Author Archives: Frank Schäfer

Distichodus teugelsi

27. February 2017

D. teugelsi attains a maximum length of about 5-6 cm and is one of the smallest species of Distichodus at all – and one of the prettiest! A few specimens reached aus from the DR Congo. Here the fish inhabit soft, acidic water in the middle course of the Congo river.

 The males stay smaller than the females. The females also have a much bigger belly. Although Distichodus are known to love disputing with conspecifics – D. teugelsi is no exception of that rule – these small quarrels have no serious consequences. All species of Distichodus need plant matter as food, so one must suppose that D. teugelsi also will happily feed the complete underwater garden, if it is offered to the fish by the aquarist. 

For our customers: the animals have code 128053 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in very small numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Apistogramma elizabethae

24. February 2017

On wednesday we received wild collected Apistogramma elizabethae. Anytime we get such rarities we take an even closer look than anyway on the fishes wether they really belong to the ordered species and if bycatches are among them. Apistogramma elizabethae can be told apart from other, similar species by an unique feature: alarmed fish loose much of their coloration and show two horizontically arranged oval spots on the flanks. This double spot can be also seen under special light conditions in relaxed fish, but it is much less obvious then.

So we took our documentary photos and discovered a male that looked totally different from all Apistogramma-elizabethae males we have ever seen before: it had broad vertical bars on the belly! We selected the fish and two others to take a closer look in the phototank. But here the male didn´t show that coloration anymore. Instead it came very quickly in mood for sexual activities and delivered a fabulous combat with his likeness in a small pocket mirror. These fish are simply gorgeous!

For our customers: the animals have code 618712 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Sphaerichthys acrostoma

24. February 2017

The Golden Chocolate Gourami may be the least attractive of all Chocolate Gouramis in respect of coloration, but it is nevertheless a very interesting species. The fish is the rarest of all Chocolate Gouramis as well in the hobby as in the wild. So we are very glad in case we are able to offer it.

The species is a mouthbrooder, the male cares for the eggs. Females develope a dark spot behind the head during displaying and can be also recognized by the vertical stripes over the yellowish belly. Males, on the other hand, can show a hoizontal stripe on the body. 

In contrast to the other species of chocolate gourami, Sphaerichthys acrostoma seems to be rather peaceful against conspecifics; at least they can be often observed swimming around in small groups. This species attains a maximum length of about 5 cm.

For our customers: the fish have code 455703 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Hemigrammus bellottii – the Golden Glowlight Tetra

24. February 2017

The common Glowlight Tetra, Hemigrammus erythrozonus, originates from Guyana. The species is very popular in the aquarium hobby. But only few hobbyists know that there does exist a comparatively close relative of the common Glowlight in Colombia and Brazil: the Golden Glowlight, Hemigrammus bellottii. The latter is often found along with the Cardinal (Paracheirodon axelrodi) and it is a very nice contrast fish to the Cardinal in a community tank. Usually the Golden Glowlight is imported only by chance, as a by-catch of the Cardinal. But from time to time we manage to import a larger number of the pretty fish. The fire red upper eye and the golden stripe look very nice in a rather dark equipped tank.

For our customers: the fish have code 256032 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Apistogramma eunotus „Rio Tapiche“

22. February 2017

Apistogramma eunotus is among the species of Apistogramma with the deepest body of all. The species can be told apart from other, similar species, best by the large blueish spot on the opercle.

We obtained recently very different specimens of A. eunotus from the Rio Tapiche in Peru. They differ in many respects from typical A. eunotus. The fully grown males have prolonged fin lappets in the dorsal fin (not prolonged in males of normal A. eunotus), a well marked pattern in the caudal fin (no pattern in the caudal fin in normal A. eunotus) and the caudal fin has in fully grown males a prolongation on the upper and the lower edge (no prolongation at all or only a slight prolongation on the upper edge of that fin in normal A. eunotus).

Are these difference enough to establish a new species? This is not our decision. There have been some descriptions of new species of Apistogramma recently, but none of them seems to be identical with our new importations. It is very interesting that the newly imported Apistogramma eunotus „Rio Tapiche“ seems to represent a link beween the normal A. eunotus found in Peru and the Apistogramma species of the A.-macmasteri-complex found in the Orinoco drainage.

