Once again we have been able to import beautiful, fully grown specimens of the Orange Barb; unfortunately they are already sold out, but we want to use this opportunity to point out another of the numerous name changes of the Asian small barbs.
Desmopuntius – the name means “convict barb” and refers to the striped pattern reminiscent of convict clothing, which all species show at least as juveniles – currently includes the following eight species:
Desmopuntius endecanalis (Kapuas River basin, Indonesian part of Borneo), D. foerschi (Kalimantan, Indonesian part of Borneo), D. gemellus (Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia), D. hexazona (Central Sumatra, Indonesia), D. johorensis (Johore, Malaysia), D. pentazona (Sarawak, part of Borneo belonging to Malaysia), D. rhomboocellatus (Kalimantan, Indonesian part of Borneo), and D. trifasciatus (Kapuas River basin, Indonesian part of Borneo).
Due to their coloration D. rhomboocellatus is unmistakable within the genus.
For our customers: the animals have code 370923 on our stocklist. Please note that we supply exclusively to wholesalers.
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer