The magnificent licorice gouramis (Parosphromenus) are among the most threatened fish species on earth. This is due to the extensive destruction of the environment in their habitats. Most of the currently 20 scientifically described species have only been discovered in the last 40 years thanks to aquarium science, as the licorice gouramis differ mainly in colour. A determination of most species is hardly possible without the breeding colouration of the males.
An exception in this respect is the P. paludicola from the Malay peninsula, which was described as the second species of the genus in 1952. This species is anatomically and ecologically so clearly separated from other licorice gouramis that it could almost be placed in a subgenus of its own. In contrast to all other Parosphromenus species, which are adapted to extremely acid black water with pH values between 3.5 and 4.5, this species also occurs in almost neutral water. Due to its comparatively low requirements, the species P. paludicola is also recommended for beginners in Paro care and breeding.
At the moment we have very nice wild catches of this species from the surroundings of Narathiwat in Thailand in stock. The trade with wild catches of such species does not endanger the wild stocks, as scientific studies clearly show. If at all the trade has only a positive influence on the natural populations, because the endangered habitats of the animals are possibly protected, if a certain income of the local human population can be obtained from it; otherwise the swamps are drained and oil palm plantations are created, which leads to the complete extinction of the original fauna and flora there.
Wild catches also provide insights into the variance of such species, an important prerequisite for species conservation programmes. Among the animals we currently imported are a few with a spot on the flank, which is so far unknown to P. paludicola; we are documenting this phenomenon here for the first time.
For our customers: the animals have code 441139 on our stocklist. Please note that we only supply wholesalers.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer