We received two very rare species of Corydoras from Brazil, which represent moreover two of the largest species of Corydoras at all: the “real” Corydoras narcissus (I), which can attain a maximum length of almost 10 cm, and Corydoras robustus, which can become even one centimeter longer.
For the differences beween C. narcissus I and II (the latter, by the way, is also currently in our stock, originating from Peru), see http://www.aquariumglaser.de/en/fish-archive/corydoras-en/Corydoras_narcissus_and_CW6_en/
It is worth mentioning that in Corydoras robustus both sexes develop the elongated dorsal fin. The sexes can be told best apart by the shape of the ventral fins.
For our customers: Corydoras narcissus has code 237105, C. robustus 244106 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Both species are available in limited numbers only!
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer