Aqualog book „All about shrimps, crayfishes, & crabs in the fresh-and brackish-water aquarium and paludarium“

For our customers: the animals have code-number 483212. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Taiwan
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Bilious green silver dollars!!!!

6. March 2015

Yesterday arrived a species of fish in our fishhouse that makes us rub our eyes constantly. But it is no illusion: the fish – they are currently between
4 and 8 cm long – really all have that bilious green basic coloration! The animals are wild collected ones from Peru, so we can exclude the possibility that a tricky exporter may have coloured the fish artificially. Better photos will follow next week, when the fish have settled down a bit.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Biotodoma cupido COARI

3. March 2015

Coari is one of the largest cities in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. From the hobbyist´s point of view, Coari is famous for its wonderful Green Discus. Now we received for the first time ever Biotodoma from Brazil which were said to have been collected nearby Coari. Even immediately after the importation the fish showed an extraordinary coloration. In first instance the rusty-red, horizontal stripe over the shoulder was very obvious. And also the eyespot on the back of the fish – a genus-typical feature – looks very strange and has in all our specimens the shape of a headstanding comma. We think that possibly the Biotodoma from Coari do even represent a species new to science!

For our customers: the fish have code 634024 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Aphanius vladykovi BOLDAJI

24. February 2015

Members of the killifish-genus Aphanius appear only in Europe, North Africa, and Asia. In the aquarium hobby they are really rarely seen, and can be hardly ever found in a regular pet shop. Sadly many of the currently 22 accepted species and subspecies are in danger of extinction due to habitat destruction. This is a main reason why some specialized aquaristis decided to breed them as an conservation act. And this is the source how we now received some specimens belonging to three species, one of them Aphanius vladykovi.

Aphanius vladykovi inhabits only a small area in Iran, the exact collecting site of the strain we can offer is Boldaji. This beautiful fish attains a maximum length of 5-6 cm and is one of the easier to keep species of the genus. Many species of Aphanius need the changing temperatures in the wild and do not thrive well in indoor aquaria; also some Aphanius need salt and full strength sunlight. But not so A. vladykovi.

This fish is kept best in groups in large tanks with a lot of plants. Here one can enjoy the wonderful displays of the males. The tolerance for water temperatures is very high, from 12°C-32°C. So one can keep the fish in summertime also in outdoor tanks. Fish brought back from there in the room-aquarium most often show breathtaking colours and are very healthy.

For our customers: the fish have code 300853 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in small numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Apistogramma gephyra Bred

24. February 2015

Do you know the difference between Apistogramma gephyra and A. agassizii? No? Well, you are in good company with that! Both species are really difficult to tell apart. They also appear at least in some places together in the natural habitat, so the origin is of no help. Both species never hybridize in the wild. This is the best evidence that they represent really two different species.

The best way to tell the two species apart is to look at the dorsal fin of adult males. In A. gephyra there is a red seam in that fin, which hardly ever appears in A. agassizii males.

Currently we have some fully grown specimens of German bred A. gephyra in stock. They have been bred by a enthusiast who is really deep in Apistogramma. These fishes give the lie to the often heard sentence “Apistogramma gephyra looks like a colourless A. agassizii”, for – as you can see from the pictures – these A. gephyra are really beautiful fishes!

Keeping Apistogramma gephyra is problem-free. Only for breeding purposes it is often necessary to use very soft, acidic water. Like all Apistogramma species A. gephyra needs a gravel in the tank that is composed at least in some places of fine sand.

For our customers: the animals have code 619513 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-8

Polycentropsis abbreviata

16. February 2015

Polycentropsis abbreviata means roughly translated “short and similar to Polycentrus”. In fact the African Leaffish looks very similar to Polycentrus schomburgkii from South America. Both species witness the existence of the ancient super continent Gondwana. Gondwana was formed from what is now South America, Africa, India, Australia, and Antarctica. South America drifted away from Gondwana about 100 million years ago. The ancestor of the small leaffishes – both species, the African as well as the South American become only about 8 cm long – must have existed already at that time and most probably it looked very much alike the recent species.

Polycentropsis abbreviata is known as the “African Leaffish”. The camouflage as a dead leaf is really astonishing. So the fish drifts around and preys on small fish and shrimps, which are caught with the very large evertable mouth. The ability to change coloration is amazing. The very same specimen can change within seconds from marbled to light beige or even almost black. Even very small leaffishes can do that.

The broodcare of the African Leaffish is also remarkable. The male builds a kind of bubble nest under a broad leaf of a plant. This is similar to the bubblenest of the anabantoid fish, but the peculiar bubbles are larger. Here the fish spawn. The male alone takes care for eggs and newly hatched larvae. The broodcare ends when the youngsters swim free. Sadly the sexes can be only hardly told apart. Females tend to stay a bit smaller and have a smaller head.

The African Leaffish is only very rarely offered. The species needs to be fed with live food items like White Moskito larvae, large Daphnia, small earthworms, Tubifex and small feeder fish. Anyone who is able and willing to fulfill this demand will find the African Leaffish a fascinating study subject.

For our customers: the fish have code 162004 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nigeria
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-7

Labeo coubie

9. February 2015

The great variety of species of Labeo from Africa is hardly known in the hobby. Even for scientists the determination is difficult. Only in 1990 a new species was detected in the Niger basin! This brings the number of Labeo-species known from the Niger to four: Labeo parvus, L. roseopunctatus, L. senegalensis, and L. coubie.

Recently we were able to import beautiful Labeo coubie from Nigeria. This species can attain a maximum length of 75 cm and a weight of up to 5 kg. Of course such giants appear only every now and then. Most specimens become only 25-30 cm long. Nevertheless the fish is suited for large aquaria only.

Our fish are currently 10-15 cm long. The smallest show a fade caudal spot, which is not present in larger conspecifics anymore. The bigger the fish are the larger is the dorsal fin. In our largest specimens it is a wonderful, sailshaped fin! Against conspecfics the fish are quarrelsome, as it is known from the whole relationship of the Labeo and Epalzeorhynchus group. However, they do not hurt each other. But one should keep them either solitary or in larger groups in the aquarium. It is very unlikely that two or three specimens together will do well on a long time sight.

At the first glimpse the fish seem to be of grey colour, but look nevertheless nice. This is due to a purple red spot of each scale. Also the membranes of the fins have a purplish shine.

