Author Archives: Paul_

Anentome helena

20. September 2007

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From now available: the snail-eating snail ANENTOME HELENA. This item coming from asia, is perfect cleaning your tank from snails. The snail is finding her victims with her trunk. With a total length of about 1,5cm is this item also suitable for very small tanks, in which many hobbyists are keeping dwraf shrimps. In such small tanks it is nearly impossible to reduce other snails with loaches of puffers After eating all snails, you can feed those with protein containing food. Just try them! (Photo F.Schäfer Text R. Neunkirchen)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Asien
Verfügbare Größe in cm 1-1,5

Barbus (Puntius) tetrazona BLACKFIN

12. September 2007

We got them! For the FIRST time in europe we have a small amount of german bred “Black Finned Tiger Barbs” (Kapuas area)in stock! This is the REAL Puntius tetrazona. In 2006, a privat hobbyist imported 8 pieces of this species. Mr. Dieter Bork bred a a small amount for us, which is actually available. Since 70 years, the red finned Tiger Barb is imported under the name Puntius tetrazona, which is not correct. The red finned one is called actually Punts anchisporus.

(Text R. Neunkirchen, Photo D. Bork)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Borneo
Verfügbare Größe in cm 2-3

Demanietta sirikit

10. September 2007

Just last week we got a few pieces of the beautiful thai crab Demanietta sirikit! This crab lives in 50-100cm long tunnels near by the riverside. They are building their homes so deep until they reach the level of the groundwater. In the mating season they look for a partner. This happens during the rainy season….when many fruits becomes ripen.
The youngsters grow under the pleon of the female and when the are fully developed, they leave their mother and start their own lifes.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 6 cm
NahrungNahrung Obst & Früchte
Pflege Terrarium

Subscribe for our newsletter!

31. August 2007

As one of the main innovations you can subscribe to our newsletter from now on!

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Finally we are done!

31. August 2007

We made it:

Our new homepage is ready!

Herewith we would like to warmly welcome ALL hobbyists dedicated to ornamental fish on our newly designed website!

After weeks of thinking, many different possibilities and changes – optically and in content – we did it: Our new homepage is ready…with many news and improvements. We especially thank the company Aspiria Informationstechnologie in Hanau, Germany, which realized our wishes 100%!

With the new layout we succeeded to create our page more functional and more user-friendly. New features such as “Fish of the week” on the first page, the login for stocklist download for our wholesale customers as well as the Newsletter make our website (hopefully) even more interesting for you!

And here our tip for all, who cannot buy the fish of their dreams directly from us: Simply click the pdf-symbol below the fish description, print it and ask your retailer or wholesaler for your favourite fish!

We hope that you will like our page and we would be glad about your regular visits!

Cardisoma armatum

16. July 2007

Cardisoma armatum

From the coasts of West and Central Africa originates Cardisoma armatum. The bright orange colored legs form a strong contrast to the blue body and let this crab become an attractive ornament. With a carapax diameter of approximately 10 cm it does not belong to the smallest crabs, therefore a spacy tank has to be offered for it. This species predominantly lives on land and needs only a small water-part in the aqua-terrarium. But one should keep in mind that these landcrabs breath through gills and the water – preferably slightly brackish water containing about 5-10 grams salt per litre water – in the gill-chamber must be renewed quite often. This is the reason why the water in the water-part of the aqua-terrarium must be always of top quality. These omnivorous crabs do not have high requirements on their food, they feed on a great variety of food, but fruits and vegetables form a large part of their diet.

For our customers: the animals have code 482003 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Nigeria

Nanochromis sp. „Lezas“

6. July 2007

With Nanochromis sp. “Lezas” we can offer a further highlight of German bred fishes. As at the before introduced species this dwarf cichlid is hardly to be exceeded in colour and quality. Particularly noticeable is the strong red colouring of the dorsal – and the upper parts of the caudal fin. In dark, peat-coloured water their rich colouring becomes notably effective. Unfortunately they are available only in a limited number and so they will have left our fish house soon.

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Hypancistrus spec. L 173 Bred

6. July 2007

March 2007: Freshly arrived: Beautiful German breds of L 173. For the first time we can offer thereby more than a “handful” of these wonderful rare pieces. The large variability of their pattern is remarkable. The bluish glow is common in all the white of their fins. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien
Name Hypancistrus spec. L 173

Pseudancistrus spec. L 259

6. July 2007

Pseudancistrus spec. L 259 originates from the surrounding of the city Pimental at the Rio Tapajos. As all Pseudancistrus species the males of L 259 show a characteristic “beard” of Odontodes (dermal teeth) during the spawning season. Contrary to the popular Hypancistrus species L 259 are vegetarians. Therefore Zucchini, cucumbers and further vegetables should be added to the offered regular food (flakes and frosted food). With a size of 20cm they rank among the medium sized suckermouth catfish. Since males can get occasionally quite aggressive, roomy aquariums are needed. For maintenance higher temperatures (26 – 30°C) are recommended. There are no reports on a successful breeding in this species, so that suckermouth enthusiasts will surely discover some interesting news.

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Tapajos
Name Pseudancistrus spec. L 259

Chelus fimbriatus

6. July 2007

June 2006: Freshly arrived and very beautiful. From South America reached us few Mata matas. Their in jungle waters protruding camouflage lets it appear remarkable and bizarr in the aquarium.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru, Kolumbien, Brasilien
Name Mata mata

Labeo calbasu

6. July 2007

Labeo calbasu the Orange-fin shark is a real king sized labeo. In its homeland (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand and South West China) it is a fish for consumption and therefore of importance in the asiatic aquaculture. With a size of up to 1m it is not a fish for the “normal” aquarium. Aficionados of the East Asian fish fauna possessing really large aquariums, can hold him together with Channa or Osphronemus species. In the wild Labeo calbasu is selective in feeding. Juveniles show a positive selection for zooplanktonic organisms. The adult showa negative selection for the zooplankton and a positive selection for decayed organic matter and molluscs. According to their large appetite they load the water very strongly, thus they are grateful for regular large water changes. In their habitats they occur in diverse waters types and so they have no special demands on waterchemistry.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Südost Asien

Betta prima

6. July 2007

Betta prima originates from South East Thailand and Cambodia and is a member of the Betta pugnax group. They are found foraging along the dense vegetation of brooks, swamps and calm rivers. B. prima is a small species, they can reach the size of about 6 cm. They like well planted, and since they are excellent jumpers also well covered aquaria. As for all air breathing fish there should be paid attention to a sufficiently high air temperature. Against the water chemistry B. prima places no special requirements. Breeding of these mouth breeders is not complicated, so that when diversified fed, if possible also with small living food, a new generation will appear sooner or later. For Aquarists which would like with to begin with the maintenance of wild – Bettas, B. prima thus represents an ideal fish.

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kambodscha, Thailand

Sphaerichthys vaillanti

6. July 2007

Sphaerichthys vaillanti is probably the rarest and most desired species of the Chocolate Gouramies. Their origin is Kalimantan the indonesian part of Borneo. Since they are black water inhabitants, the water equivalents should be adapted in the aquarium to it. This species does best in peat filtered water. Water must be changed often, and a good water conditioner must be used. The tank should be heavily planted with a cover of floating plants. Use a filtration system that creates only slight circulation. Also regarding the nutrition they have increased requirements live food as brine shrimp, mosquito larvae and fruit flies will do best. Red mosquito larvae and Tubifex should be avoided because of the often unclear origin (possibly waste water). S. vaillanti are peaceful, timid fish that are best kept in a pair in a species tank. Although, if combined with other fish, keep with other small, calm, nonaggressive species. A demanding species, recommended only for expert aquariasts. The Chocolate Gourami is the most difficult Labyrinth fish to care for. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Borneo

Tetraodon mbu

6. July 2007

Tetraodon mbu

April 2002: Yesterday we received from the Republic of Congo, this beautiful Tetraodon mbu, the real congo-puffer. We got this item in this huge size never before.The maximum size cited in the literature is nearly 70cm. It is astounding how individuals differ in their behaviour: there are shy and also agressive ones. More details you can find in the AQUALOG – The puffers – by Dr. Klaus Ebert.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kongo
Name Tetraodon mbu
Lateinischer NameLateinischer Name Tetraodon mbu

Cyphotilapia frontosa var. „DARK BLUE HORIZON“

6. July 2007

March 2005:New on our list and absolutely rare: Cyphotilapia frontosa var. “DARK BLUE HORIZON”. We are proud to present these only in extremely small number existing variant of the well-known Cyphotilapia frontosa. Beside the remarkable longitudinal striation the animals are characterised by a very intensive blue. Since so far only very, very few animals are held, these fish should acquire only responsible “professionals”. The world-wide population increase lies for the moment with 10 fish per year!