For our customers: the fish have code 618904 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Elassoma zonatum

22. February 2017

Even our grandfathers will remember the dwarf sunfishes. The tiny, hardly 3 cm long fish are ideal inhabitants for small tanks that are not heated. Elassoma originate from the USA. Formerly only one species of the genus was represented in the hobby, namely Elassoma evergladei. But in the meantime additional species became avialable. Among them is E. zonatum. This species originates from eastern and central parts of the United States.

Elassoma zonatum is a perfect aquarium fish and as good suited as its well known cousin. One has to keep in mind that Elassoma will refuse dry food, but otherwise they are easy to keep. Sadly the offspring is extremely small, so a successful rearing will be performed by experienced hobbyists only.

For our customers: the fish have code 414725 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only very few specimens available!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Betta coccina

20. February 2017

Finally we can offer once more one of the beautiful Bettas belonging to the relationship of the „small red ones“: Betta coccina. The Vinered fighter, also called the Blue spot fighter, comes from Sumatra, Jambi province. Like all these „small red ones“ it occurs in forests. Here the fish live among the dead leaves of the trees. The collectors often report that no free water is visble, but only wet litter. However, in rainy seasons Betta coccina can be also found in more „normal“ types of water bodies. The water there is always soft and acidic, most often of deep brown colour.

The small fish are comparatively peaceful against conspecifics; usually one can keep and breed them in small groups. The males like to build their small foam nests in dark, hidden places. The black plastic tins that are used for analogue photo films are much sought for that purpose by breeders, but become rare at times of digital photography…

Sadly the fish gives only a rough idea how beautiful it can look when it is placed in the light photo tank with clear and clean water. So – as a great exception – we decided in this special case to use a picture from the German wikipedia, which is licenced under Creative Commons:; By Parostoteles (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons. This picture shows a male in breeding condition.

The remaining pictures show, as usual, animals of our current stock.

For our customers: the fish have code 379903 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Discus Heckel Cross Jatapu

20. February 2017

The high season for wild collected discus starts around October and ends in April. Nevertheless, good wild collected discus are available the whole year throught! Some varieties are in general very rarely offered, a good example are the so called Heckel Cross from the Rio Jatapu. They are real beauties! The out-of-season summer discus have a great advantage: they are even healthier and even more stable than the comparatively fresh collected animals available during the high season!

For our customers: the Heckel Cross from the Rio Jatapu have code 735046 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Channa sp. Meghalaya

19. February 2017

Currently is the season for species of Channa from India. Every now and then we can offer the gorgeous Channa pardalis, which is also known in the hobby under the name of „True Blue“ (see There is a second, very similar Channa, traded under the name of Channa sp. Meghalaya. There is a rumour among the Channa freaks that this should represent a second, valid species of Channa, already under scientific description. The main differences between the True Blue and Meghalaya are said to be the lack of black spots in the face of the Meghalaya and the presence of a bright orange zone in front of the eye of Meghalaya.

Currently we have both Channa in stock, a good opportunity to take a closer look on them. So I picked up the largest (14-15 cm) pair of C. sp. Meghalaya (at least the male is for sure a male) and the smallest individual and photographed them. The female fits perfectly to the diffeences described above: no black spots in the face and a bright orange zone in front of the eye. The male fits not as good. The black spots are also lacking, but there is not the slightest sign of an orange zone in front of the eye. The halfgrown young adult has so many black spots in the face that I thought a C. pardalis would have been placed erroneously in the tank of the C. sp. Meghalaya – but then I spotted the bright orange zone in front of the eye…

So – as a conclusion: there are no constant differences in respect of head coloration between Channa pardalis (True Blue) and C. sp. Meghalaya. One should keep and breed them separatly, but there are in no way clear specific differences.

For our customers: Channa sp. Meghalaya have code 409283 on our stocklist, Channa pardalis (True Blue) code 409383. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Both Channa are available in limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

A great classic: Gasteropelecus sternicla

19. February 2017

The flying fish of the freshwater, the hatchetfishes, are popular aquarium fishes for a long time already. They are peaceful, look very interesting and live near the water surface.