For our customers: the animals have code 142253 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Labeo: this name refers to the enlarged lips of the members of that genus. coubie: after the vernacular name of the species on the fish market in Cairo (Egypt) from where the type specimens originate.

Common name: African carp

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nigeria
Verfügbare Größe in cm 10-15

Platy Pepper & Salt Rainbow

3. February 2015

start in the new week with an extremely pretty salt & pepper sport
of the platy. Each individual has a somewhat different colour. Some are
rather red, other rather blue, most are a mix: rainbows! This new sport
is a real and beautiful enrichment of the assortment!

For our customers: the fish have code 441903 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Anostomus ternetzi

2. February 2015

The golden striped headstander, Anostomus tenetzi, has a very wide distribution in South America. It is recorded from Brazil, French Guyana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela. The specimens on which the original descritption based, originated from Venezuela, and we were able to import them from there once more.

This beautiful fish is among the most peaceful species of headstander at all. It stay smaller than Anostomus anostomus. The latter can become more than 16 cm long, while A. ternetzi attains a maximum length of about 12 cm only.

In very young specimens of A. ternetzi the broad band along the body has wavy edges; it looks as if it would be composed of many, merged spots. Later these edges become straight in many specimens, but in others it stays wavy. Possibly this is a secondary sexual character. It is known from many species of fish that the female´s pattern is more similar to the juvenile pattern than in males.

The shipment contained as an extremely rare bycatch one specimen of the only 2005 described species Pseudanos winterbottomi. This means that both species occur syntopically. P. winterbottomi can grow larger than 15 cm. The single specimen is sold already, we present it to you only due to its rarity.

For our customers: Anostomus ternetzi has code 206001 on our stocklist. Pleaee note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Anostomus: means “the one with the upturned mouth”. ternetzi: dedication name for Carl Ternetz (1870-1928). Pseudanos: means “false Anostomus”. winterbottomi: dedication name for Richard Winterbottom, curator emeritus for ichthyology at the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada.

Common name for Anostomus ternetzi: Golden Striped Headstander

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Venezuela
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-6

Cichlasoma ornatum

2. February 2015

Does something like mythical fish still exist? If so, Cichlasoma ornatum from Colombia and Ecuador for sure belongs to that category. Despite the fact that the species is known to science since 1905 already, only very few specimens ever swam in the tanks of enthusiasts in Europe and the US. Most probably not even a dozen of aquaristis all over the world has ever seen that species alive. The reasons for that are not clear; the few descriptions by people who have seen this cichlid in breeding mood are simply enthusiastic regarding the fantastic colours the fish develop!

We have been able currently to import a small number of specimens, wild collected in Colombia. Maybe finally hobbyists are now successful to establish a breeding stock with these animals. The fish have a pretty coloration, but by far more interesting is the absolutely peaceful behaviour. In fact we cannot remember any species of the Cichlasoma relationship that is so peaceful. All our specimens swim together in the very same tank in our fishhouse without showing any aggression worth mentioning. And even in the small photography tank the pair behaved really gently.

Currently our fish are 6-10 cm long and should be just about mature. There is no well marked sexual dimorphism. The presumed females are a bit paler and have deeper bodies and shorter heads than the presumed males. Maximum size the species can reach is reported with about 30 cm in literature.

For our customers: the fish have code 657153 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very limited numbers only!

Lexicon: Cichlasoma: means “with the body of a Cichla”; Cichla is another genus of cichlid. ornatum: means “decorated”.

Suggestion of a common name: Miracle Cichlid

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien / Colombia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 8-10

Pseudoxiphophorus anzuetoi

26. January 2015

We can offer for the first time ever a very unusual livebearer: Pseudoxiphophorus anzuetoi. Possibly the specimens we currently have in stock are even the first ones traded ever worldwide. This species has been placed formerly (like all other species of Pseudoxiphophorus) in the genus Heterandria due to anatomical reasons. Funny enough, this led to the fact that one of the largest species of livebearer at all, Pseudoxiphophorus bimaculatus, in which the females can attain a maximum length of more than 15 cm, and one of the smallest, namely Heterandria formosa, were placed in the very same genus. Nowadays most scientist follow the opinion that Pseudoxiphophorus represents a genus on its own.

Pseudoxiphophorus anzuetoi originates from Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras, where it inhabits rocky rivers. Our specimens are German bred. The ancestors of them were brought in by a private importation. Pseudoxiphophorus anzuetoi stays much smaller than P. bimaculatus and becomes only 6-7 cm long. Pseudoxiphophorus anzuetoi differs from the (at least by name) much better known congeneric by the attractive blue spots on the head.

For our customers: the fish have code 476763 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only!

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-6

Mustang shrimps arrived!

26. January 2015

the first time we can offer the very pretty, black-and-white “Mustang
Shrimp”. The dwarf shrimps belong – according to the “godfather of dwarf
shrimps”, Werner Klotz – to the species Paracaridina zijinica.
Regarding keeping and breeding they do not differ from the well known
dwarf shrimp “Crystal Red”.

the way: this species of dwarf shrimp, the Crystal Red, which is the
first dwarf shrimp that appeared in the market at all, finally has been
described scientifically under the name of Caridina logemanni Klotz
& van Rintelen, 2014, named in honor for the brothers Logemann, well
known dwarf shrimp breeders.

in the very same work, the also very well known Tiger Shrimp has been
named as Caridina mariae Klotz & van Rintelen, 2014, dedicated to
the wife of Werner Klotz, Maria.

our customers: Paracaridina zijinica has code 485388 on our stocklist.
Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Klotz, W. & T. van Rintelen (2014):
To “bee” or not to be – on some ornamental shrimp from Guangdong
Province, Southern China and Hong Kong SAR, with descriptions of three
new species. Zootaxa 3889 (2): 151-184

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Julidochromis marksmithi

26. January 2015

The cichlids of the genus Julidochromis are among the most popular species of cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Until recently five different species have been recognized. All of them are kept and bred in home aquaria. These are J. dickfeldi, J. marlieri, J. ornatus, J. regani, and J. transcriptus. The most recently described species of those is J. dickfeldi, which has been described scientifically by Wolfgang Staeck in 1975.