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Tanganjika See

Geophagus altifrons

6. July 2007

Geophagus altifrons

You can surely excellently argue about taste, but the various populations of Geophagus altifrons could justly conquer a solid place among Cichlid lovers. And one of the most beautiful variants might be Geophagus altifrons “Tapajos”. Additionally, G. altifrons is an easy-to-keep cichlid. It requires aquariums with at least 500 ltr. capacity due to its size of 30cm maximum, but when being kept in such a tank it is rather undemanding to its keeper. The softer the water, the more beautifully coloured this fish is. But you can also keep it in harder water or higher pH-values without problems. Despite its size it is willing to accept dry food, frozen food must not be too coarse and without hard shells, otherwise digestive trouble might occur. As it is an eartheater, fine ground without sharp edges for burrowing must be available. It does not eat plants, but as it burrows, it is difficult to fasten plants tightly in the ground. Geophagus altifrons is a ovophile mouthbreeder, which can be even bred in a little harder water (approx. 25 °dGH). (Photo & Text von T. Weidner)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien

Brotia pagodula

6. July 2007

Brotia pagodula Brotia pagodula

(28.Nov.2007) From Southeast Asia we got a still rarely traded snail species. Brotia pagodula is a live-bearing snail, as an endemic species it can be found only in the Moei, a river between Myanmar and Thailand. Their strongly wound house, provided with numerous spikes, gives them a bizzare appearance. On the search for algae they graze all available surfaces. In the aquarium flakes and granulated food are eaten, just as naturally cucumbers and other vegetables.(Photo C.Luckhaup & F.Schäfer, Text K.Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Myanmar, Thailand
Verfügbare Größe in cm 3-4

Procambaris sp. marbled blue

6. July 2007

Procambaris sp. marmor-blau

March 2002: This nice blue colour variant of the Marmorkrebs (the initially German name is now in international use and means „marbled crayfish“) is actually available. The Marmorkrebs is a remarkable species, because until now only females are known. The species breeds parthenogentically, eg females lay unfertilized eggs and produce only females again. As the species determination in these kind of crayfish depends mainly on the sexual organs of the males, no-one can hang a scientific name on the species, although it is kept and bred in aquaria for years now. The Marmorkrebs grows to a length of about 6-8 cm and is (compared with other crayfish) quite peaceful. Sadly the eat or destroy any plant that grows in the tank. Nevertheless they always find their way in the aquaria because of their interesting biology. Enthusiasts keep that species either in company with plant eating fish species or in a small extra tank. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft unbekannt

Barbus denisonii

6. July 2007

Barbus denisonii

This splendid fish is endemicly (i.e. only there and nowhere else) found in several coastal rivers of South India. That is why only small quantities may be caught and exported as aquarium fish. You keep this fish best, which is used to flowing waters, in biggest tanks possible in a shoal. The feeding with frozen food and flakes is unproblematic. These animals are peacefully to other fish and also among each other. So far there are no news about a succesful breeding. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kerala / Indien

Leptobarbus hoevenii

6. July 2007

Leptobarbus hoevenii the Cigar Shark or Mad Barb is a giant within the barbs. With a length of approx. 1 m and a weight of up to 10 kg the Cigar Shark already places a very special requirement: It needs a lot of space. For the maintenance of adults one should own a tank of at least 3 m length. They originate from Southeast Asia, and are found most often in freely flowing rivers and streams and seasonally on floodplains. Since they are schooling fishes one should own a group of at least 7 individuals, which can form a magnificent swarm. As omnivore fishes they are unproblematic in their nutrition, also in terms of water chemistry they place no special requirements. Over its breeding in aquariums nothing is known to us, in Asia they are artificially bred for raising in aquacultures.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand bis Borneo

Diskus Semi royal, Rio Moju

6. July 2007

Like the introduced before Discus from the same area (Rio Moju) the “Semi Royal” variant shows a strong red coloration at the seam of their body and their fins. With them the wave pattern is nearly continuous distributed over the entire body.

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Moju

Hoplias malabaricus

6. July 2007

“Here's lookin' at you, kid,” – but be careful. Otherwise it could happen that it will be the very last what a tank mate will be looking at. Under these beautiful green eyes are not less impressive teeth that makes the wolf fish Hoplias malabaricus a feared hunter. The owners of these from Costa Rica to Argentina spread species should, when being busy in the aquarium, always have a view of their “favorite”, since it can come to bite injuries. Due to its large habitat some only difficult to distinguish subspecies of H. malabaricus exist. For those the statements of size differ, but it is to be assumed that H. malabaricus can reach a size of at least 50 cm and a weight of 1,5 kg. It is thereby no fish for everyone and completely nothing for a community aquarium. For experienced owners of large tanks which search for the unusual they may be a challenge which could be looked at.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Costa Rica-Argentinien

Hyphessobrycon flammeus

6. July 2007

The Flame Tetra, Fire Tetra, or Von Rio Tetra is a well established aquarium guest. Its origin is the proximity of Rio de Janeiro in Eastern Brazil, where it occurs in coastal rivers. As swarm fishes they need the society of conspecifics. Since the optical impression of the observer depends on the swarm size, it makes little sense to pack small swarms of several similar looking species in the aquarium. Substantially more impressively a swarm of more than 30 animals of a species is to be held. Also the fish feel therein better, it obtains security and the colors begin to shine. With a length of 4cm the Von Rio Tetra is an excellent candidate for large swarms, particularly since it has neither against the water condition nor against the food special requirements. Corys and small loricariids are suitable tankmates for the ground, hatchetfishes for the upper regions of the tank.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien

Ancistrus spec. L 111

6. July 2007

This ancistrus, which supposedly originates from Colombia, exhibits similarities to L 89, but like L 156 has round spots arranged in a honeycomb pattern. Unlike these other two L-numbers, L 111 has a uniformly marked iris ring and light/dark grey striped pectoral fin spines. This catfish is said to grow to about 10 cm, and so far the only photo in existence is of a female fish as shown in the Aqualog reference book “all L-numbers”- keeping and breeding of this species is like its distant cousin the bristlenose catfish, although the more recent imported species are generally more sensitive then the well known aquarium cleaner fish.

(Photo: Frank Schäfer, Text: Izaak den Daas)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien, Brasilien

Pseudoacanthicus spec. „Albino Titanic“ L 273

6. July 2007

Pseudoacanthicus spec. „Albino Titanic“ L 273

April 2005: Only one fish of the albino form of the well-known „Titanic Catfish“ was imported from Belem (Brazil). L 273 is normally extremely variably coloured from fish to fish. As well as splendid specimens with contrasting dark grey/yellow plus orange colouration there are also individuals that are predominantly mouse grey with black dots and have only orange fin tips. This unique deep yellow specimen is a new variety. We can only hope that in future this albino variety can be offered in larger quantities. L 273 grows to more than 30 cm long and need therefore large fish tanks. This species is very territorial and will defend its living space against other fish of the same species. Against other aquarium inhabitants this catfish is peaceful.(Text: I. den Daas, Photo: E.Schraml)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Tapajois
Name Pseudoacanthicus spec. „Albino Titanic“

Cirrhinus molitorella

6. July 2007

If you are interested in a larger growing fish, the mud carp Cirrhinus molitorella originating from Southeast Asia, could be the right thing for you. In the list of fishing world records it is quoted with a length by 1 m and applies in Thailand under the name Pa Keng as a strong fighter at the fishing rod. In the aquarium it will not reach this size and can be socialized for example with large representatives of the genera Labeo, Osphronemus or Channa. Owners of very large aquaria are here addressed, they can try to accommodate the Southeast Asiatic riverine fauna in biotope aquaria. With bamboo canes, roots, and large stones beautiful underwater landscapes can be arranged. In its habitat C. molitorella inhabits midwater to bottom depths of running waters. It is found there both in fast flowing sections as well as in calmer water, during the rain time even within flooding areas. As a omnivor it is problem-free in the nutrition, naturally large food quantities are needed.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Vietnam, China