The Common Hatchetfish (Gasteropelecus sternicla) is quite abundand in larger parts of South America. So we have the species more or less always in stock. In recent times, they are also often offered as bred ones from Indonesia. Usually the fish traded are about 3 cm long. Now we obtained xxl-specimens from Colombia, up to 7.5 cm long! Gorgeous animals….

For our customers: the fish have code 254405 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Heros liberifer German bred

19. February 2017

The mouthbrooding species of Heros from Venezuela has finally a widely accepted scientific name: Heros liberifer. Please see http://www.aqua for detailed information on that case. From time to time we can offer beautiful, 10-14 cm long German bred specimens of that rare fish.

For our customers: the animal has code 682945 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Zonancistrus sp. L52

15. February 2017

The season for plecos from the rio Orinoko started very well. Many much sought for species are available in many different sizes. Most specimens of the Orinoco Butterfly Pleco (L52) we currently have in stock are charming and very pretty youngsters, but we also have a few large (9-11 cm) animals in our fishhouse. The species attains a mximum length of about 15 cm. L52 are omnivorous fishes that need some wood as food supplement, too. There are several reports on a successful breeding, the species is a typicla cave brooder. Despite the fact L52 is very undemanding in respect of general water conditions, the experience tells us that they show the most contrasting colours in soft and acidic water.

For our customers: the animals have code 26480 -L 52-0 (3-4 cm) and 26480 -L 52-4 (9-11 cm) on our stocklsit. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

The story of the Cologne wild guppy

15. February 2017

It was back in 1977 when first reports about this „German wild guppy“ appeared in aquarium journals. This was in the „Informationen der Deutschen Guppy-Förderation Nr.3“. Shortly after that Franz-Peter Müllenholz wrote a report for the magazine TI (No 42, June 1978) on that fish that lived in a brook near Cologne. The water was very polluted, there were deformed animals, but most of the fish were very healthy and lively. Müllenholz also pointed out the very selender figure of that fish. Werner Ladiges, editor of the TI, doubted that these guppys really established a constant population. But two editions later, in TI No 44 (December 1978) the theme was continued. In a short note it was made clear that a power plant led the cooling water in that brook, so it became heated. In March, the water temperature was as high as 19°C. This is the salient point, fot the lowest temperature tolerated by guppys over a longer period (some weeks) is about 14-16°C.

In scientific literature the existence of these guppys is even longer documented (Friedrich, 1973). He also named the brook: it is the Gillbach, and the power plant is os the cole plant Niederaußem (the largest power plant of that type in Germany). The guppys were (and still are) also present in the lower Erft, in which the Gillbach flows. The lower Erft is heated by hot water pumped up from up to 400 m depth from cole mines. Here do not exist only guppys, but also many other tropcal organisms: Amatitlania nigrofasciata, Ancistrus, the snails Melanoides tuberculatus and Planorbella duryi, the annelid worm Branchyura sowerbii, the planaria Dugesia tigrina, the shrimps Neocaridina davidi and Macrobacrium dayanum, as well as a nuber of tropical water weeds: Azolla filiculoides, Egeria densa, Lemna aequinoctialis, L. minuta, Myriophyllum aquaticum, Pistia stratiotes, and Shinnersia rivularis (Friedrich, 2005). Most of these organisms are for sure relaesed by aquarists, but in some cases it is not clear were they originate from.

The Cologne wild guppys are interesting animals. And the good news is: one has not to travel to Cologne to get them. Currently we have these „Cologne wild guppys“ in stock, they are aquarium-bred specimens, but the ancestors were collected in the Gillbach. So these fish found back their way in the tanks of the hobbyists – a quite interesting process from a scientific point of view that gives insights in co-evolutionary processes of mankind and their domesticated animals. In the Gillbach and the Erft the guppys will become extinct as soon as the introduction of heate water ends – that´s for sure. But maybe they can survive as a curiosity in the tanks of aquarists? Nobody knows…

For our customers: the fish have code 419028 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Literature cited:

Friedrich, G. (1973): Ökologische Untersuchungen an einem thermisch anomalen Fließgewässer (Erft/Niederrhein). – Schriftenreihe Landesanstalt für Gewässerkunde und Gewässerschutz NRW Heft 33, Kempen-Hüls. 