For some time already a form of Julidochromis is known in the hobby under various names, because it was not possible to place it doubtless in a speces described already. It was thus named Julidochromis regani “Kipili”, J. ornatus “Kipili” or simply J. sp. “Kipili”. This form has now been described formally under the name of Julidochromis marksmithi. It differs from J. ornatus and J. dickfeldi inter alia by the presence of a dark stripe on the chin (lacking in both J. ornatus and J. dickfeldi) and from J. regani by the presence of only 2.5 longitudinal stripes (vs. 4 longitudinal stripes in J. regani).

The type locality of J. marksmithi is Kerenge Island at the Tanzanian coast of Lake Tanganyika. So far the species is known only from Kipili and the islands nearby (Mvuna Island, Ulwile Is., Kerenge Is., Nkondwe Is.), and the somewhat northern Cape Mpimbwe (Msalaba). Maximum length od the species is usually 8-9 cm, but there are also reports from literature which say that it may reach up to 12 cm.

Burgess, W. E. (2014): Julidochromis marksmithi, A New Species of Julidochromis from the Tanzanian Coast of Lake Tanganyika.Tanganika MAGAZYN nr 15, grudzień 2014: 40 – 49

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred

Panaqolus sp. Alto Nhamunda

26. January 2015

Along with the spectacular Peckoltia sp. “Alto Nhamunda” (see a specimen of Panaqolus reached us, which is very similar to the L-number L374. Very similar is also L403. Both L-numbers most probably represent the same species. One should not forget that a L-number is not given for new species, but for Loricariids exported from a new area. Other, probably conspecific L-numbers are L2 and L169/LDA1.

Both L374 and L403 originate from the Rio Anapu in Brazil. L374 is collected in the upper reaches of that river, L403 in the lower reaches. As the Rio Anapu is divided by waterfalls, which cannot be overcome by fish, it makes sense to distinguish the the two L-numbers in the hobby. On the other hand it is known that the Rio Anapu as it flows today exists only since 6000 years. We tend to forget that everything in nature is in permanent flow and change. It is not known how long it takes for a loricariid develop a new species. So it is possible that all these Panqolus, eg L2 (Rio Tocantins), L169/LDA1 (Rio Negro basin), L374 and L403 (Rio Anapu), and the recently imported fish from the Rio Nhamunda represent the very same biological species, but it is also possible that all these catfish represent different species within one species flock. These questions can be answered only by a scientific study, which is lacking so far.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil

Trigonostigma somphongsi

26. January 2015

The Siamese Dwarf Rasbora (Trigonostigma somphongsi, formerly Rasbora somphongsi) has been described scientifically in 1958 on the basis of specimens that were imported by the ornamental fish trade by the end of 1957 from Thailand. So the exact type locality was unknown from the beginning. In the original description nothing but “Thailand” was mentioned, later, in the more exact scientific description, Meinken wrote that they originate from “southern Menam (Thailand)”.

In the past 20 years the species was thought to be extinct in the wild. In the entrance in the international Red List the author (C. Vidthayanon, 2013) names as area of distribution the basin of the Mae Khlong near Ratchaburi in central Thailand. The species could not be found there anymore due to habitat destruction. The only reason, why the species was consideed as “critically endangered” and not as “extinct in the wild” was the fact that every now and then single specimens were spotted among mixed catches of other ornamental fish species. However, it was not known where these animals had been collected. It was clear: the species still exists! But nobody knew where…..

Now it was finally possible to rediscover the habitat of the fish in the wild again! And we were able now to import successfully some specimen!. Of course collecting small fish in the wild has no influence on natural populations at all. In contrast: it was only due to the interest of enthusiastic hobbyists the the species could be re-discovered again. So conservation acts become possible only now. One can only hope that the authorities do not regulate the trade with live animals (which is completely senseless, as everybody nows, for the trade with live specimens is not a serious treat for wild populations of small fish at all), but hopefully protected areas will be build up. Here the fish should be allowed to be collected, but the nature in its whole would be protected.

Keeping the charming animals in the aquarium is completely undemanding. The fish become only 2-2.5 cm long. Like all the close relatives of the fish (eg the harlequin barbs Trigonostigma heteromorpha, T. espei, and T. hengeli) they spawn on the underside of broad plant leaves. T. somphongsi prefers to live in schools, but for spawning the pairs most often separate themselves from the conspecifics. The males even defend a small spawning territory for a short time. So-called V-tanks are ideally suited for the extensive breeding of this species. Here young fish can be usually separated on a regular basis.

The list of species of ornamental fish that have been discovered by hobbyists and the ornamental fish trade is much enriched by this charming fish. Hopefully it can be also placed on list of species finally safed from extinction, too. We hope that many hobbyists show interest in that fish and ask for it in the pet shops. This would maybe even make a commercial breeding possible, another important step for protection of the species.

For our customers: the fish have code 452888 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Meinken, H. (1958): Rasbora somphongsi, eine neue Zwergrasbora. XXIX. Mitteilungen der Fischbestimmungsstelle des VDA. Die Aquarien- und Terrarienzeitschrift 11 (3): 67-69
Meinken, H. (1958): Rasbora somphongsi nov. spec., eine neue Rasbora aus Siam (Pisces: Cyprinidae, Unterfam. Rasborinae). Opulusca Zoologica Nr. 19 (Oktober 1958): 1-6
Vidthayanon, C. (2013): Trigonostigma somphongsi. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. . Downloaded on 16 January 2015.

Lexicon: Trigonostigma: means “triangle spot”. somphongsi: dedication name for the discoverer and ornamental fish exporter Somphongs. Rasbora: after the vernacular name of one of the species in Bengal.

Suggestion of a common name: Siamese Dwarf Rasbora

Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Aquarium Glaser

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-2,5

Schistura spilota

16. January 2015

Schistura spilota Schistura spilota Schistura spilota Schistura spilota

The loaches of the genus Schistura are spread all over South and Southeast Asia. They have much in common with the catfishes of the genus Corydoras from South America: they are present everywhere and there does exist a large number of species. Schistura spilota from Thailand is one of the largest species at all and reaches up to 12 cm in length. The coloration is very similar to many other species of Schistura: the black-red blotch on the origin of the dorsal fin and the stripes that differ individually a lot. But the size of S. spilota makes it unique.