Labeo longipinnis

6. July 2007

december 2005: For the first time in Europe we can present Labeo longipinnis from the Congo River to you. This about 30 cm long growing Labeo is not noticeable by a particularly spectacular design or colour. Due to its lively manner, beautiful form and fins it can become nevertheless a genuine “eye-catcher” in the community aquarium. Since so far for their behaviour in aquaria no references are present , there is still a lot to discover. For the maintenance only roomy containers are suitable, one should also start with a not too small number of animals, since we know nearly nothing about its social behaviour. Labeo species can become quite incompatible at the age and then it is always favourable, when the aggressions can be distributed within a group. At the nutrition Labeo`s place, except what the quantity concerns, no increased requirements, a generous filtering unit should be always present with large sized bottom feeders.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kongo, Congo River

Retroculus lapidifer

6. July 2007

Retroculus lapidifer

To take sensibly care of Retroculus lapidifer, which comes from Rio Tocantins/Rio Araguaia catchment area, you should own quariums with a base of 150 x 60cm minimum, as this species can grow very big (25-30cm). But despite its size you should not socialize it with aggressive cichlids, because it has only a certain self-assertion among his own kind. The food is not really difficult, you will make these fish evidently happy, if you give them big bits, e.g. rough krill, mussels or small fish. Also dry food will be eaten. R. lapidifer might cause difficulties sometimes during the settling and an infection of Ichthyo can drag on for a long time. Often only a daily subsequent dosing will then be helpful. All Retroculus kinds are particular susceptible regarding the water quality and often they are the first inside the aquarium to respond to an interfered nitrogen circulation. Breeding is quite possible, but is mostly only successful in big aquariums and with animals, which are at least 2 years old. Retroculus lapidifer belong to the hole-egg-layer, which means that a ground hollow must be dug over which the fish lay their eggs. Afterwards the spawn is getting collected by both parents and covered with rough sand, leaves, empty shells and things like that. Breeding of the young ones succeeds with new hatchet Artemia without problems.(Photos & text by T. Weidner)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Tocantis, R. Araguaia

Cambarellus patzcuarensis

6. July 2007

Cambarellus patzcuarensis

November 2003: New arrival! The orange dwarf lobster, Cambarellus patzcuarensis. They grow only up to 3-4cm. Just yesterday we got a very limited quantity from a german breeder. These dwarf lobsters are slightly agressive among each other. The origin is the lake Patzcuaro in Mexico.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Mexiko
Name Cambarellus patzcuarensis

Procambarus clarkii „WHITE“

6. July 2007

Procambarus clarkii „WHITE“ Procambarus clarkii „WHITE“

Under the numerous color forms of the Red Swamp Crayfish is Procambaris clarkii „White ” at present very popular. They are tough tank inhabitants, easily to reproduct and possess a high reproduction rate. Procambarus clarkii does not place large requirements towards the water chemistry, a strong filtering is however necessary, since they have a strong metabolism. As expressed omnivores they can be fed with diverse kinds of food, the vegetable portion should be kept as high as possible. Since they are great climbers the tank should be structured by bogwood and stones which allow them to climb. Because of their origin (Northern Mexiko to Southern USA) they should be kept not to warm, an unheated tank is sufficient for them.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Mexiko,USA

Danionella translucida

6. July 2007

Danionella translucida would have earned an entry in the Guiness book of world records. The largest measured individual was only 12mm long, thus acts it with this species around the smallest vertebrate anima. Apart from their extreme smallness the absence of sheds, as well as the high transparency of the dwarves are noticeable. They origin from Myanmar the former Burma, where they inhabit slowly-flowing, well planted streams. They place no special requirements for care, should not however naturally not with lively fish be associated. A small aquarium (50cm) is sufficient for a group of these interesting fish. Breed attempts should be undertaken f the fish are well fed with Artemia Naupliae and sieved life food. According to the waters in their habitat the water should be soft and easily sour. Reports on successful breeding are not known. (Photo: Erwin Schraml, Text: Klaus Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Myanmar

Diskus „Nhamunda rosé”

6. July 2007

Diskus „Nhamunda rosé”

Nhamunda Rosé is the trade name of a strain of the brown discus Symphysodon aequifasciatus axelrodi originated in the Rio Nhamunda (northern influent of Amazon, west the city Alenquer). Now again some Nhamunda Rosé are available. Characteristic for this variety is the partially laminar high red part of the brown primary colour. Thus they are not only for fans of true bred location variants but also for breeders of new colour forms from interest. Their maintenance requirements are typical discus like: soft water, high temperatures, good hygienic conditions as well as a balanced nutrition. Best one maintains it in a group of at least 6 animals and avoids a developing of social stress, since this is probably decisive for the occurrence of the most diseases in discus keeping.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Nhamunda

Astyanax leopoldi

6. July 2007

Astyanax leopoldi

Because of their rhomboid body form these animals remind one a little of African tetras of the species Phenacogrammus or Bathyaethiops. Except from Rio Oyapock Astyanax leopoldi are also said to be found in Rio Approuague. They were named in honour of King Leopold III of Belgium, who attended an ichthyological expedition to Rio Oyapock in 1962. Fortunately we soon succeeded in breeding, even though this tetra was not always unproblematic. Especially when doing too generous water changes with raising the pH-value fish of all ages occasionally respond with symptoms of a “shock” (body gets white), from which they somtimes do not recover. Apart from that these are very enduring, peaceful and “grateful” fish. Although they are not really coloured newcomers, they surely earn a permanent position in the aquarium hobbyists.(Photo & Text von P. & M. Hoffmann)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Guyana, Rio Oyapock

Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi (= spec. „Araguaia“)

6. July 2007

Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi (= spec. „Araguaia“)

Red fish always attract interest amongst hobbyists, especially the intensively red coloured ones. Five years ago when we received the first animals of this tetra by the name of “Hyphessobrycon serpae – the real one” (wildcaught from Rio Araguaia), we were immediately enthusiastic, too. At first sight (still inside the transport bag) these tetras looked very similar to the bloodtetra, Hyphessobrycon eques, formerly known as Hy. callistus. They also reminded us of the Red Phantomtetra, Hyphessobrycon (formerly Megalamphodus) sweglesi, while they obviously had “short fins”. Soon it was clear, however, that they are neither. Until today a final definition was not provided yet, it could be Hyphessobrycon haraldschultzi or an undefined species. Breeding this tetra, which occurs – very seldom – on the market as wildcaught, is difficult, but quite possible with much patience. Both the wildcaughts of the “crystal red tetra” and later also the young animals turned out to be absolutely “sociable” among themselves and others, also small fish. The nutrition by all live and dry food is not causing any problems (plants are not getting bothered), while the young fish belong more to the slowly growing tetras. For a “sense of well-being”, resp. in order to show the intensive red to advantage, the aquarium should contain well-planted sectors with indirect beam of light. (Photo & Text P. & M. Hoffmann)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Araguaia
Name Hyphessobrycon spec. „Araguaia“

Dasyatis margarita

6. July 2007

Dasyatis margarita

March 2002: Just today we got from west-africa a few pieces of DASYATIS MARGARITA, the daisy stingray. These are found in brackish & freshwater. The ones we got were caught in pure freshwater. It is for us, Aquarium Glaser, the first time that we got this fish!(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Name Dasyatis margarita

Ancistrus spec. L 352

6. July 2007

Ancistrus spec. L 352

Our photo shows a pair of Ancistrus spec. L 352, one with 6 – 7 cm very small remaining loricariid from the Rio Iriri. In the view from above the different body forms can easily be be recognized. This and the characteristic beard of the males makes a differentiating of the sexes quite easy. As the high L number rightfully let assume, they were imported for the first time only a few years ago and until now only rarely traded.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Iriri

Hypancistrus spec. L 236

6. July 2007

Hypancistrus spec. L 236

„Simply the Best “: Some days ago we could import some of this beauties. With a size of approx. 10cm the white of the here illustrated male shows a fantastic intensity. It seems that one of imported fishes is a not less beautiful female, and so we hope to be able to offer some days breds of these rarities(Photo and Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien
Name Hypancistrus spec. L 236