Friedrich, G. (2005): Die untere Erft – Ein subtropischer Fluss. LUA Gewässergütebericht 2005: 101–103 

Ladiges, W. (1978): Betr.: Guppypopulation in der Nähe von Köln. TI Tatsachen und Informationen aus der Aquaristik 12 (44): 42

Müllenholz, F.-P. (1978): Guppypopulation in der Nähe von Köln. TI Tatsachen und Informationen aus der Aquaristik 12 (42): 42-43

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Caridina logemanni Crystal Super Red Cologne Strain

15. February 2017

Since the very first start of breeding sports in ornamental fish some strains were named after the tow they appeared first. Examples are the „Vienna Emerald Guppy“, the „Hamburg Swordtail“, or the „Bristol Shubunkin“.

This tradition also took place in dwarf shrimps and so a „cologne strain“ of Caridina logemanni exists. We now obtained a number of very nice specimens from that strain that exhibit an extraordinary high degree of red coloration.

For our customers: the animals have code 485339 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Xiphophorus variatus „La Laguna“

14. February 2017

Once more we can offer a very beautiful wild sport of the variable platy: La Laguna! Our specimens are German bred. This sport originates from San Luis Potosi in Mexico; La Laguna de la Media Luna is a very popular place for tourism.

The peculiar difference of the population La Laguna to other sports of the variable platy are the dark seams of the caudal and the dorsal fin in males in full coloration, the so-called alpha-males. Not all males always show the colours in full intensity; it is recommend to keep several males together. Competition stimulates the development of colors!

For our customers: the fish have code 442981 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Apistogramma trifasciata „Rio San Martin“

14. February 2017

We received very nice German bred specimens of that dwarf cichlid. The specimens are descendants of the yellow-headed population that has been initially collected by the well known dwarf cichlid specialist and ichthyologist Dr. Wolfgang Steack in the Rio San Martin (Rio Guapore basin). He portrayed that population in detail in the DCG Sonderheft 2008 (March, 2008). Our breeder told us that this variety proofes to polychromatic. Among the offspring every now and than also more or less blue-headed specimens appear.

For our customers: the fish have code 630152 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Only in the transit…

14. February 2017

There are not many species of fish in which the demand is greater than the number of offered animals. The Rainbow Darter (Etheostoma caeruleum) from North America belongs to these exceptional species. The pretty, small species – it attains a maximum length of 7-8 cm –  has been imported as early as 1899, but it always stayed rare.

Now we obtained 10 adult bred specimens, which are, however, not for sale, but which will go to another breeder. We hope the new breeder will be able to produce a good number of offspring for us.

Although the Rainbow Darter inhabits cool, fast running watter in the wild it is all but demanding. The species deposits the eggs in the ground. Hopefully they will do it in great numbers in their new home and then we will be able to offer the pretty fish to all who are interested in it.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

How to pack 600 Volts!

13. February 2017

The Electric Eel, Electrophorus electricus, has the strongest electric discharges of all known electric species of fish (electric catfish, electric rays, elephant fishes, knifefishes). Up to 600 Volts are quite common, very large specimens may produce even stronger discharges. The Electric Eel is no eel at all, but belongs to the New World Knifefishes. Five families, 30 genera, and about 180 species are known, all of them are electric. But only the Electric Eel uses its power to konck out prey or to defend itself against enemies. All other species use their (weak) electric organ only for infraspecific communication or for orientation. This organ works a bit like a radar.

The Electric Eel becomes more than 2 metres long. Large specimens are much wanted by public aquaria all over the world. Keeping these large fish is astonshing simple. As the Electic Eel often inhabits swampy habitats it has developed a breathing organ that enables the fish to breath atmospheric air they take from the water surface.

Click here for the video: zitteraalfang – Klein

You can see on the video enclosed how such a muscleman is caught and prepared for transportation to the final homeplace – in this special case a public aquarium in France. The most important thing in such an operation is to keep calm. Neither the animal nor the catcher must become nervous, otherwise accidents may appear.