The males of S. spilota become very dark during breeding season and develop thick cheeks. One should keep these fishes in tanks with a sandy bottom and large plates of stone, under which the loaches burry a cave. Schistura spilota fits good in a community tank with larger and rather sturdy other fish like many types of barb.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-10

Opsarius bernatziki

16. January 2015

For the first time ever we could import this pretty barb from Thailand. At first we thought the fish would belong to the species Opsarius ornatus, but after they has settled all of our fish showed a clearly marked caudal spot, which is typical for O. bernatziki, but lacking in B. ornatus. Another very similar species from Thailand, O. signicaudus, also has a well marked caudal spot, but here it extends on the caudal fin. Some scientists do not see Opsarius as a separate genus, but include all species mentioned here under Barilius.

O. bernatziki can grow to a length of more than 10 cm, but usually stays much smaller (7-8 cm). Regarding the aquarium biology Opsarius can be best compared with Devario. However, Opsarius love a stronger current. So one should keep Opsarius species in a tank that reflects a biotope as it can be found in a brook a small river. All Opsarius are peaceful schooling fish. Male of O. bernatziki can be recognized by the bigger head and larger fins.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Synodontis sorex

16. January 2015

Synodontis sorex Synodontis sorex Synodontis sorex Synodontis sorex

Two weeks ago we presented to you some species of catfish we imported from Nigeria. This wonderful shipment contained also some by-catches, which are species that were send erroneously along with the ordered specimens.

One of these by-catches came with Synodontis clarias. It was the extremely rarely imported species Synodontis sorex. This “Scissortail-Squeaker” has a very unusaul shape of the mouth that looks rather like the suckermouth of a South American Ancistrus than like the typical mouth of a Synodontis. In fact, S. sorex is able to feed very effective from plain surfaces like stones, roots, plant leaves etc..

The animals – a total of seven individuals – were given to a specialist for Synodontis who keeps a very large aquarium. They showed much more schooling behaviour than we are used to see in Synodontis. S. sorex is said to attain a maximum length of more than 40 cm. Adults are uniformly grey and very deep bodied. This is one of the reasons why we gave the fish to a specialist: we are very curious how our fish will develop!!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nigeria
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-7

Farlowella vittata

16. January 2015

The needle suckers of the genus Farlowella are quite specious. To date 27 species are recognized as valid. As many species look very similar to each other the exact determination often proofs to be quite difficult. The 27th species has been described very recently from Colombia (it is the species Farlowella yarigui which has not been imported alive so far). The scientific description of that species is accompanied by a key to identify the 12 species of Farlowella known so far from Colombia. According to that key the most often imported species of Farlowella in the hobby is in fact Farlowella vittata. We currently have a good number of very healthy animals in stock. However, it will take without any doubt quite a long time until the correct name for that fish will be commonly used in the trade. Until now the Farlowella from Colombia has usually been called F. acus. F. acus really occurs in Colombia and is also very similar to F. vittata, but there is one easily recognizable difference between the two species: in F. acus the males develop breeding odontodes (a “beard”) on the snout which is missing in ripe males of F. vittata.

Keepig and even breeding of Farlowella vittata in the aquarium is not difficult. The perfect tank for Farlowella has a fine layer of algae growing on all sides of the tank except the front glass. These algae serve as basic food for the fish. But Farlowella also feed readily on all usual types of dried and frozen fishfood. One must only take care that the needle suckers get enough food, for they are very slow feeders. Plantation of the tank should preferably be composed of plants with broad leaves. F. vittata likes higher temperatures, so the water temperature should be between 26 and 30°C. Hardness and pH are of no meaning for the fish as long as extremes are avoided.

For our customers: the fish have code 253603 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien / Colombia

Pelvicachromis taeniatus

14. January 2015

Once more a change of names of well-known aquarium fishes appeared. The different forms of Pewlvicachromis taeniatus have been regarded for decades as mere colour varieties of the very same biological species. But now a new study has been published which laces almost all “varieties” from Cameroon under the taxon Pelvicachromis kribensis. Only one “variety” from Cameroon has proofed to be so outstanding that a new species, namely P. drachenfelsi has been described for it. This fish was known in the hobby until now under the name of P. taeniatus “Wouri”. The name P. taeniatus should be used from now on only for fishes from Nigeria, but it seems that even this is not the last word to be spoken on that fish.

All species and forms mentioned above are very beautiful, easy to keep aquarium fish. We currently have some wild collected P. kribensis from Cameroon (collected from Nyete, code 562502 on our stocklist, and Bipindi, code 562702) in stock. We also have bred “real” P. taeniatus, a very pretty variety called “Nigeria Red Cheek” (code 562333) and the classic “Nigeria Red” (code 562302). The pictures show wild collected specimens of P. taeniatus that reached us a bycatch from the Benue river in Nigeria. The fit best to the colour variety known as “Nigeria Yellow” in the hobby.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Lamboj, A. , D. Bartel and E. Dell’ampio (2014): Revision of the Pelvicachromis taeniatus-group (Perciformes), with revalidation of the taxon Pelvicachromis kribensis (Boulenger, 1911) and description of a new species. Cybium v. 38 (no. 3): 205-222.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nigeria

Scleropages jardinii and S. leichardti

22. December 2014

Bony tongues (Osteoglossidae) are real old high aristocracy among the
recent fish species. They are witnesses of the ancient super continent
of Gondwana, which included the recent parts of Africa, India, South
America, Antarctica, and Australia. About 150 million years ago this
super continent began to break. The Bony tongues drifted away from each
other like people sitting on rafts. Today we find them spread all over
the world. Three species live in South America (two Osteoglossum and
Arapaima gigas), one in Afrika (Heterotis niloticus), and several
species of Scleropages in Asia and Australia.

Australian species, namely Scleropages jardinii and S. leichardti are
the rarest imported species of the named. Obviously they keep their
quite seasonal breeding time even in the great breeding facilities of
South East Asia, so we can offer them usually only a few weeks per year.
Now is the season for them!

species attain a maximum length of more than 60 cm and are predatory
fish. Agains conspecifics they can be quarrelsome, although they show a
schooling behaviour as long as they are very small. Such large, rare,
and expensive fish should be kept by experienced keepers with an
adequate equipment only.

our customers: the animals have code 454900 (jardinii) and 454912
(leichardti) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply
the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

A new Erythrinus!