Tetraodon pustulatus

6. July 2007

Tetraodon pustulatus

TETRAODON PUSTULATUS was caught in Cross-River in Cameroon. External shape and behaviour of adult animals remind one of Tetraodon mbu. The maximum size is quoted with 36cm in literature. Young animals being kept together do not show any injuries so that it is safe to assume that they are not very aggressive. Tetraodon pustulatus has to be regarded as freshwater puffer. The information about the occurrence in brackish and seawater shown in older publications are probably based on a mistake, because there is a similar looking seawater puffer species (Ephippion guttiver) occuring in Cross-River. You will find more hints and useful information in AQUALOG (volume 16) The Puffers Of Fresh- And Brackish Water.(Photo Aquarium Glaser, Text Dr. K. Ebert)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kamerun, Cross River
Name Tetraodon pustulatus

Pelvicachromis spec. „Blue Fin“

6. July 2007

November 2005: From Guinea the import of a still undescribed Pelvicachromis species surprised us. This species seems to mediate within the genus Pelvicachromis between P. roloffi and P. rubrolabiatus, since it carries characteristics of both species.
Particularly the name giving bright blue-green dorsal fin of females is noticeable.
Maintenance in pairs is appropriate, in larger tanks several pairs can be kept.
As a common knowledge, Pelvicachromis species are cave breeders, which can be bred in flower pots and halved coconut bowls. The aquarium should be well structured, dense planting, as well as some bogwood offer the necessary retreat area to the fish. Fishes of the genus Pelvicachromis can be bred in soft and slightly sour water, also for this species first reports over successful spawning are present.

(Photo: Erwin Schraml, Text: Klaus Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Guinea

Gymnogeophagus meridionalis

6. July 2007

If you search for a Cichlid for a society aquarium (120 l and up), G. meridionalis is almost unrestricted recommendable. Being a all eatingfish, it accepts every imaginable food, getting only approx. 10-12cm it is not growing too big and it also shows really beautiful colours. Besides it is not choosy regarding the water condition and can therefore be kept and bred in soft and sour water as well as in hard and alkaline water. It is a open breeding fish, who can produce approx. 250 eggs per clutch. There only is a small restriction for the care: G. meridionalis cannot stand constant high temperatures from 24°C and up for long. According to its home Uruguay you should keep him at room temperature or you can put it into a tank outside or into the pool from May to October. Dropping temperatures will not disturb him as long as these periods do not last longer than 4-6 weeks. Of course it will take much less food during these phase and it will also be getting much lazier. But as soon as the temperatures rise, it will again shine colourfully.(Photo & Text von T. Weidner)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Uruguay

Camptandrium sp.

6. July 2007

July 2006: Few days ago we could import a new attractive crab species. It belongs to the genus Camptandrium, the species is yet not determined. They originate from India, where they were caught on the banks of the Ganges river in the proximity Calcuttas. There they live in estuaries and a therefore a salt additive to the aquarium water is reasonable. With approximately 1 cm length they attained full growth and so they represent the ideal inhabitant for the trendy mini aquariums. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien

Corydoras armatus „spotted“

6. July 2007

Corydoras armatus „spotted“

April 2005: These beautiful animals where imported from Columbia. The literature however give Peru and Brazil as their place of origin. For more then 125 years ago these fish were described by Günther and since then hardly ever imported. The characteristic features of this catfish is the extreme long dorsal fin of which the first ray is coloured darkly. With exception the ventral side of the fish the whole body is marked with dark spots which are arranged in vertical line pattern. The head has no spots at all. The body form is high if you compare it with the very familiar looking C. loretoensis. From Brazil familiar animals have been imported however not with such marked pattern as these fish from Columbia.(Text: I. den Daas, Photo: F. Schäfer)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien

Diskus „Red Inferno/Rio Moju“

6. July 2007

In the following pictures you see some impressions from our discus installation. Seldom could we offer a so large selection on magnificently coloured, perfectly acclimatized Discus. The animals originating from different areas are even in our facility hardly to exceed in colour splendour. Since all of them attained full growth, breeders can fast extend their stock of breeding fishes. The “Red Inferno” variant originating from the Rio Moju shows on fins and flanks a strongly red-orange basic colour, which stands in beautiful contrast to the bluish green wave pattern.

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Moju

Crossoloricaria cf cephalaspis

6. July 2007

Crossoloricaria cf cephalaspis

The 5 species of the genus Crossoloricaria are all looking very similar to the flounder Loricariid genus Pseudohemiodon. These fish have as well a flattened body form, small eyes lying distally on the triangularly formed head. The difference between these two genii is the missing of the ventral bony plates of Crossoloricaria. Only at the medial line of the ventral side there is a small row of tiny bony plates. C. cephalispis does not grow larger then 20 cm. They absolutely need a sandy substrate, in which they can bury themselves as deep as possible. This means that they often are difficult to spot at all. When they are new in the aquarium they only come out of the sand during the night, but after a period of acclimatisation they appear at feeding time. This species also originates from the north of Colombia.(Text: I. den Daas, Photo: F. Schäfer)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien

Loricaria simillima

6. July 2007

Loricaria simillima has a very wide distribution in South America. It is found in the Orinoco-, Amazon- and La Plata basins. A result of this large area many different color forms are known, which differ clearly regarding coloration and pattern. The species occurs in different water types. Black water forms are more demanding in maintenance and breeding than fishes originating from white water. For keeping them middlehard water with a pH of 6 – 8 and temperatures between 24 – 27°C is sufficient. As omnivorous fishes they are rather undemanding in their nutrition, tablet food, flakes and frosted food are accepted. The aquarium should have a sandy soil, some dark corners made by stones and bogwood increase the comfort for the fish. With a total length of 25 cm they should be kept in not to small tanks, they are mouthbrooders, the male guards the eggs and larvae.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

For our customers: the fish have code 266653 on our stocklist.Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexikon: Loricaria: from the Latin word „lorica“which is the chest protector of the Roman legionnaire, eg „one that wears a chest protector“. simillima: Latin, means “very similiar”, which refers to the similarity of the species to L. cataphracta.

Suggestion of a common name: Royal Whiptail Cat

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Zentrales Südamerika

Hemigrammus coeruleus

6. July 2007

Hemigrammus coeruleus

The tetra, which was meanwhile clearly identified as Hemigrammus coeruleus is one of the most spectacular by-catches of Southamerican tetras. In over 20 years we could only discover approx. 25 of these tetras, mostly single animals among various imports. Inside the dealers tank they do not attract much attention, however: pink stripes on grey ground, no pithy fin marking, the upper half of the iris is coloured orange, the body is rather high backed. This insignificant appearance might also be a reason for this tetra not being imported in bigger quantities until now. But during the courting, which is almost constantly to observe under suitable conditions, their colour changes completely. The males get bright red eyes, a blood red body colour, the stripe, which was pink before glares red, the fins become black and the shoulder spot protrudes clearly. The colouring of the females is mostly a little less intensive developed. Certainly the ones, which are willing to spawn are not less beautiful than the males. Meanwhile it was finally possible to breed this tetra. So we hope to find this beautiful, robust and peaceful tetra (full-grown approx. 55-60mm in total) more often in the Aquaristik in future. In about 8 weeks from now, Aquarium Glaserwill get a limited quantity!(Photo & Text von P.&M.Hoffmann)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Solimões, Rio Negro

Himanthura signifer

6. July 2007

Himanthura signifer

The white-rimmed-stingray is surely an untypical member of the stingray family. The tail of the shown stingray which have a disc-size of 20cm, is more than 85cm long!(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indonesien, Mayland, Thailand

Baryancistrus demantoides L 200 High Fin

6. July 2007

From Colombia we could import expressed beautiful L 200 High Fin. Now we have very attractive partially completely yellow colored specimen of the species Baryancistrus demantoides in stock. They will get only about 15 cm long and remain thereby substantially smaller than the also with the number L the 200 labeled Hemiancistrus subviridis. Compared with the more often maintained Hypancistrus „species” they are quite little shy and do not only appear while feeding. Their aggressiveness is limited, so that they can be already maintained in a meter tank (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Venezuela, Kolumbien

Hypancistrus spec. L 236x

6. July 2007

November 2006: At Christmas we would like to present a star at the catfish heaven. We can offer some offspring of the queen imperial zebra Hypancistrus spec. L 236x, a beautiful and very looked for species. They come from a German breeder, who had the luck that the two from us imported animals formed a pair. In their appearance they are very variable, differ however at the less stretched body form and at the stronger contrast clearly of the at 09.12.05 introduced Hypancistrus spec. “Belo Monte”. In their maintenance requirements they correspond to other Hypancistrus species of the L 66 group. The breeder told us that they are a little quarrelsome, so that the aquariums should not be selected too small. There will be only extremely sporadically imports of this species and so we hope, that engaged hobbyists will take care of this species and secure the conservation of the aquarium population.