For our customers: the Electric Eel has code 25320 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in limited numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer, video & catcher: Christian „The Mighty“ Fiedler

Rivulus punctatus

13. February 2017

This charming dwarf killi – it becomes only 3-4 cm long – reached us from Paraguay. The species is remarkable for several reasons. First of all this is the species of Rivulus that can be found most far in the south. R. punctatus can tolerate temperatures as low as 12°C for a short time. These are the temperatures a freshwater fish has to face in these southern parts of South America temporarily.

Another special feature of the species is the fact that the males can have very different patterns in the caudal fin.

Keeping and breeding Rivulus punctatus is rather easy. The species belongs to the subgenus Melanorivulus. However, there is one thing one must keep always in mind: these fish are excellent jumpers! This passion often costs their lifes. In the wild the fish wander through wet grasses and can often be found found from an open water. So the tank for R. punctatus must be covered absolutely closely.

For our customers: the fish have code 344002 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Cyprinion semiplotum

10. February 2017

One of the advantages of the aquarium hobby is that there exists a species of fish for any thinkable taste. Most of our readers will for sure prefer the cardinal tetra, but the plump and drab coloured Cyprinion semiplotum is also worth a look.

This species of carp attains a maximum length of about 60 cm and originates from the north of India, Nepal and Bhutan. However, specimens larger than 30 cm are hardly ever found in the wild. According to the exporter, one can collect the species only a few weeks per year (august-spetember) and even at that time they are anything but common. The IUCN Red List lists the species as vulnerable. Population has declined for 30% in the last decade and it is presumed that it will shrink for another 30-50% in the decade coming. The reasons for that decline are overfishing, deforestation and pollution of the habitats. This unique carp lives exclusively in clear mountain streams in the Himalaya, which flow to the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. The specimens currently traded are said to originate from the Sankosh and Torsa rivers in North Bengal. However, collecting young specimens for the aquarium trade has no effect at all on the population. But due to the declining populations is is not very likely that the fish will appear on the ornamental fish market in the future again.

Almost nothing is known on the aquarium biology of this omnivorous species. It is said that it can be best compared with that of Labeo-kind fish. This means that one should keep the fish in larger groups, for otherwise they may develop an aggressive behaviour. It is self explaining that fish of that size should be kept in large aquaria. Hardness and pH are of lesser interest, but one should keep in mind that the species originates from subtropical regions and thus they should be kept not too warm (14-24°C).

For our customers: the fish have code 412952 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Lexicon: Cyprinion: this refers to the relationship of the Common carp (Cyprinus): semiplotum: means “half swimming”.

Common name: Assamese kingfish

Apistogramma personata Mitu

10. February 2017

The identity of this dwarf cichlid – it belongs to the absolute top-rarities – is under discussion. It is a fact hat it has been collected for the first time in 1995 by Uwe Werner and company near Mitu, Colombia. The city of Mitu is placed at the banks of the Rio Vaupes. Uwe was able to bring some live specimens with him, but sadly they did not breed successfully. These fish were introduced in the hobby literature under the name of A. personata. Uwe Römer in his book „Cichliden Atlas“ identifies these fish as Apistogramma brevis. However, both species – A. brevis and A. personata – are only very poorly studied, so currently it is not possible to decide which opinion is the right one. We simply named them Apistogramma personata Mitu because they are better known in the hobby under that name.

In respect of coloration this species is not a burner, but very interesting. The ability to change the colours is enormous – all pictures show the very same three specimens, one male and two females. A very interesting fact is that the male shows eyespots on the opercles when it is very excited; in cool moods these eyespots are hardly visible.

For our customers: the fish have code 626484 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Available in small numbers only!

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Gnathocharax steindachneri

10. February 2017

In the natural habitat of the cardinal tetra food sources are very scarce. So it is really astonishing how many species can exist there. However, many of them stay very small. Good luck for the aquarium hobby, for they all make very good ornamental species!

Even a predatory species of that biotope is such a dwarf: Gnathocharax steindachneri. It attains a maximum length of only 5 cm and belongs to the closer relationship to the freshwater barracudas (Acestrorhynchus), what is clearly visibly by the structure of the fangs and teeth. However, Gnathocharax is not dangerous for other fishes larger than approx. 1 cm. Most probably the species feeds on fish and insect larvae in the wild.