17. December 2014

We received for the first time ever a species of Erythrinus from Paraguay which we have never seen before: neither alive nor on pictures. The genus Erythrinus is in urgent need of revision. Currently only two species are recognized as valid. The one is spread almost over the whole of South America: Erythrinus erythrinus. The other one is known so far only from Bahia in Brazil: E. kessleri. However, no pictures are known to exist that show for sure E. kessleri. The scientific description of Steindacher (1877) based on the unique shape of a band of teeth in the palate; no external features are known to distinguish the species otherwise from E. erythrinus.

So we name this fish provisionally Erythrinus sp. Paraguay. The vertical bands in the hind half of the body are very characteristic for the species as well as the dark horizontal stripe on the back of the fish. They can be seen best in smaller individuals (8-10 cm). In our largest fish (12-14 cm, they seem to be fully grown) a broad dark horizontal band develops in the front half of the body. Then the fish look at the first glimpse very similar to Hoplerythrinus unifasciatus, which we obtained also from Paraguay. Leaving anatomical details aside, Hoplerythrinus can be best recognized by the dark stripes running from the eye backwards, whereas the also very characteristic dark horizontal band can fade when the fish is under stress. However, the swimming behaviour of Hoplerythrinus and Erythrinus is completely different. The former is found most of the time in open water, while Erythrinus prefers to sit on the bottom or in dense vegetation.

We could hardly find any sexual dimorphism in our new Eryrthrinus. Usually males of Erythrinus can be easily recognized by the much larger dorsal fin. However, we feel that the males in our new fish have a rather golden opercles (greenish-silvery in females). Moreover the head of the putatively females is more rounded.

Against conspecifics, Erythrinus are really aggressive. So don´t be fooled by the pictures. Such a harmony will hardly ever be seen when the fish are settled. In a long time sight one should keep each fish solitary. Erythrinus are obligatory predators and should be fed with fish.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Peckoltia sp. Alto Nhamunda

17. December 2014

are glad to be able to present to you another jewel by the end of the
week again. We could import last year already a new species of Peckoltia
from the upper Nhamunda River in Brazil, which is also famous for its
pretty discus. This first importation contained only fully grown
specimens (see

This time we received subadults of about 6-8 cm length. And these are really breathtaking beautiful!

For our customers: the fish have code 277332 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Tateurndina ocellicauda

10. December 2014

This wonderful goby originates from Papua-Newguinea, but in the trade almost exclusively bred specimens are available. The fish belongs to the so-called sleeper-gobies. These fish have been named after a reflecting layer over their eyes. This looked for the first observers as if the fish would have closed its eyes for sleep. T. ocellicauda becomes around 5-6 cm long.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht/bred

Parailia pellucida

10. December 2014

Parailia pellucida Parailia pellucida Parailia pellucida Parailia pellucida

The species in our small series on catfishes from Nigeria is – in contrast to the species described so far – always available and it fits perfectly in any community tank: the African Glass Catfish, Parailia pellucida. The maximum length is given with 15 cm in literature; however, we see only very rarely specimens larger than 8 cm.

The African Glass Catfish is no closer relative of the Asian Glass Catfish. The latter belongs to the family of Siluridae, which also contains the European Wels (Silurus glanis), whereas the African species belongs to the family of Schilbeidae. The best known species of Asian Glass Catfish is Kryptopterus vitreolus, see The similar look and behaviour of the glass catfish from African and Asia is due to similar lifestyle and environments, it does not reflect any genetic relationship. This can be compared with birds and bats. Both have wings and can fly, but the are not close relatives to each other.

Externally P. pellucida can be easily recognized by the presence of an adipose fin (absent in Kryptopterus) and eight long barbels around the mouth (only two in Kryptopterus). But in any other respect both types of glass catfish are very similar. They are peaceful plankton feeders that should be always kept in company of their own kind. The fish love well planted tanks with a good number of places to cover and not too strong lightning. The fish feed readily on any type of usual fishfood. They are completely undemanding in respect of water hardness and pH, any water that fits as drinking water for humans will do for the fish.

For our customers: the fish have code 155904 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nigeria
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Synodontis batensoda

1. December 2014

Synodontis batensoda Synodontis batensoda Synodontis batensoda Synodontis batensoda

There does exist a good number of species of Synodontis that tend to swim upside down. The best known species is without any doubt the upside down cat, Synodontis nigriventris from the Congo. Now we were able to import the very rarely offered Synodontis batensoda from Nigeria, which shows a similar behaviour.

It seems to be quite unimportant for the fish in which position it swims actually. But one can see from the very dark coloration of the belly that the upside-down postion is very often used. Species of fish with a “normal” swimming behaviour have light bellies, so they do not contrast much with the sky. Many predatory fish hunt from below, so this coloration is necessary.

S. batensoda attains a length of about 25 cm and should be kept in larger aquaria. The species is quite social and should be never kept alone. S. batensoda will eat small fish, but is usually very peaceful against larger, other species. Formerly S. batensoda was placed in the monotypic genus Brachysynodontis.

For our customers: the fish have code 103003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nigeria
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Pao palembangensis and Dichotomyctere ocellatus

26. November 2014

Pao palembangensis (= Tetraodon palembangensis)

more we were able to import a small number of the most unbelievable
freshwater pufferfish. This species is quite specialized. It occurs only
on Sumatra and Borneo, where it lives in very soft and acidic water.
This puffer is a pure freshwater species that never enters brackish or
marine environments.

unusual pattern on the belly serves to make prey. Pao palembangensis is
a predator that imitates a dead fish while hunting. Then it hangs
around like carrion. If a small fish or a shrimp tries to feed on the
carrion it becomes food itself.

say that the females´ hump on the back is much smaller than the males´
hump. In any way the species has already been bred in aquaria, where it
proofed to be a cave brooder. P. palembangensis attains a maximum length
of 12-15 cm.

both species look totally different, in elder aquarium literature Pao
palembangensis (formerly: Tetraodon palembangensis) has been often
confused with the “Figure eight puffer”, Dichotomyctere ocellatus
(formerly known as Tetraodon biocellatus). The latter attains a maximum
length of about 8 cm and is a brackish water species. Due to this
confusion Pao palembangesis is also known as the “dragon puffer”  in the
international trade.

our customers: Pao palembangensis has code 462555 on our stocklist,
Dichotomyctere ocellatus code 46250. Please note that we exclusively
supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Lepthoplosternum pectorale – Dwarf Hoplosternum

25. November 2014

The Hoplosternum relationship belongs to the plated catfish and and is thus closely related to Corydoras & Co. Like these, they make good and interesting aquarium fishes. Sadly most species become quite large. So, the species of the genus Lepthoplosternum are the best choose for smaller tanks. The maximum size of the members of that genus is about 8 cm, but they are fully mature at a total length of 5 cm already.