(Photo & Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien
Name Hypancistrus spec. L 236x

Scobiancistrus aureatus L 14

6. July 2007

December 2006: Last week received we a really impressive, male Scobiancistrus aureatus. With a length of about 30 cm it might be attained full growth. The strong spines on the gill cover (Interopercularodontodes), as well as on their pectoral fins are remarkable. As most L-catfishes from the Rio Xingu they like warmer waters, for their maintenance the water temperature should not fall durably below 26°C . For breeding, which did not succeed as far as I know yet, there must be surely higher temperatures, most L-catfishes from the Xingu are bred at temperatures between 28°C and 30°C .

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Xingu

Scardinus erythrophthalmus Golden

6. July 2007

Scardinus erythrophthalmus Gold

March 2004: Just in time for the pond season this very attractive variety of the Rudd (Scardinus erythropthalmus) came to us. It is an excellent ecological algae destroyer for your garden pond. The Rudd is an endemic species for the whole of Europe and Asia up to the Aral Sea. It is a friendly schooling fish, which can be accompanied with related species, like for example Roach, European Chub and Ide. The Rudd is spawning in nature or garden pond from April until June. This fish is very productive and can produce more then 100,000 eggs. Between the ventral fins and the vent the Rudd has a sharp keel. The males can only be distinguished from the females during the breeding season by a white cloudy secrete on the head.(Text: I. den Daas, Photo: F. Schäfer)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Europa

Enneacampus ansorgii

6. July 2007

Enneacampus ansorgii

The small freshwater pipefish originates from Western Africa, from Cameroon to Gabun and in the Zaire- and Ogowe River. These fish inhabit freshwater as well as brackish water habitats. Addition of sea salt (1-2 teaspoons per 10 litre of water) will therefore increase the vitality of these fish. This species, but actually all freshwater pipefish, need a special fish tank for its own in order to thrive because they are slow eating fish. They eat only life food like daphnia, cyclops, brine shrimps and the smallest fish fry. Breeding has been performed successfully in captivity on several occasions. The female lays her eggs over the breeding pouch of the male pipefish. The eggs are attached on the male animal behind the vent within an area bordered by 2 folds, which form the breeding pouch. These fish need regular water changes and a clean fish tank but will give their owner many pleasure by displaying beautiful colouration and an interesting behaviour. (Photo: Frank Schäfer, Text: Izaak den Daas)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kamerun-Gabun, Kongo, Angola

Eretmodus cyanostictus „Kigoma“

6. July 2007

Eretmodus cyanostictus „Kigoma“

Eretmodus cyanostictus is among the group of cichlids called gobies. Gobies only occur naturally in the surge habitat of Lake Tanganjika, which is the upper meter of the water at the shoreline. They unique in that their swim bladder is non-functional, meaning that when they’re not swimming, they drop to the bottom like a rock. E. cyanostictus is an algae-scraping cichlid that has a uniquely interesting spawning behavior – it’s a bi-parental mouthbrooder. Gobies are best kept as pairs. It’s possible to keep more than one pair in the same tank, but realize they can be quite pugnacious to one another. A single pair can be kept in a tank as small as 40 gallons, but two pairs should be housed in a tank no smaller than 75 gallons. Gobies in general can be quite nasty to each other, but once pairs form, “the fight is over.” Males and females will form a pair-bond that lasts for life. The food of choice for E. cyanostictus is a good Spirulina flake. Mysis and Cyclops make good supplementary foods. Suitable tankmates include other algae-eating tanganyikans, such as Tropheus and Simnochromis species.

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Tanganjika See

Acarichthys heckelii

6. July 2007

January 2007: At present we can offer particularly beautiful Acarichthys heckelii from the region around Santarem. These fish are characterised by an intensive yellow colouring of the body. It forms a beautiful contrast to the red eyes and their magnificent fin rays. Acarichthys heckelii has a large area of origin along the Amazon and the upper Essequibo in Guyana. They like high water temperatures, because they live mainly in laggons and calm areas of rivers. At best they should be kept in groups than they are only little aggresive. Their nutrition is unproblematic, nearly all available food is accepted. The breeding of this cave breeder succeeds only rarely, apart from suitable caves they seem to need temperatures from at least 30°C.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Kolumbien, Peru

Heros severus

6. July 2007

Heros severus

Despite the fact that Heros severus is the type species of the Heros genus, this species is the most uncharacteristic representative of this group. This is mainly caused by its reproducing behaviour, which is mouthbreeding and untypical for Heros, because they are all substrate breeding. Also the coloration is different from the other members of the genus. The care however is typical for a Heros representative. Heros severus should be kept in water with soft up to medium hard water with a pH around neutral. Hard water is tolerated as well although the coloration might then be fading. Also the fish might be more prone to diseases or show signs of deterioration. Vegetarian substances should be added to their menu and they are known to devour aquatic plants as well. Live and frozen food is also taken eagerly and even dry foods, being large flakes or sticks, are eagerly taken by this up to 25 cm large beautiful and fascinating cichlid. (Photo & Text:Thomas Weidner)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Kolumbien, Venezuela, Amazonas, Orinoko

Satanopera acuticeps

6. July 2007

Satanopera acuticeps

Normally the durable care of Satanopera acuticeps is only possible in soft and sour pH-value. But as it was finally successful to breed this eartheater inside the aquarium, it could be that the bred ones are easier to keep and even easier to breed. So far the breeding was possible furthermore only in soft (< 4 °dGH) and sour (pH 5.5-6.0) waters at 30°C. But as the bred ones can be unproblematically raised in hard and alkaline water, it is safe to assume that the their care is not as critical anymore. Of course it would be better to use soft and sour water for their care. S. acuticeps is a Cichlid, which must be fed often (3 times a day minimum) and varied. A socialization with greedy or agressive othrt fish should be avoided, because S. acuticeps is only slightly able to assert itself despite its size (20 cm). (Photo & Text von T. Weidner)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Branco, Negro, Solimões

Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda

6. July 2007

Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda

Horseshoe crabs are rightfully described as living fossils, because their ancesters populated the warm flat seas about 500 million years ago.The description of the horseshoe crab is misleading because their next relatives are arachnids and not the crabs. The Moluccan-horseshoe crab that is being presented, comes from southeast Asia and lives in coastal ranges from India to Indonesia. It can reach a length to 30cm and is therefor suitable for aquarium keeping. However a good portion of salt should be added to the water. With a conductivity of 6 mS/cm, they are expressed lively in our plant.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien - Indonesien

Demanietta spec. Laos

6. July 2007

From the border area of Laos and Thailand origins the expressed beautiful fresh water crab Demanietta spec. „Laos“. They exist in different colour forms. Fresh water crabs need an aquarium with a land- and water part. Some branches or stones will offer them climbing possibilities. As omnivores they despise nearly none of the usual crab-food, naturally it should already be diversified.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand, Laos

Sesarma spec. „Neon Face“

6. July 2007

Sesarma spec. „Neon Face“

April 2005: These days we got a new crab species from Asia. The blue green irisdescent coloration of its face advised the name „Neon Face“. If further information is available, we will add it to our text.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Südost Asien

Oreichthys crenuchoides (=spec. Hifin)

6. July 2007

This barb out of the relationship of Oreichthys cosuatis measures about 5 cm. They originate from northern India. This species is characterised by a pronounced sexual-dimorphism, the males are more larger than females, only them show the magnificent, flag-like increased dorsal fin. The fish tank should be decorated with dense patches of plants on the sides and back but should be kept with enough swimming space. Tank mates should be not to big, vigorous swimmers should be avoided. In captivity they feed on all kinds of available food and they even take flake or pellet food. Breeding is not difficult at all. The females spawn in an upside-down-postion und broad leves of underwater plant, as it is known from the harlequin barb.(Photo: Erwin Schraml, Text: Klaus Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien / India

Corydoras baianinha

6. July 2007

Corydoras baianinha

March 2003: Some weeks ago we received a few pieces of Corydoras baianinha. This extreme rare Corydoras only occurs in a little number of small streams in the south of Brasil. The population of Cordoras baianinha is very much in danger, because its living space was already largely distroyed by environmental pollution and forest clearing! It would be highly appreciated if some aquarium hobbyists would try to breed this endangered species. This kind was not furtherly studied scientifically. It is known, however, that the animals occur in cool black water with low total hardness. We hope that the continued existence of this species can be ensured in this case. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien

