Filopaludina (Siamopaludina) martensi cambodjensis

19. April 2016


For the first time ever we were able to import this pretty snail from Thailand. It is a typical viviparid snail that shares all the characters of the family: these animal breath via gills, not via lungs, and thus use the dissolved oxygen in the water for breathing, like fish do; there are males and females, the males can be recognize by the fact that one of the antennas is modified in shape; these snails are livebearers; and they are no algae-eaters in the strict sense, but feed on Aufwuchs and detritus. Food tablets (produced for ornamental fish) are a reliable food for them in the aquarium. Filopaludina (Siamopaludina) martensi cambodjensis attains a length of about 4 cm.






For our customers: the animals have code 483655 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade.

Text & photos: Frank Schäfer