We recently could import one of these species now from Paraguay again: Lepthoplosternum pectorale. In elder aquarium books this species is referred to as Hoplosternum pectoralis. Males develop thickened, yellow-orange spines on the pectoral fin. Dwarf Hoplosternum can be kept in the very same manner as it is usual for Corydoras from the same region, like C. paleatus and C. aeneus.

For our customers: the fish have code 259202 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Lepthoplosternum: means “small Hoplosternum”; Hoplosternum is another genus of plated catfish. pectorale: this refers to the thickened spines in the pectoral fin in males of the species.

Suggestion of a common name: Dwarf Hoplosternum

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Paraguay
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-5

Markiana nigripinnis

14. November 2014

received wonderful, large (8-10 cm) specimens of this extraordinary
species of tetra from Paraguay. For more information, please click
our customers: the fish have code 266694 on our stocklist. Please note
that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited
numbers only!

Text & photo: Frank Schäfer

New: Betta splendens Special A-Selection

14. November 2014

Of course we offer already for a long time high quality Veiltail-Bettas and several selective sports. Now we offer additionally a colourful mix of several a-grade special sports. Our supplier has sampled a number of fish that can be shipped in such a mix, for example crowntails, double tails, half moons, butterflies, and, and, and…..

For our customers: the special a-selection has code 391013 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Nitipat Bhandhumachinda

Barbonymus altus and B. schwanefeldii

14. November 2014

beautiful species of barb are continiously confused in the ornamental
fish trade, because they look much alike as juveniles: Barbonymus altus
and B. schwanefeldii. Both are known in the international trade as
“tinfoil barbs”. In German they are named “bream barb” what refers to
the deep body of adult fish.

main differences in coloration are found in the caudal fin. B.
schwanefeldii has always distinct black stripes on the upper and lower
margin of the caudal fin, which are always lacking in B. altus. This
feature is visible in all sizes of the fish. However, the red coloration
of the fins becomes more intensive with every day the fish grow. In
small juveniles the fins are only light reddish or pink. Both species
attain a length of 15-25 cm, but it seems that B. schwanefeldii tends to
grow larger than B. altus.

we have very pretty Barbonymus altus in stock, which are already 10-12
cm long. At that size they are almost as pretty as the adults, but not
that deep in body. We also have small ones in stock (5-7 cm). B.
schwanefeldii is currently rather rare in the trade. Almost any
specimens listed under the name “schwanefeldi” on the exporter´s lists
in Thailand and Vietnam are in fact B. altus. Both species are wide
spread all over Southeast Asia. They are bred as food fish and for the
ornamental fish trade.

our customers: B. altus with a size of 10-12 cm have code 371405 on our
stock list, the ones with 5-7 cm 371403. Please note that we
exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Rhinogobius formosanus

1. November 2014

We received again this pretty freshwater goby from Taiwan. The determination of the numerous species of Rhinogobius is often very difficult (see also R. formosanus is a pleasant exception of that rule, for it differs from all species of Rhinogiobius from Taiwan by the unique red coloration of the face. Taiwan was formerly known under the name of Formosa, this is why the species bears its specific name. Males and females look quite similar in R. formosanus, but the males have longer skulls and a differently marked dorsal fin.

This species of Rhinogobius becomes about 8 cm long. One should keep the fish at room temperatures (16-22°C) in a tank that is furnished like a brook, eg sandy bottom and larger, rounded stones. Regarding food this species is completely undemanding and readily accepts all types of usual food for ornamental fish. However, one should be careful with worms, like Tubifex, for that food is very fatty and in the wild Rhinogobius have only very nutrient-poor food available. So worms should not be given very often.

For our customers: the animals have code 453463 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Rhinogobius: means “goby with a nose”. formosanus: means “originating from Formosa”.

Suggestion of a common name: Formosa brook goby

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Taiwan
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-6

Alestopetersius caudalis

27. October 2014

The Yellow Congo Tetra is one of the most beautiful tetras of the dark continent. It reaches a maximum size of only about 6 cm and so it can be also kept in smaller aquaria. Sadly the juveniles look rather drab and so the fish is often overlooked in the pet shop. Now we received fully grown specimens in show size from one of our breeders.

For our customers: the fish have code 138005 on our stocklait. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Alestopetersius: composed from “Alestes” and “Petersius”, to other genera of African tetra. caudalis: means “tailed”; this refers to the extended caudal fin of the males.

Common name: Yellow Congo Tetra

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-6

Bangana behri

27. October 2014

For the first time ever we were able to import a quite bizarre species of carp from Southeast Asia: Bangana behri. This up to 45 cm long relative of Labeo has in adult state a horn on the head and a lot of tubercles in the face. In its native range – the Mekong basin – the species is a highly demanded food fish. The pictures from a fish market in Laos have been kindly provided by Mike Meuschke.

Currently our specimens are 6-8 cm long, so they still have to grow a bit. The fish is not only interesting for public aquaria, but might also be a interesting species for heated koi ponds. Most probably the species will be quite useful here, for Bangana behri is reported to feed mainly on algae in the wild. However, as it is a tropical species, water temperatures must not be under 20°C on a long time sight.

Against conspecifics Bangana behri are – as most Labeo-type fish – a bit quarrelsome. In our fishhouse about 30 specimens are together in a tank and so they live peacefully together; but it can be expected that two or three specimens will not do so good. So one should keep them either solitary or in larger groups, a rule that is also true for almost all fish of the Labeo relationship.

Another interesting by-catch reached us along with Bangana behri and possibly these two fish are the first time ever specimens in Europe: Labeo pierrei. This Labeo even grows up to 80 cm. Sadly one has to be concerned a bit about this fish. Scientific authorities have placed the species as “vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List. This is the last warning stage before a species is regarded to be endangered. The catches of Labeo pierrei, which is a much sought for food fish, are heavily decreasing.

For our customers: the fish have code 368682 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Bangana: the native name for one of the species in Bengal. behri: dedication name for Otto Behr from Lopez, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania.