Diskus „Wild Lago Inanum“

6. July 2007

Diskus „Wild Lago Inanum“

This very beautiful discus fish is traded as well under the name „Semi Royal Blue“. Wild caught discus fish are just beautiful! It is remarkable that still new wild type varieties are found and imported. Wild caught discus fish will not be feeling themselves well if not kept under optimal conditions. This malcontent will be seen very fast by bad colouration and shy behaviour. If your wild caught discus fish is looking rather pale, something is definitely wrong with the aquarium conditions. But please do not became worried too fast if your discus fish is not optimally coloured, because colour intensity will become visible in time, even after several months of obtaining the fish from your trader followed by optimal care. The fish will become more and more beautiful week after week. The most important criteria for obtaining these fish is therefore not colouration but body form, size of the eyes, form of the fins and their natural behaviour. (Text: I. den Daas, Photo: F. Schäfer)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien

Phenacogrammus cf. nigropterus

6. July 2007

Phenacogrammus cf. nigropterus

This new African tetra, presented by Dieter Bork in “Das Aquarium” 12/01 as “pastel-congo-tetra”, comes from Lake Maindombe (also known as “Lac Leopold II”) in the Democratic Republic Congo (Zaire). Ornamental fish breeder Winter was able to multiply them in a bigger number of pieces. The fins of the males are pulled out beautifully and nicely coloured (the “fringed” pulled out and dark lined back fin of full-grown animals reaches to their tail fin). The colouring of the females is plainly less spectacular (silver-grey body and “short” transparent fins). During the often noticeable courting the males develop bright yellow-orange fins, the body colouring is also getting more intensive and the usually hardly visible oval shoulderspot is becoming plainly wider and deep black. The spawn grains are conspicuosly big (approx. 1.2-1.4mm), crystal-clear and not adhesive. The growth of the babies is very slow. Altogether it is a very attractive, lively, peaceful, easy to handle, new tetra, which neither bothers other fish nor plants and whose whole beauty is showed to advantage under slightly muffled light.(Photo von F.Schäfer, Text von P. & M. Hoffmann)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kongo
Name Phenacogrammus cf. nigropterus

Nematobrycon lacortei

6. July 2007

The Rainbow Tetra is one of the most attractive characins of South America. They origin from western Colombia, where they are caught in the tributaries of the Rio San Juan. They belong to the same genus as the usually better known Emperor Tetra Nematobrycon palmeri. Rainbow Tetras can not be characterized as true schooling fishes, since the males try to establish and defend territories.Therefore their aquarium should contain larger structure-forming elements such as bogwood and large plants. For their maintenance middlehard water is sufficient, for breeding attempts however it should be soft and sour. A lot of foods will be eaten, for a good spawning condition black mosquito larvae (Culex) should be fed regularly .(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien, Rio San Juan

Ammocryptocharax sp. „spotted“

6. July 2007

Ammocryptocharax sp. „spotted“

This scientifically undescribed ground tetra originates from Peru. This is a peaceful species also when housed with delicate fish. This is a medium size tetra fish, which probably does not grow larger then 5 cm. If more then one male of this ground tetra inhabits the tank then they can become somewhat territorial and therefore it is recommended to keep them in not too small aquarium. This species prefers dimmed lights, a dark coloured substrate and some current in the fish tank. The aquarium needs to be kept very clean because this ground tetra is somewhat sensitive against high concentrations of Nitrate. They prefer small live food, like cyclops or freshly hatched brine shrimps, but also frozen food will be taken eagerly. They continually graze between algae, where they prey on small crustaceans which develop normally in every healthy aquarium. But also flake food will be taken.(Photo: Frank Schäfer, Text: Izaak den Daas)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru

Terranatos dolichopterus

6. July 2007

Terranatos dolichopterus

May 2002: New arrival: german bred Terranatos dolichopterus, sailfin-killi (Aqualog “New World Killis, page 190 log-no: S27715). This fish comes from Venezuela, grows up to 5cm and should be kept in groups. The bottom of the tank should be peat, because they “dive” into the bottom when they spawn. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Venezuela
Name Terranatos dolichopterus
Lateinischer NameLateinischer Name Terranatos dolichopterus

Hypancistrus spec. L 340

6. July 2007

Hypancistrus spec. L 340 Hypancistrus spec. L 340 Hypancistrus spec. L 340

Freshly arrived from Colombia: the Megaclown L 340. We can offer one of the most beautiful and at the same time most variable Hypancistrus “species” in very good quality. The animals already reached maturity, so that the outstanding contrast should remain. In their requirements for maintenance they do not differ from their Brazilian cousins, warm, well filtered and oxygen-rich water, as well as a varied feeding secure their well-being.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien
Name Hypancistrus spec. L 340

Leporacanthicus sp. „NEW“

6. July 2007

April 2007: We received a particularly beautiful easter surprise this week from Colombia. The representative of the genus Leporacanthicus illustrated here is probably the first and only specimen on the market. It reminds of the in the Orinoco occurring L 240 and L 241, as well as of Leporacanthicus cf. “Venezuela”. But its white spots are larger and the portion of white color is higher. Whether it is a color mutant of the well-known Leporacanthicus species or a new „species “, cannot be judged on the basis of a single specimen. Its expressed attractiveness stands however except question.

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien
Name Leporacanthicus sp. „NEW“

Micropercops swinhonis

6. July 2007

One of the most beautiful new fish species of 2003 is this goby, which is rather widely spread in China, Korea and Japan. Already in 1873 Günther described it under the name Eleotris swinhonis of Shanghai, China, but it made its way to our tanks only now. It can reach a maximum size of approx. 8cm. They are peaceful fish, which must not be kept too warm – according to their subtropical origin. 18-22°C are ideal. They eat every frozen and alive food of adequate size, after habituation many specimen also accept dry food. As no regular imports of this beautiful species are made from the spreading area, the currently available fish are German bred. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft China, Japan, Korea

Synbranchus marmoratus

6. July 2007

Synbranchus marmoratus

As a beauty in the conventional sense Synbranchus marmoratus can not be chracterised, but even the extraordinary has its attraction. At the moment we can offer beside swamp eels in „normal“ sizes a giant of approximately 1 m length. Of course a predator of this size should not be kept together with small „food fishes “. In addition they try to undertake nocturnal migrations, in order to avoid unpleasant nocturnal meetings, the aquarium should be hermetically closed. For those looking for an alternative to the usual community tank it might be an interesting ornamental fish.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Mexiko - Argentinien, Peru

Badis corycaeus (formely: sp. Putao)

6. July 2007

Badis sp. Patao

This new, brown-red Badis was imported from the borderland of Myanmar and China. They can can be kept even in cooler temperatures and are easily satisfied. Also bred ones are already available. (Photos & Text D. Bork)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Myanmar
Name Badis sp. Patao

Haplochromis sp. Mburo Blacky

6. July 2007

Haplochromis sp. Mburo Blacky

The “Mburo Blacky” is coming from Lake Mburo in Uganda. This species is undescribed until now and grows up to 12cm. It does not dig and do not eat plants, but it is rather agressive and therefor those fish need bigger tanks (1 meter in length and up) in which they can find places to hide. The temperature should be around 22° and 28°C and all other water parameters could be changeable. This means in general that this item is not very choosy. You can get the first bred ones from Aquarium Glaser.(Photo & Text E. Schraml)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Uganda

Euryrhynchus amazoniensis

6. July 2007

April 2006: Now available again: Euryrhynchus amazoniensis a rare shrimp species from South America. The delightful pattern of points and stripes on their body justifies its English name Peru Zebra Shrimp. For a long-lasting maintenance the only 3 cm large getting species needs low pH values and soft water, since otherwise a certain susceptibility against bacterial diseases seems to be present. Due to its small size it should naturally not be socialized with predatory fish. E. amazoniensis is very suitable for a South American society tank with small characins and corys.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru, Brasilien