Currently we were able once more to import this most interesting species of tetra. It is perfectly suitable for community tanks with cardinals and other tetras. Here Gnathocharax loves to swim along with conspecifics in the upper third of the water column. The fish feed readily on any type of usual fish food, even dry food is taken from the very first day on, despite the specialized dentition.

For our customers: the fish have code 254653 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Xiphophorus hellerii „guentheri Golden Stream“

8. February 2017

Once more we can present to you an interesting and beautiful wild variety of a livebearer: Xiphophorus hellerii „guentheri Golden Stream“, This unusual Green Swordtail originates from the surroundings of the Golden Stream preserve in Belize, Mexico. This presevere covers an area of about 61 km2 and contains a large number of rare and endangered species. Our specimens of Xiphophorus hellerii „guentheri Golden Stream“ are bred ones from Southeast Asia.

In Germany usually spotted swordtails are called „guentheri“. The subspecies Xiphophorus hellerii guentheri has been described from Guatemala. The „Golden Stream“ does not fit to what we think is a guentheri, but the name has been accepted widely in the community of liveberaer enthusiasts so we feel that the name should not be changed without eager need. It is by far more important that such animals are bred in pure strains. Only under these conditions it will be possible in the future to study behaviour and genetics of wild fish. There do exist already enough artifical sports and crosses.

One of the pecularities of the „Golden Stream“ is that there still exists a natural polymorphism in males. One can obain from the same brood small, tiny, often very colourful males and real bulls that have about the double body mass compared with their small conspecifics. These so called early and late males appear initially in any population of swordtail, but in the domesticated strains the breeders often eliminate the small early males and so only large, late males exist. 

The males of the „Golden Steam“ often exhibit dark vertical stripes on the shoulder. All in all the „Golden Stream“ is a wonderful wild type of swordtail that can be recommended warmly to all hobbyists interested in studies of behaviour and genetics; but a hobbyist that simply enjoys beautiful fish will also make a good choice in buying Xiphophorus hellerii „guentheri Golden Stream“.

For our customers: the fish have code 421268 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & Photos: Frank Schäfer

Centromochlus heckelii

30. January 2017

It is a pity that we can offer this interesting driftwood catfish only very rarely and in small numbers. The species has a wide distribution in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins. It attains a maximum length of about 14-15 cm. Our specimens originate from Peru; here is also the type locality for the species.Two features in that fish are very obvious: the large eyes and the also large pectoral fins which are always spread. The spines of the pectoral fins should be taken with care: one can become nasty stung by them and the spines also tend to tengle up in the meshs of a net when it is necessary to catch the fish. The sexes can be distinguished best by the shape of the maxillary barbels: these barbels are curved in males, straight in females.

For our customers: the fish have code 214703 on our stocklist. Please note that we supply exclusively the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Procatopus aberrans

30. January 2017

We obtained very nice glitter fishes from Nigeria: Procatopus aberrans. These lampeyes are very peaceful schooling fish that live near the water surface or at least in the upper third of the water column. In contrast to most other species of lampeye that have an iridescent blue zone in the iris, in P. aberrans the iridescent zone in the eye is copper red. This is seen best when the light comes from top. It is recommended to keep lampeyes in general in a tank in which at least a few hours per day natural sunlight can shine in. Under these conditions the brillant turquoise flanks and the bright copper red eyes shine in a way the delights the heart of every real aquarist!

For our customers: the animals have code 343102 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer

Acarichthys heckelii Albino

20. January 2017

We received this extraordinary and beautiful sport of Acarichthys heckelii from Taiwan. A. heckelii is a comparatively large species of cichlid that can attain over the years a total length of more than 20 cm. And the fish becomes more and more beautiful with every year! The species is very peaceful. Aquarium maintenance is comparable with Geophagus or the Ram, but A. heckelii is much less demanding in respect of the water chemistry. A. heckelii is a cave brooder that can be quite productive.

For our customers: the fish have code 601043 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos. Frank Schäfer