Common name: Two-headed carp

Postscriptum: Due to the unique head structure this species is also placed in the monotypical genus Incisilabeo. The full correct name is in that case Incisilabeo behri Fowler 1937

Text: Frank Schäfer, photos: Mike Meuschke & Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Clarias gariepinus marbled

20. October 2014

Clarias gariepinus marbled Clarias gariepinus marbled Clarias gariepinus marbled Clarias gariepinus marbled

Sometimes it is almost impossible to distinguish between a food fish and an ornamental fish. The marbled Clarias is, however, bred in Southeast Asia as a food fish for human consumption. It grows extremely fast, is very hardy and can survive on the market without water for many hours, because it has an accessory breathing organ.

But now and then these fish are also offered by the breeders to the ornamental fish trade. One must clearly say that these catfish grow up to 50 cm in length and eat any tankmate that fits the large mouth. Nevertheless Clarias can become nice pets and real members of the household. They become tame and show some personality. And then a food fish has become finally an ornamental fish!

For our customers: the fish have code 114782 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indonesien / Indonesia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Xiphophorus hellerii KOHAKU TRICOLOR

20. October 2014

Swordtails with three different colours are know at least for 15 years now. But breeding them is really tricky, because only few of the offspring has a nice pattern. Especially the black parts can cause problems. Specimens with a high dregree of black tend to have cancer (melanomia) and this ends as often fatal as it does in human beings. The good news is: this kind of cancer is hereditary. So the breeder can avoid it by good selection of the parent fish. By the way: the melanomia in some sports of swordtail (initially found in the Berlin sport) were the first type of cancer that could be studied for the investigation about cancer in general!

The most beautiful Tricolor-Swordtail currently are bred in Indonesia.

For our customers: the fish have code 420443 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8

Brokatbarbe KOI

20. October 2014

The Golden barb is an artificial sport that is said to have derived from the half-banded barb (Barbus semifasciolatus). However, nobody can say this for sure. The fish appeared in the 1960ies in the aquarium trade and is said to have been bred by an aquarist named Thomas Schubert of Camden, New Jersey, US. That is the reason why the fish is often referred to as “Barbus (or Puntius, both is wrong) schuberti”.

The Golden barb is an absolutely peaceful fish that never disappeared again and is always available in pet shops all over the world. In more recent times other sports have been developed, among them animals that have two or three colours on the body. These fish are called “Koi Golden barb” in the trade. We currently have very nice specimens of that sport in stock which we received from a breeder.

Regarding keeping this fish it is not necessary to make many words: it thrives very well both at room temperature and at 28°C and hardness and pH are of no meaning for the fish. As long as the water is drinkable for humans, the Golden barb will like it. And the species feeds virtually on any type of food that is produced for ornamental fish.

For our customers: the fish have code 371343 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Pyrrhulina cf. brevis Red Spots

13. October 2014

We received charming Pyrrhulina tetras from Peru, which most probably belong to the species P. brevis. Even on the day of their arrival the fish showed a lot of red colours. But when the males came in breeding mood in the photo-tank and started to quarrel they became even more colorful. At a glimpse on the scales developed deep red spots, which were hardly visible before. Females don´t get these spots at all.

Despite that fact that the males are quarreling quite a lot these quarrels are harmless and don´t even lead to fin damage. Currently our fish are about 3 cm long.

For our customers: the fish have code 286752 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Pyrrhulina means: Little bullfinch. brevis: Latin, means “short”.

Suggestion of a common name: Red Spotted Pyrrhulina

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Apistogramma agassizii Tefé

13. October 2014

We received extremely beautiful wild collect specimens of this most desirable variety of Apistogramma agassizii. The fish show the stripes on the belly, which are so characteristic for the Tefé-variety and additionally they have the yellowish-reddish back of the Santarém-variety. Gorgeous!

For our customers: the fish have code 614772 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Apistogramma: ancient Greek, means “with unreliable line”. It is not known wether the lateral line organ or the pattern is meant.

agassizii: dedication name for Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz (1807-1873), an important naturalist.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft B
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-6

Cochliodon sp.

7. October 2014

Among the most popular fishes from Paraguay is the Violet Red Bruno. Finally the species has attained a scientific name: Hypostomus basilisko. The distribution of the fish is the Rio Paraguay, both in Brazil and Paraguay. Here it occurs along with two quite similar species of the Cochliodon-group of Hypostomus, namely Hypostomus cochliodon and Hypostomus khimaera. However, these two species can be easily told apart from H. basilisko, because they have always black spots on the body and the fins, which are always lacking in the Violet Red Bruno.

Currently we have Violet Red Brunos in different sizes in stock.

For our customers: the fish have code 275101 (4-6 cm), 275103 (7-10 cm), and 275105 (11-15 cm) on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Hypostomus: means “with a mouth turned downwards”. Basilisko: after a mythical creature, the Basilisk, which is often depicted wearing a crown. the three conspicious ridges on the head of the fish reminded the authors on a crown. Cochliodon: means “with mussel-shaped teeth”. Khimaera: after the mythical creature Cimaira. The body of a Cimaira is composed of different species. The name was chosen because the species has the teeth shape of a “normal” Hypostomus and the body of a member of the Cochliodon-group.

Common name: Violet Red Bruno or simply Bruno

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Paraguay
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-15

Heros cf. efasciatus Japaueri

29. September 2014

We received from Brazil beautiful wild collected Heros. According to our supplier the fish have been collected in the Rio Negro in the municipal Japaueri. The most obvious difference to other varieties of Heros are the red spots all over the body.

Besides this the new imported Heros obviously become sexually ripe quite early. Our largest specimens are about 10 cm long and fully sexually differentiated. Heros efasciatus has been reported to become more than twice as long as that! However, one has to expect that the red spotted “Japaueri” also will grow much larger under aquarium conditions.

For our customers: the animls have code 682913 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Heros: means “hero”. efasciatus: means “without stripes”.

Suggestion of a common name: Red spotted Heros

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6 - 10

Endler Guppy Sky Blue

29. September 2014

The new sports of the Endler Guppy are fantastic fishes. The brandnew sport “Sky Blue” which we obtained now for the very first time, is a perfect example. It is not only the brilliant coloration that makes these fishes so desirable, but also the lively behaviour. When the males do their harmless display-fights no real aquarist can turn the eyes from them. The males spread their caudal fins literally until they tear (however, they are healing very fast and problem-free again), the dorsal fin is folded, the fish arch their back and all black pattern becomes even more intensive – breathtaking!