Sesarmops intermedium, Flower Crab

6. July 2007

Sesarmops intermedium

This crab is known under the trading name “Flower Crab”. It will not outgrow 4 cm, measured by its carapace. These crustaceans have two large, red claws, which could weigh up to half the total body weight. In nature they feed mainly on algae and other organic material, which they catch with smaller pincers. The Flower Crab needs a dry surface in their tank. Feeding in captivity is no problem at all; they eat all available fish food including flake and pellets. To thrive these crustaceans need an addition of salt in the water. One teaspoon for 10 litres of water should be sufficient. Their tank should be thoroughly covered because crabs and lobsters are notorious escape artists, who will find every small opening to get out of their artificial environment in order to dry up and perish somewhere in the room.(Photo: Frank Schäfer, Text: Izaak den Daas)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Taiwan

Barbus hulstaerti

6. July 2007

August 2006: Last night we received a small jewel from the Congo basin. For the first time a somewhat larger number, of the more than 30 years for the hobby lost Butterfly Barb Barbus hulstaerti could be imported. The lively fish, reaches 4cm in length and fascinates by its wonderful colors. In their area of origin they live in flat, shady and relative cool jungle waters. The discovery site data indicate with water values of pH around 6; and a total hardness under 5 DGH no excessive problems for their maintenance. The more delicate males can be differentiated from the larger, chubbier females at the more narrow anterior side spot. Due to the complicated political situation in the Congo the availability of wild caughts is not secured, therefore ambitious breeders should take care of this swimming gem to secure their existence in our aquaria.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kongo

Corydoras spectabilis

6. July 2007

Corydoras spectabilis

In fact we have ordered Corydoras guapore from Manaus,…but what we got was totally different. We got for the first time Corydoras spectabilis, which is found in the upper Rio Guaporé around Vila Bela. (Photo E. Schraml, Text Aquarium Glaser)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Guapore

Phyllonemus typus

6. July 2007

Phyllonemus typus

The Spatula-barbeled Catfish, endemic for Lake Tanganyika, has a very special way of reproduction for catfish: they are biparental mouthbreeder. This small catfish is the only representative of its genus and can be easily distinguished by the long barbels on both sides of the upper jaw, which are ending into a spatula form. The total length of the fish is ca. 9 cm. Caring these fish in the aquarium should not be too difficult. These are nocturnal animals who will come out for feeding however during daytime. But mostly they rest, during the light phase, on dark places or caves, which have to be available in the fish tank. These are peaceful fish although any fish small enough to fit in their mouth, and therefore seen as food, might be eaten.(Photo: Frank Schäfer, Text: Izaak den Daas)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Tanganjika See

Apistogramma agassizi „Super Red“

6. July 2007

Another highlight in breeding effort presents Apistogramma agassizi “Super red”. It’s color allocation strongly recalls wild caught “Red tailed agassizis”, however all colors are evidently more intense toward wild caughts. Particularly the high red proportion and also the metallic body brilliance could considerablely be raised through a strict selection of the breeded species.

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien

Potamotrygon cf. schroederi

6. July 2007

Potamotrygon cf. schroederi

Recently we could import this strongly at Potamotrygon schroederi reminding ray from Colombia. Similar as P. schroederi it possesses a strong tail and bright points, which resemble a flower pattern. The Orinoco and its tributaries are the origin of the so called Flower – Rays. Their maximum size might be approximately 60 – 70 cm, for a successful maintenance you need aquariums with a very large surface area (several square meters). The tank should contain a sand layer and a sufficient free swimming area. In their requirements for food they can be a little delicate, mostly they like frozen or living worms. Best for socialization will do other ray species.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien

Aplocheilichthys katangae

6. July 2007

From the Katanga province of the Congo we recieved Aplocheilichtys katangae. These non seasonal killies have a large distribution area in the central southern Africa. There they inhabit shallow, overgrown brooks and ponds. Their maximum size is approximately 6 cm. They feed on small water insects and crustaceans in tanks they can be fed with flakes or frozen food.

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kongo

Yasuhikotakia lecontei

6. July 2007

From the watershed of the Mekong originates this circa 15 cm long getting loach. The name red finned loach is something misleading, since not all animals show this colouring in all stages of age. During their development they change colours and pattern. Young animals usually exhibit a pattern of stripes which disappears during ageing. In their homeland they inhabit running waters on a stony ground. For their maintenance it should be considered that Y. lecontei (formerly known as Botia l.) is predominantly active at dawn and night, thus sharp light should be avoided. Since they are very active swimmers, the aquaria should have a length of at least 1 m. The food should contain mostly meaty components, snails are a favoured delicacy. About their natural reproduction in captivity no information is present to us. Probably it has, as with the predominant number of loaches, not yet occured.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand, Vietnam, Mekong

Baryancistrus sp. L-81 HIGHFIN

6. July 2007

September 2003: This week we received from Brasil a really unique fish: L-81 HIGHFIN. Our supplier advised us to send this fish and it really was worth waiting….was it not?(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien
Name Baryancistrus spec. L 81

Hypancistrus spec. L 401

6. July 2007

This in the DATZ 12/05 introduced very beautiful Hypancistrus variant is at present in a small number available. The animals remind in their habitus of L 333 and with these are also occasionally confounded. In the figure they are more delicate, somewhat more stretched and reach only one overall length of maximally 12 cm, while L can reach 333 16 cm overall length. The most remarkable difference however is to see in the gold-yellow basic colour on that a dark-brown line pattern appears. In their requirements for maintenance they hardly differ from other Hypancistrus species. They like a meaty diet, are however not averse from occasional cucumber or zucchini feeding. With good water hygiene, temperatures over 27°C and a high oxygen content they are well maintained. Against the water parameters they do not place special requirements. They were bred by the author at pH 7.9, DGH 12, KH 6 and a conductivity of 350mS. The young fish grow slowly and seem to be somewhat more sensitive than L 333.

(Photo & Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien
Name Hypancistrus spec. L 401

Liposarcus pardalis

6. July 2007

Liposarcus pardalis has enormous area of origin that enclosure nearly the entire Amazon basin. It is found in different waters types, herefrom results a large adaptability for the maintenance in aquaria.
According to the size (> 40cm) enormous food quantities are consumed. In Southeast Asia they are bred in large numbers and so wild caughts are only rarely traded. All the more beautifully it is to get some splendourful drawn adolescent wild caught.

(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Peru

Spectracanthicus (= Oligancistrus) zuanoni L 354

6. July 2007

Spectracanthicus (= Oligancistrus) zuanoni L 354 Spectracanthicus (= Oligancistrus) zuanoni L 354 Spectracanthicus (= Oligancistrus) zuanoni L 354 Spectracanthicus (= Oligancistrus) zuanoni L 354

Spectracanthicus zuanoni L 354 originates from Rio Xingu and the Rio Iriri in Brazil. It has been described scientifically only in 2014 (see The fish belongs to the same species as L 20, with however clearly larger white marks, so that the design reminds of a black net on a bright background. The reddish, large eyes form a beautiful contrast.

A characteristic for the former Oligancistrus species is the large dorsal fin, therefore the name Sailfinloricariids suggested by Seidel appears as very applicable for this group. Since Spectracanthicus species are found in shallow water zones with fast flowing water, they place high requirements against the water quality. As many other Loricariids from this region they should be kept at higher temperatures.

It should be paid attention on their nutrition. A too rich food with a high protein content can lead in the long term to liver damages.

For our customers: the fish have code 26480-L 254-3 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very limited numbers only!

