Even our grandfathers will remember the dwarf sunfishes. The tiny, hardly 3 cm long fish are ideal inhabitants for small tanks that are not heated. Elassoma originate from the USA. Formerly only one species of the genus was represented in the hobby, namely Elassoma evergladei. But in the meantime additional species became avialable. Among them is E. zonatum. This species originates from eastern and central parts of the United States.
Elassoma zonatum is a perfect aquarium fish and as good suited as its well known cousin. One has to keep in mind that Elassoma will refuse dry food, but otherwise they are easy to keep. Sadly the offspring is extremely small, so a successful rearing will be performed by experienced hobbyists only.
For our customers: the fish have code 414725 on our stocklist. Please note that we exclusively supply the wholesale trade. Only very few specimens available!
Text & photos: Frank Schäfer