For our customers: the fish have code 419112 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-2,5

Trigonopoma gracile (= Rasbora taeniata)

26. September 2014

We could import this pretty fish finally once more via Singapore. The two species of the genus Trigonopoma were placed in the genus Rasbora for a very long time. The second species, T. pauciperforata, the glowlight rasbora, occurs interestingly very often syntopically with its close relative.

In die elder aquarium literature Trigonopoma gracile was usually named Rasbora taeniata. The first importation to Germany was as early as 1913; at that time is was not yet known to science yet. Persons interested in the history of the species and the different names should study the paper of Zarske in the Aquaristik Fachmagzin 213 (June/July 2010), which can be downloaded for free from Dr Axel Zarskes homepage at Senckenberg Museum. Sadly it is available in German only.

The pretty rasbora attains a maximum length of about 5 cm. In the natural habitat it can be found along with fish like harlequin rasboras (Trigonostigma heteromorpha) or chocolate gouramis (Sphaerichthys osphronemoides). The rasbora is a perfect community fish for tanks with soft and acidic water, a dark bottom (place some peat on it) and delicate water plants.

For our customers: the fish have code 452002 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Singapur
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Clarias batrachus marbled

26. September 2014

Sometimes it is almost impossible to distinguish between a food fish and an ornamental fish. The marbled Clarias is, however, bred in Southeast Asia as a food fish for human consumption. It grows extremely fast, is very hardy and can survive on the market without water for many hours, because it has an accessory breathing organ.

But now and then these fish are also offered by the breeders to the ornamental fish trade. One must clearly say that these catfish grow up to 50 cm in length and eat any tankmate that fits the large mouth. Nevertheless Clarias can become nice pets and real members of the household. The become tame and show same personality. And then a food fish has become finally an ornamental fish!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indonesien / Indonesia
Verfügbare Größe in cm 5-7

Pterophyllum wild “leopoldi Peru spotted”

26. September 2014

We received two species of wonderful, large, wild collected angels from Peru. One of them is traditionally called “Pterophyllum leopoldi” in the hobby. It has a reddish back and a number of red spots on the flanks. The name, however, bases on a mis-identification. The “real” P. leopoldi originates from Brazil and is in truth what is called P. dumerilii in the hobby, whereas the “real” P. dumerilii from Brazil is regarded as a synonym of P. scalare currently.

Despite the confusion regarding the scientific name: the fish from Peru are breathtaking beautiful! Sadly we can import them only seldom and in small numbers. Although our fresh imports are still a bit shy they already show what they are made of.

For our customers: the fish have code 699306 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 12-15

Potamorrhaphis guianensis

26. September 2014

The needlefishes (Belonidae) are mainly marine fish. But there do exist three genera with a total of eight species in South America that live exclusively in freshwater. Among them the genus Potamorrhaphis is the most specious one: currently four acceoted species are known.

Potamorrhaphis can attain a maximum length of about 30 cm. Astonishingly these needlefish adapt very easy to the life in aquaria. They do not panic at all, what would lead to bad injuries of the sensitve beak. The fish must be fed in the beginning with live feeder fish (fish size 1-2 cm). Most needlefish can be trained to take sooner or later also frozen food.

Potamorrhaphis are social animals. It is fascinating to watch a school of these elegant predators. The Potamorrhaphis we currently could import originate from Peru. In that area the most recently described species P. labiatus occurs. But all features that can be examined on live fish externally fit better to the species P. guianensis in our fish.

For our customers: the animals have code 281534 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru
Verfügbare Größe in cm 20-25

Rhinogobius rubromaculatus

26. September 2014

In the aquarium hobby we only started in discovering the large diversity of the small freshwater gobies of the genus Rhinogobius. This time the scientists were faster: 116 species have been described to date already! Sadly the distinguishing features that allow the determination of the species cannot be seen in many cases in live specimens. This does not mean that the different species all look the same, but it is currently almost impossible to apply the correct name on them. Moreover we hardly ever know where the fish have been collected.

We were able to import a new, pretty species under the name of “Rhinogobius chrysanthemum” via Hongkong. However, this name does not exist at all, it is a mere fiction. The only about 4 cm long species looks most like Rhinogobius rubromaculatus. So this is the name we used to list the fish on our stocklist.

Keeping the nice fish is rather easy and can be compared to that of the well known Rhinogobius duospilus (also known under the synonym R. wui).

For our customers: the animals have code 453482 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft China
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Amblydoras nauticus

26. September 2014

Catfishes have no scales. But many species have bony plates that cover and protect the body. In the family Doradidae these plates are sometimes additionally armored by spines.

One of the most common species of Doradidae in Amazonia is the marbled talking catfish, Amblydoras nauticus. The species is not very popular by the natives, because the fish often do not swim away when a wading person comes along. Instead they erect the sharp, hard and serrated spine of the dorsal fin. In case one steps on that weapon: ouch!

Amblydoras nauticus are very nice, peaceful and undemanding catfish for aquaria which can be recommended even for beginners in the hobby.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien / Brazil
Verfügbare Größe in cm 4-6

Xenotoca eiseni San Marcos

26. September 2014

once per year we obtain a number of very rarely offered Goodeids, bred
by a specialized breeder. This year the shipment contained inter alia
the probably most beautiful species of these interesting livebearers:
the San-Marcos-population of Xenotoca eiseni.

For our customers: the animals have code 476513 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Mormyrus rume

24. September 2014

Mormyrus rume Mormyrus rume

We received a species of bred fish from Singapore which is usually only traded as wild collected ones: Mormyrus rume.

Currently the genus Mormyrus contains 24 species and subspecies. The determination is a very difficult task. Moreover, juveniles look totally different to adults. We obtained bred specimens of a species of Mormyrus from Singapore under the name of M. longiristris. A species M. longirostris does exist, but it originates from Mozambique and in that country work no ornamental fish collectors. It is much more likely the the fish belong to the species M. rume, which originates from Nigeria. We also get sometimes some wild collected M. rume from there.

However, both Mormyrus species are almost identical, not only externally, but also in respect of their aquarium maintance. The weakly electric fish are always involved in minor quarrels against conspecifics, what can be seen in harmless fin-damages. One should keep them solitary or in very large tanks in groups. Both species of Mormyrus can grow larger than 75 cm.

For our customers: the fish have code 151602 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nachzucht / bred
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6-8