Photos: F. Schäfer, Text: K. Diehl

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Xingu
Name Oligancistrus spec. L 354

Etheostoma fusiforme

6. July 2007

Etheostoma fusiforme

October 2003: This week we received a limited number of Etheosoma fusiforme. These goby-like perches are also called Darters and originates from North America. Darter males inspire during the courtship with beautiful colors. During the summer months this species can be held also in the domestic garden pond. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Östliche USA

Polypterus teugelsi

6. July 2007

From the Cross River system in Cameroon originates Polypterus teugelsi. This 2004 scientifically described species could be imported in this spring for the first time. They exhibit a black network, which covers an olive background on the dorsal and dorsolateral surface of the body. This and their brightly orange colored belly are singular in bichirs. In their homeland they inhabit shaded rainforest streams, water chemistry plays a subordinated role for their maintenance, strong food and regular water changes, however are of great importance.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kamerun, Cross River

Indostomus crocodilus

6. July 2007

This Southeast Asian dwarf will not grow larger then 3 cm. The gender difference is not very difficult to determine. During breeding time the females are clearly more filled around the belly. The males have brighter colours and the dorsal fin is black at the seam. The male fish shows guarding behaviour for spawn and fry until the young are free swimming. These are peaceful, quiet and slowly moving fish. Even the smallest aquarium is sufficient for these fascinating study objects. The substrate in the tank should be finest sand and the aquarium should be planted with fine-leafed plants and decorated with small stones and little pieces of bogwood. The food should consist of smallest live food. Breeding should be possible and the method of continuous breeding should be practised but will only be possible if there is sufficient live food of the smallest kind in order to feed the very small fry. (Photo: Frank Schäfer, Text: Izaak den Daas)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand

Hemichromis cf. cristatus „Benue“

6. July 2007

Hemichromis cf. cristatus „Benue“

This beautiful cichlid comes from the Benue-river. At least the females grow up to 5cm, the males reach their maximum size with 7cm. Among themselves they are peaceful and they also can be kept with other fish. But there is a slightly rough behaviour, which is typical for all red cichlids. But much less than all other Hemichromis!(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kamerun, Nigeria

Geophagus crassilabris

6. July 2007

Geophagus crassilabris

Very large animals, up to 20 cm, came to us from Colombia. These beautiful fish came as well from the Rio Chacu. These eartheaters live in nature in a habitat of moderately flowing streams and rivers. Remarkably for this group of eartheaters is the way they breed their eggs, not as normally in the throat area, as known with most mouthbreeding cichlids, but in the oral cavity. With this type of mouthbreeding you can clearly see that the fish are spreading their operculum and need to expand their upper lip. The lips of G. crassilabris are clearly thicker then its two relatives, G. steindachneri and G. pellegrini. These fish should not be kept in pairs but as a group with one male and several females as known with many Malawi and Tanganyika cichlids. This mating system is called “open polygyny”. These eartheaters are easy to keep and eat all available fish food, including flakes and tablet food.(Text: I. den Daas, Photo: F. Schäfer)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Kolumbien, Rio Chacu

Geosesarma sp. VAMPIRE

6. July 2007

Geosesarma sp. VAMPIRE Geosesarma sp. VAMPIRE Geosesarma sp. VAMPIRE Geosesarma sp. VAMPIRE

March 2006: They are among us. Fortunately only in a small number: Vampire crabs! With a close look the horror will pack you, remind the ends of its shears very strongly of the carnassial teeth of vampires. At night one would like to meet them with their shiny red eyes in no case. Now in seriousness. We could import only a small number of these fantastic looking Geosesarma species originating from Sulawesi. Their small size and beautiful colouring make it one of the most remarkable new imports of the last time. As a fresh-water crab it is ideally suitable for the Aqua- Terrarium or Paludarium. Their bizarre appearance and strong colours let them become an absolute eye catcher in the room jungle. Perhaps future owners of the small Vampires should gather a garlic supply, because you do not know what will happen at night.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indonesien, Sulawesi
Name Vampire Crab

Devario assamensis

6. July 2007

Some of the about 35 Devario species are found regularily in aquaria, others like Devario assamensis are rather rare. Therefore we are very happy to be able to offer you for the first time german bred Devario assamensis. Here it is about magnificent colored, circa 10 cm long getting barbs, whose origin is eastern India. They are rather swim-active fish and need sufficient space, the aquarium length should therefore be not below 1 m. A large free swimming area is necessary, a densely planted background offers them a some times needed protection and a retreat area. They have no special requirements on the water chemistry, middlehard water and a neutral pH is sufficient for them. A high value should be set on a alternation of the food. Often omnivores get neglected in this regard. At feeding they will get fully active and particularly when feeding with living food they exhibit impressing swimming zournaments. For a productive breeding the parents should be departed after spawning, since they are fierce spawn eaters.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Indien

Rasbora daniconius

6. July 2007

The slender rasbora inhabits a very large area in Southeast Asia. From the Malaysian peninsula to the Mekong and the Indus it occurs in the a variety of habitats: channels, ponds, flooded (rice) fields and slowly flowing rivers. Due to the enormous area and the adjustment to different waters types it can be assumed that R. daniconius does not place excessive requirements against the life in the aquarium. As long as you avoid extreme maintenance conditions slender rasboras will do fine. For this to an overall length of 15cm growing fish, the tank should not be too small (1 m), they need space being very active swimmers. With varied feeding and regular partial water changes this undemanding species an nearly ideal fish for beginners. (Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar

Hydrolycus tatauaia

6. July 2007

From Peru some sabre toothed Tiger Fishes of the species Hydrolycus tatauaia came to us. For the maintenance of these impressive hunters naturally roomy aquariums (> 1000l) are needed. Young specimen can be kept in swarms, in the wild even swarms of mixed species were observed. With ageing their aggression potential rises and they become increasingly territorial. In the wild they lurk behind rocks of cataracts and for hunting they dash forward as swift as an arrow to capture their victims.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Peru

Otothyris travassosi

6. July 2007

Otothyris travassosi

This rarely imported catfish species originates from the federal states Bahia and Espirito Santo at the coast of brazil. With only 3cm of total length it belongs to the smallest Loricariids. There habitats are small and fast running streams. They mostly stay in areas thickly covered with vegetation. Otothyris travassosi is not a fish for a beginner. It makes great demands on the water quality/hygiene. Also the temperature of the water should not be too high (19-25°C). According to several different authors it is found in White- as well as Clearwater. In details of the place where it was found ph-values just under 7 and conductivities between 100 – 150 µs/cm can be meas-ured. Make sure of a good care with vegetable foodstuffs, also fine living food is ac-cepted. Nothing is known about successful breeding.

(Photo: Erwin Schraml, Text: Klaus Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien

Characidium spec. V

6. July 2007

This prettily drawn representative of the genus Characidium reached us over Rio de Janeiro, its actual occurrence area is unknown. A classification of the more than 50 Characidium species is difficult, for orientation we here adopt the numbering of the Aqualog photo collection. As natural biotope small clear watercourses are to be assumed. The water should be well aerated and be sufficient for the general requirements on water chemistry (pH around 7, GH max.15). It concerns here a ground inhabiting omnivore fish. Considering the small mouth opening however not to large pieces of food should be offered to the animals. For the keeping of groups, tanks should be used by 100cm length, since the animals like to built up small territories. Breeding might not be difficult as with other Characidium species too.(Photo: Erwin Schraml, Text: Klaus Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien

Hyphessobrycon agulha

6. July 2007

This very attractive Tetra originates from the Rio Madeira, which runs into the Amazon River downstream from Manaus in Brazil. This Characin species will probably not grow much larger then 6 cm. They are friendly and lively schooling fish, very suitable for a community tank. These fish are not difficult in keeping and will tolerate all types of water. As all representatives of the Hyphessobrycon family these fish will thrive in a well-planted aquarium with many small leave plants, but also enough room for swimming. They also prefer a dark coloured substrate. They the ideal inhabitants for the so-called Dutch aquarium and they will show their best colours with soft lights.(Photo F. Schäfer, Text K. Diehl)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Madeira

Apistogramma agassizii ,,Abacaxis“

6. July 2007

Apistogramma agassizii ,,Abacaxis“

The fish in this picture shows the beautiful A. agassizii colour morph from the Rio Abacaxis, which lies in the middle part of the Amazon River in Brasil. Recently a number of new varieties are introduced to the hobby, originating from breeding as well as import of local colour morphs. We can only hope that these beautiful varieties will obtain a permanent place in our fascinating hobby. The breeding of A. agassizi in not very complicated if you are aware of the typical conditions of keeping Apistogramma. Soft and clean water with low pH, enough hiding places with caves having small openings for the females to be used as breeding places, are the basal conditions for successful breeding. With this know-how plus a small amount of aquaristical intuition nothing will be in the way for many hours of fascinating observation in front of the fish tank.

(Photo: R.Suttner, Text: Izaak den Daas)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien, Rio Abacaxis

Apistogramma sp. Tefé 1 – Gold

6. July 2007

Apistogramma sp. Tefé 1 – Gold

The first golden animals were found among a bred shoal of young, approx. 14 days old Apistogramma sp. Tefé 1. From them a breeding phylum for further generations of Golden Apistogramma developed. Their growth is plainly slower than the growth of the normal Apistogramma sp. Tefé 1 and their breeding is generally more difficult. Their keeping conditions are equivalent to those of Apistogramma agassizii.(Photo & Text von P. & M. Hoffmann)

Angaben zum Tier
Herkunft Brasilien